Witch containment diary

Chapter 411 Piles of mountains and flowers

"Why?" Xia Xi didn't understand.

"We live here not only for ourselves, but also to pass on the fire to others as much as possible. If the devastated earth is recovering now. If people outside are waiting for the improved seeds in the seed bank... then how can we be qualified? What about interrupting the resurgence of mankind?" Security Captain Kerry said.

The door is opening.

The warning sound was deafening, the gears meshed and rotated, dust was shaken off, and the locking bolt was pushed out, making a crisp sound.

Immediately afterwards, the pneumatic kit made a hissing sound and sprayed out air that had been dusty for two years.

The huge hatch moved back, and a blast of cold air blew in from the outside. Natsuki looked out and saw several strange and trembling figures, they were demons!

"You cheated!"

"Keep the kid!"

"I'll kill you!" The furious residents of the shelter had discovered Captain Kerry's secret operation and rushed over with the shovels, garden shovels, gardening hoe and iron pipes they had on hand.

"Leave quickly! Son," security captain Kerry stepped back, "live well, maybe you can look up at the unpolluted blue sky."

"I will turn into light and come back! Light up this place!" Natsuki promised, then rushed out with his back to them.

There were many frozen corpses in the passage outside. They tried desperately to enter the shelter, but they were isolated and had already been killed by the cold.

At the end of the passage, frost demons of all sizes roared and rushed over.

Natsuki showed off her magic power and turned her body into a strong light, illuminating the entire passage and melting the ice on the frost demons.

Such strong sunshine!

Stellar light is something demons are very familiar with. The light in Natsuki's hand has increased to an unprecedented level, far exceeding the conventional solar photon flux, and the harmless warm illumination turns into an overwhelming particle bombardment.

As soon as it comes into contact with the light, the ice shell on the Frost Demon's body makes a hissing sound of rapid vaporization, sublimating into a burst of white mist, reflecting the colorful colors.

They stared in horror at the infinite brightness in the passage in front of them, and were evaporated within a few seconds.

Natsuki crashed into it in one go. The frost demon let out a crazy roar before it died, swung its claws forward desperately, and slapped around, but to no avail. They were all destroyed by heat and light.

The rays of the scorching sun attracted more frost demons, and all the demons from Svalbard rushed over.

Natsuki rushed outside in one breath.

She looked at the vast and silent sky. Is this the earth now? There is no god and no master.

"Roar!" A frost demon rushed down from the top of the snow peak.

It was more than ten meters tall, like a giant with horns. Every step it took would crush the mountains beneath its feet, triggering large-scale earthquakes and trampling the entire mountain with a roar.

Natsuki looked at the growing number of frost demons, raised her hand and then lowered it.

She didn't feel cold or afraid.

She just unleashed the wrath of the scorching sun on them, and a fusion reaction seemed to erupt in her body. Everything around her melted and collapsed, and the magic condensed into a corona-like scene, spreading like a ring of fire on the surface of the sun, burning everything.

In the Svalbard Archipelago in the Arctic Circle, a giant lotus woven with pure light burst into bloom, just like the return of midsummer.

"Ah——" Saho felt like he was almost blinded.

"It's Natsuki! Her light is too dazzling." Zhang Su picked up Saho and avoided a round of strong light, and then took her to fly up.

In the middle of the vast snow peaks, they saw a small, warm figure that was very familiar.

It's Natsuki kneeling on the ground!

A light shone on her body, and she dug into the stone with her hands until her hands were covered with blood.

How is this going?

Zhang Su saw that the mountain peak in front of him was in chaos, with flying rocks and solid ice rolling around. It was obvious that he had experienced a large-scale conflict.

"Natsuki!" Saho ran over from behind and hugged Natsuki.

Natsuki's body trembled violently.

"They are still alive." Natsuki grabbed the collapsed stone with her hand, "They must be still alive, tell me, right? They are still alive! Still alive!"

Zhang Su lifted the stones and moved them away.

Only then did he realize that this was originally a tunnel leading to an underground shelter, but everything collapsed in the conflict.

Along with it are countless broken rocks, obviously a large-scale earthquake has occurred here.

The surroundings are littered with remains of demons, big and small, that have been frozen for a long time.

The corpses of the demons were destroyed and then frozen again, forming black tombstones.

Natsuki and the demons had a battle here, but that must have been almost a year ago.

Ever since the battle, Natsuki had been digging rocks here, trying to dig a way back to the shelter, but her magic couldn't destroy the collapsed mountain.

Even if she burned the stone into glass, she couldn't remove it.

"Natsuhi! I'm here, listen to me, Natsuki, calm down." Zhang Su knelt on one knee beside Natsuki and hugged her with one hand.

"Uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuahah...I want to go back...I want to go back and help them..." Xia Xi put her head on Zhang Su's shoulder.

"Kill me to make you happy. Stop crying." Saho also ran over, knelt beside Natsuki, and hugged one of her arms with his hands.

"It's okay. Everyone is here now. It's okay. I'll move all these rocks away. Don't worry about the shelter." Zhang Su comforted.

Hayao helped Natsuki aside.

Zhang Su looked at the collapsed tunnel. He walked forward and started digging.

His strength is so great that the God of War can separate the mountain with just a slight move, and the big rocks are placed aside to clear a path for people to pass.

Zhang Su stepped in.

A passage leads directly to the Seed Vault itself, littered with the bodies of cooling demons, as well as scores of long-dead refugees.

The temperature of minus 40 degrees froze their dead faces without corrosion. You can see the frost on the corners of their mouths and the sad smiles on their faces.

Natsuki once fought demons here, and these refugees fell to the ground, seemingly unable to enter the shelter and isolated.

Seed shelters have limited capacity. Zhang Su thought silently.

He opened the half-covered shelter door, where some people died, wearing blue shelter uniforms, hugging each other, cold and difficult to separate.

It seems that the heating equipment is unable to stop the cold air from penetrating because of running out of fuel. Zhang Su looked back and saw that the passage was very long, the overall structure had been distorted, and the originally flat ground was now cracked everywhere. Without construction machinery, it would have taken Natsuki several years to dig out the tunnel by himself.

It seems that because the external passage was blocked during the battle, the residents were unable to go out, and without Natsuki's support, they all died of cold in the end.

Zhang Su walked forward.

Most of the furniture in the shelter was gone, the bookshelves were empty, and all the wood, plastic, and paper items were missing, perhaps burned as fuel.

Zhang Su walked through the living area, which was also quiet and empty.

He found his way down and came to the large seed insulation warehouse. The power storage facility had been shut down. The seeds were also damaged due to freezing damage in the severe cold and must be recovered in time. It’s like a graveyard of plant genes.

It would be great if Qing Xiao was here. Zhang Su thought.

Compared with dead seeds, Zhang Su wants to find survivors more.

"Is anyone there?" he called, his voice echoing for a long time. Zhang Su's voice is very penetrating. If no one can be shouted out like this, it means that there are indeed no survivors...

He walked through the plant laboratory. The trays were empty, and all the plants had disappeared, as if they had been violently pulled out.

Even the plants they used for research were burned, and many things no longer mattered in the face of the shadow of death.

At the bottom of the shelter, Zhang Su saw a huge cone, piled high, like a mountain of people.

Only when he got closer did he realize that it was indeed a mountain peak filled with people.

All the dead in the shelter were here, and eventually they all froze to death.

They were holding hands and hugging each other. They had no clothes on them, but piled all their clothes outside to form a large fabric barrier. The clothes were covered with thinly cut plastic to try to resist the loss of temperature.

Zhang Su couldn't help but stand still and mourn for them.

Judging from the direction of the line, they were surrounding the last energy generator of the shelter before they died, which was also the last source of heat.

The pile next to it was full of plant ashes. Zhang Su checked the traces. They tried to burn everything they could and persisted until the last moment.

Judging from the contents, first there was oil, then wooden furniture, then books, then plants, and finally, Zhang Su saw human ashes inside.

With nothing more to dig through, he walked toward the mountain of corpses and slowly peeled back the outer layer of fabric.

He picked up the remains of the old people from the outermost periphery, followed by the bodies of the men. Then he carefully separated the woman's body from it, like a giant corpse flower, one petal after another.

Zhang Su felt that he was close to the core of the device.

Here, younger people hold hands with expressions of compassion and sadness. The expressions of several people were calm and sacred, as if they had seen beautiful things before they died and believed that they were about to go to a place that was no longer cold or scary.

After Zhang Su moved them out, he saw a child in the center, holding a breathable incubator in his arms.

There is a strange plant inside.

Its leaves were shiny like jade, and its roots clung to the wall of the box. It seemed to have begun to revive when it noticed Zhang Su's heat source approaching.

The leaves are so big, they have the excellent appearance of wheat and rice, and are as productive as tuber plants.

This is the last relic of the Svalbard refuge.

Zhang Su left the shelter with plants and some seed inheritance.

He saw that Natsuki was still crying. Mayumi and Bakubo climbed up the snowy slope, maintaining restraint and not interfering. Saho held Natsuki tightly.

"Are they all dead?" Xia Xi raised his head, his face full of shock and despair.

Zhang Su handed the incubator in his hand to Xia Xi.

She immediately recognized the plump plant inside, reached out to pick it up, and held it in her arms.

The light nourishes the abundance and it begins to grow. Natsuki started to cry when she thought about the promise she didn't keep.

"Let's go home and plant it." Zhang Su said, "We want to make all this meaningful. The body and matter have graves, but we cannot bury hope."

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