Witch containment diary

Chapter 418 Zaho’s whole life

"I, Saho, am now ready to surrender to misery." Saho wrote in a small book with a pen.

"Is this how the devil's devil is written? It is the witch's devil." Shadow Witch doubted.

"Uh. Don't worry." Saho thought for a while, "I have received a long-term education, a promising child, very smart, I am just thinking now. By the way, Mom, what is our last name? Someone else's child We all have surnames, why don’t we have surnames? Were you also thrown from the mountain?"

"What, what's your surname?" Shadow Witch didn't know. "You were born from my deep love with another witch. I don't know whose surname you should take. You can't say that I'm in trouble just because the egg comes from me. I usually They all stay up there.”

"If you are so awesome, then who is my other mother?" Saho was curious.

"Guess." Shadow Witch said.

"It must be a witch as powerful as you. Maybe she is one of the nine witches in the spiritual world. Maybe I am also a princess. I am so powerful. Only such a powerful family can cultivate a powerful me." Saho said proudly. .

"Haha, it's not even close. Let me tell you my name first. My real name is Hatsumi Shadow. That's awesome." Shadow Witch said.

"Then my real name is Hatsumi Saho!" Saho was startled, "I finally have a full name, so congratulations."

"Okay, this is probably what happened back then. When I first met Ying, I was still a little master who failed twice. I was making plans everywhere. I had fantasies about everything, such as catching up with the Hazy Star." said the witch.

"What is the Hazy Star?" asked Hayho, "it seems to be mentioned in the occult book."

"That's a strange meteor that only appears once every 200 years. It's huge and powerful. When the meteor appears, any wish you make can come true. The establishment of the spiritual world is because there is a witch who successfully controls the haze. Star made a wish to build a pure land where witches can live freely, and then the dream came true, and the spirit world appeared. The most powerful witches quickly formed gangs to enter the spirit world," Shadow Witch said.

"Ah, I also want to make a wish. What should I wish for?" Hayho thought.

"Of course, make a wish to become the strongest in the world. Hazy Star will only respond to those very firm and persistent wishes. If you are patient, start taking care of your body from today, and try to live to be 200 years old, you should be able to see Hazy Star next time. All in all, in the process of practicing, wandering and waiting for the Hazy Star, I met a Happy Witch, I call her Sora, she is really the most beautiful girl, so beautiful, so hot." Shadow Witch said.

"Should I also look for a beautiful girl who cooks chicken in the future?" Hayho asked.

"Who cares about you? It's all your business to look for roast duck." Shadow Witch said, "Don't interrupt. Anyway, Sora and I will work together in Sakai City and find a place to live. During this period, we will also recover Dongming Kingdom and establish This and that in Shadow Street. But later on, there was indeed a spark of love with Sora, but I didn’t have time to take care of a little one, so I found a place to throw you away.”

"You are truly beyond." Saiho said.

"Haha, you will do the same in the future." Shadow Witch disapproved.

"If I had a witch's egg, I would definitely raise it well."

"What about your own practice? Don't do it anymore? What about your great cause? Raising children is very troublesome." Shadow Witch said.

"Teacher Dasu brought me and several other little ones together, and he also found time to fall in love and train, which shows that time is always enough when squeezed." Saiho said, "And you ran away, even giving up Sora. "

"Yeah." Shadow Witch said, "Yeah."

"What do you mean?" Saho took advantage of the situation and severely tortured the Shadow Witch, "You really lost your daughter and your true love, and then you are hanging around here with all your strength and no friends, so you can only brag with your daughter. You are truly without talent and virtue, the most lonely shadow witch in the world!"

"What about your friends?" Shadow Witch asked.

"It's all over there." Saho waved his hand, "What happened to Natsuki Mayumi, and...well, no more, there are only three of them now. But I will gather everyone again, and then my achievements will be better than yours There are a lot more, and I have more friends than you, a happier life than you, and a higher level of education than you. Anyway, I am better than you in everything."

"Da Su brought you up, and then you surrendered to the devil, right?" Shadow Witch said.

"Oh, I still want to surrender to the devil." Saho continued to write the surrender letter, "... From today on, I will not fight with you, and please don't hit me again. Uh... Why did you write this? I feel so unmotivated."

"Surrender is simply a lack of ambition." Shadow Witch said.

"Then you are different. You can run around, but we have to fight against the devil." Saho shook his head, "It's very hard and very hopeless."

"Yeah." Shadow Witch's figure was a little unsteady.

"What are you doing again? You seem to have turned into a jade girl." Hayho said.

"The thing about Sora." Shadow Witch said, "After I told you about Sora, I couldn't help but think of the bright and beautiful Witch of Joy. She was always happy and shared her happiness with me. So that I would not be alone. But when did I leave her behind? Now she is nowhere to be found and has disappeared from this barren earth."

"Then go find her." Hayho encouraged.

"But I'm at the critical point of breakthrough now. I can't hesitate. I have to put aside my love roots to practice and kill king-level demons. At least I have to kill the most famous demons, those who intimidate one party, those who control multiple dimensions, and those who are related to the root. Only a great demon can allow me to complete the ten-level breakthrough." Shadow Witch said.

"What about Sora? Don't want it?" Hayho didn't understand.

"I don't know. Look at me like this. I can't even cry. I've already begun to unite with the shadows. I can't tell the difference between human and shadow. How can I feel? And the earth has been trampled like this by demons. , Sora cannot be alive, she has long been one of the billions of forgotten names. She must be dead, completely dead, and her soul has returned to the spirit world." Shadow Witch said.

Hayao thought for a moment.

"Then do I look like Sora?" Saho pointed to her face, "What about genetics? I also have some characteristics of Sora, right? Don't tell me that because I was born from two witches, I have no genetic information. Ah, there are rules and regulations in witch biology, I think Murohua is the same as Shinjo Miyu."

Shadow Witch looked at Hayao carefully.

"..." She stretched out her hand of shadow flame and traced the outline of Hayho, "Ahhh..."

"..." Hayho also fell silent. Her mother's gentle touch felt warm and light. "This is the first time in your life that you are so intimate with me, right?"

"Yes, Saho, my child. You were thrown from the cliff into the valley by me and grew up on your own. Your existence itself is a miracle that even the 'Hazy Star' cannot bring about." Shadow Witch said softly, " And there is indeed a shadow of emptiness in your eyebrows."

"Then touch it carefully. Once you get used to it, Muroka used to touch my face to recall memories when he was blind." Hayho closed his eyes and let the Shadow Witch relive the memories.

"...Ah...Hey..." Shadow Witch gradually regained her composure, "...Yes, even though Sora has disappeared, she still continues in this form, making you the first person to meet Saho."

"If life is just like the first time we met, why would the autumn wind be so sad to draw a fan?" Saho thought of what Teacher Dasu taught and felt that he was too educated.

"Then live a good life with the name of Hatsumi Saho. I am the most powerful witch in this world, and this name will not make you ashamed." Shadow Witch said.

"Oh, mom, my mom!" Hayho rushed over and hugged Sora, "Mom?"

"I'm going to prepare for the final tenth position." Shadow Witch said, "The next time you see me again, it will be the time for me to kill the king-level demon and achieve the tenth position. Then we will meet again, and I I will show you the way of shadow."

Then she disappeared without a trace.

Hayho choked up a little, feeling that this was the last time she would meet and talk to the Shadow Witch.

"Ahhhhh..." Hayho hammered the floor on the spot.

This person has passed away. Hayao licked the steak plate on the chair and sighed.

More than half an hour later, Zhang Su came to see Zaosui.

"Haosui." Zhang Su greeted her, "How do you feel?"


"The Shadow Witch is so powerful and will not disappear easily." Zhang Su comforted her.

"I feel like I'm sometimes close to her and sometimes far away. She seems to be always by my side, but also seems like she's not from the same world as me." Hayho was sad.

"She must have left something for you. Didn't she give the Shadow Cone to you?" Zhang Su encouraged.

Hayao took out a long shadow cone, and used it to kill a demon vanguard for the first time. This thing stabbed the demon and dealt real damage.

"That's because my mother found something better to use, so she gave this to me." Hayho said.

"What about other things? Your mother gave you many important things." Zhang Su said.

"Even my name was given by someone from the administration. They said that the wheat ears nearby were sprouting when they picked me up, so I was named Zaosui." Zaosui thought for a moment, "But... Da Su, I now have My mother told me my last name. My last name is Chu Jian. Chu Jian Saho. This name suits me so well. At first I felt like I picked it up in a garbage dump, but now I seem to be a real person. A witch."

"Isn't this great? Seeing Zaosui for the first time, seeing Zaosui for the first time." Zhang Su sat next to Zaosui. From this distance, he could also see the burning earth. "It's a pity that our era is too turbulent and we don't have time." Take your time and enjoy the silence in your life.”

"Then cherish ten seconds now." Hayho hugged his knees, "Nineteen eight seven six five four three two one...Okay, I'm very calm."

"What is this?" Zhang Su saw Zaosui's little notebook, "Why do you want to surrender to the devil?"

"I'm tired from fighting," said Saho. "Although I didn't do anything in the Battle of Scarlet Garden, it was still a hard work for me. I'm already very tired just thinking about it, and I'm covered in sweat."

"Are you interested in lending your power to my master?" Zhang Su asked, "Although you are lazy, I dare not relax. This power of shadow can help me defeat the devil."

"Oh, okay." Hayho agreed without hesitation, "But Shadow's personality is opposite to yours. If we split into a shadow and evil Dasu, our work would be in vain. Isn't that right, Suikage?"

"Based on my foolish short-sightedness, this statement is very reasonable." Sui Ying said.

"As long as I can use Shadow Step, I can blend into the shadows, avoid fighting for a short time and be invincible, and I can also change my body. Hayho, are you willing to teach me?" Zhang Su asked.

Zaosui couldn't help but be very happy to see Zhang Su like this. Zhang Su had been teaching her this and that for so many years, and now it was finally her turn to teach Zhang Su something.

"Okay, let me show you the real person I met Saho for the first time!" Saho decided to be a teacher for once.

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