Witch containment diary

Chapter 413 Want to win back once

After humans were blasted out of the earth, the survivors were forced to fight on their own and launch various doomsday plans.

Shiploads of people are sent to space stations, the moon, Mars or the asteroid belt to maintain fragile production capabilities.

Zhang Su looked at the representatives from each settlement, their expressions were solemn.

Resources were stretched thin and manpower was limited. Under such circumstances, it was too difficult to send people to support Edith.

Zhang Su thought quickly.

Different possibilities ran through his mind. His talent in combat gave him a very fast reaction speed, and various solution paths were generated in his brain, forming a tree-like logic diagram.

"...Please listen to me." Zhang Su said.

They all sat upright, looking forward to Zhang Su's speech.

Rescuing Edith will require humans to pay a huge price, and he must come up with important enough bargaining chips to impress them.

At this time, feelings are meaningless, and inspiring words cannot impress anyone.

Zhang Su decided to tell the truth.

"As Chloe said, the most suitable person to execute this matter is myself." Zhang Su said, "I know very well that in this case, we are exhausted and there is no way to complete such a battle. However, if Sitting on the sidelines will not help. We all know that since the natural disaster, Edith has been struggling for more than thirty months. Even though she is extremely powerful, she cannot withstand the long siege of the demon army."

"I am very aware of everyone's concerns. Ling Edith back to Earth will cause the demon army to pursue her, which is tantamount to the second natural disaster. But similarly, when Edith is defeated and dies, hell will also If we continue to march, do they have a reason to withdraw? If so, please make it clear."

"..." The representatives remained silent.

They also understand that the demons have already won a complete victory. It is very difficult for humans to win, and it is impossible to expect the demons to retreat on their own initiative.

"We have our own history and have accumulated all our experience. From ancient times to the present, there has always been only one way for the weak to defeat the strong, and that is to find a fighting opportunity before the strong notice us. , cut through their weak points, tear open a gap, and then do our best to expand the results of the battle, pursue, hunt, and win. There is only this one chance, the most precious opportunity, and it has been like this from ancient times to the present."

"Since then, the strong ones will be frightened, notice us, and deal us thunderous blows, but we have also achieved huge results, which will even make the powerful side feel panic and doubt, and expose their internal problems. come out."

"Now, this is our weak side's only chance. As you may think, any leader with a little logic will reserve his strength and avoid fighting. In the same way, the demon side will not expect that our group of remnants will be defeated and driven into outer space. The miserable people who are still surviving have the courage to assemble the troops and take the initiative! This will be a weakness in their body, and we must attack it hard."

"They are here for Edith, yes, but only by bringing Edith back to our camp can we have a chance of winning. We all know how powerful Edith is, and she and the devil Having dealt with them, I have a lot of experience and wisdom that can smooth the information gap between us and hell.”

"If we want to leave this deep space, stand on the earth again, repair our home, and defeat endless demons, this battle is crucial. I hope everyone can stand with me!" Zhang Su concluded.

After listening to Zhang Su's words, representatives from all parties showed different expressions.

Thoughts, doubts, confusion...

Their decisions involve the future destiny of their respective people, so they are cautious and never dare to draw conclusions easily. Zhang Su thought silently.

Hopefully they can be on their side.

"I think it's better to adjourn the meeting first." Lianwu said, touching the moon rabbit on the table twice with her hand, "...we will have another meeting in half an hour."


"We need to go back and discuss it."

"It's fair." Representatives from all parties withdrew from the communication channel one after another, and turned to have heated discussions with their respective staff and think tank personnel.

After those phantom images disappeared, Lianwu looked at Zhang Su. Her eyes were as cold as mist, and her posture was noble and dignified, which was very different from the past.

The eyes of the moon rabbit in her hand were blood red. This rabbit entrusted Yue Huaji's consciousness and power, which made Zhang Su feel a little pressure. If Yue Huaji could consciously unleash the ninth-level magic power, she could open a big hole in the earth and flatten the surface.

"I think it's a personal reason," Lianwu said.

"Private?" Zhang Su didn't understand.

"There is love between you and Edith." Lian Wu raised her head.

"I don't know why I'm bringing this up now," Zhang Su said.

"You have always stood for honesty, so now you can't talk about your feelings for Edith?" Lian Wu said aggressively.

Zhang Su knew that now was not the time to talk about personal feelings, but Lian Wu had already mentioned this, and Zhang Su had no way to avoid it.

"Of course I love her." Zhang Su said, "But this time I went to the Scarlet Garden not just because of love. I have already explained my position. This matter is related to our fate. If Edith is allowed to be captured by the devil, It will only get worse."

Lianwu stared at Zhang Su.

Her gaze made Zhang Su feel a little cold, but also a little sad and sympathetic...

"I don't want to be deceived by her." Lianwu said.

"What could she lie to me about?" Zhang Su didn't understand. "After many things, she has no reason to lie to me."

"You and her have gone through a lot of things?" Lian Wu asked.

"It's nothing." Zhang Su didn't want to dwell on this matter for too long.

Lian Wu came over and held Zhang Su's hand hard, her expression becoming more sentimental, as if she wanted to persuade Zhang Su something.

"She has been through a lot of things with you, you said so, but has she been 100% honest with you in the past? Has she designed to frame you and make you accomplish things that you can't do? Has she gone behind your back? What about making various plans, conspiracies and experiments?" Lian Wu asked.

"..." Zhang Su recalled carefully, "...yes."

"Then you still like her, isn't it because she can give you a special feeling?" Lian Wu said.

"There are also bonds, very deep relationships." Zhang Su said, "Emotions that transcend time, for example, Lian Wu, in another timeline..."

"What if that timeline doesn't exist at all?" Lian Wu said.

"I remember it all." Zhang Su said, "It's too real, there is no possibility of fraud."

"No, I ask you to seriously consider the possibility that the so-called 'another timeline' does not exist at all!"

Zhang Su was stunned for a moment.

"These memories are also implanted false memories. You don't know Edith at all. When you saw her, she used some kind of power to implant those strange thoughts into you, making you feel that you are very familiar with her. , the trick is so realistic that it reminds you of a series of stories, as if you have really lived a second life. Then I ask you, is it because you value her so much and not me, is it because I don’t exist in that story at all? ?" Lian Wu said.

"No." Zhang Su sat down and said, "...Yes, no."

"So, can you make us fall in love with the current world line?" Lianwu sat next to Zhang Su. She pressed her forehead against Zhang Su's chest. "Can you make us fall in love with this story about me? Let us live it realistically. Treat this world as the only world you live in. We can’t prove whether your past memories are true, but we can get to know each other and love each other from now on.”

"Okay." Zhang Su reached out and hugged Lianwu into his arms. She trembled slightly, but quickly adapted to Zhang Su's arms. "I'm sorry. I apologize for everything in the past."

"What about the battle in Scarlet Garden?" Lian Wu asked with her eyes closed.

"I don't know. It depends on whether everyone supports it." Zhang Su said.

"What do you think is the problem of mankind now?" Lian Wu asked.

"Split, centrifugal. The Mars base has technology but no manpower and food. The moon has manpower but no food and technology. The asteroid belt has minerals and nothing else. The orbiting station has food and manpower, but there are not enough defense personnel... ...But we can become a team again through joint fighting, and then human resilience will be revealed," Zhang Su said.

"They will not be resilient. No one can see so high and far. They just want to preserve the current manpower and resources." Lian Wu said with a wry smile. She closed her eyes in Zhang Su's arms, "Even me, now I can only I want to be with you."

"Yes..." Zhang Su closed his eyes.

"Hey, it's a meeting." Hayao's voice came, and she walked in from outside, "Why is no one inviting King Hayho? I am the great witch of the Ring of Peace of Mind, the chief witch."

"We are discussing important matters." Zhang Su turned around and said, "I hope other representatives can help with the matter of rushing to the Scarlet Garden."

"Oh, then I also want to speak." Saho found an empty seat and sat down.

"What would you say?" Lian Wu returned to the position of chief host.

"Let me look it up in the dictionary first." Under Zhang Su's guidance, Zaohui tried his best to recognize most of the words, but there were still many things he didn't understand. "Everyone will come to help us, right?"

Lianwu shook her head.

"No one is going to help Edith," she said. "I hope you won't go either."

"What! If they don't go, I'll scold them." Hayho was very angry, "We've already done this, how can we not go? The devil has killed so many of us, how can we just sit back and watch? "

"Don't lose your temper." Hasumi knocked Saho on the head.

"Hmph." Hayho crossed his arms.

Half an hour later, the meeting resumed.

Zhang Su noticed that the expressions of the representatives were all serious. They reconnected to the channel and displayed real-time images on their seats.

"After discussions between me and most of the citizens in the settlement, we regret to say that even though Mr. Zhang Su gave a wonderful speech and put forward enough reasons, we still have no way to provide human support." Mars base Reporting on behalf of Evans.

"You guys are such a bunch..." Saho was about to curse.

"...There is no manpower." Evans added, "But when we came to Mars, we brought about 4,000 units of combat robots. Some of them were transformed into engineering robots. Currently, there are still 2,000 units left, all of which are The 'Challenger' model was designed by German engineers. They have excellent performance. We are now donating them all to let them join this battle, hoping to help Mr. Zhang Su. May the goddesses in the spiritual world bless us, we To avenge the destruction of most of the cities on Earth."

"Thank you." Zhang Su cheered up.

"The spirit world is very weak now, but we also want to avenge this arrow and not let down the trust of humans. After discussion, my mother Gotith has decided to gather a group of witches who can fight and go to the Scarlet Garden. Join the battle with the backbone of the Heavenly Legion. To avenge the comrades who were killed and wounded before." Chloe said.

"This is a mining base in the asteroid belt." Company representative Bradley reported, "After discussion by the board of directors, we really have no way to support this battle... Launching an attack now is a very good opportunity, but if it fails, the consequences will be It’s unimaginable. The barely maintained stalemate between us and the devil is likely to be broken. For this reason, we decided to make this battle more meaningful and have a greater chance of winning! Our company has twelve light frigates, and they have the ability to follow time and space The beacon's ability to jump can be used to carry robots, and it would be best if manpower is available."

"I will select a group of soldiers to join you personally." Akazawa Yoshiyo said, "I know the odds of victory are slim, but I can't lose. The land I got has sunk before I can rule it for a long time. I can't sit back and ignore it."

"We're joining in too."

"We also..."

"Venge the devil ruthlessly!"

"Although we only have a few dozen people, we hope we can help..."

Other small survivor forces also took a stand.

Now only Lianwu herself was left, and Lianwu's expression was a little strange.

"Let's finish this battle and bring Edith back. It will all be worth it." Zhang Su looked at Lian Wu.

Lian Wu clenched her hands tightly, and then loosened them. The surviving remnants and the witches all wanted to win back at least once, a little bit. She is indeed very smart, but she cannot grasp the revengeful emotions in people's hearts.

So many compatriots have been killed by demons, and now there is a chance to kill them back!

Humanity stands together in unified anger and hatred for demons.

"Yes... I can't put my personal feelings above the decision of the entire civilization. Let's go, Zhang Su, we believe you." Lian Wu said softly.

"And me!" Hayho waved his hand, "Believe me!"

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