Witch containment diary

Chapter 435 The lotus mist tastes good

"Lianwu, my good Lianwu, it smells so good..."

"It's very rich... Don't worry, you are so energetic, you can just work harder..."

Zhazhu hid in the top corner of the room, half surprised and half expecting. He couldn't understand what they were doing. It was as if they were eating people.

She was very curious and wanted to see it clearly so that she could reproduce it herself in the future. Maybe it would be a useful technology.

The Moon Rabbit in her arms was kicking hard, as if it was about to jump out of Bakubo's arms, looking like it was dying of anxiety!

"If you move around, I'll blow you up...and roast your furry tail!" The sound of the bomb was as thin as a mosquito, reminding the restless Moon Rabbit in his arms.

Thanks to her own magical power, she can burn off a rabbit's fur just by emitting a small amount of magic power.

Moon Rabbit opened his eyes wide and nodded helplessly.

It lowered its long ears as a sign of acquiescence. It sat in Zhibo's arms and looked out. Zhizhu felt that its eyes were even a little sad and angry.

Zhang Su picked up Lian Wu and let Lian Wu's big throw hit him in the face.

Lianwu had no power to resist and just snorted a few times before being carried into the back room by Zhang Su.

By the way, I used my foot to hook the door.

"??" ZZZA became anxious! She still wants to watch it!

But we can't let Moon Rabbit ruin a good thing.

She lifted the moon rabbit up and stared into its innocent red eyes.

"Shh..." Zhabang made a silent gesture. If Yuetu cooperated, she could continue to watch!

"!" Yue Rabbit nodded, raised his paw and made a small gesture, "."

Zhazhu put Yuetu on his head and tiptoed down from the cabinet.

Her skills have always been very flexible. Others called Zhazhuang a "little soldier" when they were young. It was not for nothing.

At the entrance, a plastic door separates the work area from the break area.

Zhazhu was still hesitating how to open the door to the back room, but Yuetu had already jumped forward.

Yue Rabbit first put his nose in and pressed it against the crack of the door, then turned his head slightly and motioned for Zhizhang to follow him.

Good rabbit, good moon rabbit!

Now I can see what Da Su and Lian Wu are doing!

Zhazhao was overjoyed and enjoyed it. He hurriedly watched Zhang Su and Lian Wu through the crack in the door.

"Go wash up." Zhang Su said, then patted her.

"Hmm~" Lianwu responded softly, then swayed her little body and went to the bathroom.

The room looked small and elegant, and soon the sound of running water started to sound. Zhang Su kept looking at the shower room. He guessed that there must be a floor-to-ceiling glass, otherwise why would it be so fun?

Bored, Zhang Su took a book on the bedside and started reading. He looked very relaxed.

After about seven or eight minutes, the sound of water stopped, and Lian Wu came out wearing a white nightgown.

The elegant and beautiful shape made Zhang Su's eyes light up.

The noble lotus mist, the pure lotus mist, the sacred lotus mist, like the moon god, seem to be within reach now.

"It's really... beautiful and fragrant..." Zhang Su murmured, and then waved to Lian Wu.

"Yes." Lian Wu walked over obediently, as if she had been looking forward to this moment for a long time.

After getting close, Zhang Su affectionately scratched the bridge of her pretty nose with his fingertips, and started the prelude with a kiss.

Lianwu didn't refuse, but took the initiative to hold Zhang Su's neck.

Moon Rabbit stood up and looked at everything more carefully.

come on! come on! come on!

Cheer up and cheer in my heart. Get a younger sibling! This way you won’t be alone! There are children playing too!

Suddenly, Fangzhang felt someone tugging on his pants.

She squatted down and realized that it was Moon Rabbit biting and pulling with her mouth!

Zhizhang was so frightened that he stepped back, and Yuetu was also taken back a bit.

"Shh...!" Fangzhang gestured, don't make any sound!

Yue Rabbit let go of his mouth, pointed uneasily at the bomb, then pointed inside, and shook his head.

What, you don’t want to see it? late!

"What does it have to do with you rabbit?" Zhazhi was unhappy, "They are happy with themselves."

"Puff!" Yue Rabbit was anxious.

At this time, Zhang Su had tasted the sweetness and was full.

It rushed into the room in a hurry, jumped on the entangled form of Zhang Su and "Lianwu", and kicked it twice hard.

Immediately afterwards, Zhafang was dumbfounded to see the silver glow falling.

The Moon Rabbit grew up rapidly and turned back into Lianwu in a burst of light. It was looking at Zhang Su and "Lianwu" with a red face, anger and speechlessness.

"Change back!" Lian Wu was angry.

The other Lian Wu sighed helplessly and stepped back.

She left Zhang Su, transformed, became smaller again, and transformed into a white stuffed rabbit.

"?" Zhazhang was stunned.

"!" Lianwu lifted the rabbit up angrily, and Yuetu kicked the air dissatisfied.

"Lianwu!" Zhang Su looked carefully at everything in front of him.

Rabbits naturally don't need clothes, so the current Zhenlianwu is also very cute.

Frozen felt scared and surprised.

It turns out that the rabbit he had been holding just now was the real Miss Lianwu!

He had threatened to burn her tail before, but now it seemed that she might be taught a lesson.

"...!" Lian Wu was extremely angry.

Zhang Su's heart moved and he understood Lian Wu's thoughts.

It turns out that Yuehuaji vaguely expressed her desire to become a human, so Lianwu obeyed Yuehuaji and allowed her to temporarily reshape her human body.

Lianwu, on the other hand, used the magic power of the moon, turned into a rabbit and wandered around, living a peaceful life.

Unexpectedly, in these days, Yue Hua Ji often pretended to be Lian Wu and committed mischief, and now all of it would be found on Zhang Su.

"Pfft." Yue Rabbit also had a reason.

It wants to strengthen An Yin's bloodline and take action on behalf of its incompetent descendants!

Because Lianwu has always been hesitant about breeding, Yuehuaji had no choice but to do it for her.

Anyway, they all have the same blood on their bodies, almost similar appearance, they look the same no matter who they are.

"!!!" Lianwu was furious, what kind of absurdity is this!

She looked at Zhang Su angrily again.

Zhang Su had completely followed Yuehuaji's actions before, as if he really wanted to do something with Yuehuaji.

Lianwu gears up.

If Zhang Su didn't have a good answer, she would fight with Zhang Su.

Zhang Su made a quick decision and caught the Moon Rabbit first and changed his expression.

"You can do whatever you want, but if you attack my woman and act like her and cheat, you will die." Zhang Suhan said in a cold voice.

"Puff--" Yuehuaji was surprised.

"Ah..." Lian Wu saw her ancestor being choked and was concerned about her safety. She used her eyes to signal Zhang Su not to be too cruel.

"I'll let you off this time." Zhang Su coldly threw Yuehuaji away.

Yuetu felt the threat of death from his previous actions, and quickly jumped back to Lianwu and squatted on her shoulders.

Zhang Su's ability can kill the Moon Rabbit thousands of times.

"..." Lian Wu felt that the matter was resolved, but felt so cold, so she shrank back into bed, and then breathed a sigh of relief.

Now, she and Zhang Su are only a few dozen centimeters apart.

Lian Wu turned to look at Zhang Su with a shy look.

"...Continue?" Zhang Su probed.

"...Eh??" Lian Wu made a cute voice.

Not ready yet!

And everyone is here... Ancestors, and Zhazhao...

Zhang Su nodded. It happened that he was also a little slack. The "Lotus Mist" he had played before was really good. In the past few days, I have been caring for Princess Otohime, Kobe, Yufa Lin, Soraya, and Yoshio Akazawa. Counting "Renwu", I have achieved a lot.

The situation in each world is generally stable. Although there are demon spies lurking, they were expelled by Zhang Su.

The entire cross-dimensional force has taken shape.

The moon and space station are used to preserve the fire of human culture and technology. An'an Academy is a college, hunting ground, forest farm and farmland. Flame Bottle Seven is their mining area. The Ark of Vision is their platform for maneuvering and jumping. The Hive World is for cultivating bees and farming. A huge field for industry, Dragon Palace City is the base camp for producing aquatic products and smelting stardust bricks.

"Have a good rest and let me take Yuehuaji away for now. I'll put her in a cage." Zhang Su said.

As time went by, Yuehua Ji apparently regained some of her intelligence.

Although her true body is still sealed under An Yin, she might try to rescue her true body at some point, which would be bad.

"Well..." Lianwu handed the moon rabbit to Zhang Su.

Zhang Su held Yuehuaji's ears and walked out, when he saw Baffang in the corridor.

"Bangbang?" Zhang Su asked her, "What were you hiding there just now?"

"Eh?" Zhazhu was surprised.

Did Zhang Su always know where she was hiding? With Tutu Lianwu?

"I found you just by scanning. I just didn't arrest you because I didn't know what you wanted to do." Zhang Su said.

"I... just wanted to figure out why Miss Lianwu was acting so strangely. Now I know that she turned into a rabbit, and the rabbit turned into the Miss." Zhazhu said honestly.

"It's very good to have such a heart." Zhang Su encouraged, "Others probably haven't discovered it yet."

"Hehe..." Zhazhua liked to hear Zhang Su's praise, "There's something I don't know about yet."

"What's the matter?" Zhang Su asked.

"Since you have the ability to spot me at a glance, wouldn't you also be able to spot Miss Lianwu at a glance and not Miss Lianwu? Then why are you still there with Yuehua Ji - that one? And his attitude after that was also very strange. Could it be that ...Didn't you tell the truth?" Zhazhu hesitated.

"This is a very good question. Fangbang, can you lie without changing your face, or use lies to express the truth?" Zhang Su asked.

"It's too difficult!" Zhibo said, "And it's wrong to do this. Teacher Reina told us to be honest."

"Yes, but you will also encounter many dilemmas at the same time. It is easy to destroy a person with mindless truth, but it is difficult to maintain a balance in the relationship between people." Zhang Su said.

Deeply pondered. She thought of Qingxiao's nonsense, Mayumi's efforts, and Saho's inaction.

"I don't know, it's too difficult. Breaking things seems to be natural. I don't want to have a good relationship with other people." Zhazhuang raised his head.

"Did the path shape the witch, or did the witch shape the path?" Zhang Su asked back, "Is it because Bangbang is born to like destruction, so he activates the power of destruction, or is it because Bangbang is born to be bound by the fate of destruction, so he always wants to explode Something? Did Natsuki choose the identity of Little Taiyang, or did the sun determine her personality? Did Saho like to hide naturally, or did the shadow magic teach her to stay out of things? "

"Ah..." Fangzhang was stunned, having never thought about this problem.

"When you figure this out," Zhang Su said, "you will be invincible."

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