Witch containment diary

Chapter 419 Learning Shadow Step

"We hardly notice our own shadows," said Hayho. "That's the most special thing. Once you enter the shadow, even the enemy won't notice anything strange, just like this."

Hayao and Suikage merged into one and disappeared on the floor.

Zhang Su really couldn't see her anymore. She ran on the ground and immediately entered the shadow of the wall. This side of the moon is illuminated by the sun and has many long and narrow shadows that are difficult to distinguish.

You can't even sense the airflow, because you've entered another world completely? Flattening the living person and adding it to the plane shadow is the real rush to the second dimension. Zhang Su thought.

All the shadows blend together, the darkness is even, and cannot be seen.

"Look." Zaosui appeared from behind Zhang Su and patted him on the shoulder.

"Incredible." Zhang Su admitted.

"Now, I lend you my power, but use it carefully." Hayho said seriously.

Through the power of the witch's containment diary, Zhang Su obtained the shared magic power from Saho.

There aren't many, so you can probably use it once in a battle.

It's only once, it's a trump card, it might work wonders.

"The feeling of magic power is so strange." Zhang Su stretched out his hand, and the shadow magic power swam rapidly in his blood vessels like a poisonous snake.

"Okay, it's like a rope, it can pull you into the shadow and then let you out." Zaosui taught Zhang Su, "Now sit down."

"Okay." Zhang Su sat cross-legged in his shadow.

He closed his eyes, relaxed his breathing, and concentrated on arranging his magic power.

The magic power is very small, insignificant compared to his 410 Qi Jin, but it is also very special. No matter which part of the body it moves to, it is cold, as if there is a cold needle buried under the skin.

"Now, use your magic power to connect with your own shadow. Imagine that your body is sinking downward, sinking into your own shadow! Finally, with a snap, the boundary suddenly disappears." Hayho tried his best to gesture.

Zhang Su closed his eyes and meditated.

"Come on, come on, come on." Saho folded his hands and turned them into a small trumpet, then shouted.

"Is there any more detailed method? The few words just mentioned don't seem to be the real entry-level method." Zhang Su felt that he couldn't get in.

"No more." Hayho knocked on his head, "Just work hard on your own! Let's see if you have the talent to learn things!"

It seems like a natural thing to her, but Da Su is a human being after all, so she doesn't know if she can make good use of this little magic power.

"Can you tell me more about what it feels like to enter the shadow?" Zhang Su requested.

"Yeah." Hayho closed his eyes and recalled carefully, "That's what happened, turning into a shadow, giving up control of himself, sinking, letting his body disappear into the shadow, feeling like he became thin, like a pool of black The ink was splashed on the snow and soaked in instantly."

Zhang Su nodded. Although what Zaosui said were messy descriptions, Zhang Su still captured some of the key points.

Probably because he temporarily wrapped himself with magic power and relaxed completely. The essence of shadow magic power is a kind of shadow, so it can compress people into the shadow, as if there is a layer of film on it, thus hiding the physics.

Speaking of which, isn't that the same as wearing armor? Wrapping Armor evenly distributes Qi around the body, while Shadow Step evenly wraps magic power outside the body so that it can blend seamlessly into the shadows.

"There is still practice. It took a smart person like me several months to figure it out." Hayho said proudly, "You should practice for ten years first."

Then Zhang Su sank in front of her and disappeared into the shadow.


"Hey! You drowned." Haosui lay on the ground and knocked Zhang Su's shadow with his fist.

Zhang Su felt very strange.

He willingly gave up control of himself and allowed the shadow magic to wrap around him and sink him, feeling his edges become blurred.

Now that he no longer has a physical body, or in other words, he has given up the perception of the physical body, he has truly become a shadow, as soft as mist in the wind and as thin as paper.

Hayao spun around in circles, trying to remember his experience when he first learned this move.

"Now use the 'eyes' of the shadow to see the world and move around." Hayho said, "You are big and your shadow is so big. You have to move quickly and hide in other shadows."

Zhang Su slowly moved slightly, and the outline of his shadow moved slowly.

He completely transferred his consciousness to the shadows and couldn't see anything, only some vague perceptions. He felt like a slime, squirming darkly on the ground. There was some humor in it. Is this what Hayho felt like?

"Okay, come out quickly!" Hayho clapped his hands, "Come out before the magic power is consumed, otherwise you will become a shadow forever."

Zhang Su really felt that the thin magic power surrounding him was being consumed rapidly.

He instinctively felt something was wrong and immediately began to crawl out.

"The arm is out!" Zaosui saw Zhang Su's hand stretched out, and quickly grabbed Zhang Su's fist with both hands and pulled him out. He looked around and shouted, "Come on! Da Su is about to send it!"

The others rushed to follow, trying hard to drag Zhang Su out of the shadow pool.

With their joint rescue, Zhang Su jumped up and took two steps on the ground.

"Huh..." Zhang Su recalled.

Just now, I almost left part of my body in the shadow. It was really dangerous.

"It's not bad." Hayho said happily, "This is a wonderful trick. You can jump into the shadow sea and then reappear. No one can see you."

She high-fived Suikage.

"Incredible." Zhang Su nodded to Zaohui, "You teach very well. I can master it in no time! He is indeed a good teacher."

Hayao disagreed.

"Hey, you always praise me! But I can't do it. I'm just a guy who doesn't achieve anything." Saho shook his head, "Tell the truth!"

"I told the truth, and I never lied to you. Aren't you able to do anything?" Zhang Su said, "Do you think those words of encouragement are against your will? No, I truly feel that You can do it."

"Ah——" Saho was embarrassed to be told. It seems that she is really a capable person.

Haha, no matter what, at least it helped Da Su. Hayao chuckled inwardly.

"Yes, Saho, you can do a lot of great things, believe in yourself." Mayumi nodded beside him.

"Speaking of sincerity, I don't know where Reio is." Saho was frustrated.

"Senpai is very smart, nothing will happen to her." Mayumi comforted her.

"So many great and smart people have passed away, why should I be alone? I have to distinguish her from the ghosts in the spiritual world." Hayho was unhappy.

"You seemed to be discouraged by the demon war before..." Zhang Su recalled that Saho's morale was not very high.

"Because it was really scary. Everyone disappeared overnight, evacuated, took their luggage and ran away. The world was flattened by bombs, and one place after another fell. I was still watching the news a few days ago, watching the evacuation. The bulletin introduced the evacuation directions of various cities. I didn’t know that there were so many cities in the world until I read the news. However, before I had time to get familiar with them, the cities disappeared. Until now, we have not been able to return to the earth and live in this city. A place where there is no oxygen." Hayho was depressed.

"The oxygen on the earth has also become a poisonous gas." Mayumi said with a smile.

"Then how can you still be so happy? Is it magic power? I also want to have the magic power of happiness. Give me a magic ball." Hayho reached out and asked for it.

"There are as many free joys as you want. There are so many that it will scare you." Mayumi made a dough ball and gave it to Haoho.

"Ah - ah - so happy, I feel like I'm going to explode." Hayho blushed, feeling so happy that it surpassed all other things. It took him a long time to suppress it, "What about teacher? Why can you always resist pressure."

"You only have one life, so you have to burn it on what you must do." Zhang Su stood in front of the glass curtain wall, looking at the fallen earth.

"It means fighting." Hayho rubbed the shadow cone in his hand.

"Don't fight." Natsuki didn't want to fight.

"Why don't you fight? You'll be happy if you fight and then put others to death to prove your ability." Hayho raised the shadow cone in his hand, "We witches have such powerful abilities, especially you! The sun's Witch! With endless power, you can upgrade while standing, and you can move at the speed of light and emit light waves. Why not use it to your fullest?"

"It's disgusting," Natsuki said.

Natsuki has grown up now, and is more like a beauty, with loose blond hair, charming blue eyes, three-dimensional facial features, a straight nose, and will turn into a shining form when she uses magic. It’s hard to imagine that the kid who was wearing school uniform before may be the best-looking one now.

"Looks like a foreigner." Saho pinched Natsuki's face.

"Huh." Natsuki turned around.

"The sun shines on all things, making them alive and able to grow, but then the sun kills them. This is considered a waste, just like breaking your own treasures with your own hands." Mayumi said.

"Yeah." Natsuki does feel that way.

Everyone is nourished by the sun, and then they have to be dried to pieces. The battle is so self-destructive.

"But they are bad guys. Even if you cook the food yourself, you still have to throw it away if it goes rancid. Well, we can't do it now. The food now is too precious. We can't do it without Qingxiao to farm the land for us!" said Saho! .

"Ah..." Xia Xi missed Qing Xiao.

"There is almost no green on the earth, and now it is burning again. Maybe the devil hopes to trap humans with the destruction of the ecosystem." Zhang Su stared at the earth. Fires burned in many places on its surface, crawling like flaming snakes.

"But the earth seems to be able to repair itself," Hayho said.

"Yes, although the demons burn down the woods and consume oxygen with fires, there are still countless algae and microorganisms in the sea, which are still producing oxygen. If the demons are driven away, humans will return to the ground to plant trees. After a day or two, Generations may be able to rebuild..." Zhang Su saw the only green on the earth, "It seems that there is a strange forest in Southeast Asia that has not been burned by demons."

"Why are there such big woods?" Hayho also saw it, it was like an emerald embedded in the ground.

"Qingxiao likes plants so much. If we go there, we will definitely find Qingxiao." Mayumi was very happy.

"Then let's go." Zhang Su nodded, then looked at Xia Xi, "If there is a time when we must fight, Xia Xi, can you fight?"

"We need to use the 'Natsuki Light Wave' to wipe out the enemies." Hayho encouraged.

"Stupid name." Natsuki curled her lips.

Zhang Su left them to train and prepare for future battles. Then I went to visit Edith again.

However, at the door, they found that her condition had become serious again. From a distance, she was seen vomiting blood on the medical bed with an ugly face. After noticing Zhang Su, she regained her composure and smiled apologetically.

Zhang Su nodded distantly to Edith and left without entering.

You have to find a way to help her.

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