Witch containment diary

Chapter 437 Performing Surgery on the Earth

"Master——!" Although Chu Xiangyan was injured, she still shouted hoarsely and forced a smile.

Zhang Su's eyes fell on Chu Xiangyan's scarred body, which exuded murderous intent.

In the open space, the bandits retreated.

The two companions' heads exploded in front of them, and this matter had entered the category of miraculous tricks.

They were covered in cold sweat and their scalps were numb, realizing that Zhang Su was definitely someone they couldn't mess with.

"You dare to attack her, you are really desperate." Zhang Su said coldly.

The murderous intention that is more terrifying than the devil is completely unbearable for their fragile hearts.

Several of them collapsed directly to the ground, their bodies twitching. The old scavenger himself dropped his head to the ground, extremely frightened. Others begged for mercy and cried uncontrollably.

"No...don't kill us..."


"This power..."

"Hiss..." Someone among them flashed his cloudy eyes, and suddenly remembered that Chu Xiangyan had traveled eastward across the ocean before the natural disaster, and received guidance from overseas masters. After returning to China, he had achieved great success and his strength had grown by leaps and bounds.

Could this be the real strong man who taught Chu Xiangyan his unique skills?

When they thought of this, they suddenly felt horrified, and the old scavenger felt even more regretful.

Why did I dare to put myself in danger and feel that Chu Xiangyan was isolated and helpless?

Such unintelligent choices have caused them to panic so much that they are afraid to speak.

"I never play tricks on life, and I have no good intentions." Zhang Su said, "I have killed countless vicious people whose behavior is no different from that of demons. Please make your final memories in the next three seconds. .”

They couldn't detect any changes in Zhang Su's aura, but they felt that there was no limit to the murderous intent.



"Help—!" They either cried or screamed, or ran away with their heads in their hands, or shot at Zhang Su in despair, only to see the bullets freeze in the air without any chance.

As soon as three seconds passed, they all died suddenly.

The world is restored to purity.

Chu Xiangyan took a deep breath, and her master's strength became stronger again, which made her feel inexplicably happy.

Zhang Su's face did not change at all. He waited for the blood on the ground to flow for a moment before turning his eyes to Chu Xiangyan.

"Huh...huh..." Chu Xiangyan looked down, raised her head with difficulty, and reluctantly showed a thumbs up, "My health is broken."

"It will get better." Zhang Su transformed the flowing air into an everlasting healing power to heal Chu Xiangyan.

His power flowed through Chu Xiangyan's injuries, and the severe pain was greatly reduced. Chu Xiangyan felt that the wound was itching and the nerve endings were regenerating.

"I'm not good at healing. I'm afraid you have to rest for a while." Zhang Su said.

"Hey...I'm fine." Chu Xiangyan didn't want her master to worry, but her eyelids trembled and fatigue filled her heart.

Zhang Su looked at the large Angry Demon that died on the commercial street. This Angry Demon had dark skin, six arms on its body, and its head covered with sharp horns was kicked to pieces. It was obviously Chu Xiangyan's work.

Her strength and spirit have not declined over the years and have continued to grow. This makes Zhang Su very satisfied. The saplings he cultivated unintentionally back then are becoming towering trees that can defend China.

"Have a good rest." Zhang Su said, "You have suffered enough, now it's time to have a good rest..."

Before he finished speaking, Chu Xiangyan fell asleep with a great sense of peace of mind. She felt particularly safe in Zhang Su's arms.

After raiding the bandits' stronghold, Zhang Su fed Chu Xiangyan pure water and Oreos.

Time flies, even though the earth has been scarred, Zhang Su still likes it here.

Chu Xiangyan originally felt like she was floating in the soft void, just like the feeling in her mother's womb.

Underage children occasionally think of this soft taste, carefree and unconscious, like a water slide.

Memories and illusions gathered and dissipated like mist, and the roar of Taotie's throat was still in her ears. She recalled the faces of bandits, the appearance of scavengers, and the punishing posture of Zhang Sutian, the unparalleled god of war...

The darkness faded and was replaced by morning light.

Chu Xiangyan stretched out and found that he was lying on a bed sheet. He felt comfortable everywhere and his clothes had been changed.

"Master, did you fucking poke me?" Chu Xiangyan turned her head.

"You don't have any fat on your body, how can you taste it? Even if you have any fat on your body, it's no different from a man." Zhang Su snorted coldly, "I'm just changing clothes and making your bed for you."

"Hey." Chu Xiangyan came over, "What are you looking at?"

"Outside the horizon." Zhang Su sat cross-legged on the ground, piercing the sky with his gaze, and saw the aircraft approaching slowly in the distance. "Now we must gather the refugees, clear the land, and resume production."

"Ah? What should the demons do? Once the settlement exceeds hundreds or thousands of people, the demons will swarm in." Chu Xiangyan was alert.

"Go cook first." Zhang Su didn't say anything, but he already missed Chu Xiangyan's cooking skills.

"Oh! Let's cook." Chu Xiangyan built a small stove with bricks in the open space, used firewood, stool legs and curtains as fuel, and used the pots and ingredients found to make fried rice.

Chu Xiangyan ate the two bowls of rice, each filled with rice, bacon and chili, and devoured them hungrily. They were extremely delicious.

She was hungry and exhausted, and the aromatic and spicy food made her feel alive.

"When natural disasters came, various places were divided. It was only recently that I had the opportunity to come again." Zhang Su said while eating, "But now, the balance of power has changed. My power is far greater than before. I can guard the land and repel the swarms." Demonic."

"Eh? Is it so powerful?" Chu Xiangyan's eyes lit up, "Isn't there hope?"

"More than that, finish the meal quickly, we still have things to do." Zhang Su said.

"No problem." Chu Xiangyan finished her food in a polite manner, and then saluted Zhang Su, "Master, I don't know what to do to repay the great kindness in this life, please give me whatever you want."

"Follow me." Zhang Su checked Chu Xiangyan's muscles and bones. There were hidden diseases in both legs and spine, and he only recovered 30%. "Don't fight the devil, do something with low risk. Let's gather those refugees and rebuild the earth." .”

"Yes." Chu Xiangyan raised her head and smiled.

They began to gather refugees.

The surroundings were silent except for the ghostly cries as the wind blew through the empty tall buildings.

Buildings crumbled, streets scorched, all the wonders of human architecture lost, time eating away the mortar and steel to reveal the human ashes beneath.

But the wildfires are not burning out, and greenery is reborn on the ash-covered soil. From the cracks in the sidewalk, new shoots are growing, some growing to tens of centimeters long.

Zhang Su made a sign that read "Follow us" and asked Chu Xiangyan to hold it up and turn it around while shouting.

"This is so embarrassing." Chu Xiangyan held up the sign, "It's just like the advertisement. Is anyone really coming? Master?"

"There is no telecommunications, no Internet, so be it, people will follow." Zhang Su said calmly, "We will make a circle from here, and then walk northwest to the Yellow River, passing through ten villages and towns and three cities. Someone’s. As for the devil, I’ll kill it.”

At first, the scavengers thought they were just two lunatics who had no concern for the signs, and even the most confident people didn't see any benefit in following them.

But gradually, they noticed Zhang Suqi's majestic appearance, recognized Chu Xiangyan's identity, and felt that they were unusual, so they followed him doubtfully.

"The sign says to follow, so we will follow..."

"Isn't this stupider than an ant?"

"They are not like the workers of iniquity..."

"We are too poor and have nothing left to grab. Just follow them."

After leaving Lanling County, Chu Xiangyan turned around and found that a dozen or so people were already following him.

They were carrying large and small bags, which contained their treasures, jingling saws, hammers, axes, food and water. There are also people riding very worn-out shared bicycles.

Someone is coming!

Chu Xiangyan found it incredible, but that was probably the case with these people.

They continued walking north.

The climate is dry, the air is poisonous, and people are sick, but they still try to keep up.

The land was scorching hot and it was very painful to walk, but they did not dare to fall behind for fear of being hunted by demons in the wilderness.

Some monsters regarded these pedestrians as snacks and rushed over from a distance. As a result, the team instantly fell into pieces and ran away.

But after a while, they found that any demon was shot by invisible energy and turned into pieces.

"There are guards..."

"Aren't you afraid of demons anymore?!"


They immediately felt at ease and followed silently.

Survivors from all over the country came out of their hiding places one after another. They arrived with disgraced faces following the screams of the monsters dying.

They saw Chu Xiangyan walking at the front and the sign in her hand that read "Follow us!".

"Why should we follow?"

"They are the ones who open the way."

"Where are they taking us?"

"But even if you don't move forward, there is no future if you stay in the darkness..."

They looked at each other, hesitated, and finally took a step to follow them.

Take your meager possessions, cooking utensils, wicker baskets, clothes, and weapons.

Chu Xiangyan led the team, set off in the afternoon, fell asleep at dawn, and kept moving forward.

At night, if there were fights or shouting, thieves or robbers sneaking in, Chu Xiangyan would strictly inspect them, stop them, and kill those who behaved excessively. Zhang Su practiced with his eyes closed, and even the most vicious people did not dare to disturb him.

As they advanced like this, some people couldn't hold on and ran away, and more people came from far away to join. Although Chu Xiangyan was still injured, he gritted his teeth and persisted, unwilling to embarrass himself in front of everyone.

"Our team is getting bigger and bigger..."


"So many people——" The newcomers were all surprised by the size of the team.

The survivors in the wilderness originally lived sparsely and lived like lone wolves, but now, they have gathered together for a brand and two travelers!

Where are you going?

Their eyes fell sharply on Zhang Su and Chu Xiangyan. Even if it all led to nothingness and destruction, they recognized it. But they all have hope, hoping that the master and disciple can bring new life.

When Chu Xiangyan looked back, he saw thousands of people following them on the vast land!

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