Witch containment diary

Chapter 427 Completely Hunting Zhang Su

The space demons are gathering in orbit.

They come in all shapes and sizes, or take the form of twisted, abominable creatures, with rows of sharp teeth, tentacles, and hundreds of evil eyes. Or shaped like elegant star structures, like the fusion of comets, supernovae and deep space, it is shocking just to gaze at them. Or it may look like void and darkness, swallowing up all light and warmth, making it impossible to observe with the naked eye.

"Swallow the moon..."

"Eat humans...!"

"Absorb their fear of the sky..." The cosmic demon opened the portal and invited powerful demon killers to enter the world to hunt Zhang Su together.


"Welcome to you, Master..."

Chief among them is the Ebony King Cylonax, who strides into this space and enjoys the compliments of the demons.

In an instant, Sironax felt a distant killing intent.


Is Edith's power reborn?

After the battle in the Crimson Gardens, she was still alive, healed by humans, and now directing her malice towards these demons?

The Ebony King felt a strong murderous aura. If he didn't leave, he would be killed in a few seconds.

"With you here, and with demons like us who are proficient in space warfare, the human survivors will be eaten up and wiped clean!"


"The equation for victory has been calculated!"

"Fighting in space is easy, we have tried it no less than a thousand times!" the demons roared.

"How radiant your will is, it is enough to make you a great demon! Come on!" Ebony King Ceronax returned to the portal.


"Fight with us!" the space demons shouted, asking the Ebony King to hunt together.

"Cherish the opportunity to kill enemies and devour souls! If I were here, I would eat all the hard-won results. You little devils are the hope of the future of hell." King Ebony returned to hell.

Watching the powerful demons leave, the space demons in the orbit of the earth were very moved.

In the hell of mutual strife, such sincerity is rare.

After a while.

A silent reverberation passed by, like a sigh. There was only a flash of blood, and the demons were swept into the wind of massacre. They were instantly annihilated and disappeared without a trace, leaving no chance to resist.

On the lunar base, the human observers were shocked.

They were anxious because of the gathering of demons. When they saw the signal on the remote sensing radar, it disappeared instantly!

Throughout the high-altitude orbit, the demons disappeared without a trace, leaving only a desolate place, forming a bright red afterimage, trembling slightly like the beating flesh and blood in a wound.

The demonic remains crashed towards the ground, forming a spectacular meteor shower.

Killed so many demons in one moment?

"Who did this?"


"Why - why did those demons suddenly -"

What kind of power can penetrate the void, annihilate millions of demons, and bury them in endless darkness?

It took a long time for them to admit with lingering fear that the lunar base was once again stable.

The demons that once threatened space survivors have long since drowned in a sea of ​​blood. This scene is something that many of them cannot forget.

In the emergency nursing room, Zhang Su put down his hands and stood still.

Lianwu approached from behind, hugged Zheng's waist, tilted her head close to his broad back, and felt a sense of sadness.

"Ah..." Zhang Su felt the blood surging in his body, and the coolness brought by the lotus mist was particularly penetrating at this moment.

"Zhang Su..." Lian Wu looked up with tears in her eyes.

"Huh." Zhang Su took a deep breath, turned around and hugged Lian Wu to protect the love he still had left behind, "It's okay, isn't this great? We... we can go back soon, this Strength can help us turn defeat into victory. You see, we can counterattack and return to the ground step by step. The threat of the demons has been greatly weakened. Isn't this good? Lianwu, why are you unhappy? I feel very good now. a ha ha ha--!"

"...Ugh..." Lian Wu did not speak, but hugged Zhang Su tighter, wanting to bear his sorrow.

"The crisis has not been resolved, how can we have time to shed tears?" Zhang Su let go of Lian Wu, "Look at the demons all over the ground, they should be killed! They should be killed!"

He walked out without looking back, killing one wave, and another, endless.

Lianwu felt unable to swallow, so she picked up the moon rabbit and hugged it hard.

Yuehuaji stretched in Lianwu's arms and shook her ears.

"Ancestor, I used to hate Edith so much. I thought she was my biggest enemy." Lian Wu hugged Yue Rabbit and murmured to herself, "But she did such a thing again and was so generous. It makes me feel incredible. So I can't hesitate any longer, and I can't let Zhang Su be alone anymore. I have to be strong and take Edith's place."

Yuehua Ji stretched out and gently rubbed the hair on her cheeks against Lianwu's fingertips, which were as cold as glass at the bottom of a bowl.

"And I will help you get back everything we have." Yue Huaji said, "Even until the moon is full."

in the corridor.

The sleepy Zaohui was awakened by the sound of heavy footsteps. When he raised his head, he saw Zhang Su, who was full of blood and was walking out, looking particularly focused.

"There's going to be a fight, count me in." Saho grabbed the shadow cone and walked out.

But Zhang Su now exuded an unprecedented killing rage. She had a vision of Edith's power behind Zhang Su, like a blood cross. She couldn't help being frightened, and did not dare to stand side by side with Zhang Su. And go.

She brandished the weapon and went to the others to build a weapon for them all.

Hayao has been hanging around on Earth, and he also understands the importance of armor and weapons.

"Pick up your weapons, pick up your guns! Put on your combat uniform and polish the obsidian into a witch blade. The age of playing games is over. Let's go fight the devil!" Haoho greeted.

"Liluciel, you are the most beautiful creation in hell. I want to marry you."

Edith's voice was still in her ears, and Liluciel lay resting on the palace of the Maw of Fury.

The Blood Army was at war with many worlds at the same time, and she only had a moment to spare. The Blood Army is not the only force in Hell, it also needs to maintain its own territory, and Harnak is fighting for this.

She returned to her normal body shape and was more than ten meters tall. Many beautiful spirits magically transformed into the appearance of Edith, providing corresponding services for every corner of her hobby.

I want Addis, I want Addis back, no matter if I chase her to the end of the world.

All fairies are vulgar compared to Edith.

The destruction of Scarlet Garden made Liluciel feel uncomfortable. Many of those flowers were planted by Liluciel herself, but now they are covered by scorched earth.

"I want to be Edith's dog!" Liluciel roared, causing the palace to buzz and vibrate with echoes.

The fairies all dressed up as Edith, either with hair or ponytails. Clothing can be formal or casual.

Their eyes were either pity or contempt. Like a reflection of Edith in the past, Liluciel couldn't help but play with it.

"Edis, come back to me." Liluciel held up a beautiful spirit demon. She nestled in Liluciel's hand, hugged her fingers, her eyes were moving, "Oh, Edith, 伱You love me, have you ever loved me? How will you love me?"

The beautiful spirit demon looked at Liluciel silently and tenderly.

"'Vampire' Volas is here." A big bird-shaped evil demon crawled over, lowering its head and not daring to look directly at Liluciel.

"..." Liluciel lay on her side on her royal couch and waved her hands tiredly.

At this time, Volas had already been defeated once by Zhang Su in Southeast Asia. His body was smaller than in his heyday, and his armor and weapons were also damaged.

It knelt to the center of the palace and kowtowed before Liluciel.

The huge Liluciel was now more than three times the size of Volas, and was so powerful that it was so overwhelmed that it did not dare to move.

"The demons in the hunting team are ready. I want to join the army again to fight against Zhang Su." Volas was eager to take revenge. Many of his guards were killed by Zhang Su, and the servants around him were also killed. Disperse.

"How's the front line going?" Liluciel asked.

"The little devils were annihilated by a force similar to massacre." Volas lowered his head, "Their morale is wavering, and I want to pray for your promotion, just once, to increase the probability of turning defeat into victory."

Liluciel tasted Voras's emotions.

"The devil is starting to get scared," said Liluciel.

"Yes," Wallas admitted.

"Why? Why did Edith do this? Standing on the side of humans and attacking with the power of massacre. Does Edith hate me so much? Edith, when are you willing to come back..." Lilucier Read silently.

"..." Wallas remained silent.

"Humanity's fear created us." Liluciel looked down at Volas, who was cowering on his knees, "Then let me ask you, what will the devil's fear create?"

"My subordinate... I have never thought about it," Wallas said.

"The more afraid intelligent life is, the more noble its status in hell. And now you actually feel a little bit of terror about this power of massacre, and are afraid of being killed by Zhang Su. Is that so? As everyone knows, your fear will definitely give birth to a Create a more deadly power! Haha...haha, Edith wants to use this method to scare us." Liluciel narrowed her eyes.

"Zhang Su only relies on the power of Qi Jin, but we can implant Qi Jin's reaction organ to completely digest this power. Every powerful demon in the Blood Army's hunting team has it, and we will not be afraid of it. Zhang Su’s,” Wallas said.

Liluciel raised her hand and blessed it with a magic upgrade.

Wollas suddenly felt that the power under his muscles began to grow, and an extraordinary evil supported its size. Under its skin, a brand new power began to appear. Its structure was broad and complex, and it synthesized many types of materials. It is enough to absorb shock and shock waves, swallow them completely and then return them.

It felt its power grow exponentially, even higher than before. As long as one or two handy weapons are found in the arsenal of the Maw of Fury, Zhang Su's so-called energy can be completely defeated.

"Thank you, Lord Liluciel. Now, Zhang Su's end has come." An evil light lit up in front of Voras's eyes.

"Bring Edith back," Liluciel said, almost begging, "No matter what you do, please, just bring her back."

"We will win." Wallas turned and left.

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