Witch containment diary

Chapter 420 Entering the Green Hell

“Ever since the natural disaster struck, Qingxiao had an ill-fated fate and ended up going to Southeast Asia, where he had been planting trees with a group of greenskins.

Greenskins are green-skinned creatures, similar to orcs, who are very strong, savage and primitive, and not very bright-minded.

At first, the demons thought that the green skins were born from people's fear of green, so they handed the green skins to the Green Demon to deal with.

However, the Green Demon God only likes to read documents with tauren plots. The so-called green and green skins it calls are not the same thing, and they can't get along with the bellicose and warlike green skins. They go and kill humans.

The greenskins didn't care about this, as long as they could plunder.

But greenskins can also grow trees, which are essentially some kind of spore plant. The greenskins often fight with each other, and soon discover a pattern, that is, after throwing the severed limbs of their dead compatriots into the soil, several brand new compatriots will grow back within a period of time.

This is very important to them. As long as there is a place to grow green skins, it will ensure a steady stream of soldiers and fun. For this reason, they will also repair the surface appropriately and find ways to plant some trees.

The demons were too lazy to see the greenskins, so they left some tropical islands in Southeast Asia for them to plant trees and their kind.

Because Qing Xiao can turn his skin into green, he is also regarded as green-skinned, and Qing Xiao's talent is of great use here.

On a July day.

'Wake up, Slag King. ’ Qing Xiao used the magic of wild wind on the mushroom pit on the ground.

A strong wind blew quickly, instantly greening the earth, and some green skin quickly grew from it, looking young and aggressive.

‘Ouch! ’

'I cut it. ’

‘Hit it. ’ They crawled out.

‘Bigger and greener! ’ When the greenskins saw this scene, they all thought Qing Xiao was amazing because she could make everything green.

‘Let’s make everything green! ’ Qing Xiao was very happy and decided that she had finally found the organization.

A race dedicated to filling the entire earth with green plants. To be honest, this is much more reasonable than humans.

‘Come on! ’ The greenskins followed Qing Xiao.

Qing Xiao came to a destroyed open space on the island and continued to blow wild wind.

The so-called 'wild wind' is a storm that carries a lot of wild magic power.

After the green dawn blew across the earth, the depleted land was instantly covered with green grass, and the waste left by humans was covered and decomposed in an instant.

There used to be an asphalt road here, but under the repeated blows of the wild wind, it turned into a path full of green flowers, and soon a large area of ​​land was greened.

Because humanity has perished, the greenskins have nowhere to vent their hostility except to beat each other.

Qingxiao worked hard to get them to focus on farming. Over time, some greenskins began to learn to use their strong muscles to plow the soil, pick fruits, and pile them on the cart.

‘Ouch, ouch, ouch. ’ The greenskins have limited intelligence, but Qing Xiao has endless things to say every day, and talks a lot. Speaking is Qing Xiao’s instinct, and Qing Xiao will keep speaking out the new ideas in his mind.

'wax apple! Huge lotus mist! 'Qingxiao was very interested in Lianwu. After she saw Lianwu, she knelt on the ground and asked the green skin to pick a red fruit. 'I finally cultivated Lianwu. You know that Lianwu is a kind of fruit. ? But Lianwu is also the name of an eldest lady I know. It’s so great. I have recreated Lianwu on the earth again. Now I want to eat Lianwu, eh! So delicious. There is a fruit named Lianwu, and there is a witch named Lianwu. It would be great if I could meet her. ’

‘Ouch. ’ said the greenskin.

‘I think the earth is crying out for pure green, because the earth has been destroyed, so there are scattered minerals everywhere, and planting trees in time can recycle them. Too many trees will limit the growth potential of trees, but now that there are no trees left, the more trees, the better, and they can expand freely. What will be the dominant tree species in the world in the future? I am looking forward. ’ Qingxiao said to himself.

‘Ouch, ouch, ouch. ’ said the greenskin.

'You know, I've been thinking about a completely new theory, say, we farm now and restore the desolate land that has been destroyed. Perhaps, humans themselves can be reborn in this process. Humanity has disappeared and all the corpses have been turned to dust by the war. But we can recollect ashes and souls from the earth, and create humans again from them. The new humans must be more adapted to wilderness life, and they will have a unique name: vegetative! ’ Qing Xiao said.

‘Ouch, ouch, ouch. ’ The greenskins obviously didn’t understand, but they were very happy.

They think this is a great guy who can make everything greener.

Unknowingly, they vaguely believed that Qing Xiao was the green-skinned God's Chosen One.

‘Chosen by God! ’

‘The green-skinned god’s choice! ’

‘You’re bigger, you’re greener! ’ The greenskins later came over and followed Qing Xiao.

‘Well, I noticed your love for ‘big’ and ‘green’, maybe you’d like this kind of thing, let me show you the power of the wild path. 'Qingxiao absorbed a large number of grass blades on the ground, then gathered the scattered rocks around, and used a wild wind to piece them together to make a huge grass and tree Titan, which was about ten meters high and covered with vegetation from top to bottom. Green grass, green leaves, it can be said to be extremely green!

The greenskins were shocked and roared.

'so big! ’

‘So green! ! ’

‘Ouch! ’

‘This is green enough! ’

‘Ahhhhh! ’ The greenskins roared loudly.

Green-skinned boys from all over the country came over after hearing the sound. They ran over one by one, looked into the distance, and were surprised to see the green wild giant statue woven by Qingxiao.

‘The green-skinned god’s choice! ’

'green! ’

‘You’re greener than having hair! ’ They were very happy and danced around the giant statue made by Qingxiao.

Qingxiao continued to cultivate the plant colossus, which gradually became taller and soaring into the sky, with lush branches and leaves, vines wrapped around the trunk, and full of vitality.

It was pieced together by Qing Xiao using different types of plants. The main trunk is still stone for reinforcement.

In the sunlight, it exudes an intoxicating fragrance. When the green skin stirs up trouble, the Hulk will smash the green skin into green pancakes.

The original leader of the greenskins, Bodeg Brainless, heard the news and came over.

‘Ouch, this is not good. ’ It’s not happy.

‘What’s wrong? Look at me and be a witness! Now that I have this great green colossus, isn't that the biggest, greenest thing that all greenskins love? I am nature itself, I am the wild wind itself, I am the master of the forest, my name is Qing Xiao! ’ Qing Xiao shouted loudly.

When Qing Xiao drove the Emerald Titan to roam the ground, the greenskins followed suit, dancing instinctively and gradually no longer caring about their original leader.

The more Bodeg looked, the more unhappy he became. His face was angry and his teeth were chattering.

‘You are just a shrimp, and you are OMG Mother Green. Thanks to OMG Mother Green’s big brain, we can breed a lot of boys. But the more boys love to fight and wet their arms, their tempers are calmed down by digging in the soil. Digging in the soil is what shrimps do, and my soldiers have all turned into shrimps. I can't use Mother Green now, I'm going to chop you! ’ Bodeg called on the green-skinned guards to shoot Qing Xiao down with their junk weapons.

‘You—you guys! ’ Qingxiao panicked for a moment and quickly used wild wind to blow away Bodeg’s group of green boys.

But they are pure green themselves and have plant genes, so the wild wind has little effect on them.

‘Shoot Xiami to death! ’

‘Listen to the boss! ’

‘Ouch! ’ The greenskins pushed forward, they were coming menacingly. Very brutal.

Qing Xiao controlled the Titan and managed to fight off some greenskins, but the rest were not afraid at all.

A large number of greenskins used junk weapons to shoot at Qingxiao's Titan. They all hit all kinds of messy things, including firearms, which the greenskins called "big bang bang", "big bang bang" and more. It's close combat, use the 'power claw' and 'power hammer' to push forward.

Qing Xiao knew that the greenskins were a kind of monster. Their philosophy was very simple. As long as there were things bigger than them, as long as they could fight, as long as they could beat up those little people, they would be happy.

They long for bigger, more violent weapons, and then fight against each other.

‘Young ones! ’ Qing Xiao tried her best to shout in a green-skinned way, ‘Now it’s your turn to fight! It’s time to kill it, you are no worse than it, beat it to death and you will be the new boss! Take a closer look, am I bigger and greener, or is it bigger and greener? ’

‘Ouch! ’

‘You are bigger! ’

‘You are greener! ’

The greenskins glanced at the green Titan driven by Qing Xiao and immediately began to think about their position.

Although Bodeg Brainless is also a powerful green-skinned leader, it is still not as tall as the emerald wild titan that is more than ten meters tall.

The greenskins suddenly felt that their previous lives had been in vain, and they still had a future with this huge colossus.

So on the island, a very large-scale "big melee" took place. This word represents a melee between greenskins, and the most powerful greenskin must be determined. All the greenskins are fighting each other.

They shot at each other with simple weapons. A quarrel or a small dispute turned into a huge civil war. The greenskins killed each other and left pieces all over the ground.

The battle lasted for about half a year. Fortunately, the green-skinned Titan built by Qing Xiao was strong enough, and he continued to use the garbage he picked up to defend it during the civil war. Now it has turned into something similar to an ancient giant garbage.

It basically crushed all the other greenskins and defeated all the greenskins. Although the greenskins were almost extinct, their corpses quickly multiplied on the emerald green islands, and thousands more greenskins sprouted after a wild wind.

How about it? Now you understand, this is the whole process of controlling an entire greenskin tribe. Isn’t what I said very concise? "

Qing Xiao said to Zhang Su and his party who arrived in Southeast Asia.

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