Witch containment diary

Chapter 431 The new master of the Blood Army

After being defeated by Zhang Su for the second time, "Vampire" Volas was reborn in the abyss of hell. After being crushed by Zhang Su, Volas lost his original powerful demon body.

Now it floats in a burning whirlpool, almost invisible.

Volas felt that his body was tough enough, even if it was crushed, it would leave a lot of remnants, but it was a pity that there was no chance to regain them.

It stumbled out of the sea of ​​fire.

The failure made it suffer the bitter consequences of its fall.

The first defeat cost Voras the title of Legion Commander.

The second defeat caused him to retreat from his position as a great demon, and he was reborn as a strong legion demon, nothing more.

There is only a hint of revenge and rage left in its twisted consciousness, without the evil thoughts of fangs and claws.

There is no blood and no noise.

The only thing left in Volas's mind was the thought of revenge against Zhang Su, the man who turned a powerful demon warlord into the pitiful creature he is today...

It roared in torment.

At this time, it smelled a familiar scent, coming from an unfamiliar material.

Then, a face gradually appeared in front of its dim sight.

Both cute and serious, its lieutenant is the beautiful spirit demon, Rika.

"Lord Voras..." Rika whispered.

She stared at Wallas's newly frail body with a little pity in her fiery eyes.

"You——" Volas felt angry at this contempt and raised his paw, "are you looking for death?!"

Rika knelt on the ground and begged for mercy.

"..." Wallas narrowed his eyes, not knowing what she would do in this hell full of betrayal.

"Don't be afraid, sir." Lika said seriously, "Hell is endless. Sooner or later we will have a way to practice again. Your power has always been revered by the demons. Even if you lose your power now, you can get it back again."

"Lika..." Voras used his paws to support the ground and slowly stood up.

It stared at its now much more fragile body, its skin had become thinner, its claws had become shorter, and its majestic horns had turned into a pair of inconspicuous curved horns.

It is still capable of lifting a house, or unleashing demonic energy to blow up an entire town.

However, the previous power to soar through the universe and fight with Zhang Su is now out of reach.

To return to the original state through cultivation is as difficult as ascending to heaven.

"Let's leave now. The Abyss cannot accommodate us." Voras turned and left.

"The demons in your palace have evil intentions. We can't go back and pack our things." Rika knelt on the ground and bowed to Volas. "I took away the rest of your treasures. We can only find a weak one." The dimension or territory has gone through the most difficult days, and I will stay with you until everything returns to normal."

"Vampire" Volas stared at the several belongings and demonic treasures on the scorched earth, draped them on himself, and then looked at Lika.

If you hide it, you may be able to regain some of your strength after thousands of years of hard work...

"No, let's go to the Throat of Fury." Volas breathed out a ball of fire and used demonic magic to summon a magic sword. "The Blood Army needs me."

"But they will never grant you the position of army commander!" Lika said hurriedly, "Those contemptuous trash have no idea about your potential! Why do you still want to join the Blood Army?"

"Lika, you follow me like this, don't you just fancy my majesty that will win? The first two times failed, but the third time, the third time I will definitely get back a hundredfold from Zhang Su." Wallas unfolded Wings, curling up Rika with its tail, flying towards the Throat of Fury.

"Next time, I will definitely celebrate the joy of victory for you." Rika looked intoxicated, her eyes almost pious.

Defeat Zhang Su, win back honor, and regain your territory in hell. Wallas muttered silently and left his home.

Down below, the legion demons realized that Voras was defeated and quickly descended into a bloody civil war that would determine the region's new warlord.

A few hours later.

The Throat of Fury is the domain of the Blood Host, home to the Brazen Palace of the Massacre.

The land is torn apart by endless fires, lava-spewing volcanoes, and black canyons.

There are disorganized military camps everywhere, in which either Blood Army soldiers are being trained, or prisoners plundered from all over the world will be carefully trained for breeding, selling, transforming or killing for fun.

Volrath flew over the territory, where Morgrath the Ebon Blade was stationed by the Order of Massacre guarding the entrance.

"The Throat of Fury" lives up to its name, and there is only one passage leading to the Brass Palace, guarded by Morgrath.

The wilderness in front of it is filled with large and small mechanical wreckage, wrecked ships, discolored magic weapons, giant beast bones and demon fragments.

All the intruders who tried to gain access to the Brass Palace throughout the ages were killed by Morgrath.

Noticing it, Morgrath couldn't help barking.

"Zhang Su is really so powerful that he defeated your carefully crafted hunting team?" Moglas's four heads were grounded, and the black beast's head was raised to the sky.

"It shows the true meaning of massacre. In the future, you will serve mortals, no different than a watchdog." Volas roared, "If Zhang Su is not defeated, you will all beg for mercy at the feet of mortals!"

"If he wants to enter the Brass Palace, he must pass my test first!" Morgrath barked.

Volas arrived at the Brass Palace with no intention of chatting.

At this time, Salatur the Executioner and Seronax the Ebony King had arrived.

Liluciel lay on the giant couch, enjoying the comfort of the beautiful demons, and at the same time listened to the cause and effect.

"Voras, and you." Liluciel noticed that Voras had become weaker after rebirth.

Wallas stood humbly at a distance, barely closer than the servant.

"Come here." Liluciel waved, "Defeat is not scary to the devil. You still have your soul, and that's enough."

"Thank you for your grace." Wallas was pleasantly surprised.

Liluciel was indeed a qualified leader of the Blood Army and did not criticize herself harshly. It's very satisfying.

Volas walked forward, used his claws to drive away the blind demon servants, stood by the pillar, and saluted Liluciel respectfully.

"We saw Edith's true intentions in Zhang Su. This is absolutely true." Wallas added the evidence.

"Yes, only Edith herself can turn defeat into victory from your siege." Liluciel pondered, "The matter has come to this, and we need to reconsider how to deal with this problem."

"You mean..." Ebony King inferred, and it was not difficult to understand Liluciel's thoughts, "-to welcome the new mass murderer?"

"This power will lead the Blood Army forward, and maybe it will bring the Blood Army to a stronger position. Even if Zhang Su's strength is bound to Edith, he will not be able to run rampant in hell, but with the help of the Blood Army, we will recover With their proud status in the past, the border princes will not dare to compete with us for the dimension." Liluciel said.

They all nodded. Now Harnak is fighting the neighboring demon lord, and the outcome is unknown.

The Blood Army needs a leader to restore its glory, and apart from Zhang Su, who inherits the true meaning of massacre, there is no other candidate.

"The next dimension is a vast world filled with mountains, seas and strange creatures. Under the guidance of the new mass murderer, we can completely capture it and rebuild glory from the burning ashes." Liluciel murmured, But he was a little depressed, "——Unfortunately, I still miss Edith."

"Edith has passed away, but her spirit is reflected in Zhang Su. For this reason, we can hold our noses and serve mortals." Salatur suggested.

"And I saw with my own eyes that Zhang Su beat up the duplicitous Flame Prison Infilia." King Ebony added.

"What?" Liluciel asked.

"It attacked the conqueror Sifron, causing Sifron to be surrounded and killed by his men as soon as he was reborn. After his death, the song still echoed in its territory. Undoubtedly, Zhang Su is as accustomed to punishing betrayal as Lady Edith, and it has There is a certain spirit of Edith left, maybe Edith has been influencing his thoughts." The Ebony King said.

It is indeed Edith's style not to tolerate betrayal...

"I have to see him with my own eyes and test his quality." Liluciel pondered, "Ever since I put on the wedding dress, I was destined to marry the mass murderer. In the end, maybe who the mass murderer is it is not important."


The door was blasted open, and the demons turned their heads in surprise.

They saw Harnak, the incarnation of Carnage, stepping in, carrying the heads of two demon princes and a demon overlord.

Harnak stared at Liluciel and the other demons on both sides. Except for Liluciel, the other demons trembled.

"I smell the breath of weakness. The fear of Zhang Su has been built up in you, and this fear will feed it." Hanak roared, stepping forward, the brass armor trampling the ground, causing the world to shake. .

"You were too arrogant when you said 'you'. Do you think I..." Liluciel was displeased.

"It's you!" Hanak rushed to the throne and raised his iron fist wrapped in brass armor. "My talents and martial arts are ten times stronger than those of the impostor. I am the new mass murderer!"

Liluciel frowned and stared at Harnak.

The role model of the legion that she personally raised has now turned into a power-loving madman due to his arrogance!

The death of Edith made Liluciel deeply sad, and she had no intention of fighting now.

"I will not fight with you in the Brass Palace, that will only make Hell look down on the Blood Army. As the bride of the Massacre, I will wait quietly for the real strong man to lift my veil." Lilu Hill put on the black veil and left the throne, allowing Harnak to transform it back into the form of the Brass Throne.

"Take her into the dungeon," Harnak commanded contentedly, sitting on his brass throne.

The other demons looked at Liluciel with sympathy. She had been maintaining the survival of the Blood Army since Edith left. Whether she promoted Harnak or finally killed Edith, everything was for the prosperity of the Blood Army. and unity.

Wallas, for his part, sensed an opportunity to perform in front of the new master of the Brass Palace.

It thought of the lost territory, the lost magic weapon, and Rika.

Volas roared forward and thrust his sword at Liluciel.

There is no way this sword can hit, there is a huge gap between the two.

Liluciel always comes with a shield, invincibility and a hundred dodges, and doesn't bother to activate solemn defense.

However, Harnak used its eyes to stare at Volas's weapon, making this ordinary sword become magical, and instantly turned into a sharp blade with invincible penetrating performance, piercing Liluciel in an instant.

"You——" Liluciel stared at the wounds on her body, waiting for Harnak to punish her for this betrayal.

but none.

"The dungeon is your destination." Volas used his giant sword to hang up Liluciel and take her away.

It also deliberately patrolled Liluciel's fate in front of the demon general outside the palace. Volas knew the move would win it back trust and status.

Zhang Su buried Edith on the moon.

His face looked toward the earth, as if he were sinking his spirit into the beautiful sea.

As his shoes stepped on the lunar soil, Zhang Su knew that he was not alone. Without turning around, he knew that the four children were approaching. They united to witness Edith's funeral with him.

Xia Xi looked at Zhang Su. His face was clear-cut and discerning, and his expression was calm, showing no hint of piercing sadness or fatigue.

"..." The clothes Zhang Su wore while hugging Edith seemed to still retain the warmth of her chest.

The moon is ancient and scarred, struck by meteors and debris billions of times over the years, and Edith's tomb looks dwarfed against the barren landscape.

Zhang Su had already prepared the tomb and buried Edith's clothes.

He picked up the shovel and put a handful of dirt into it.

But for some reason, he couldn't put down the second shovel, and couldn't personally leave the traces of Edith's existence in the 4 billion-year history of the moon.

"Hoo ho." Zaosui came over and helped Zhang Su with the second and third shovels until Edith was buried and buried.

Zhang Su closed his eyes and then opened them again.

He squatted down and set up a tombstone made of a cross for Edith, which consisted of two seven characters. Deep in the crack was a heart-shaped glass bead, which contained Zhang Su's blood. He hoped that a part of himself and Edith stayed here forever to witness the view of the stars and the moon.

Zhang Su held a moment of silence for Edith.

"It's time to go." Hayho turned around.

"..." Natsuki, Zhazhang, Qingxiao and Mayumi each patted Zhang Su or held one of his hands to show their support.

Zhang Su nodded and returned to the moon base.

Halfway there, he couldn't help but look back and caught a glimpse of the sacrilegious inverted cross.

It stands on the pale moon desert, commemorating Edith's extraordinary life. Against the background of the growing twilight, it reflects the afterglow of the setting sun, as if burning with bright light, allowing him to keep this scene forever in his heart. .

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