Witch containment diary

Chapter 430 Drinking Coke on the Moon

The essence of Qi Jin is the cosmic energy drawn from the breath.

And Zhang Su is now placed in the universe, directly drawing endless power from deep space, and condensing it above the moon to form a vortex with extremely strong gravity.

After the natural disaster, Zhang Su tried to develop this "vortex energy". He had also used this technique to attack demons near the training ground with great success.

It rotates at high speed, swallowing and lifting everything around it like a circular tornado, absorbing all the surrounding sand and dust.

This power——! Wallas struggled to resist.

It was originally hit hard by Zhang Su, but now it is not in its prime, and it has gradually lost control of its body.

It was captured by the storm formed by thousands of energies, and its body quickly flew towards it. It was firmly sucked into it, and its body began to constrict and crush, forming a ball shape.

Zhang Su continued to compress the stone ball, and everything around the ball solidified and expanded, as if creating a barren stone star out of thin air.

Under the influence of gravity, its demonic skeleton was gradually unable to support this weight, and its internal structure also burst into pieces!

Volas's body was crushed into it, and demons in the distance could hear the terrifying sound of Volas being crushed to death and crushed to pieces!


Volas was finally crushed alive, like a pierced balloon, and countless demonic residues splashed out. The fragments of his black body were closely attached to the lunar soil and rocks, making it indistinguishable from each other!

"If you attack the moon again, you will end up like this." Zhang Su smashed the stone ball to the ground and looked into the universe.

The Ebony King Cyronax and the Great Executioner Saratur looked at each other and opened the portal to retreat. Edith gave her power to Zhang Su in some form, which will greatly affect the future of Hell.

The five demons have retreated.

Zhang Su felt the hot blood power all over his body.

Moon, saved.

The survivors of humans and witches were protected.

The enemy who betrayed you also learned a lesson.

What's your comment this time? Can I still feel your scent and body heat again? Zhang Su silently stared at the afterimage of Edith in his heart. She said nothing, just a vague phantom of the past.

Moon base.

People also worked hard outside Zhang Su's main battlefield, repelling the attacks of scattered little devils besides the big devil, consuming a lot of ammunition, and achieved a hard-won victory.

After learning about Zhang Su's victory, their morale increased significantly.

"Now we are winning victory over the devil again and again!"

"That guy Zhang Su... is incredibly strong."

"In this case, maybe we can return to Earth!"

What followed was the post-war celebration.

Hayao changed out of her witch armor and put on black tights, and looked in the mirror to congratulate herself for surviving another day.

The dumplings also got bigger. Saho held up his treasures in the mirror and took them into new shapes. He thought it was fun. They would probably come in handy in the future, otherwise why would they grow so big on purpose?

Okay, go and congratulate. Saho was dressed neatly, tied her hair into pigtails, and went out humming a song.

She stepped out of the shadows into the raucous activity taking place in the dining hall. I habitually stood in the shadows and watched the base personnel happily celebrate their survivors.

On the other side of the room, Miss Renwu came out holding Natsuki's hand. Saho saw Natsuki's shining hair and walked over in three steps at a time.

"You're resurrected!" Saho was surprised and happy.

"I want to become light." Natsuki couldn't move at human speed.

"..." Lianwu knocked Natsuki on the head.

She used the female field rotation to create a new body for Natsuki, which was almost like a pottery figurine and material. Natsuki originally didn't like being bound by a body, preferring to turn into light and fly around, so Lianwu guessed that her hard work would be abandoned in the future.

"Isn't it good to be a beautiful girl?" Hayho stretched out her hand and pinched Natsuki's cheek.

"Not good." Natsuki wanted to travel through the universe at a speed of 290,000 meters per second.

"I feel good." Zhazhang left the mecha and stood by the porch wearing baggy regular clothes.

"It's a pity that plants can't move in space, otherwise I would attack with you. No, I want to cultivate plants that can fight in space and build plant battleships. That would leave a deep impression on people." Qing Xiao walked into the hall.

"Hey." Hayho heard the sound of soda being opened, "Is there unlimited supply of drinks and meat?"

Lianwu stretched out a finger. In one hour, everyone can only eat freely for one hour. People still cannot waste it at will before the next supply arrives.

"Drink a Coke!" Hayho went to line up at the drink machine.

"Because so many people have died, the living should celebrate life more enthusiastically, right?" Fangzhuang looked around keenly. She was getting older and was no longer a little kid.

Xia Xil was thoughtful after hearing what he said.

Indeed, so many lives have been wiped out, especially those on earth, and so many ghosts seem to appear before our eyes, appearing at this moment, lingering and expressing hatred.

"I'm here to scare these self-righteous people." He clapped his hands together, making a sound like firecrackers exploding.

Many of the celebrating soldiers and civilian staff were startled, while Biaobo quickly turned around and avoided their sight, his eyes shining with the joy of success.

Natsuki was puzzled by this confusing behavior, but Saho understood it very well. She pushed aside a few people who did not dare to argue with her, rushed to the front row, and returned with a large glass of Coke.

"We won!" Saho happily gave them a warm hug, bent down and hugged Bakubo in his arms, and then hugged Natsuki, "Would you have believed this kind of thing half a day ago? I saw a lot of People are still writing suicide notes. Now we - we have a great victory!"

"Is it easy to win?" Qing Xiao asked from the side. "For a long time, I have felt that human civilization has been suppressed and beaten, like being pinned to the ground and being arbitrarily violated. Now there is a chance of winning. If future historians record At this point, they would say today is the turning point."

"How should I put it? Teacher Dasu has become stronger but also sad, while Natsuki has become a non-human being. Maybe this is more conducive to combat." said Saho.

"That's not necessarily true. There are still benefits to being a witch, but there are also disadvantages to turning into a strange shape or pure sunlight." Qing Xiao said, "You may gain a temporary advantage by not being a human, but a devil has not been a human for a long time."

"And dad seems unhappy." Zhazhu said, "I'm going to find him."

"A man will be happy if he has Coke, give him this." Saho thought for a moment, then blew up the Coke he finally got in line.

"I'll be right back." Zhazhang put on his armor and went to find Zhang Su.

"Put the Coca-Cola into the cold storage box." Lydia, the armored ghost, said.

"I don't." Zhazhu rebelled.

Holding the open Coke in her hand, she walked through the dangerous crowd like a Holy Grail, carefully leaving the base and drifting across the barren lunar surface, flying six or seven meters with each step, the gravel ground crunching under her boots.

She found Zhang Su's tall and lonely figure standing on the edge of the crater, staring at the desolate and beautiful lunar terrain.

Seen from a distance, he is still tall and tall, with broad shoulders and long hair that has not been cut for a long time hanging down in the still moon air.

Zhibang felt a hint of sadness from her father.

Even if the father can save the world alone, this power comes at the cost of the annihilation of the people he loves... Bangbang probably knows what happened. She is also sensitive to death and sees the power of annihilation expanding along Edith's body. , and also knew that that power would kill her sooner or later.

It's just that miracles have happened so many times in the past, but now they have not happened to Edith.

As he climbed up to the cone mouth of the crater and approached Zhang Su, he did not turn around, immersed in the reminiscences of the good times.

He is tall and majestic. No building, machine or material in the world can compare with this body. After many times of destruction and reconstruction, the scars left by past battles have disappeared, replaced by traces of molten fire forged by the high temperature of the earth's core.

Zhazhao and Zhang Su stood together, silent for the time being. The connection between them was deep and usually no words were needed.

So they were there together, as if commemorating the eternal night of the moon, and the desolate and beautiful moonlight spread into a silver ocean in front of them.

Zhang Su's eyes were still staring into the depths of the crater, as if he was seeing something that Zhazhao couldn't see.

"Here you go." Zhazhuo raised the Coke in his hand, "Haasui gave it to you."

She believed Coke was the cure-all for all things.

Zhang Su picked up the cup and turned it around. There was nothing inside.

"Oh." Zhazhuo saw that the Coke was gone, no wonder he felt something was wrong on the way here.

"The Coke disappeared." Zhang Su squatted down.

"I didn't drink secretly." Zhazhu defended.

"I know, I'm not drinking secretly, it's because the air pressure here is too low."

"Air pressure?" Zhazhang didn't understand.

"Do you still remember what was said in the popular science program that on the plateau, water cannot be boiled because of the low air pressure? When it reaches 80 degrees Celsius, water evaporates. And the moon has no air at all, so the water disappears like fog. , there is no water in a vacuum, water vapor and carbon dioxide will only disappear into space..." Zhang Su said.

"It turns out that the Coke disappeared within a few seconds once it was taken out of the base." Zhazhuo said frustratedly.

That was the Coke that Zaho had only queued up to get. Just because Zhibo held it while walking in the open air of the moon, the Coke disappeared without a trace. She was a little ashamed. Never thought that opening a Coke on the moon would lead to its demise.

"Yes. You don't seal it. You hold it in your hand. It boils quickly and the carbonation comes out. There's only syrup left here, and it's almost gone."

"The moon is very strange." He missed the earth.

"It used to look cold from a distance, but it's actually very hot. The surface temperature is more than a hundred degrees Celsius, but you're wearing armor, so you can't feel it." Zhang Su sat next to Bafang. It seems like this is just a little science experiment, an interesting father-daughter dialogue.

"Oh, Dad, am I stupid..." Zhazhu was frustrated.

"Many wise men have made countless mistakes in these ten years. It is useless to measure this now." Zhang Su said.

Bangbang realized that Zhang Su didn't look at her when he spoke.

"Dad, your heart aches." Zhazhuo said.

Zhang Su looked at the withered scenery on the moon and was speechless for a long time.

"There are still many things I want to do, but I feel tired. Even if the devil is killed, he will only be reborn in hell and come back. The little devils will become big devils, and the big devils will become overlords. This kind of thing will happen in hell. It keeps happening, killing endlessly, and multiplying endlessly. Even if you set out to kill demons, it's like a drop in the bucket. Is human power really no match for magical powers and heaven? I'm thinking, bomb, I'm thinking about this question. And I I feel that I will never find the answer. I am good at answering other people's confusions, but my own questions and answers are still limited," Zhang Su said.

Fangbang thought for a while.

She raised her hand, and the power in her hand condensed into a dangerous little flower. Then, it turned into a flying phoenix, rising from nothingness and reborn even after being knocked down.

"Devils feed on fear." Zhazhang looked up at the sunrise on the moon. The sun looked extremely dazzling, almost blinding. "Then the devil himself is afraid?"

"I'll be scared." Zhang Su said.

"Then who wouldn't be afraid? What wouldn't be afraid of demons?" Zhazhuo asked.

"Robot." Zhang Su said.

"Then let's build a lot of robots to fight the demons and destroy them." Bakubo looked up.

"Manufacturing requires technology." Zhang Su said.

"Quantum Bodhisattva Meeting."

“Making requires materials.”

"The entire earth is material, and all demons are material." Biaobo said loudly, "Become the god of the new world, use your genes to create the original body, produce indestructible clone warriors, and let people have faith in you. Let this faith become a spear that pierces through hell. No one can stop us now. We blow hell away!"

That's right. Zhang Su knew this was the right idea. They need reconstruction, technology, unity, and loyalty.

At this time, the scorching sun was shining on the moon.

Zhang Su stood up and blocked the scorching sun for Bakubo.

"These words are not based on your thoughts." Zhang Su said.

"Lalalalal." Zhazhu blinked.

"Of course, these insights actually come from your comrades, from a bloodthirsty ghost who cares about you very much. This kid knows nothing and even wasted the Coke supply on the moon." Armor Ghost Lydia said, "Let's go back now, It’s time to give your blessings to the brave new world.”

Zhang Su smiled softly, raised the bomb and returned to the base.

"Then let's go." Zhang Su said calmly.

"Dad, you were staring at the bottom of the crater just now. What were you looking at?" Zhabang asked.

"That's my old self." Zhang Su said.

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