Witch containment diary

Chapter 436 The Chinese ships return home

Lian Wu changed her clothes, patted her face to restore her strength and morale, and then went to work in the main control room to deal with the troublesome matters of the past few days.

"Miss!" Mayumi rushed over, "Miss! We have new telecommunications!"

"?Which settlement?" Lian Wu asked.

"No, it's not these survivor strongholds in the solar system, it's from fairy boats! It's from huge spaceships!" Mayumi was excited, "There are many spaceships, large ships, stern ships, Tissots, giant ships, treasure ships... They have fulfilled their promise The promise, they are back now! Those Chinese people, they returned from the depths of the universe, now they want to help us fight against the devil, and then return to the earth together! "

"Oh!" Lianwu felt very happy. Compared with these dying human settlements, the Immortal Boat Fleet was the real reinforcement.

She ran briskly to answer it.

Mayumi also secretly breathed a sigh of relief. Renwu has been acting very cruel these days, and he also told Mayumi a lot of unreasonable things, which made Mayumi feel that Renwu has become a bad guy.

But now it seems that Miss Lianwu is still the same Miss Lianwu, that’s good!

Mayumi gave the channel to Lianwu and asked her to listen to the news from Xianzhou.

"I am the Fairy Boat Connector Mu Jianyun. Our fleet has explored and settled on planets such as Alpha Centauri, Tianyuan Zengxing, and Virgo. However, now 40% of our population wants to return to Earth, and it is difficult to find our homeland. Divorce and relocation have always been the simple emotions of us Chinese people. Even if you are fighting against demons, you have to go home. I heard that you are the chairman and leader of the Moon and Human Survivors Alliance. Please tell me, now, what is your return to Earth? Is the time ripe?" A clear signal came from the other end of the line.

"...!" Lianwu clenched her little fists, feeling very surprised, and said loudly, "You're mature!"

"Very good." Mu Jianyun responded, "Then it's time for the Chinese ships to return home. However, there is one more thing I want to contact an honored guest named Zhang Su. Is it convenient now?"

Soon, Zhang Su came to the communication room.

"I am here."

"I have long admired your name." Mu Jianyun said, "I am the connecting envoy of the Immortal Boat Fleet. I want to prepare a few things in advance for the fleet to return to the homeland of the earth to avoid unnecessary complications. Now, if there are still three or five resistance forces on the earth, I may be among them. I am waiting for the War Commander's descendant, who is still leading the guards to guard the isolated city. I wonder if she is safe?"

"Chu Xiangyan? Since the natural disaster, news about her has been intermittent." Zhang Su pondered, "Now the land is filled with extraterrestrial demons. Even if she is still alive, she can only support her, and she has not heard from us for a long time. However, we The troops are being reorganized and are also planning to return to the ground. In this case, we should really start investigating from China, where Chu Xiangyan is located, and try to open up a safe landing ground for the fleet's return journey."

"Then, the fleet will also dock in the waterway and return to the ground with the civilians under the condition that the safety of the earth is ensured. Our ambition to return to the earth depends on your great help." Mu Jianyun said sincerely.

After communicating and greetings, Zhang Su closed his eyes and pondered.

After the Battle of New Tokyo, he led Chu Xiangyan to practice for nearly a year, teaching her many skills and the ability to protect herself in troubled times.

The return of the fairy boat is a major event, and it will definitely attract a lot of attention from the demons, and may also cause nuisance from the demons.

It is necessary to return to the land of China and ensure safety so that the fleet can have no worries on its homeward journey.

"Lian Wu, I'll leave it to you regarding logistics and personnel scheduling." Zhang Su nodded vigorously to Lian Wu beside him.

"Yeah!" Lian Wu also started to work hard. No matter what, she believed that things were going in a good direction, but she became concerned about Zhang Su again, "What about you?"

"Do what you have to do." Zhang Su turned and left.

Chu Xiangyan should now be active in certain places on the ground where survivors hang out, working as a demon hunter. Zhang Su was not strong enough to dominate the surface before, but now he can go back to find her.

China, Lanling County.

"The telegraph said that the fairy boat will come back..."

"The demon's attack has intensified again..."

"Taotie uprooted the entire village..."

"It's like a final counterattack..." A small number of survivors are living a lingering life on the earth.

Chu Xiangyan listened to their chatter.

She knew that "Taotie" was a monster in ancient mythology, and was now used to refer to a nearby giant Enraged Demon. This demon was more than ten meters long, with dark skin and sharp horns everywhere on its body. It was a completely incredible monster. It killed thousands of people on its hands and flattened many surviving towns like a natural disaster.

Village after village was crushed, damn the devil, go to hell. Chu Xiangyan was filled with hatred.

The demon's actions were very abnormal, and I don't know what big thing happened in hell. No matter what, let’s just kill the “Taotie” hunt today.

Strong winds swept across the wasteland, sending dust flying.

Chu Xiangyan entered the ruined city, pulled up the torn scarf, lowered the hat on her head, and wore a leather jacket and leather trousers, allowing herself to move in the most handsome manner.

The setting sun was like blood, casting shadows on the ruins of collapsed buildings.

Chu Xiangyan took a deep breath and turned around to see a squirming figure in the ruins.

The other person shuffled, almost crawling, making bursts of scraping sounds, wrapped in a wide rag, his face hidden by an old hat, sniffing along the ground, his bony fingers digging in the debris.

"I want to buy explosives." Chu Xiangyan shouted at him, who was a nearby scavenger.

The scavengers kept their feet on the ground, groping and crawling towards Chu Xiangyan. These days, only those who stand upright look like monsters.

A pair of sharp eyes were exposed under the frayed brim of the hat, and the scavenger stared at Chu Xiangyan.

"What can I get in exchange for it?" the scavenger asked.

"Dried snake meat, canned dace with black bean sauce, Nongfu Spring." Chu Xiangyan stared at the scavengers and kept taking out supplies from his pockets, "Liqun, Jiang Xiaobai, Guo Li Orange, antibiotics... You **** Just keep it in moderation! I also have a pack of rock sugar to cure your low blood pressure."

"That's enough." The scavenger nodded.

He returned to the depths of the ruins, where Chu Xiangyan was waiting for him, while he was alert to his surroundings and relaxed his tense muscles.

She turned her neck, wanting to rest, but there was no time, demons or weird guys were everywhere. This is the fate of those who didn’t go to outer space with their tribe, but Chu Xiangyan couldn’t let go of the land she lived in. She believed that her compatriots would come back sooner or later to recover the scarred Wanli China and rebuild their homes here brick by brick. .

The scavenger carried back boxes of arms and put them sideways on the ground. Chu Xiangyan squinted his eyes and looked at them carefully:

A slender missile, several boxes of yellow bullets, explosives, some things that looked like artillery shells, fragmentation grenades, steel ball mines and laser-guided bombs.

"These things are worthless. Only the supplies on you are useful." The scavenger slowly took away the food supplies that Chu Xiangyan had traded. "The human defense plan failed to defeat the devil with gunpowder, and neither can you."

Chu Xiangyan suspected that they had intercepted and killed soldiers to obtain these weapons, but she was too lazy to care.

"I'm not living for the sake of living, I'm going to fight the biggest monster!" Chu Xiangyan picked up the bomb on the ground, "You fucking guys, show it to me, I'm not a coward. I'm going to 'Taotie' is willing to die, let you bunch of unscrupulous people live well, otherwise I might as well die."

Hours later, late at night.

The huge shadow of "Taotie" lingers in the city, like a concrete dark nightmare. Its cold, porous green eyes scan the surroundings, seeming to be able to see everything clearly, and the evil spirit corrodes the surrounding area.

Chu Xiangyan walked quickly through a commercial street.

This used to be a pedestrian street, with hot pot skewers, duck intestines, Dongming cuisine, cheap starch sausages, frog fish heads and other items sold everywhere. Now the advertisements have faded.

She looked around, the moonlight illuminating the explosives she had hidden among the rubble and advertising signs.

Chu Xiangyan collected a lot of explosives and designed dozens of traps, which together were very powerful, equivalent to more than 8,000 kilograms of TNT, enough for a glutton to drink a pot.

She is brave, but not a fool. Even a highly accomplished person with forty levels of energy would definitely die in a head-on battle with Taotie.

Chu Xiangyan is now only at level 30, and is initially concentrating on the armor. Only by staying vigilant and careful can she have a chance to defeat Taotie.

She lit a fire on the street and waited quietly in the dark for Taotie to visit.

Chu Xiangyan fisted with bare hands and took a deep breath. It is very quiet here, and other demons dare not make trouble in front of Taotie. This is its hunting territory alone.

Look around and listen carefully.


She heard a vague sound from behind, like ragged claws scraping against the rubble.

How could he appear from behind him?

Chu Xiangyan immediately turned around and saw a pair of strange eyes in the darkness.


It pounced out at an incredible speed. It was so fast that Chu Xiangyan rolled and crawled and jumped behind the line of fire.

A deafening roar pierced the night. boom! boom! What followed was the sound of an explosion setting off the trap.

The entire commercial street was blown to pieces.

Under the impact of the fireworks, Chu Xiangyan saw the huge blurry figure seeming to flicker in the air, dodging most of the bombs.

Chu Xiangyan opened her eyes wide in shock.

Such a huge thing... moving so fast?

It was like walking through the air, "Taotie" trampled on the air, passed through the firelight and rushed towards Chu Xiangyan. Before it rushed towards him, Chu Xiangyan could feel the heat hitting his face.

In the dim firelight, she caught a glimpse of the Taotie's twisted black fur and its twisted and swollen muscles.

The undulations are smooth, like waves, and each bulge of the muscle mass is printed with the remains of a screaming ghost, pieced together into a picture of hell.

Six long muscular legs drove the Taotie forward. It opened its bloody mouth, which was filled with blood-stained fangs and sharp teeth.

All the terrifying rumors came to mind at this moment, and Chu Xiangyan gritted her teeth.

Traps and fire, so many explosives and military weapons, even if they are only 10% effective, are enough to weaken its outer shell.

Chu Xiangyan stayed still and prepared to attack.

Gather your strength, turn around, and then suddenly attack and kick out.

It embodies Chu Xiangyan’s years of hard work and strength. Just like what Zhang Su taught back then, let the energy flow through the whole body and explode from one point.

Phoenix kick!

Chu Xiangyan kicked Taotie hard on the head, extremely fast!

It let out a thundering roar, its forward momentum was instantly frustrated, and even bounced back, and its huge body suddenly flew back uncontrollably.

The several-ton body retreated in the air, and Chu Xiangyan quickly faced it, launching his legs continuously.

Tendons and muscles, you fucking have to work for me today!

The brain and eyes are all too damned to make mistakes!

Toes and bones, give me some damn energy!

Even though there was a huge difference in physique between Taotie and Taotie, Chu Xiangyan's kung fu was incomparably superb. Each leg hit the vital part of Taotie's head, trampling and kicking it wildly in the air until it roared repeatedly and was finally kicked back into the fire.

Huh, huh...

Chu Xiangyan fell to the ground, her feet suddenly felt tearing pain, and her whole body collapsed to the ground. She turned around and saw that she was covered in blood and flesh from the knees down.

Pressing his hands on the ground, Chu Xiangyan watched Taotie being burned in the fire.

The huge body slowly dissolved in the raging flames, and the souls flew out from the kicked heads. They were rescued and turned into faint spots of light, as if to thank Chu Xiangyan.

This guy can still be considered a winner. Chu Xiangyan smiled bitterly.

"Don't move." The haggard scavenger approached, dragging a shotgun.

"Do you have any **** medicine?" Chu Xiangyan turned around, but her heart skipped a beat when she saw more than a dozen ragged bandits walking through the ruins with bad expressions.

Chu Xiangyan raised her chin provocatively and spat.

"We don't want this either, but the devil is offering a reward for your whereabouts. We can be transformed into demons and taken to hell." The scavenger said.

Chu Xiangyan wanted to stand up, but couldn't.

The robbers swarmed her, and she rolled on the ground, holding her left hand on the ground and pumping her fist with her right hand, trying to drive them away.

Someone shot from behind and hit Chu Xiangyan's spine. She felt numb in more parts.

Immediately afterwards, wooden sticks, crowbars and steel pipes poured down from all directions, and Chu Xiangyan spit out a mouthful of blood.

Even if her head was pierced by an iron nail and her neck was tied with a rope, Chu Xiangyan would still bite them several times. She was covered in blood and looked like a crazy demon, struggling on the ground and banging her head around wildly.

call out--

Screams fell from the sky. Including Chu Xiangyan, they were all disturbed by this obvious movement and raised their heads.

Something fell straight to the ground like a shooting star——

In an instant, Chu Xiangyan felt a force pull her up. Then, the two people's heads exploded in front of her, and a three-foot-high fountain of blood burst out from their broken necks.

Zhang Su carried Chu Xiangyan on his shoulders and relied on the void to control the air.

"What are you doing?" he said coldly.

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