Witch containment diary

Chapter 414 Edith’s decisive battle

Scarlet Garden.

Edith sat in the middle of an empty house with a huge bloody bed.

She often had fun with Zhang Su here, touching hands with hands and lips with lips, pushing her emotions and experiences to their peak, abandoning everything in the outside world.

Now it is unimaginable, life and death are unpredictable.

Outside was a mountain of corpses and a sea of ​​blood. The blood on the ground was as thick as a swamp, and you could walk on it. The devil's broken limbs and arms were piled together, making it impossible to distinguish their original appearance.

This is where the roses bloomed, but they have withered.

Edith walked outside the palace, and the demons in the sky had overlapped and blocked the sky, forming an airtight black dome.

Countless flames, slashes, energy blasts and law attacks came at Edith. She swung hard and deflected most of the attacks, but her power was still inevitably lost.

The demons were very patient, just like when fishing to exhaust the fish's energy, they also waited for the moment when Edith's strength weakened.

It will be time for them to bring Edith back to the realm of slaughter.

"come back!"

"Come back and lead us..."

"You once had so much," the demons cried.

Many demons know Edith and have followed her through the ages.

But now, she has completely changed from the inside out, showing a decisive attitude of breaking away from the past, and they also feel regret.

Edith ignored these noisy structures and focused only on a figure in the sky.

Lilu Hill.

"Continue to attack and crush her." Liluciel ordered.

"Yes." The demons continued to attack Edith.

There was a flash of light, and the demon warlord "Vampire" Volas entered the scarlet garden carrying a giant sword and wearing magic scale armor, and asked to meet the massacrer's bride Lilusil.

Demon Voras looked up at Liluciel. It guessed that the final attack would begin soon. After all, Liluciel's patience was not endless.

When it brings Zhang Su's situation, Lilucier will be furious and kill Edith.

Liluciel is one of the most powerful demons in the Brass Palace, destined to fulfill an unholy vow with Edith the Massacre.

Her beauty is both captivating and terrifying, her figure graceful and graceful, making people shudder. Her eyes were crimson, and she was wearing a pure black wedding veil with gold trim, dotted with red roses, exactly the same as those planted in the garden below.

Liluciel only wore a simple black gauze dress that covered her figure. There was a huge diamond-shaped opening from the neck to the lower abdomen, from which a piece of pale and cold skin could be seen, making people long for a moment of closeness.

Her delicate hands can create murderous karma, destroy dimensions, and make demons bow to their knees and be killed by her willingly.

Volas also wanted to get a partner like Liluciel, but as an ordinary warlord, he had no chance of getting involved with such a high-level demon.

"Go up." A giant moth demon responded, "Lord Liluciel is willing to see you."

"As you command." Volas flew upwards, carrying the giant sword behind his back, and flew a hundred meters away from Liluciel.

It dug out the fragments of its soul and gave them to Liluciel. She raised her hand coldly and read the information contained in it.

"'Zhang Su' has started to move again." Lilu Xier said.

"As we know, Zhang Su has always been the reason that tempted the mass murderer Edith to linger here. His presence will cause Edith to waver. We must assemble an elite demon hunting group. I formed a team with other powerful demons who are not weaker than me, and we are preparing to hunt Zhang Su. When he dies, Lady Edith will have no choice but to return to the Brass Palace," Wallas said.

"Maybe Zhang Su will send it to the door himself." Lilu Xier crushed the soul fragment Volas gave away.

Wallas felt a little distressed. High-level demons always take precious souls lightly.

She flew down and questioned Edith one last time.

"Etis the Massacre." Liluciel whispered, "Isn't the taste of blood no longer your first pursuit?"

"I'm tired." Edith said softly, "I want to rest. If you are willing to show me mercy, please remove this legion. They themselves were forged by me, and I don't want to be hurt by the sharp blades I forged. I don’t even want to break it.”

"Slaughterer, we have always respected the orders you left. We conquer the world with great discipline, never killing the weak and never harming women and children. Our legion wanders in countless dimensions, only hunting qualified opponents. I have always, always respected you. But you - abandoned us and left your throne. When I returned to the Brass Palace after countless battles, I found that the king was missing from the throne." Liluciel said.

"Let me rest," said Edith.

"I have received intelligence that the human named Zhang Su has once again appeared on the earth and begun activities. He has gone to several places on the earth to collect relics and companions, and is preparing to fight us again. It is very disgusting. We are going to fight now Form a powerful demon hunting team to hunt him down, behead him, and then swallow his soul." Liluciel said.

"..." Edith's expression changed slightly.

"I want to make a deal with you." Lilucier said, "Edith, I want you to join us willingly, return to the brass palace, return to the throne, we will expand the legion again, let Many worlds trembled.”

"You have already won and the earth has been bloodbathed. What more do you ask for?" Edith said.

"Ask you. We will be weak without you back," Lilucil said.

Edith was silent for a while.

"——Then let Zhang Su go and let the earth go. I'll go back with you." Edith said.


"The Massacre is back!"

"Long live the mass murderer!"

"Praise!" Tens of thousands of demons in the sky roared, shaking the sky and the earth.

"Shut up!" Liluciel shouted angrily.

The demons fell silent instantly, and some weaker demons were instantly blown to pieces and picked up and eaten by other demons.

Liluciel glared at Edith.

"You have become so weak! I am tired of your weakness and your complaints. I am even more tired of your shameless love for mortals. After hearing what you just said, I no longer have any expectations for you. It turns out that you have already It turned into a strange existence that I could not recognize." She said, "Welcome the new owner of the Brass Throne!"

She opened her arms, and a bright red portal opened, from which countless plasma spurted out.

The ten-headed Balrogs stepped out one after another, dragging huge, strong chains and dragging the brass throne out from behind the portal.

Sitting on it was a figure wearing strong armor and eyes like blazing fire.

It was wrapped in heavy brass armor from head to toe, soaked in blood, and its face could not be seen clearly. The throne is huge, decorated with skulls and blood.

"Harnak, the incarnation of the massacre." Liluciel walked to the brass throne and held its hand. "Kill the previous mass murderer and build your great cause."

Volas stared in disbelief at the figure on the brass throne.

It remembers that Harnak was originally the first general under Edith, with the honorary title of "The Incarnation of the Massacre", and had some of the power of the Massacre in its heyday.

Unexpectedly, he has gained such great influence now, and now he is no longer the incarnation of the mass murderer, but wants to replace him.

"I never expected such a betrayal." Edith looked at the figure on the throne from a distance, "My assistants and my soldiers have now taken away my throne."

"You betrayed us, now attack." Liluciel was tired, she raised her hand, and the demons roared, spread their wings and rushed towards the Scarlet Garden.

Edith closed her eyes, then opened them again, her red hair flying in the wind.

Her hands formed a staggered figure seven, forming a cross.

"The birth date is ruined."

With the help of the flame marrow energy of the Ark of Foresight, they temporarily completed the jump and launched a special attack on the Scarlet Garden.

"We are late!" Zhang Su saw that the Scarlet Garden had fallen.

Countless demons were raging, and Edith resisted alone, but she was obviously no match.

"Go and bring Edith back, let's guard the portal! We only have four minutes in total!" Akazawa Yoshie raised his knife and felt endless pressure. There were many incredibly powerful high-level demons in the sky. She tried to grasp the direction of this battle, but felt her palms burned.

Zhang Su moved forward alone. He broke through the siege of demons in an instant and rushed in the direction of Edith. Along the way, a storm of energy spread out, blowing away the demons at high speed.

"I hate you! I will kill you! I will replace you!" Harnak, the incarnation of slaughter wearing giant armor, had already entered the center of the garden, grabbed Edith with one hand, and slammed her to the ground.

Boom, boom!

After several hard blows, Edith was beaten to a bloody pulp. Edith might have been able to fight in her heyday, but after years of siege, her strength has been greatly reduced.

Zhang Su arrived quickly.

Hanak turned his head and stared at Zhang Su. He suddenly felt a mental shock, and the world in front of him was covered in a sea of ​​blood.

He stabilized his mind and drove the God of War to punch.

Four hundred and ten heavy blows hit Harnak's armor, and it didn't even move.

Hanak turned around and punched Zhang Su.

The huge shock wave instantly dispersed the God of War, knocked Zhang Su away, and razed half of the Scarlet Garden to the ground.

"Zhang Su is here!"

"Kill him!" The demons shouted loudly, and they all flew down. The remnants of the human army flew out of the portal, and were almost instantly overwhelmed by the tide of demons.

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