Witch containment diary

Chapter 432 Making a Demonic Machine

Zhang Su trains in the floating sky.

He remembered that the ancients called the high place in the sky Jiuxiao, but now, he has stepped on Jiuxiao under his feet.

The vacuum is more suitable for looking up at than for living in. There are countless half-dark and half-bright stars hanging in the distant world.

Without the protection of the earth's atmosphere and geomagnetic field, Zhang Su was like a baby out of the cradle, bathed in high-intensity radiation from solar wind and cosmic rays.

Since there was no air pressure outside, the liquid in Zhang Su's body would have boiled and exploded like that cup of Coke.

But now, he has tempered his physical form to the point where it can no longer be measured by common sense, and normal medical technology cannot be effective.

It's so quiet. Zhang Su closed his eyes. They sound so clear.

With no air to carry sound, space is completely silent. No matter whether the spaceship explodes or the demon is killed, there is still the same silence.

But the devil can make a sound similar to the resonance of the soul, as if speaking to people from the bottom of the heart.

The cries of many demons when they died were still stored in his heart. The memory of the beautiful demon Ilini, the legion commander Nazmi, the warlord Voras, the conqueror Sifron, the Blade Order... was still fresh in his memory.

Zhang Su turned to the moon, gently stretched out a finger, and drove a wisp of energy into the moon shell.

Like a sonar, this small stream of air passes through rock, lunar soil, and man-made machinery, mapping every crevice, every crater, and every building on the base.

It swept across the uneven surface of the moon like a wave, swept across the entire moon, and then flew away from the end of the moon and disappeared into the void.

Qi Jin is accompanied by Zhang Su's righteous thoughts. Scanning the moon is like a comprehensive self-check of the machine. Once the remaining demon soldiers are found, they will be defeated and burned to ensure that the moon base is not penetrated.

After ensuring the safety of the moon, Zhang Su continued to consolidate his current power.

After the Moon War, the energy he could contain reached five hundred levels, and he could control half of the power in the sea of ​​energy.

If he used a straw to sip from the sea of ​​​​air before, now he lifts half of the sea of ​​​​air with his strength, which is enough to blast the highest mountain on the earth into pieces or create a trench in the earth's crust.

Zhang Su summoned the God of War.

The giant shadow is now thousands of feet high and wide, and can cast a huge shadow over the city, making people mistakenly think that the solar eclipse has arrived and the end is not far away.

In terms of durability and resistance, you can rely on the "God of War" to resist. The devil's attack will be blocked by the airflow before it reaches Zhang Su's body, just like using a cotton needle to pierce the earth's crust.

Even if the main body is endangered, there is still the rule of "flying arrows cannot chase the turtle" to protect yourself.

When attacking, the "Whale Killing Fist" inherited from Dragon Palace can project the shadow of the fist to a distance. As of today, the ultimate range can reach about 1,000 kilometers.

"Air Explosion Star" can create tornadoes with strong capturing power. The gravity is terrible, trapping the enemy in the eye of the vortex, and being crushed by countless aggregated materials around it, forming a dense sphere.

The greatest use of this is to bypass the "Qi Jin reaction organ" commonly implanted in demons. Demons can completely neutralize the Qi Jin blasted by Zhang Su's conventional methods, and each one can adapt to Zhang Su's attacks.

After my own power is used up, there will still be power from Edith...

Zhang Su sacrifices the bleeding cross.

The color of the God of War was smeared with crimson, and he summoned thousands of sword lights and shadows in the universe, each trailing a bloodthirsty sharp light.

With the help of Edith's power, Zhang Su can summon "Thousands of Slaughters" to blast enemies with countless slaughtering lights and shadows, achieving the effect of destruction in a wide area.

"Desperate Situation Expansion" can make use of Zhang Su's combat experience and the guidance of Edith in his heart to suppress the enemy's actions, so that all the opponent's combat decisions are pre-read and blocked, reaching an extremely high level.

If you get the child's weapon back, you can also use the "Command Sword". But it would be more useful for Zhang Su to leave it to Zhazhao.

Just like when Wallas stormed the moon base before, even if Zhang Su was unable to enter, Bianbo could still go into battle with a knife, which was an added layer of insurance for the safety of the children and the base.

If a similar situation happens again in the future, Zhazhao can rely on the artifact to protect everyone when Zhang Su is away.

In terms of will and spiritual resistance, Zhang Su's heart has been toughened by a series of tortures and desperate situations, and hallucinations and inducements are difficult to work on him. Even if you are really hit, muscle memory alone can maintain 70% to 80% effort.

At this point today, the strength is quite balanced.

However, there is still little hope against the two masters of Carnage Incarnation Hanak and Lilucier, unless they can be defeated individually, but I don't know when such a good opportunity will appear.

Zhang Su closed his eyes, continued to stabilize his current strength, and mastered these powers deeply.

After an unknown amount of time, the communicator vibrated.

Zhang Su amplified his energy to form a transparent aura with atmospheric pressure, which enveloped him and allowed him to transmit sound.

In the meantime, Hayao's voice came.

"Da da da." Zaohui said, "Where have you been, Da Su?"

"In outer space, we may be able to find non-human creatures floating around." Zhang Su responded.

"I miss you! Seriously." said Hayho.

"Then it's time for me to go back." Zhang Su turned back towards the moon.

"It's a rare peace, and there is no mission to go on." Hayao was bored.

"Then you have to train." Zhang Su said, "Although we have achieved a small victory, the earth has not been recovered yet."

"Oh~" Hayho drawled.

"When you think about there being so much unfinished business, will you feel as tired as before?" Zhang Su asked.

"There are too many things that make people frown. If you think about them one by one, you will frown to death. I gave you a Coke last time. This thing alone makes me very proud." Hayho explain.

"Well...it's very delicious." Zhang Su said.

"Let me tell you! I worked very hard to get that. Coca-Cola was no longer available after just an hour that day. Miss Hasumi is very strict with everyone," said Saho.

"Has there been any change in Lianwu?" Zhang Su asked.

"A little bit. But each of us is changing. Aren't you also getting older?" said Saho.

"There is a difference between growth and change. You have to take a good look at her for me." Zhang Su said.

"Then where are you going?" Hayho asked.

"Turning around. First go to the moon to check the development of the demon machine." Zhang Su said.

Zhang Su entered the manufacturing area of ​​the moon base.

The smell of molten metal and burning acetylene torches filled the air.

Hydraulic machines and giant lathes hum, churning out alien artifacts for the development of demonic machines.

The clanging sound in the room was deafening, like the shocking roar of a metal titan. The assembly line is lined with mechanical bodies in different states of assembly.

Priscilla stared at the recast demon body.

She was taken to the space station "Beyond" after the natural disaster, and recently returned to the moon base to assist in the development of the demon machine.

Noticing Zhang Su's arrival, Priscilla nodded to him.

"Long time no see." Her voice drowned out the surrounding noise, "Since you came back, everything has developed in a good direction. I thought that the fate of mankind was uncertain, but now it seems that there is a glimmer of hope."

"Humans don't give up easily. Not with you here." Zhang Su walked up to her and kissed her cheek as a sign of courtesy.

He felt the place where his lips met begin to heat up.

Priscilla had a satisfied smile on her face.

"It's like yesterday again," she said. "You haven't changed at all."

"Compared with Anxin Industrial's factory, the area here is only half smaller." Zhang Su looked at the furnace of creation. He had carried it up to the sky himself, otherwise he would not have been able to move it away. "How about the devil machine?"

"Please come with me." Priscilla took Zhang Su deep into the core of the workshop. "When you proposed this idea, I was indeed a little surprised. What we want to transform is not people or animals, but the devil itself. Fortunately, this has nothing to do with me. There are many areas that are consistent with the research direction.”

"Very good." Zhang Su stood where he was.

The rail crane dragged a giant demon body that had been repaired to two-thirds from a distance.

This is the "blood type" Volas who died on the surface of the moon!

It was crushed by Zhang Su before using Qi to blast the sky star, and now many large pieces of flesh and blood have been recovered.

Priscilla used her "casting" magic to transform its appearance, replacing the broken appearance with alloy materials, replacing tendons with cables, replacing demonic organs with complex electronic components, and implanting controllable machine chips in the brain. .

Now Voras has been fused with the war machine to form a demon machine!

"Kill!" As soon as it saw Zhang Su, it trembled violently and let out a vague roar.

"Alive?" Zhang Su observed.

"It's just a spiritual imprint. The real 'vampire' Volas has been reborn in hell, but I don't think it can defeat the machine version of itself." Priscilla stretched out her hand.

She poured the golden-orange casting magic into the hot depths of the machine, whipping Voras's remaining soul until the hate-filled demon succumbed and became docile.

"Roar!" Engine Volas roared, looking much more well-trained than before.

Demons are born with the ability to eat souls to evolve, and their bodies have extremely strong potential for transformation and room for expansion. There is no obstacle to magical transformation using human technology.

Priscilla felt that she had found the best way to use the devil. The previous human defense plan did not dare to approve this idea, but Zhang Su had no scruples about using the remains of the enemy.

She wanted to install plasma close-in defense cannons, tactical nuclear bombs, railguns and precision cruise missiles on Volas... The mechanized demons were indeed good carriers. Their physical fitness was perfect and they were enough to carry complex tactical and strategic weapons.

"This is just the beginning. When I become proficient in this process, it can be completely automated. Every demon kid who falls in the war will become a war weapon for us humans to fight back against hell!" Priscilla's eyes were blazing.

"There is indeed a place filled with demons and materials that can be used for transformation." Zhang Su pondered.

"Where is the devil? Are we going to hell?" Priscilla was curious.

"It doesn't have to be too far, just in front of you, Priscilla, do you want to take back our home on Earth?" Zhang Su said.

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