Witch containment diary

Chapter 426 I finally become you

Passing through rows of automatic turrets and defense mechas, Zhang Su arrived at the entrance of the capital bunker.

The Grand Marshal once directed global defense plans here.

Taking a deep breath, Zhang Su walked towards the huge retina scanner, which could scan eyes and even record souls to guard against all spies.

He stared into the scanner's flashing grid of scarlet lasers.

For a long time, nothing happened, it was extremely quiet.

So Zhang Su punched it, and his energy surged, blowing it to pieces.

The bunker door buzzed and opened reluctantly.

Zhang Su walked down a wide passage and entered an open circular conference room.

It's huge, full of failed computer servers and monitoring stations. The equipment hasn't been running for many years, like black tombstones.

Zhang Su's eyes fell on the strategic display platform in the center.

It glowed slightly, and as soon as Zhang Su came closer, it operated and rose again, forming a three-dimensional map of the earth.

He reached out and touched it, and it turned docilely, revealing to Zhang Su the reports of the last few days before the recording stopped.

Zhang Su silently let it spin in a circle. The earth was full of red war zones, and the demon crushed everything.

His eyes fell on the dense crisis reports, which were casualty records, distress signals, and battle damage of the troops during the apocalypse. They flashed and flashed due to the unstable operation of the equipment, forming an endless loop.

All these reports ended suddenly and were no longer recorded. They were frozen in time, stopping at the last date on earth when humans stopped resisting.

Zhang Su waved his hand and put the virtual earth back into place. He didn't need digital evidence. He had witnessed enough disasters with his own eyes.

"I knew you would come." The Generalissimo's voice came from the wall of the command center.

Isn't the Generalissimo dead?

Zhang Su turned his head and saw the stained wall.

"Are you still alive?" Zhang Su asked.

"I knew you would come." the Generalissimo repeated, his voice deeper, "You came unscathed, and you are stronger than you were before. I know that there is only one reason that can bring you back to the capital bunker, and that is love. Tisi’s contract.”

"I want to destroy that contract..." Zhang Su said.

Before Zhang Su could finish speaking, the Generalissimo continued:

"I watched you walk through the streets and alleys of the ruins of King's Castle, and watched you overcome many difficulties and arrive here alive. What you want is to end Edith's service? But you forgot that Edith betrayed humanity! In When we needed her most, she fled to the Scarlet Garden, leaving the fragile human civilization to the army of demons that came one after another. My army, my people, the eight billion people on the surface were slaughtered and exterminated! And this Everything happened because of her.”

"Then when you signed the contract with her in the first place, didn't you also hope that she could help mankind? Without Edith, mankind would not even be able to withstand the pressure of a hundred gates of hell. When natural disasters come, she will fight against the devil on earth. Defeat was inevitable, but I persisted for several years in Scarlet Garden, until I had the strength to help her. Now I am just about to take my last breath, and the problem can be solved as long as she is released." Zhang Su said.

"All human hope, intelligence, and passion have perished, and you still think you can turn defeat into victory?" The Grand Marshal's voice was very stern, just like what Zhang Su remembered.

"It must be possible." Zhang Su said, "Now tell me where the contract is."

"Go down." The Grand Marshal suddenly said, "Edith's contract is there, go and destroy it."

The ground cracked and a spiral downward staircase appeared.

Zhang Su went down step by step and came to the core refuge room of the capital bunker.

He looked around and saw some simple decorations.

The archive room next to it contained a mountain of top-secret information. It was very close and the content was very rich. Edith's contract was in it, and he could even feel the strong demonic aura.

Zhang Su went over to check the contents of the contract and soon understood.

As early as the 17th century, humans discovered the wandering Edith and signed a contract with her, promising to protect her, but she must help humans develop. Its original intention was to check and balance the witches in the spiritual world.

Edith has indeed helped humans kill a large number of high-risk witches. No wonder she later became a member of the Witch Countermeasures Bureau.

It's just the same. To this day, Edith's identity has caused natural disasters from demons, completely ruining mankind.

"Generalissimo?" After Zhang Su learned the inside story, his attention was not on the contract for the time being.

He wanted to see the Grand Marshal himself, whom he had never seen in his previous life.

The Grand Marshal is tough, brave, and very old. He has persisted in resisting demons for nearly a hundred years and has the courage to lead the entire earth to fight. He is definitely a hero among mankind.

However, such a tough guy, the toughest man in history, has no prestige and is unable to clean up the team, resulting in traitors everywhere in the organization and falling apart.

Many people just use the empty shell of the Human Defense Plan to do their own things and find ways to save themselves. They are not cast into a monolith.

There are many mysteries about the Generalissimo, and Zhang Su wants to see what such a person looks like.

However, there was no other sound here except the buzzing generator. Zhang Su took a few steps forward, feeling that only ghosts were keeping him company.

"Generalissimo? Generalissimo Shepard?" he called one last time in the empty corridor.

Then the sound in the room at the end became brighter.

"I'm here!" said the Generalissimo.

Zhang Su stepped over and saw a place that looked like a private office.

An artificial intelligence program is at work.

Its avatar is a mighty soldier in military uniform, with no medals on his body, because no one has a higher rank than the Grand Marshal, and no one is qualified to award him a medal.

It's exactly three o'clock in the afternoon.

"Our compatriots, we must not lose hope." The artificial intelligence shouted at regular intervals, repeating it loudly and in a sonorous tone.

Following its words, a radio announcement resounded throughout the city also came from the ground in the distance, motivating the empty gray and yellow streets.

The signal here can still be heard by human settlements. On distant planets, there are also human survivors who silently listen to the eternal signal from King's Castle, listening to the familiar, strong, and eternally harsh call.

"Even now, you have to keep fighting! Keep fighting! I didn't give up, so you can't give up either!"

On the desk lay a skeleton wearing the same military uniform with a bullet hole in his temple.

Zhang Su walked over to check and found that the Generalissimo had been dead for fifty years.

Zhang Su passed through the air-tight lock and returned to the moon base. The demons quickly escaped along the way and waited for the high-level demons to arrive before fighting Zhang Su.

A few defense soldiers were also in place, waiting to fight the demons on the moon. Their eyes were melancholy, and they obviously lacked confidence.

Zhang Su had mixed feelings with Edith's contract.

"With your help, we have hope to fight the devil." Zhang Su held Edith's contract in his hand, and it was very hot.

"Very good." Edith said, smiling at Zhang Su.

Lianwu stood guard nearby to prevent Edith from taking advantage of the chaos to kill or escape.

Edith was dressed neatly, just like she was the first day Zhang Su saw her.

Wearing a white shirt, black trousers, black silk stockings and red high heels, her long hair was tied into a single ponytail, her eyes were soft, secretive and endearing.

very nice. Zhang Su thought.

Lian Wu snorted.

"The contract stipulates that you must serve the human defense plan and cannot work for a third party. As long as you destroy the contract, you can help the surviving humans survive." Zhang Su checked the contract.

"Yes." Edith said softly, "I knew you would be able to help me get it back."

Looking at Edith's expectant eyes and Lian Wu's doubtful eyes, Zhang Su sighed, raised the contract, and prepared to destroy it.

"Be careful!" Lian Wu couldn't help but say, "..."

"The enemy has arrived at the door." Zhang Su held his hands.

Edith looked at Zhang Su intently, as if expecting something.

"Once the contract is destroyed... Edith will be completely free." Lian Wu felt that this could not be emphasized enough.

"Don't be afraid," said Edith. "Don't be afraid."

"I know, I believe you are telling the truth, otherwise, we would not be here today." Zhang Su used both hands to destroy this long-lasting contract.

Soul liberation.

Edith let out a whine of almost relief, and she laughed.

"Now that I...the last contract that controlled my soul has disappeared, I can do anything now," she said.

"!" Lianwu aimed the moon's magic power at Edith, ready to take action at any time.

"You saved my soul." Edith stood up, her body rapidly collapsing.

"Edis?!" Zhang Su rushed over and held her in his arms, feeling that there was no warmth on Edis' body.

Edith closed her eyes, her orifices were bleeding, but her expression was sincere.

A large amount of blood flowed from her body, and it floated into the air like red threads, weaving into a huge and complex pattern, like an inverted cross.

More blood threads are entangled with each other, constantly adding patterns and weight to it.

"Edith, this is...your essence..." Zhang Su opened his eyes wide.

Edith did not open her eyes, but answered softly in the bright blood.

"Yes, this is the true meaning of massacre. I have been preparing for this for a long time. Under the constraints of the oath, I cannot completely give up this power and transfer it to you, but now I am free. Listen to me, you will become a addict The devil of killing. The world is not just here to be slaughtered. We are not unique in the world, so the targets for the sword are endless. The mission of the mass murderer is to find the right weapon and imprint the true meaning of the slaughter on it. The endless hell is you Compared with unarmed mortals, demons are worthy prey. And slaughter also has a great effect. If you have ever seen a killing field, you will know that the most powerful demons can survive the slaughter. , so when the wind of slaughter passes through hell, the surviving demons will fear this power and walk behind the mass murderer. At that time, a new blood army will be established." Edith's body gradually melted.

"If you give up your power, isn't that death?" Zhang Su shouted, "I don't want you to die! I don't want this kind of power either!"

"...!" Lian Wu was also surprised.

"Look, I did it, Lianwu. Didn't I say that if you allow me to survive, I can let you win." Edith looked at Lianwu, "Now, I will never compete with you again. We can all be remembered, but only you can walk into his heart. My time is up and a new Slayer will turn hell upside down. You and I both win."

what about me? Zhang Su was shocked.

"!" Lian Wu reached out to hold Edith, but her body had melted into a pool of blood.

Lianwu's eyes flickered, that was not what she thought.

"I was destined to die, Lian Wu, you did see the abnormal reading. What it actually means is that I was not cured at all. Neither the magic potion nor the magic power of the sun nor Zhang Su's blood can reverse it. My annihilation. My injuries were too heavy. I was doomed the day I was rescued in the Scarlet Garden. But I had to give something before death. I know now that you love me." The blood cross flashed violently. , as Edith's body collapsed, the outline of the cross became clearer.

Her image gradually imprinted on the cross, her hands spread out, no longer suspended by her own power, but nailed to it, and finally she stepped back and became one with it.


"Goodbye. Now this proud power belongs to you and is used by you to complete the massacre, but it does not extend the blade to mortals, but to demons. You must become a mass murderer of demons." Edith's voice faded away.

Lianwu let out a whimper. This was not what she thought, not at all.

Zhang Su lowered his head, and pairs of blood lines appeared on his hands. Edith, did you really love me?

As if he was born with instinct, he raised his hand, formed a cross with two intertwined seven characters, and aimed at the group of demons outside the moon base that were about to move.

"The birth date is ruined."

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