Witch containment diary

Chapter 417 The great use of logs

The others dispersed to prepare for their next move.

Zhang Su wanted to ask Edith about the demon war.

She was wearing a hospital gown, with pale skin, particularly sharp bright yellow eyes, long bright red hair that highlighted her bright appearance, and a mysterious smile that always hung on her face.

Although she was smashed to pieces in the Scarlet Garden, Edith recovered quickly, and there was no trace of hesitation or nervousness on her body.

She lifted one long leg and folded it on the other leg, still looking charming.

"It's good to see you back." Zhang Su said.

"I'm surprised that you are willing to go to the Scarlet Garden to find me." Edith smiled softly, "We have promised each other many times, but it is easier said than done. I thought most of them were just a prank. . I’m glad you kept your word. I didn’t misjudge you, so I’m not a loser. Even if I lose my throne, blood army and assistants, I’m willing to continue on.”

"Your presence also inspires me." Zhang Su stood, "I can't see that pessimistic attitude on your face, which makes me feel that there is still hope. And hope is precious."

"It seems that we are indeed in tune." Edith said softly, "No matter what we become or what we go through, we will still come together in the end. Thank you, Zhang Su."

"It doesn't matter." Zhang Su thought of the previous deadly battle, "Now, I want to know how to defeat the powerful enemy. Killing the incarnation of Harnak makes me feel very threatening. They may attack the earth at any time, and we will have to be forced to Leave the moon and go somewhere else..."

"Well, it must be a bottleneck for you." Edith said.

"Indeed, all the previous martial arts training has been completed, and the remaining ones are either too simple or too backward. Even the information given to me by Quantum Bodhisattva has been exhausted. I have found a lot of martial arts information on the earth, and they are very important to the current situation. I am useless and cannot help me defeat the powerful demon. It seems that there are no secret books or predecessors to guide me. Have I reached the end of human power?" Zhang Su sighed.

"What factors do you think need to be considered for such a high-level battle?" Edith asked.

"First of all, it's strength and physical fitness. Harnak, the incarnation of massacre, can crush everything with brute force alone, and it's impossible to exceed it." Zhang Su pondered.

"But you managed to make a small gap in its armor, which shows that it is not invincible. Strength is not the first element. What else?"

"Speed?" Zhang Su thought for a moment.

"Speed ​​is very important, including the speed of action and the speed of nerve reflexes. The nerve center must evolve to the extreme, reaching a level beyond human beings and reaching an extraordinary realm. If a creature wants to have both ultra-high speed and ultra-high power, what should it do? Evolution?" Edith said.

"You have to make yourself lighter. The body structure needs to be streamlined and hollow inside. At the same time, the external structure is extremely strong. The weapon must be able to be far and near, and it is best to be able to inflict precise wounds. The wounds should be as thin and narrow as possible, and the wounds should be as small as possible. A huge force exploded over the area." Zhang Su concluded.

"Yes." Edith smiled, "Isn't that the Blade Commander?"

Ah, the Blade Herald. Zhang Su came to his senses.

Its body is small and its limbs are all knife-footed. It is not as huge as Harnak. The Blade Order's movement speed and slashing speed are unrivaled in the world, and its destructive power is also unparalleled, making it an extremely difficult opponent.

"In the end, it was caught up by you because you were faster." Zhang Su said.

"Strictly speaking, it was because it was forced to fight too many enemies, so I found an opportunity. If we really compete for speed, I may not be able to catch up with it." Edith said softly.

"Indeed..." Zhang Su thought for a moment.

Speaking of the fastest speed, Natsuki's "Sunlight Incarnation" is the fastest. It directly turns into the light itself and can go wherever it wants.

However, Natsuki does not have the super high reflexes required for fighting, and is used to walking around slowly, which becomes a flaw.

Otherwise, if Natsuki were equipped with two command swords, hell would probably be cut through.

Thinking about it this way, in terms of combat potential, Natsuki is the strongest. We have to find a way to make her have the will to fight. Zhang Su thought silently.

Let her understand how she should fight and why she should fight.

Thinking of this, Zhang Su couldn't help but think of inexplicable scenes in his mind, such as the cute Natsuki beating the enemy to death, and then leaving a sentence "Have you ever been hit by the speed of light?"...

"A demon as powerful as the Blade Order is still held back by us, especially when it was held back by you. What's the reason?" Edith asked.

"Noble Phantasm." Zhang Su touched the invisible strange object on his arm. The "Arrow Can't Chase the Turtle" made of Nazmi shell can make all attacks unable to hit, and it will always be half way to the end. One, "But I still suffered some injuries while fighting the demons."

"If you don't have the Noble Phantasm, Harnak will beat you into blood mist with the first punch." Edith chuckled, "Because the demons are also equipped with attacks based on the rules, such as cultivating 'sure hit' and 'absolute penetration' 'Ability, equipped with specific causal law demon treasures, etc., so that their attacks must be effective, at least with a certain guarantee. Therefore, at this level, what we compete for is 'power'."

"It seems that we are about to enter a rules-based battle." Zhang Su nodded.

"There are prerequisites for entering. If you want to create your own rules, you must have exhausted all the previous rules. You have reached the end of the old framework and have no way to break through, so you have to change the rules." Edith said.

indeed. Zhang Su thought.

Within the limits of the laws of physics, he has reached the pinnacle of human strength, skill, and ability.

He once tried that he could lift a 10,000-ton heavy ship with one hand and throw it ten miles away without using the God of War.

In terms of speed, using Qi Jin, you can instantly drain the air in the target area, use the negative pressure effect to "change pressure" and push yourself out, and at the same time burn Qi Jin as a driving force, just like a rocket, with a maximum speed faster than the supersonic fighter of the previous era. It’s fast, it can circle the earth in less than three hours.

The combat skills and experience are also very sufficient. The nerves of the brain are trained to a superbiological level. The speed of photoelectric signal processing of combat information is hundreds of times that of ordinary people.

However, it is still far inferior to the great demons of the level of Liluciel and Harnak. Taking speed as an example, Harnak could walk out of a sonic boom. In previous battles, he had never lost track of Zhang Su, and had always blasted him to the side wall of the world. It could be described as unilateral suppression.

"Can I hack it myself?" Zhang Su asked, "I can create a game with my own rules."

"I think you still have this hang-up. It's in your heart." Edith said.

"In my heart..." Zhang Su touched his heart.

"You guessed it right, it's that kind of power. I think it was invented by the spirit world to discipline witches, probably also to control witches like Yuehuaji. Hongyan knew nothing about it, so he wrote it as A book, now it's in your heart, the Witch Containment Diary," Edith said.

Zhang Su closed his eyes and felt the power.

"It allows me to establish a good relationship with the witches." Zhang Su said, "I thought that was the end of it."

"But it can do more. In my opinion, you can call upon the incredible power of witches. But you must let them completely convince you. It is also a kind of Noble Phantasm. Through its effectiveness, the witches Finally, they can lend you their power. This is the best rule." Edith said.

"I understand." Zhang Su nodded.

"Well, now there is probably a new direction for the development of power. Then, I will lend you part of my soul, which records my fighting posture." Edith reached into her chest and took out a ball of darkness. The soul was given to Zhang Su, "You can train with it. My strength is not inferior to that of the demons in hell. When you have the strength to defeat it, you will be able to defeat Harnak, and even defeat Liluciel."

"Thank you." Zhang Su accepted Edith's dark soul.

The fragments of her soul made Zhang Su's soul feel turbulent, as if it was causing ripples. After the merger, Zhang Su could now feel that the image of Edith appeared in the memory of the strong man who had experienced battles, and she was stronger than other monsters he had encountered.

After doing all this, Edith looked at Zhang Su quietly. Her eyes were soft, her posture was extremely perfect, and her voice was low and sweet. Zhang Su felt uncomfortable being silent now.

"Let's go to the end together." Zhang Su promised Edith, then turned and left.

Edith closed her eyes and nodded slowly.

Zhang Su planned to go to Zaosui first. Zaosui should be trustworthy.

Currently, Hayho is sitting on the glass corridor of the moon base chatting with the Shadow Witch.

"Mom, have you brought me something to eat?" Hayho rolled on the ground, "I want to eat something delicious!"

"This little wall lamp of yours is starving." The Shadow Witch felt sorry for her daughter, and gave Saho a piece of mammoth steak to eat. She came from another world, "Eat quickly, you will be full."

"Oh! My mother, only mother is good in the world!" Hayao ate meat, ate big mouthfuls, leaned back, and lay on the Shadow Witch's knees.

The Shadow Witch has no humanoid appearance. She looks like a ball of eternal smoldering shadow flames, which changes constantly and forms an eternal stream of fire.

"How could the earth be forced out like this?" Shadow Witch looked at the burning earth. Due to the failure of the Scarlet Garden War, the demons vented their anger on the earth again, burning a lot of the earth, and not a trace of green was visible.

"Mom, why don't you come and do some sniping? Help us snipe a few demon leaders and we will be invincible." Saho looked up.

"Why don't you practice yourself? You just ask me to work hard." Shadow Witch said.

"My head was beaten. Originally, I planned to kill a demon to break the second position, but Dasu hammered the demon to death, which made me unable to succeed," said Saho.

"If you are hesitant to do a second-level attack, you won't succeed." The Shadow Witch poked Hayao's forehead, "I have killed several hell lords and now they are all nine-level ones. If I stab one more fiercely, they will be a ten-level target and attack me." The ultimate blade."

"Broken position nine times?" Hayho was startled, "Mom, help us kill the demon instantly."

"Shh, we are shadows. We will never show off our power, but keep silent about making money." The Shadow Witch squeezed Saho's mouth so that she could only purr, "Let me show you my big baby. "

The Shadow Witch drew a very thin, thicknessless long blade from her shadow.

"I don't use the Shadow Awl anymore, so I gave it to you. Now I'm going to get this instead, the Blade of Infinity, which can be used to cut the gaps in the world." Shadow Witch said.

"It feels...not as good as Hongyan's pickaxe." Saiho said.

"This is more useful than that. We can break the curtain and go to the Storyteller to settle the score." Shadow Witch said, "But I can only complete the Ten Breaks, that is, ascend into the Shadow Demon God."

"What, isn't the Demon God a demon?" asked Hayho.

"We are originally demons. You see how much I look like a human being. These paths of ours are just the devil's reserve army, just concepts that have not yet been feared by people. When I become the Shadow Demon God, everyone will be afraid of my own shadow." Shadow. The witch uses her shadow fire appearance to rise like lightless flames.

"Then why are we fighting the devil and cooperating with the devil!" Hayho drafted a surrender letter.

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