Witch containment diary

Chapter 412 Saving the Scarlet Garden

In order to avoid being intercepted by the devil, Zhang Su took them away after recovering Fengshi, but did not take away the remaining seed inheritance.

It would take hours of careful work to get them all back, and that would be too risky.

A huge demon descends over Svalbard.

"General Wallas, they have left." A beautiful spirit demon adjutant checked the track, "It took about half an hour to return to the ghost ship."

Demon General "Vampire" Volas stared at the frozen islands and used his magic thoughts to search for the situation on the islands.

It observed and saw everything on the island, quickly explored the internal structure of the shelter, and confirmed that there were no human souls to feed on. Then he began to check the space structure to avoid being ambushed.

"...Nothing is left behind, and there are no traps." The demonic senses evolved on its skin constantly capture the micro-vibrations and airflow in the air, and are fully aware of everything in the vast surrounding area.

"They are very smart and experienced, and they know not to provoke us." Lieutenant Meilingmo said.

She looked at Wallas in awe.

It was majestic, with dark red scales. A pair of huge horns curved outward from the forehead, making it intimidating. Its eyes burned like lava, and its huge wings spread high, menacingly.

Volas holds a terrifying giant sword and is covered in thick demon scale armor. Each scale on it is peeled off from the elite demons it slashed, and now it has more than 1,200 scales.

"It's Zhang Su's aura. He has begun to move on the earth's battlefield again." Volas flew in the air, the armor scales colliding with each other and making a strange jingling sound. The sound made the entire archipelago tremble slightly, "His skull is very suitable for hanging on my on the armor."

"Many powerful demon army commanders were defeated by him." said the adjutant Mei Ling Mo.

"He is strong, but not invincible. We need to assemble an elite hunting team." Volas raised the giant sword "Crimson Reaver" in his hand.

A dazzling blood-red brilliance bloomed from the giant sword, and it slashed towards the islands, splitting the island in two with its huge blade.

The ancient glacier cracked, and the gray ocean surged in, colliding with the burning lava under the crack, forming billowing smoke.

The sea is burning.

Svalbard was wiped off the map, like a few ice floes burned away.

The shelter itself also collapsed, all equipment and buildings collapsed, and everyone and everything fell into the sea and magma, disappearing without a trace.

Watching an entire world burn under his own attack was Volas's favorite pastime.

"We need more demons as powerful as you to gather together, then hunt Zhang Su and chase him to death." The adjutant of the beautiful spirit demon said, "However, now all the demons in the direction of the earth are following Lilu Xier grown ups."

"She wants to find Edith and complete the wedding of unclean blood. And we will give her a cursed blessing." Volas breathed out flames, "Now, we go to the Scarlet Garden to capture Edith. You gather warrior demons from your home world."

"Yes." The adjutant of the beautiful spirit demon opened a burning portal and returned to hell.

Volas hails from the 20th level of Hell, the constantly contested Abyssal Dimension, and established a fearsome reputation many years ago. All she had to do was spread the word that the newly hatched demons were eager to follow such a famous demon warlord.

After seeing off his adjutant, Volas looked at the large number of demon guards following him.

They have also gone through wars, withstood the offensive of intelligent creatures, survived the attacks of technical weapons and the bombardment of magic, followed Volas to accomplish great feats one after another, killed enemies for him, and increased his magic scale armor. More scales of victims.

"You guys, fight with me and hunt down that mortal Zhang Su together. It will be very dangerous and we will be killed, but fear is not what demons should do." Volas roared.

"Ouch!" the demons roared harshly.

"We will be strengthened and upgraded in such a feat. Zhang Su's soul is huge enough to feed each of you and let you have your own name. Then you will not die, even if you are destroyed by mortal things. Reborn in Hell." Volas encouraged them, "Hold on until we succeed in saving every dimension!"

Their morale was greatly boosted, and they followed Volas away from the burning island and went straight to the Scarlet Garden to witness the unclean vow between the demon bride Liluciel and Edith. Even though Edith had been guarding the besieged city alone, she could not hold on for long. .

Hive world.

Natsuki sows abundant seeds here. It takes root in the soil, begins to absorb material, and grows rapidly.

This planet has an Earth-like environment, but it is extremely humid, and most of the land is an archipelago.

The little bee sets aside a large, hot island in her colony, about the size of New Zealand, specifically for growing crops, hoping to increase food production.

"It seems to be growing well." Zhang Su observed.

He used his energy to penetrate the surface of the earth, tease out the roots and stems underneath, loosen the soil, and let enough air permeate the soil.

"..." Natsuki was a little depressed, but she still sat next to Fengshi, shining the sun on it, hoping that it would grow up quickly.

"Be happy." Saho walked up to Natsuki and squatted down, holding his face with both hands and sticking out his tongue to make a face, "Take a look at me."

"..." Xia Xi was depressed.

"What are you sad about?" Zhang Su sat on the edge of the soil.

"It didn't help them." Natsuki hugged her knees and worried.

"They are all strangers, so they will die if they die." Hayho disagreed, "It is bad to worry about this matter."

"I apologize to you for her rudeness!" Suiying said hurriedly, "We are all different people, and it is normal to feel this way."

Natsuki's expression did not change, as if she had blocked Saho.

Her eyes gradually became strange, with a hint of chill, and she wanted to isolate herself.

It is a precursor to erosion. Zhang Su now absorbed the power of the witch's containment diary, and he quickly noticed something was wrong with Natsuki.

"Think about happy things." Mayumi ran over, holding a little bit of happy power in her hand, and shook hands with Natsuki.

Natsuki smiled unnaturally.

"In the past, you were everyone's little sunshine." Mayumi said honestly, "But things are getting more and more complicated, and I see your smile less and less..."

"Because everything is getting worse." Natsuki silently looked at the abundance in the soil.

"Xia Xi must really want to see it grow up quickly and bear fruit." Zhang Su said beside him.

"Yeah." Natsuki nodded.

What Zhang Su said was exactly what she thought. She hoped that the plant would grow up quickly and grow like the people in the shelter imagined, and help many people.

"However, sunlight alone cannot make plants grow in a few days, nor can the power of the fertile soil of the Red Flame Bodhisattva." Zhang Su said.

He blessed the land under his feet. Fengcheng was obviously growing at the fastest speed, but even if it was stretched to the fastest, it would not grow up instantly.

"Then what will work?" Xia Xi wanted to know the answer.

"Qing Xiao." Zhang Su said, "Do you remember Qing Xiao? A good boy who can talk a lot."

The image of a young girl vaguely appeared in Natsuki's mind. She looked very thin, her eyes were extremely serious, she spoke very quickly, and she had a strong brain. She would say a lot of words that made people think about everything. The requirements are very strict. Fruits will grow from her hair, flowers will bloom, and they will smell like flowers. She always follows herself, following the sunshine. But Natsuki ran away one day, and then she couldn't follow him anymore and just disappeared...

"I miss Qing Xiao." Xia Xi said.

"We are going to find Qingxiao. Qingxiao is somewhere in the world. She knows the wild wind. As long as it blows, the fruit will grow all over the mountains and plains." Zhang Su said.

"I lost her," Natsuki said.

"It's okay. I contacted many scattered settlements. Maybe some of them have seen Qingxiao. Just like we only knew where you were through scattered signals from the Svalbard Islands shelter." Mayumi said.

"Hey, isn't this getting better and better? Come on, we will find everyone. We are all adults now, and we are all witches. Each one is more powerful than the other. When we are all here, we can work together. You can fight against the devil." Hayho encouraged.

"Stand up, Natsuki, do you still remember what you said when you were a child? The sun is so glorious and great, and you will be as huge and full of heat as the sun..." Zhang Su said softly.

Natsuki looked up at the starlight of the hive world. The sun was a bright yellow planet, and the star of this planet was blue.

"Blue sun." Natsuki looked up.

"Yes, it is a blue star. It is bigger, more than ten times larger than the diameter of the sun. We are at the right distance, neither hot nor cold." Zhang Su said.

Natsuki raised her hand to absorb the power from this blue star. The light emitted from her body became stronger and her magic power increased rapidly.

"Just shoot me to death!" Hayho covered Sui Ying's retreat.

"Teacher, I want to go find Qing Xiao." Xia Xi told Zhang Su. She felt exactly the same as when she raised her hand in class a long time ago and said she wanted to go out.

"Go." Zhang Su said, "I will follow you soon. I want to convene a meeting."

"Let's go with Da Su." Zaohui shouted from a distance, "We can't be separated."

"Then if you want to come, come together. We have to discuss an important matter, whether to go to Scarlet Garden or not." Zhang Su said.

In the moon base, Zhang Su held an emergency meeting under the coordination of Lian Wu to discuss whether to dispatch the remaining manpower and material resources to support Scarlet Garden and save Edith.

"Now the entire Scarlet Garden is surrounded by the powerful demon Liluciel and the demon army. If we don't help, the garden will fall and Edith will be captured." Zhang Su stated his interests, "I hope you can provide some support. The elite troops and energy will allow us to quickly enter and leave the Scarlet Garden."

"As for the moon base, we can support a thousand power armor soldiers." Lian Wu said slowly. Her temperament is very different now. There is a moon rabbit sitting on the table in front of her, which is the incarnation of Yue Hua Ji.

"This is the space residential station 'Kana'." Yoshio Akazawa protected the survivors of Dongming on the orbital residential station. "We can provide ninjas and some elite warriors."

Zhang Su checked the resources available at hand.

It's a pity that the Chinese people are not here. The people of China originally lived on floating fairy boats, and now they have gone to the Andromeda galaxy next door. It is said that if the progress is good, they will return to Earth to regain their homeland.

"This is Mars Base 'Mars-III'." Minister Evans Sheehan, the representative of the Western World, reported, "We now have certain support capabilities, but the situation where Edith is trapped is actually beneficial to us. After all, Liluciel's demon army is more terrifying than any army on earth and is the absolute main force. Edith's presence can attract enemies. Once we bring Edith back, the demon army will also attack directly. , which is equivalent to bringing disaster to all of us."

"This is the asteroid belt mining base 'Hercules'." Bradley, the representative of Halo Technology Company who mines in the asteroid belt, reported, "We also suspect that once the devil's troops are transferred from Edith to us, body, the situation will take a turn for the worse. It is too dangerous to rescue Edith now."

"This is the spirit world." Chloe, the representative of the spirit world, said, "We are willing to help, but we are also afraid of the devil's revenge... The border wall of the spirit world was damaged in the last attack and has not been repaired. Once the devil attacks again, we will They will be slaughtered and all the witches’ inheritance will be plundered.”

"..." Other sub-level survivor forces remained silent, and their positions were obviously wavering.

"If most of the representatives are unwilling to join this rescue, we can only save our strength. Then the question becomes... Zhang Su, can you save Edith on your own?" Chloe asked.

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