Witch containment diary

Chapter 416 Practice with Hongyan

Zhang Su lay down in the tunnel.

"It's too dangerous! It's too dangerous!" Hongyan shouted, "Fortunately, it's me you believe in!"

"I have always believed that my decision was correct." Zhang Su breathed a sigh of relief.

Hongyan sat on Zhang Su's warm abdominal muscles.

"You are so big now, there is no room for the Bodhisattva." Hongyan's tunnel has not been expanded, it is still the same size.

"I won't touch it randomly." Zhang Su swore.

"It doesn't matter. It's just you! You! Why do you keep fighting with demons until the avenue is wiped out?" Hong Yan hit Zhang Su with his small fist, "This will make the Bodhisattva very worried."

"Is Bodhisattva worried about me...is that so...thank you." Zhang Su felt very good.

"Bodhisattva doesn't know many people. If you die, you will end up alone." Hongyan said pitifully.

"Don't be afraid. When I reach a thousand levels of energy, I will be able to exert all my strength, and then I can turn defeat into victory. For now, I still have to work hard and have a little strategy." Zhang Su said.

The demons basically killed all the people on earth until the Battle of Scarlet Garden was considered a strategic counterattack and saved a little bit of Edith's life...

But now Edith is very fragile, and she doesn't know when she will recover. Zhang Su thought silently.

"Is it really okay to work hard like this?" Hongyan asked.

"This is due to personality." Zhang Su was very weak. "Even if you can't beat the guy named Hanak, the incarnation of massacre, you still have to give it a try. We all have things to challenge in our lives and test our spirit. I hope I Beat it before you run out of luck.”

"Spirit can change?" Hong Yan asked, "Is this the reason for your challenge?"

"Yes, there is a challenge. At the beginning, we are all like camels, we can only endure, endure trouble, endure the pain, and get beaten." Zhang Su said slowly, "But later, we will become lions, and our spirit Being strong and healthy, wanting to do something, wanting to accomplish many things, is the most precious time in our lives. And in the end, we will become babies, and by then we already know everything and care about everything. Once things are done, you can live freely. We can't be a camel forever, we have to move up. There are indeed many people who have been camels their entire lives, but that is definitely not me."

"Then you eat orange rice cakes and become strong." Hongyan now knows Zhang Su's thoughts and knows that he has his own way, so he also wants to help. She grabbed orange rice cakes from the shelf on the wall and stuffed them into Zhang Su's mouth, "Give them to me!"

"Yes, you will have strength when you are full." Zhang Su swallowed the rice cake, and the sufficient nutrients turned into strength and spirit, allowing him to recover quickly.

"It's bloody." Hong Yan saw blood bursting out everywhere on Zhang Su's body, "And where are the clothes?"

"Clothes can't withstand super-intensive battles." Zhang Su said, "Nor can armor. The strength and quality are too high now. Even the weakest enemy can smash a mountain with one punch."

"It's so pitiful, Bodhisattva can't even imagine it." Hongyan took off his robe and wiped Zhang Su's body, "Anyway, Bodhisattva's clothes are also red, let me wipe them for you."

"Thank you." Zhang Su felt something strange, Hong Yan's small hands were cool.

"It's so powerful." Hongyan rubbed and thumped at the same time, "I can't even beat it."

"This is an extraordinary body that can withstand temperatures of thousands of degrees. It was burned and then reborn. It took thousands of times to refine it," Zhang Su said.

"Just like King Kong." Hongyan clicked his tongue in surprise.

"Yes, Bodhisattva is really the same as Bodhisattva." Zhang Su looked at Hongyan.

"Ah, Bodhisattva is tired." Hongyan stretched, "Bodhisattva's spirit does not need to be challenged. Just like I told you before, as long as there is a sofa and a screen connected to the game console."

"Then I will try my best to protect the Bodhisattva's dream." Zhang Su promised.

The tunnel is not big, and there is no place to lie down after entering Zhang Su. Now Hongyan lay down, just in front of Zhang Su.

Hongyan closed her eyes and lay down for a while, holding Zhang Su's shoulders with both hands, putting her head against her chin. She rolled up her robe and put it aside. She felt a little cold, but she didn't bother to put it on.

A few seconds later, Hongyan suddenly felt his body rising.

"Something has risen, why am I top-heavy?" Hong Yan felt that he was slowly rising to a higher place, and he quickly grasped his nerves and said, "What! It's scalding me to death!"

"I'm sorry..." Zhang Su also felt bad, "This is how you react for the rest of your life. This is based on science and is not frivolous."

"What should we do?" Hongyan didn't understand.

Zhang Su thought for a while.

"Send me out, otherwise there is no other way. I can't tame it with my thoughts." Zhang Su said.

"Huh? I had to forcefully escape from there before. The Bodhisattva was already tired and couldn't drive out anymore." Hongyan said, "I have to wait for at least a few hours. Then, I will be suspended in the air for these few hours? Get down here!"

Deciding to give it a good challenge, she shook it first, trying to beat it with her fists to soften the substance, but there was no way. Then I tried to clamp it with my knees, but it felt uncomfortable and easily deflected, causing it to slip accidentally!

“Ahhh——” Hong Yan was startled, “What’s going on!”

Zhang Su thought for a moment.

"Does Bodhisattva know what swallowing a sword means?"

"This... I know. The kind of juggler." Hongyan thought for a moment.

"Want to try? It should get better."

After the Battle of Scarlet Garden, the Farsighted Ark was damaged by the aftermath of the war. The warp engine needed to be repaired and the teleportation beacon could no longer be used. The Little Bees had to work hard to repair the entire ship. They put on their helmets and ran away with fire extinguishers. Come and run.

During this period, Edith was sent to the moon base to recuperate.

Only part of her body had recovered, and most of her body was in a disabled state. Her appearance was unbearable, and she was placed on an empty, white medical bed.

Human technology has not yet been able to identify Edith's body structure, so it is impossible to prescribe the right medicine. We can only try to give her a quiet and sterile environment.

Lianwu came to visit with Yuetu in her arms.

She stood silently beside Edith's bedside. The last time they communicated was six or seven years ago. At that time, they were still arguing about Zhang Su's transfer.

Now that I think about it, it is really a small thing. Even if Zhang Su is allowed to take a job in New Tokyo, the world line will not change much. In the long run, everyone will die, and Edith is no exception.

"You're going to die." Lian Wu said.

"..." Edith's damaged body convulsed. She didn't look beautiful at all, and she no longer had the majesty she had in the past.

It turns out that what Natsuki brought back was just some pieces of meat, and she could feel a dull pain just by staring at them. Some blood vessels sprouted out like branches, braiding into unfamiliar body tissues.

The surrounding monitors scanned Edith's physical signs, and the readings were strange. The temperature was extremely low, reaching subzero, turning the surrounding air into frost.

The Moon Rabbit made a puffing sound, as if laughing at Edith's fragility.

Lian Wu stroked the rabbit's fur with her hands.

"I have always felt that you are like a shadow in my life. You try to strip away traces of my existence." Lian Wu looked at Edith, "Try to do some arbitrary things and control other people's feelings as you please. But now It’s amazing how you can’t do anything.”

Her eyes were fixed on the residual blood on Edith's body. She looked like a corpse with no recycling value. Even the most professional doctors refused to save her.

"Help...I..." Edith made a hazy voice.

Lianwu stood beside the medical bed, hallucinating the scenes in the past.

Edith's power is overwhelming, Edith's wisdom is superior, and Edith was beaten to only one tenth.

She looked out the window at the scenery on the moon's surface. Silent craters stood on the gray desert, and beyond was the endless darkness of deep space.

She sometimes feels lonely here. A witch of the moon pathway should indeed live alone on the moon. Here, her magic power can grow rapidly, unprecedentedly fast. After all, even Yuehuaji has no chance to go to the moon to practice in person.

"Do you remember me? My name is Annyuan Lianwu, and I have a certain status, but I am definitely just a nobody in your eyes. You will know me because of Zhang Su and find me interesting. But that's all. You will never know me in your life. I will think that one day your life will hang in my hands."

"Help...I..." Edith repeated weakly.

It's like a creature instinctively calling for help before dying.

Looking at Edith now, Lian Wu felt a morbid joy, a kind of mockery of the loser by the winner.

In the end, this joy turned into a kind of endless sadness, and the emotion of material sorrow prevailed.

Because of Lian Wu, she thought that even Edith did not possess Zhang Su's heart.

If Edith couldn't, then she couldn't.

"We are no longer emotional competitors, we are all emotional losers. We can work together in the battle against demons, Edith, and we can unite on a larger scale and survive together." , let’s do what we want to do together. Because we all know that there is one thing that is beyond our reach, we can’t make Zhang Su love us wholeheartedly. This makes us the same kind." Lianwu said silently.

"...Okay..." Edith whispered, "...Master Zhang Su..."

"You're lying." Lian Wu shook his head, "I don't trust you."

"...Okay..." Edith repeated, "...Okay..."

"What do you think?" Lianwu touched the moon rabbit on her hand.

This moon rabbit is basically the damaged will of Yue Hua Ji, transformed into a representative of the moon.

It stood on tiptoes and stared at Edith with its red eyes.

"Puff puff." Yue Tu raised his hand and turned to Lian Wu and nodded.

"Ancestor, do you also think this kind of covenant is reliable? Then let's put aside our prejudices and save Edith for once." Lian Wu murmured.

She crossed her arms and activated the magic of the moon.

This lump of flesh was reshaped into the original form of Edith by the female field.

When Zhang Su came back, Edith was still lying flat on her back.

"It's very bad." Zhang Su saw that Edith was covered in wounds, and there was blood in the ragged wounds.

"It was worse than this before." Edith said softly, "Thank you Lianwu for helping me create another body."

"..." Lian Wu remained silent.

She doesn't want to talk anymore now, it's still very difficult to speak.

"Thank you Miss Lianwu..." Zhang Su never thought that Lianwu would cooperate with Edith. The two seemed to have reached some conditions for cooperation. "Edith, we need you to find an opportunity to defeat all demons." .”

"There is nothing we can do to help him like this." Edith said slowly, "It must be better healed."

"Human technology shouldn't be able to detect anything, and the extremely powerful top-level healing potion should be able to detect it." Zhang Su judged.

"?" Lian Wu asked Zhang Su, isn't Edith a soul-devouring demon? Why not rebirth by devouring souls?

"Edith is indeed not a devil. At least not like this." Zhang Su said.

"I am something more essential than the devil," Edith said.

"I would like to hear the details." This was the first time Zhang Su heard this concept.

"For example, the concept of the Flame Demon should be rooted in human beings' fear of fire. But what if consciousness was born from this flame itself? Are humans afraid of this flame, or are they afraid of the Flame Demon?" Love Tisi said.

"Then you are... the massacre itself." Zhang Su reacted.

"Perhaps you can say that." Edith closed her eyes, "This is why Liluciel and the Blood Army will try to take me back, because if 'Slaughter' itself disappears, they will not only lose their combat effectiveness, but also As a result, people in all dimensions around the world lose their awe for massacre and start to despise massacre. Over time, the entire demonic lineage will perish."

"Killing will only lead to hatred and revenge. Sure enough, we are no longer afraid and just want to keep fighting. Whoever dares to kill us will be killed by us. There is nothing to be afraid of." Zhang Su said.

"Yes, but if I return to killing, the will of all intelligent creatures will change again. They will fear slaughter just as they fear aging, and will bow to the atrocities in war. Over time, life will become cowardly, even if it is killed. Dare to fight back. Even for this, I must stay away from hell." Edith said.

"!" Lianwu knew that Edith said so much just to hope that everyone would try their best to save her.

"Getting back to the subject, we need potions. But we only know the potions developed by the witches. These potion recipes require plants from the earth. We could have recovered some seeds from the seed bank in Svalbard, but we were short of time and couldn't make it in time. To completely recycle it, we can only find a way to get it again in a place with lush forests on the earth." Zhang Su thought.

"~" Lianwu clapped her hands. She thought of a good place.

"Going to Southeast Asia?" Zhang Su came back to his senses, "Then let's go. There should be surviving vegetation there."

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