Witch containment diary

Chapter 422 Deeply Love the Green Land

Soon, the demons returned again.

The second batch of demons that descended were much scarier than the low-level demons that Qing Xiao was familiar with.

The leader is huge in size, wearing a formidable giant armor, with a shining demonic treasure hanging on his body, exuding extraordinary evil power, holding a battle-experienced weapon, and is extremely cruel. He has undoubtedly trampled on the bones of tens of thousands of people to achieve his terrifying power.

"Hello, powerful demon lords!" Qing Xiao sat on top of the Green Grass Titan and waved to the demons, "I am the guardian of this island and the entire green-skinned tribe..."

The leader of the demon was wearing magic scale armor, holding a giant sword in his hand, and roared downwards.

The sky changed color, and flaming fireballs flew from the sky like rain, instantly igniting all parts of the island, and black smoke swirled up.

The demons swooped down, slashed and burned the earth with their swords!

Qing Xiao was stunned for a moment.

Creepy war cries sounded from everywhere, and raging flames devoured the trees she had carefully cultivated.

it hurts!

Qing Xiao's heart was connected to the earth, and this taste also made her skin ache.

"I'll kill you!" Qing Xiao was furious and immediately drove the Green Grass Titan to fight the demons.

"Roar!" A demon vanguard swooped down, swung a giant sword, and hit the Titan. In an instant, a ball of demonic flames swept it away, burning the verdant green into brown and black.

The waves of flames were threatening, and Qing Xiao's heart ached even more.

She jumped down quickly and started running away in panic.

Flames have a great restraining effect on plants. The demon obviously came with the intention of killing and easily suppressed Qing Xiao.

He couldn't mobilize his magic power. The more plants were burned, the more painful he became... Qing Xiao felt as if his head was going to split.

How could this be, demons...

She looked around.

The demon hacked away at the greenskins with axes and swords, squeezing the rare souls out of them and throwing them away with a look of evil on his face.


"It tastes bad!"

“Vegetarian buffet!”

"You have to eat delicious souls, and you have to eat disgusting souls... Only then can you become a big devil!"

There are about two million greenskins. The souls of these greenskins can give birth to another demon vanguard to help the legion continue to develop and prosper.

They come to the greenskins to harvest souls, just like eating vegetables.

Did you just help them raise a bunch of vegetables? Qing Xiao suddenly felt incompetent.

Everything my father said is right!


"Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa—" Under Qingxiao's guidance, the green skin became weak and became smaller, as if he had also turned into a crybaby fart, being harvested by the devil without knowing how to resist.

Under the fierce attack of demons, scars of terror exploded on the island.

Qingxiao's steps swayed endlessly with every vibration.

reason! Use reason to defeat the devil. She was thinking desperately, using everything she knew to defeat the devil, the ideas she was familiar with, the clever ideas, the genius concepts...



"Uh-huh-" The green-skinned survivors stumbled out of the burning forest.

"You..." Qing Xiao felt that something was wrong with these green skins.

Their skin was scorched, their minds were detonated by the devil's curse, and they went crazy. Their smoldering eyes were full of madness and fear, and they even waved weapons at Qing Xiao.

"Listen to me!" Qing Xiao shouted in fear.

A crazy green-skinned boy attacked Qingxiao, and her body was hit by a big ax. The pain made her unable to think.

She hardened a few vines, turning them into needles, and drove away the approaching green-skinned crazy kid. She couldn't walk a few steps before falling due to blood loss.

She saw the swirling smoke covering the sky, making it extremely ugly.

Qingxiao's plant magic was connected to the island, and the burning island also burned her spirit, and her brain hurt as if it were boiling.

A demon rushed towards Qing Xiao with a giant ax in his hand.

No, don't die alone... Qing Xiao lay on the ground, feeling her life force draining away quickly.

I want to be with everyone, I want to see everyone’s appearance...and...


A big hand grabbed the demon's arm holding the ax and broke it off. The next second, Qing Xiao saw the demon's body dented and smashed into pieces.

Qing Xiao raised her head and stared at the familiar figure.

"Qing Xiao, you haven't seen how I fight against demons, right?" Zhang Su looked at the demons, "Now, watch out."

The demon "vampire" Volas flies in the sky, and it instructs the demons to absorb the remaining souls of the green skins. Their souls are bitter, but they are a useful supplement.

As for Qingxiao, after killing her, she stole the soul and made it into a fallen witch. Just like the witch Ivy controlled by demons in the past.

When he noticed Zhang Su's appearance, Wollas was overjoyed.

It had previously contacted the demon bride Lilu Xier and established a crusade team specifically to hunt down Zhang Su.

Now it has the opportunity to personally test the quality of Zhang Su.

"I patrol the earth to search for powerful humans. The most important thing is to chase you. Now I finally have a chance. Join me in the magic scale armor." Volas roared sharply, the armor on his body jingled, and every scale From the enemies it slaughtered.

"Come up here." Zhang Su snorted coldly.

"Ho! You are just a mortal, you are no match for the devil!" Volas rushed in quickly, like a meteor of blood and fire, swung the giant sword in his hand and hit Zhang Su hard.

It's seen!

In the Battle of Scarlet Garden, it witnessed the incarnation of Carnage, Harnak, knocking Zhang Su away with one punch, and with the cooperation of Liluciel, it pushed Zhang Su to the edge of the world.

This is just a mortal who is too weak to be weak!

The giant sword struck down Zhang Su head-on with exquisite martial arts, eager to chop Zhang Su into two pieces from head to toe.


Zhang Su raised his hand and grabbed the giant sword.

In an instant, Volas felt that the giant weapon in his hand could not be pressed down again, but was blocked by an extremely powerful force.

"That's all you have...you haven't done enough yet!" Zhang Su shouted.

The Martial God behind him suddenly appeared, standing tall and tall.

"伱——!" Wollas suddenly felt a powerful wave of air coming towards his face.

How come I become so small in front of it?

The God of War strikes.

Qi Jinzheng's fist struck at Volas crazily, and each blow erupted with a deafening loud noise and air explosion.

Hit, hit, hit, hit, hit!

The island trembled violently, as if the entire earth was shaking from this force.


"Ah!" The demons wanted to intervene, but they saw this extremely terrifying scene.

Under the fierce blow from the God of War, Voras didn't even have time to react, and could only let thousands of deadly fists hit him.

Voras, who was bombarded with relentless blows, could only roar. It clearly sensed...that it could not stop this crazy onslaught at all!


Volas's armor was riddled with holes, his body retreated violently, and he fell heavily to the ground, his soul leaking out crazily.

The more Zhang Su fought, the more powerful he became.

The two powerful men who were massacred, Hanak and Liluciel, are pursuing me. What the hell is your identity and want to hunt me down? Zhang Su also felt that this was not the case.

Each punch is harder than the last, and each punch is more violent than the last.

The terrifying punch power of the "God of War" seemed to be endless, beating Wallas almost to pieces.

"Death!" Zhang Su launched a pursuit, preparing to kill Wolas.


"Protect General——" Although the demon guards were scared, they still rushed down to block Volas's punch.

When Volas struggled to get up, he saw his demon bodyguards being beaten into pieces by Zhang Su with his fists.

It felt like a knife was piercing its heart and its soul was in violent turmoil.

Each of the demon guards was its compatriot who had fought through life and death, but now they were wiped out by Zhang Su with one punch.

"General, leave quickly!"

"Ouch—" the guard screamed repeatedly.

In desperation, Wallas quickly distanced himself.

We must escape as soon as possible and let the entire hunting team of demons join in. Volas's heart is full of shock.

Three to five, no, more than ten or twenty demons of his own level would have to work together to have a chance to fight Zhang Su. His strength is terrifying, and he may not even have used it to its fullest potential during the Battle of Scarlet Garden. I really underestimated this pure violence this time.

Qing Xiao lay on the ground and was stunned.

Dad! Why is it so strong? ! Beat the devil like a grandson.

If I had known earlier, I would still have stood by my father!

She saw that the demons around her were scared away, and the damage to the island could be kept to a minimum.

Maybe it can develop with the help of Lao Su! Sure enough, it’s better to enjoy the shade under the big tree! Qing Xiao thought.

Zhang Su smashed these demon guards who risked their lives, and they came up crazily, using their bodies to resist Zhang Su's attack.

It seems that this demon warlord usually tames his subordinates well. After Zhang Su killed more than a hundred demon guards, he saw that Volas had tried to leave using the demon teleportation technique.

Zhang Su crossed the distance of a thousand meters with one lunge, rushed in front of Volas, and then punched with all his strength, shattering many fragments on the magic scale armor.

So many demons tried to buy time, but to no avail!

"The enemies you fought before were all too weak!" Zhang Su's fist penetrated the armor and came out from behind Voras.

"You——!" Wolas gritted his teeth, "——Let's fight next time."

"Hurry up and die." Zhang Su knew that demons with names couldn't be killed, and he was used to it.

Anyway, the strength will be weaker after rebirth. Volas is at this level now, and he will be no match after his rebirth.

Zhang Su closed his fist and threw down its empty shell, stripped off its weapons and armor, and prepared to recast it into witch equipment to upgrade the little witches.

The demons fled immediately. They originally came to have a vegetarian buffet, but they met Zhang Su. They were greatly shattered by the energy leaked in the chaotic battle just now, and they dare not approach him now.

Smoke billows and the demon retreats.

I came here after seeing this place burning from the moon. Zhang Su thought silently. Now that his whereabouts have been revealed on such a large scale, it is estimated that the demons will quickly approach to encircle and suppress him.

You have to make sure plans are in place. Demons are best at teleportation and can gather an army in an instant.

Zhang Su immediately held his breath, refining the large amount of demonic energy that escaped after Volas was killed, and prepared for a series of battles.

"Oh!" Qing Xiao had already stood up and walked towards Zhang Su distractedly.

At this moment, in her heart, Zhang Su's status has been infinitely higher, and his figure seems to have grown bigger.

"If you want to defend your own land, it's useless to reason with the devil." Zhang Su clenched his fists, "Now have a good rest."

Qing Xiao was indeed exhausted. She had a lot to say to Zhang Su, but finally she threw herself forward and fell to the ground.

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