Witch containment diary

Chapter 421 Qingxiao’s Big World

The warm wind was blowing and the surrounding green grass was green. Zhang Su looked around and felt that this was a rare piece of pure land in the world.

"I miss you so much, I want to kiss you a hundred times." Zaohui went up and hugged Qingxiao and kissed her.

"What, is it saliva?" Qingxiao sat on the grass, feeling Zaohui's enthusiasm, "Please note that social etiquette also has certain limits, for example, I am not familiar with you, but you want to use your lips to get close to my face. Did you brush your teeth properly before setting off?"

"Oh, Qingxiao, my Qingxiao, I want to hold you tight, hold you tight. I won't let you go, I won't let you leave." Saho hung on Qingxiao, holding her face Rub her, from face to neck to shoulders.

Hayao misses her friends so much, and her approach is extremely direct.

"Well, it's the same as always. It seems that nothing has changed for everyone. As I said, I plan to re-green the world and cover the earth with plants. In this process, humans may evolve again, such as from microorganisms to Small fish will then evolve from fish into amphibians, and let them go to land. Gradually, apes and primitive humans will be born. Although humans are useless, they still need to exist as tools of the witch," Qing Xiao said.

"Humanity has not yet perished. Staying on the orbital residential station, the escape plan has saved at least one billion people." Zhang Su said.

"Yes, but humans cannot return to the earth. We all know it." Qing Xiao waved his hand, "I am very satisfied with my living situation now. Please tell me your purpose. I will consider it carefully and then solve it."

"Are you satisfied? The demons didn't destroy this place?" Zhang Su asked.

"No, and the demons seem to like this place very much. Some demons have been here before. They are supporting me in cultivating green skins. They hope that I will try to fill the island with green skins. Now there are hundreds of thousands of green skins on the island. , It’s really a great project.” Qing Xiao was satisfied.

"There must be a reason why the devil left the green skin behind." Zhang Su said.

"Because the greenskins and the demons are allies, it's that simple, and I became the leader of the greenskins. I think this will become a rare strategic opportunity." Qing Xiao said.

"Come with us!" Zaho looked at Qingxiao with tears in his eyes, "I need you, I need everyone to come back!"

"No, I am the great Qingxiao, I am the boss of this green-skinned and plant race. Everything here suits me very well, I am the ruler of this island. You are now living far away from the orbit. Cold, no oxygen , stay away from the earth, living there is almost like killing me." Qing Xiao replied.

"Don't you miss us anymore? Don't you want to come back to us?" Hayho felt incredible, "We are good friends who came from Anxinyuan. Look! Everyone is waiting for you to come back!"

"Yes, how happy would it be if Qingxiao could come back?" Mayumi was very excited.

"..." Bianzhang inspected the surrounding land. She heard that this was where her parents once lived. It looks very strange now.

Xia Xi looked at Qingxiao expectantly, wanting to go back to the summer when Qingxiao walked behind her.

Qingxiao only hesitated when she saw Xia Xi.

"Well, I'll tell the truth. There is no prospect of leaving with you, and I don't think I can feel new positive feedback from you. Here, I am the king of all the green skins, and I am the king of this island. The ruler of the world, the guardian of the last forest on earth, and the driver of the fearless Titan. There is no way I can go back and play witch's house with you again," Qing Xiao said.

"But the devil is still close, the devil is still a threat, this place is untenable. They will come to you for trouble. Even if you don't leave, you must be careful and never conflict with the devil. If you come with us It's safer." Zhang Su said.

"No, this place will become a beautiful place, with birds singing and flowers fragrant. I can't interrupt my career here. What's more, I can cooperate with the devils. After I become stronger, the devils will regard me as an important partner. , mutual benefit." Qing Xiao said.

"Impossible." Zhang Su knew the devil's style very well. "What will happen next is obvious. The devil will find this place and try to annex it. The devil is a group of cruel and selfish monsters. There is no benefit in cooperating with them. They also It’s impossible to respect your ideas.”

"Why are you so sure?" Qing Xiao was dissatisfied. "My plans here have always been going smoothly. You guys should leave quickly. I thought you were here to help, but it turns out you are here to teach me a lesson."

"We'll leave right away!" Saho said angrily, "Who cares about you?"

"..." Qing Xiao glanced at them, "I have absolute confidence in my plan. You will know my thoughts in the future. I will leave behind great projects, let things be handled according to my ideas, and make decisions that are suitable for me." Logical judgment.”

"The logical conclusion is that...the demons will destroy this place. Qingxiao, if the demons come, don't talk to them and hide." Zhang Su said.

"I will win, and I will win for you." Qing Xiao subconsciously retorted as Zhang Su expected.

Zhang Su turned around and stopped trying to convince her.

After all, Qing Xiao is very stubborn, and his words may not have any effect.

Afterwards, Zhang Su and the others went to collect fertile soil and rare plant materials in the forest and brought them back to the moon to cultivate potions.

Zhang Su! Qingxiao thought silently. A man she considered a father figure now did not support her ideals.

She is not afraid of demons. This island has everything she needs. She also performed her own ritual of breaking the throne. Now her strength has reached an incredible level. Even if the devil visits and uses force, she is not afraid.

I want to become a great witch like my mother Ivy. Qing Xiao thought silently. It is up to her to complete the achievements that her mother has not yet achieved.

Let the world become familiar with the power of the wild wind again, cover the scorched earth with green again, and then turn it into a world tree that supports the new world!

The beautiful imagination made Qingxiao feel infinitely happy.

Outside, worried about being chased by demons, Zhang Su and the others moved quickly and were about to leave.

He saw the greenskins working under the guidance of Qingxiao, living a primitive and barbaric life, and had a peaceful attitude towards them, as if they would not attack.

Is it because Qing Xiao has civilized the green skins and made them less aggressive? It seems to have turned into a simpler plant life.

Zhang Su believes that Qingxiao is smart and capable and can manage this place well, but he is worried that the devil will destroy everything.

When he faced Qing Xiao again, the pain of parting had already hit his heart.

"We need your power to cultivate plants and grow crops, but I know that you prefer this unrestrained life now. It is very precious. Please be careful with demons." Zhang Su said.

"I understand." Qing Xiao said, "I know exactly what the demons need, and I have already prepared to deal with them. Let them come, I can convince them to accept my cause. This large group of greenskins are also negotiating important bargaining chip.”

"I still hope that you will go back and germinate those seeds. But it seems that the busy agricultural work is no longer suitable for you. You have grown up." Mayumi sighed.

"I have always been mature." Qing Xiao said proudly.

"Let me remember the temperature of your palms!" Haohui stepped forward and intertwined his fingers with Qingxiao, feeling the slightly rough touch on Qingxiao's skin, like small tree bark.

"I'll give this to you. It's also a souvenir." Qingxiao gave the fruit growing from his hair to Saho.

"Qingxiao! Qingxiao!" Zaohui rushed forward, pulling Qingxiao into her fierce but gentle hug, almost crying, and then reluctantly left.

"Well, let's go." Zhang Su led everyone to retreat.

"Maybe Qingxiao can make it happen." Zaho followed Zhang Su gloomily, comforting himself, "Her belief is so, so firm! Maybe she can really turn the earth into a beautiful world again."

"No one knows what will happen. We can only hope that her idea can withstand the test." Mayumi said.

"It must not be able to withstand the test." Zhang Su said.

"Then what should we do?" Zaho turned around, "Qingxiao will be pressed to the ground and rubbed."

"Just do what we should do." Zhang Su said in a deep voice.

After Zhang Su and the others left, more than ten days passed.

Qingxiao encountered a little devil falling from the sky, which she had seen before.

Sure enough, she thought to herself, her green plan was so huge that it finally attracted the attention of the demons again.

"Welcome! Welcome to the island." Qing Xiao invited the little devil to inspect the island, "I am a powerful lord and the leader of these greenskins."

"I know, I've been here before!" The little devil was very happy. "It looks like you did a good job! The messy greenskins no longer fight among themselves, but the number has increased!"

"Well, I slightly modified their genes to make them smarter and more elegant." Qing Xiao was very satisfied with his genius.

"There are a lot of greenskins here, so many! More and more! There are enough! It's so rich, so plump! I originally thought that this place wouldn't develop well, but now, I feel like it's very good here!" The little devil was very happy. satisfy.

It was a purgatory demon with a spear in its hand and bat membrane wings on its back. It patrolled the island and turned around three times, seemingly counting the number of green skins.

"Well, Mr. Demon, I plan to make a deal, such as selling them and letting them fight for hell. It's a very good deal." Qing Xiao explained, "I only need to trade some information, information about how I can continue to develop my magic power. "

"Gahahaha! Great!" The little devil was very happy.

"I still have many ideas, such as ideas about reproducing humans." Qing Xiao gestured.

"Reproduce humans? How long will it take?" The little devil became even more curious.

"Soon, if we intervene frequently, it will take about ten to twenty thousand years." Qing Xiao deduced.

"Gahahaha!" the little devil became even more happy.

Laughter is a sign of successful collaboration. Qing Xiao concluded.

It seems that this matter has been accomplished. As expected, I have the ability to negotiate with the devil.

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