Witch containment diary

Chapter 428 The power of the mass murderer

After a while, most of the portals were opened, and a new demon army was re-projected into orbit and attacked the moon and the "other side" residential station.

The battle that decided life and death began. Natsuki fumbled with the electromagnetic buckle on the witch's armor, her hands trembling a little.

The protective equipment was very heavy, which made her feel a little unfamiliar, and the skin was not exposed to the sun, which gave her a sense of restraint. But if you want to operate in the vacuum outside the lunar base, such armor is indispensable.

Saho and Baku seemed much more relaxed. Saho had more combat experience. Baku had an innate destructive personality and was wearing armor. At this time, he just nodded to Natsuki in a relaxed manner.

The alarm whined, shaking Natsuki, who was dizzy. She stumbled and followed Haoho. Her armor was white, like the morning sun.

"Look, we are almost at the residence station." Hayao was leading the way, and the spacecraft dropped them into space. "The movement here is three-dimensional. Pay attention, the three of us have to form an attack triangle. The explosion will hit us. Two on the flanks.”

"Oh." Natsuki floated in space, the armor's thrusters providing a moving speed of 300 kilometers per hour. It seems too slow for space and too fast for an individual. Once she hesitates, Haoho and Bakubo will instantly throw her away, leaving Natsuki alone in the black space.

The stars are beautiful, and although the earth in space is covered in bruises, it still feels majestic with boundless mountains and rivers. Under such a grand scene, Natsuki saw a large black cloud approaching, and they were all demons.

"We don't have rockets or spaceships to send away the people on the residential station. If we are beaten away by the demons, they will be doomed." Hayho held the shadow cone, "So let us beat the demons away and stand up for once. Great job!"

"I can't fight." Natsuki held the magic blade in his hand. The handle was made of captured demon equipment. It was so black that it was indistinguishable from the deep space background. Once lost, it could not be retrieved.

"It's easy to fight!" Hayao yelled, "Now let's disperse!"

Hayho spins. In space, if there is no strong light, there will be no shadow. Her shadow magic is difficult to use, so she must play by ear.

"I'll charge into the battle." Bamboo piloted the black mecha, holding the long knife across his hand. The spikes on the black beast's back popped out, like a real Warcraft baring its teeth and claws.

She rushed into the attacking demon group in one breath, and a series of fireworks-like explosions erupted from them, followed by countless knife shadows scattered out, defeating all the demons she encountered.

Scattered demons will break through and fly to me, so stop them. Natsuki thought instinctively.

She poured magic power into the magic blade in her hand, causing it to pop out with a buzzing sound and turn into a lightsaber.

Fight against the witch and show off your blade!

"Roar!" The three smooth demons deftly penetrated the explosive attack and rushed towards Natsuki.

She continued to stop to avoid a direct collision with the demon in the deep space. It was a swollen, strong space demon, and its whip-like tail whipped out faster than Natsuki could blink, hitting the armor in an instant.

Armor integrity reduced by 13%. Natsuki heard the emotionless electronic system broadcast, and she felt a huge force penetrating her body. She flew out upside down, as if she was roaming in space.

Natsuki really doesn't know how to fight. Even after training and guidance, she can't apply fighting skills as smoothly as a natural warrior. It seems that she was not born to do this kind of thing, so she stumbles.

"She won't resist!"

"Kill her!" The three demons screamed. They were like strange stars separated from the abyss. They moved quickly through space without any hindrance and attacked Natsuki one after another.

Evil energy blasts, heavy blows, curses, and several rounds of demonic spells were bombarded, and before Natsuki could fight back, she was already beaten to a pulp in deep space.

Armor integrity reduced by 8%.

Armor integrity dropped below 50%.

Oxygen begins to leak.

"Kill her!"

"Follow me!" the demons roared.


Natsuki vaguely heard Saho yelling.

"Natsuki!" Saho shouted again, "You damn! Hit me!"

Hayao cursed again. Natsuki thought vaguely. Hayho... was anxious. She seemed to disappear. In the distance, demons surrounded Bafang and attacked her crazily.

A demon jumped on Natsuki, pierced the armor with its tail, and grabbed Natsuki's helmet with both hands, preparing to take it off. Natsuki looked dimly at the demon in front of her, her thoughts still immersed in a golden light.

"Roar!" The space demon used its claws to peel off Natsuki's helmet, and a spike protruded from its vicious head, instantly piercing Natsuki's head and killing her.

"Natsuki!" Saho yelled.

Natsuki fell down along with her armor, floating in deep space.

"Ouch!" The universe demon opened its bloody mouth and swallowed Natsuki's soul.

Darkness engulfed Natsuki, and her senses disappeared. Her mind was numb, and some similar contents were repeatedly shown: walking under the golden light, lying on the open space of Anxin Hospital, or chasing the direction of the sunrise, or flying up to the sky to meet the sun. Become one.

Is this... death?

There is no limit to the sea of ​​​​the underworld. Natsuki raised one leg and immersed herself in it, but she could not feel the chill of the sea of ​​​​styx.


"...How can you kill the light?" Natsuki opened her eyes.

Fiery flames erupted from the demon's body. Even Natsuki could feel the heat at such a close place.

The demon was blasted to pieces around her, as if a new life hatched from the eggshell, and Natsuki also broke free from the demon's bloody mouth.

Her form is now enveloped in a soft beam of pure sunlight. Hayao couldn't tell it was Natsuki and was still sobbing.

Then, the brilliance became striking, like a tiny candle suddenly burning into a newborn star.

In an instant, Natsuki penetrated the entire enemy group, and the thousands of demons felt a white light blazing in front of them, and their whole bodies suddenly ignited with smoke.

"what is that?"

"Roar!" The demons roared in despair as they looked at their melted bodies.

In Natsuki's completely bright form, her body is hot enough to melt the alloy into a liquid state. The smaller demons boil and explode in an instant, and the shadow-like evil spirits are expelled by the light.

Flashing, flashing again, Natsuki's incandescent light traveled through the demons, like lightning, smelting hundreds of demons clean with each slash, and the enemies she came into contact with were immediately burned without any hesitation.

"Natsuki! Natsuki!" Hayho shouted, while watching Natsuki shuttle freely among the waves of demon attacks, while flying towards the fallen body in the air, "Are you dead or alive?"

"The demons have been wiped out!" Bafang was originally surrounded by a group of demons, but in an instant he found that the beam penetrated the demonic tide and burned a large area to death. There were countless surprises, "Natsuki!"

"What are you shouting?" A big black demon flew over quickly, wrapped in thick ebony armor.

"Ah, Ebony King!" Hayho checked the database and discovered the existence of this demon. It is an important ally of the Blood Army and its strength belongs to the strongest among the demon warlords. "Let's retreat quickly!"

"Run!" Zhizhang distanced himself.

"Good stuff." King Ebony was overjoyed when he saw the commanding blade in Zhazhao's hand, and rushed to Zhazhao's side as quickly as possible.

So happy! Bakubo was shocked. Through a simple measurement, she found that the speed of the Ebony King was more than five times faster than hers, and there was no chance to dodge.

"What a knife! I'm willing to hand it over to a weak witch." King Ebony grabbed the sword in Zhizhi's hand.

"I'll blow you up!" Bakubo unleashed the annihilation magic in his body with all his strength.

In conjunction with the command sword, the surrounding space exploded instantly, forming an annihilation stance with extremely short distance and infinite power!

Ebony King Ceronax was always cautious and did not dare to take risks. He immediately escaped a thousand meters away and felt the fiery explosion around him.

What a terrifying power of annihilation, the Ebony King secretly thought, it is pure tearing power.

"I'll kill you!" Hayho rushed over from behind with a shadow cone.

"Shadow Witch, but there is no shadow." The Ebony King saw the shadow cone and instantly recognized the source, "What is your relationship with the Shadow Witch?"

"None of your business!" Halfway through the rush, Hayho suddenly took out the "gravity ray emission device", a powerful weapon hidden in his armor, "Times have changed!"

She pulled the trigger, and after cracking, the weapon could be used by her. The red light flashed, and a powerful ray burst out, heading straight towards the Ebony King.

"Do you think I can't avoid it or something?" King Ebony dodged instantly.

"Ah this." Hayho realized that he was indeed too weak in space.

"Heh." The Ebony King crossed 2 kilometers in one breath and knocked Hayho away with a snap of his fingers.

"Uh-huh - I'm dead..." Hayho rolled in space, the integrity of his armor reduced by 70%.

"I'm not welcome." King Ebony rushed to the space station "over there". The dense population is what the devil loves.

Natsuki moved in front of the Ebony King. At this time, she completely transformed into light, shaped like a bright spark, and a corona lit up above her head. This was her strongest form.

"Too weak!" King Ebony punched out, and Natsuki resisted with all his strength, feeling tremendous pressure at the moment of contact.

If he forcibly blocks the attack of the Ebony King, I am afraid that this burst of sunshine will also be extinguished! Natsuki was forced to avoid it.

The Ebony King looked at the fragile Natsuki, the defeated Saho and the powerless Bakubo next to him, and nodded.

"In this case, the time is ripe." A smile appeared on King Ebony's face.

"Your opponent is me." Zhang Su suddenly appeared, "Xia Xi, you all go back."

"Oh!" Saho was knocked out of the air and had already drifted ten kilometers away, but after detecting the teacher's signal, he still cheered for him.

Natsuki nodded and escaped to support Hayho and Bakubo.

"This punch is 4,500 powerful, how do you want to receive it?" Zhang Su stared at the Ebony King, and the Martial God behind him suddenly swung a heavy fist and hit the devil hard.

"Just take it like this!" The Ebony King remained calm as he raised his fist to catch the heavy blow from the God of War.


The energy was poured into a layer of ebony wood armor on the outside of the Ebony King's body. After the intense vibration, it was all swallowed up and converted into streams of energy.

"Do you think you can dominate the world with just one kind of energy?" King Ebony smiled grimly.

Zhang Su suddenly felt that all the space doors around him were opening, and the demons tore open the cracks and appeared one after another.

"Vampire" Volas, the Great Executioner Saratur, the Great Demon of Flame Hell Infilia, and the Conqueror Sifron, four elite demon warlords appeared one by one, all armed with anti-qi demons. Organs, holding weapons and demonic treasures.

"Tell Liluciel and Hanak to get out." Zhang Su snorted coldly.

"You are arrogant enough." "Vampire" Voras smiled, "Are you worthy of meeting the Massacre's bride, Lord Liluciel?"

"Open your eyes and look again! Don't I look like a mass murderer?" Zhang Su shouted loudly, and the blood cross on his body bloomed.

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