Witch containment diary

Chapter 433 The desire to become stronger

If you want to regain the earth, you must first stabilize the rear.

Zhang Su is going to visit Dragon Palace City, Anxinyuan, Hive World and Flame Ping Seven. The Blood Army has probably begun to infiltrate these places. He has to find time to check the details in the world, scan for violations, and avoid powerful enemies waiting for opportunities. And enter.

What's more, he also needs to communicate with Princess Otohime, Hongyan and Xiaofeng to fill the void in his heart after Edith left.

Before leaving, Zhang Su left coursework for the children.

"Haoho, Bakubo, Qingxiao, and Natsuki, you are the fighting witches among witches, with the potential to fight. Before I come back, you have to find a way to defeat the robot Roy. Don't look at it as just the guard of Anxinyuan. It has now been Loaded with high-level combat procedures, returned to active duty." Zhang Su ordered.

"Kids, do you remember me? I'm your Uncle Roy." The robot returned to the training ground with a huge soybean smiley face on its chest, heirloom blue gloves in both hands, and was very satisfied with the current situation.

"Why doesn't Mayumi have to fight?" Hayho felt it was unfair.

"Because I am a civil servant..." Mayumi said with a smile, "I will bring you food and water. Don't make yourself paralyzed from exhaustion."

"Tired? I'll dismantle this thing in three seconds." Hayho rolled up his sleeves.

Hayao was squirming in pain on the ground.

"Is everything okay?" Mayumi pulled Saho up from the ground for the fifth time.

"Uh-huh..." Haohui held the shadow cone with a gray face.

Natsuki tried her best to dodge under Roy's rapid punches, trying to avoid them, but was hit repeatedly.

Roy's deadly moves left Natsuki in a state of embarrassment.

"Oh, oh...!" For the first time, Natsuki felt that she had to face the battle seriously. She stumbled back and raised her hands in surrender.

She wanted to transform into a flame, but that meant giving up her original body of flesh and blood.

To make matters worse, Roy's attacks were too fast and seemed to be able to predict Natsuki's plans.

Once she planned to turn into light, Roy would shoot out a hook from 800 meters away to interrupt her movement.

The simulated battle was bloody, and Natsuki was already scarred, with some attacks showing deep wounds. Fortunately, the witch has been defeated once and will not fall easily. She took a deep breath and used the magic of sunlight to heal herself.

Blast was kicked away before, but now he crawled back and rushed towards Roy.

"Don't be afraid! Fight! Draw the sword!" Lydia, the armored ghost, urged irritably.

"Don't be discouraged, we have a big data center. I learn from the most powerful warriors, including this armor of yours!" Roy turned around and whipped his legs to repel Blast who was wearing beast armor.

"Guh--" Zhazhang backed away and fell down before he could do anything.

"Fighting is too uncivilized, and I don't dare to be a combatant." Qing Xiao hurriedly threw a field of seed mines, which was her highest output skill.

Roy jumped over a trap and kicked Qing Xiao into the wall

"Do you want to continue?" Roy taunted them happily, "Don't be afraid of pain! Don't be afraid of death! You are all witches who have broken the throne once, and you are very strong."

"Woooo..." Qingxiao was kicked out of the tree by Roy.

"It's not over yet!" Roy continued to punch, "You have to surrender to lose!"

It fiercely attacked Qingxiao, who was unable to resist.

"You——" Qing Xiao tried her best to drive her wild magic power, distorting the ground and walls, summoning a protective barrier composed of large vines and branches.

They were strong, but quickly cracked under Roy's quick punches.

"The growth rate is not enough! Help me!" Qing Xiao shouted, "Come help!"

"Aye..." Saho wanted to get up and fight again, but was beaten very badly.

Why is the gap so big... The four rings of the Ring of Peace are all here, can four people still not be able to take down Roy, the doorman robot? She felt very frustrated, as all her years of hard work seemed to have been wasted.

Qingxiao's plant barrier was finally broken through. The last thing she saw was a blue glove, and she felt her face being hit hard.

"K.O!" Roy raised his fist, "By the way, it means Knock Out, which means you were knocked unconscious, friend!"

Seeing friends beaten and demoralized. Natsuki frowned and took a deep breath.

She raised her hands, knew nothing about it, and instinctively shot a scorching arrow of light, hitting Roy's head and attacking with all her strength.

But the light had no effect, and Roy quickly changed his position, making Natsuki unable to keep up.

"Sorry, it's still a little short, oh no no no no! Still a lot worse?" Roy jumped up and down, extremely dexterous.

Mayumi blushed, seeing her friends being beaten like this, but there was nothing she could do.

What is missing? Mayumi mused.

After their position is broken once, the bodies of the witches will undergo a qualitative transformation, and they will become the backbone of the war.

If this was still the world before the natural disaster, there would be five united witches in the Ring of Peace of Peace, enough to separate one side and receive courtesy!

Whether Natsuki's flame attack or Qingxiao's wild wind, they can level an entire neighborhood and annihilate tens of thousands of civilians. She is a true war witch.

But they obviously lack fighting skills and fighting awareness.

Natsuki's attack power was a little stronger, but most of the time she only fought unconsciously. Just like in the past, she didn't know what she was doing. Mayumi felt that she could kill them instantly by rolling two happy balls over them.

Not qualified!

The level is too poor!

No desire to fight!

After wasting his magic power at the level of breaking, Zhang Su gave them all the rituals and materials for breaking the level before the natural disaster. They did find their own opportunities and step into the level of breaking, but they did not really fight the devil to the end. Most of the time Under the protection of Zhang Su...

This must be the deep meaning of the teacher, Mayumi understood. Even though these little ones have great power, they are still like children at heart. If a larger-scale battle is to be completed next, they will all have to undergo rigorous training!

As expected, the teacher still has foresight. With such qualities, it is impossible to complete the war in the next fifty years.

Mayumi knew what was going on, but she could only encourage them verbally.

"Come on!" she shouted.

"What's the use of just shouting "Come on!" Hayao couldn't bear to see Mayumi, "We are the ones fighting!"

Hayao's quality is low and Mayumi's lifeless.

"Hey~" Mayumi ran over and pulled Saho up, giving her a touch of joy at the same time, "Be happy!"

"Haha - hahahaha - I'm so scared, but I have to move forward!" Saho felt a strong and refreshing feeling, holding the shadow cone, and returned to the battlefield dumbfounded.

"It's not qualified for real combat. In this case, it's impossible to compete in hunting exhaust." Roy easily set up the zipline and showed off his skills in the training ground.

Hayho wanted to hide in the shadows and give it a knife, but found that it was impossible to catch up.

"Sorry, I have to deal with you first! Do you want to admit defeat again?" Roy scanned around and found that Natsuki was the biggest threat, and continued to attack her fiercely.

It was even more uncomfortable than the last time I fought against the devil.

Natsuki believes that her strength is superior to many little devils, so she can easily crush those who are not strong enough, but Roy, who is highly skilled, can catch her weaknesses and

Far different in skill and experience.

"I-" Natsuki wanted to do something, but her body still froze.

"The entire team was wiped out! By me!" Roy kicked Natsuki away with a flying kick.


She spat out a mouthful of blood, hit her body backwards against the wall, and fell down, dazzling colors dancing across her vision.

It feels like my bones are about to be broken. The body Miss Lianwu has shaped for me... Natsuki opened her mouth slightly and couldn't help but cry.

Seeing Natsuki's tears, Zhibo gritted his teeth.

She stared at Roy, exuding murderous intent.

"I'll kill you!" She quickly drove the beast armor forward.

"Are you finally willing to fight now? Do you finally have some fighting spirit now? Ah -" Lydia interrupted suddenly.

Zhizhang pounced forward and punched.

"Haha, if you want to hit me -" Roy got into a fighting stance.

The explosive fist pointed directly at the ground and suddenly shattered the floor, shaking the training ground. The ground cracked open and was filled with dents and debris under the force of destruction.

This guy seems to have learned how to fight! Roy was shocked. Once the ground is destroyed, it can't jump around.

"Oh!" Roy shot his hook upwards, deciding to drag the battlefield into a three-dimensional fighting range.

He dived and then jumped, half a body slower than Roy.

"Hey, you can't catch me!" Roy swung wildly in the air, trying to jump far away.

Bangbang quickly swung his knife and released a diamond-shaped explosive wave, shattering Roy's fixed point on the ceiling to hook the wall, causing the rope to suddenly break.

Roy's body also plummeted due to the disconnection.

Suppress that guy! Hayao was shocked. Is the little one so strong?

He blasted the micro-rocket engine built into the armor and used the thruster to catch up to Roy's landing point.

Move quickly and viciously.

"It seems that a head-on confrontation is inevitable, my friend!" Roy fell to the ground at this time and had no time to dodge, so he could only block with his fist.


The terrifying magic power of the explosion exploded, instantly exploding Roy's head and upper body.

"Destroyed!" Zaho was still looking around, preparing to hurt him, but found that Roy had been half blown away.

Is it because of the teachings of the armored ghost Lydia? ! It has always been able to provide the wearer with a killing intent buff, and now it completely elevates Baku's combat capabilities to a whole new level.

They were surprised and delighted.

Roy's body was charred and melted in the extreme heat, and the ground began to burn.

"Winning!" Mayumi was very satisfied, "Bangbang! Amazing! Well done!"

"Roar!" Bomb suddenly punched Roy's frame, then grabbed the robot with both hands and threw it to the ground crazily.

Bang, bang, bang——

They were all stunned, looking at this horrific scene.

Wearing a black beast armor, it was impossible to distinguish the girl driving the armor inside. All she could see was the dark, strange armor destroying like crazy.

It repeatedly hit, crushed, and smashed Roy's metal stumps until they turned into metal fragments all over the floor!

Smoke and dust raged.

Hayao's eyes turned red.

"Smelly robot armor ghost!" Hayao was furious, "You made Bakubo go crazy!"

She rushed over, but heard Lydia's scream.

"Help me!" Lydia whined. "Take me off her! This child is a monster!"

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