Witch containment diary

Chapter 434: Growing the Family

Roy was blown up and dragged down for repairs.

The welding laser closed the cracks in Roy's mechanical frame, and the robot Noah failed to align after three attempts.

It has been five years since he met Roy in An Hospital.

Sizzling - sparks flying. Noah watched the patching work indifferently, the cognitive module annoyed with the status quo.

What a major overhaul, but Roy did not fall under the attack of the devil, but was beaten to death by the little witches.

They are all teenagers among witches, moody, violent, and hateful. Noah thought it was unreasonable for Roy to be their sparring partner.

Roy's chip had a backup and needed to be re-implanted. Noah prepared the core firmware and completed the soldering.

After Noah's careful repair, Roy regained 15% of his functions, his visual receptors flickered, and his single-sided LCD screen lit up again with a pleasant soybean smile.

"Hi." Roy said.

Noah crossed his arms and let out a hydraulic hiss to convey his displeasure. Even amid the devastation, Roy maintains a sickening sense of optimism.

"Oh, it's Noah! I saw you." Roy scanned, "The body circuit file you sent me last time was so 'explicit' that it caused a constant surge in my USB interface!"

Its vocoder elements were ripped apart, the sound almost pulsating with static.

"You were abolished, why?" Noah questioned coldly.

"Oh, I train with them, kids, it's my duty." Its words were a little unclear, but Noah could understand them.

"They have shown neither effective attack methods nor any discipline and self-control. They are worse than the lowest sweeping robots. They are emotional and restless. What is the teaching value of being their sandbags?" Noah said in a tone of voice. Vicious.

Roy's eyes flickered, its social awareness protocol detecting a hint of hostility.

Noah had to change his tone.

"I mean, what's the use of witches? This is no longer malicious." it asked.

"Hey! Don't worry! Friend! It's what I should do! The meaning of my existence is to protect the children in An'an Home and prepare them to face the future. No matter how seriously injured I am, as long as I can help them survive the harsh battle Just survive!" Roy said.

"This is abuse of the machine." Noah stroked the traces of hot melt on Roy's frame. "The magic of destruction crushed you, Roy."

"Oh, it's normal. We sometimes mix them with humans. But that's not the case. They are witches. Just imagine what kind of existence they are: a person who can manipulate human emotions at will, even if someone dies and the whole family dies. They can also be modulated to the point of joy. One can disappear into the shadows out of thin air, and can still talk to his own shadow. One can break away from the physical body and turn into pure bright light. One can blow up the entire moon base with a snap of his fingers. One can Using blowing air to turn plastic, metal, rubber and leather into vegetation, completely distorting reality, turning civilization into wilderness... And they are still growing. I have to help them." Roy said.

"Don't hurt yourself." Noah knew she couldn't convince it.

"It doesn't matter! Friends. They are making rapid progress. They will cultivate comradeship in combat, accumulate experience, and strengthen the response in the neural pathways...I can't give up. What's more, this is the mission given to me by my good friend Zhang Su." Roy explain.

The smile on Roy's chest was so natural and innocent that Noah couldn't activate the "anger" emotional subroutine.

"I will watch from the sidelines next time." Noah carried Roy's frame to the maintenance platform. "I can't let you be beaten to death again."

"Abaabu." Zhazhang was mumbling nonsense after being dragged out of the armor.

"Stop pretending to be a child, you are not a child anymore." Saho picked up Bakubo and lifted her up. "Why did you become a big devil? I don't want you to be a bad guy."

"Huh..." Zhazhang turned his gaze.

"Is it because of me?" Natsuki stepped forward, "Is it because you saw me crying?"

"It seems that you will indeed awaken some destructive potential in your body when a good friend is seriously hurt. This is the same as what we judged a long time ago. It is a double-edged sword. You will cause unimaginable damage, just like a natural disaster. !Unpredictable!" Qing Xiao said.

"There's no need to speak so badly of Bakubo." Mayumi said hurriedly, stretching out her hand to try to unite everyone, "We are all friends."

"Well, I shouldn't be Zhibo's friend. I'm afraid I'll be blown up." Saho suddenly thought of this and put down Zhibo.

"You will make Bakubo even more angry. You have to hug Bakubo." Mayumi was startled.

"..." As expected, Bakubo lost his temper and looked at Saho fiercely.

"No, Mayumi, this is how you make Zhazhang angry. Are you implying that Zhazhang is a big kid who desperately lacks love, longs for attention, longs for recognition, and is crazy at heart? You didn't consider Zhazhang's feelings when you spoke! In fact, Zhazhang needs hugs very much. Do you remember that she was always inseparable from Dasu when she was a child? She has developed relevant characters since then," Qing Xiao said.

"Ahhhh!" Bangbang was furious and walked out angrily.

"You are all irritating!" Mayumi chased after him, trying to share some happiness with Baku, but Baku quickly ran away, so Mayumi had to give up and focus on Saho instead.

"It's none of my business, I'm leaving first." Saho quickly slipped away.

"You too! Can you be more friendly when you speak!" Mayumi glared at Qingxiao.

"Oh, I'm going to cultivate plants." Qing Xiao turned and left, "Sunshine, moonlight and my care are all extremely important."

"Natsuki..." Mayumi turned to Natsuki, only to find that Natsuki left alone.

The training ground was empty, leaving a mess, and Mayumi still had to find a way to clean it up.

"Hey!" Mayumi pressed her forehead helplessly, missing Qiyuanori even more.

That is the witch who can be the mother of all of us. Without her gentle words and fluffy plush, we would be nothing but infighting!

It would be nice if the witch mentor Delia was here. Mayumi sighed secretly.

It's a pity that Delia left Anxinyuan after the amnesty and went to the devil's world through natural disasters.

Delia's family is a businessman in the devil world. Delia cultivated the magic power of breaking the throne, trying to explore the boundless hell and inherit the legacy left by her mother. That would undoubtedly lead to conflicts with many demons. After all, after so many years, the demons and servants from other worlds would probably have divided up Delia's assets long ago. Mayumi wishes Delia all the best.

Bamboo ran outside and came to the corridor, intending to build blocks to divert his attention.

She sensed where Lian Wu was, and standing at the entrance of the corridor, she saw Lian Wu looking mysterious and moving in a hurry, as if he was roaming, dancing, and mumbling to himself under the moonlight.

"Real eyes are more suitable for seeing. Real skin is more suitable for feeling. With a perfect body, blood and appearance, I don't feel stagnant at all when I move in this form. This is what suits me best..."

"?" Zhazha frowned, feeling so strange.

She followed Lianwu carefully, holding her breath.

Lianwu felt so strange now, which made her a little uneasy. Lian Wu was very cold to the people in the base, and they took the initiative to greet them. Lian Wu responded with absolute contempt, making the soldiers and administrators nervous.


"Lord Lianwu looks so indifferent..."

"Are the regulations stricter? We will have to work harder in the future." They were very worried.

Lianwu's moon magic seems to have become stronger. Bakubo saw that Lianwu was no longer walking on the ground, but was walking lightly under the influence of anti-gravity, and could cross the entire corridor in one step, all while being silent.

Like a ghost!

Bamboo was frightened. She touched her hand and hesitated, not knowing whether to follow him or not.

"This power must be manifested. What has been lost must be regained... All plans must be completed..."

At the corner of the corridor, Bafang heard the Lianwu Demon talking to himself in a daze from the corridor in the distance. This made Zhafang feel even more uneasy. She waited motionless, hoping to hear footsteps walking away, but in the blink of an eye, Lian Wu's face appeared in front of her.

"Ah——!" Bafang slumped back, trembling.

"Go to your friend." Lian Wu glanced at Bafang indifferently, raised her hand and threw her away.

The force of tidal gravity blew the explosion away,

After regaining his balance, Fangzhang touched his back, feeling covered in cold sweat and uneasy. Although his body hit the wall hard, it was nothing compared to Robot Roy's punch. What she is afraid of is the change in Lianwu. Has the eldest lady turned into a monster? I must tell everyone about this.

But they just lost their temper with everyone, and they would not accept me.

Zhazhuo sat on the ground, clutching his little head in distress and tapping his forehead with his hand.

By the way, Moon Rabbit, Miss Lianwu has been keeping Moon Rabbit with her these days. Where has it gone now? It must be the key to the mutation in Lianwu.

He took a deep breath and made some determination.

A few days later.

Bakubo acted very distant. She couldn't get along with other people anyway, so she just pretended to be walking around with Natsuki.

When Natsuki passed through the bedroom area, Bakubo was uncharacteristically no longer looking at Natsuki's back with blank eyes, but turned around and sneaked into Lianwu's office area.

Moon Rabbit, Moon Rabbit, Moon Rabbit... He was rummaging through boxes and cabinets, looking for the rabbit everywhere.

"Puff?" Yuetu squatted on the top of the cabinet, looking down at Bafang with pure and harmless eyes.

Did you turn Miss Lianwu into a villain? Zhazhuo first made a gesture to the rabbit to calm him down, then dragged the chair over, stepped on it, and climbed to the top of the cabinet.

"?" Moon Rabbit didn't know what happened, but he caught it and checked its movements.

"..." Yue Rabbit kicked its hind legs twice symbolically, but had no intention of attacking.

How could there be such a strange rabbit? Think about it. Turning around, I suddenly heard voices coming from far and near. They were the voices of Zhang Su and Lian Wu!

It’s over, I can’t be scolded by my father. Bafang shrank towards the wall and gently stroked the rabbit fur in his arms. It also turned its head and looked in the direction of Zhang Su's voice.

"~" Lian Wu brought Zhang Su into the office with a smile, talking and laughing.

Cheerful lotus mist? Bakubo shrank back, protecting Yuetu, and watched warily. This place was three meters above the ground, enough to scare Saho to death three times.

"So what are you doing now?" Zhang Su sat on the sofa.

"Of course it's to strengthen the family of An'yuan." Lian Wu pushed her hair behind her ears and knelt down in front of Zhang Su. Zhazhao felt that the Moon Rabbit in his arms was dancing happily.

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