Witch containment diary

Chapter 438 The establishment of New Oriental

With such a large group of people, what is Zhang Su going to take them to?

Even Chu Xiangyan was not sure.

"Let's build together!" Zhang Su raised his hand and summoned Gu Dongming's god Hongyan, who was in charge of farming and construction.

The shadow of the red flame flashed past, waving his hand to bless the earth.

The soil became fertile in an instant, and the color of the soil turned rich and black. You could squeeze out the juice with your hands, and the plant seeds buried deep in the ashes were waiting for an opportunity to take root.

Then came the changes in construction.

A brand new road suddenly appeared, as if a big hand from the sky "plopped" it down, like a dream.

The buildings in the surrounding villages and towns were changing and buzzing, melted steel, cracked pipes and collapsed walls were all repairing themselves, and cracked bricks were flying upwards, returning to their rightful place.


"Is there such a thing?"

"Just like before the natural disaster——" People were surprised and happy.

It seems that if you leave the hiding place in one go and follow them to the river bank, you will indeed see a miracle!

Zhang Su asked them to clear the vacant land, focus on farming, and resume production.

He stayed out of people's internal affairs and left them to their own devices.

True to people's nature, they had heated discussions over management rights.

Finally, several groups were divided based on each person's reputation, deeds, and power during the disaster, and were governed by those who usually had a better reputation and were trustworthy. They then intensely devoted themselves to the reconstruction work.

Zhang Su called this newly built land "New Oriental".

He looked back at the empty Yellow River.

Probably due to changes in the geographical environment, the river now only has a dry riverbed, and only the stream-like water body can be seen flowing slowly. It is no longer one ten thousandth of the spectacular scenery of the river in the past.

Even the scenery of the mountains and seas has become decayed, and the entire earth has been trampled by demons beyond recognition.

But if the survivors can unite, sooner or later they can return to their heyday.

Zhang Su practiced by the river, continued to absorb the energy of heaven and earth, and turned it into his own use.

Sunset glow, morning dew, midday sun, late night moonlight...

People noticed Zhang Su's posture of repeatedly digesting the air flow, and then they realized why they were called "breatharians".

After ten months of hard work, New Oriental’s settlement has begun to take shape.

Zhang Su assisted and allowed them to cooperate with the Alliance of Human Survivors on the Moon.

Lianwu packed the express and sent it to the ground in a shuttle, mostly seeds, food and tools and materials. The residents of Hedong mine groundwater to transport clean water to our fellow humans in the universe. It is very difficult to obtain water in the universe.

After people plowed thousands of acres of land, they planted brand-new vegetables called "Plenty". They were very sensitive to fertility and especially loved the black soil blessed by red flames, and they grew well.

Around the Hedong settlement, more and more survivors are filing in, choosing to participate, eager to contribute.

Under the evolution of social ecology, the residents of New Oriental have developed strict cooperation disciplines, cherish every hard-won resource, respect every resident who works hard in Hedong, and thank everyone for choosing to put down violence and devote themselves to cooperation. .

They wield hoes, repair buildings, pave roads, herd animals, and maintain law and order, and are respected for their efforts.

In this new era of "earth reset", the value of each human being has increased tens of millions of times compared to the past.

In the past, the earth was filled with 8 billion people, and an individual was not even as good as a drop of water in the ocean.

But now, the total population in the settlement known as "Hedong" is only 10,000 people, and they believe that their group is the only one left! Therefore everyone is important.

People, humans! Everyone is important! No matter men, women, old or young, we are all the hope of civilization!

In this apocalypse, people need nothing more than the basics of food, sleep, and safety, and they struggle to be met.

The sick and elderly are looked after, and it is hoped that they can recover as soon as possible and contribute to the resurgence of humanity.

In order to resume production, scavengers brought back materials and parts from all over the wasteland, and everyone worked together to drag back large lathes and mechanical components.

Handicraft workshops and light-duty factories quickly began to recover due to their low technical content. Their work was still poor at first, but by the third week, they were able to mass-produce various parts that were essential for industrial society.

So I longed for more things, ores, roads, wood...

They work hard to establish trade links with the moon and other settlements in outer space, exchanging technology and materials.

Chu Xiangyan felt incredible about all this.

"Why do you want everyone to work hard?" Chu Xiangyan asked Zhang Su.

"Human beings are resilient, but if we want to rebuild a place, we have to filter." Zhang Su did not open his eyes. "In the wilderness, those who follow us for one percent hope show that they have ambition and at least a trace of it. Motivation, unwilling to lie down and wait for death. No one was left behind on the way, which means that you have the strength to walk. No one was driven away for robbing, stealing, or swearing at each other, which means that you have basic literacy. You have evil thoughts but you hide them, and you have not been arrested so far. Yes, it shows that the basic shrewdness and survival wisdom have been retained. Such a large number of people have gathered from the boundless wasteland. If the standards are lowered, they can be regarded as a group of elites on the earth. I just intend to let these people be the first Criticize those who rebuild civilization."

"Yes. Those who can live to this day and live to build a small society at this moment are all rare talents." Chu Xiangyan came back to her senses, "But master, many people have tried to rebuild the city before. But they all failed. Even if the master can defeat the devil, we will still collapse due to lack of resources! Simply sending supplies to the moon is still too ineffective."

"You have unlimited resources and a lot of technology. Now, it's time to accept it." Zhang Su opened his eyes and stood up, walking towards the newly built human settlement.

At this time, a huge open space has been cleared here according to Zhang Su's original arrangement. People still don't know what such a large open space is used for.

"It's time to land." Zhang Su pointed his finger at the sky and sent out a signal.


"what is that……"

"Our..." People couldn't help but put down their work and gather around, looking up at the giant shadow looming in the sky.

I saw the majestic stern leaning down, its slender bow pointing straight to the ground, and its broad hull piercing the clouds, like a Kunpeng descending from the sky.

Shenzhou Fleet!

One, two, three... countless ships, covering the sky and covering the sun!

People were surprised and delighted.

Either because it is difficult to leave their homeland, or because of their low status, or because of technical failures, there are always many people who do not leave with the fairy boat for various reasons.

But they all heard more or less that the fairy boats would come back sooner or later.

And now is the day that we have been waiting for for a long time!

Many people shed tears.

"Hey! I'm back! Everyone is fucking back!" Chu Xiangyan couldn't help but burst into tears.

"Why didn't you go to heaven in the first place?" Zhang Su asked.

"I'm just the youngest grandchild of the Chu family. I just rely on others to survive. With a personality like mine, I won't even be able to leave the earth." Chu Xiangyan sighed.

"But they care about you very much, and they specifically asked me to protect you before they came back, so I patrolled the land." Zhang Su said.

"Eh?! Is that so? Then they really don't know how to express love! Or do they think this is enough for me to forgive?" Chu Xiangyan expressed dissatisfaction.

"Now that the fleet has returned to the earth and no longer travels far away, it means that it has not completely abandoned you, and finally chose to come back to live together. Isn't this worth being happy about?" Zhang Su asked.

"In the final analysis, I came here because I saw that the earth has a chance to revive. The immortal people really regard people like us with insufficient status as victims." Chu Xiangyan said stubbornly.

"Did you know that Li Yixin was also very envious of your identity as a child of the Chu family?" Zhang Su couldn't help but say, "When you looked up to the fairy boat, others were also looking up to you. So respecting yourself means respecting others."

"I know. Now everyone looks up to you. And what do you look up to? Master?" Chu Xiangyan asked.

"There is still a road above you, but there is no road above me." Zhang Su said.

The Shenzhou connection allowed Mu Jianyun to continue to navigate the descent of the Xianzhou fleet.

The fleet's treasure ships are huge in size, each carrying a population of 300,000, and they are all relatively noble and elite immortal people. They have practiced Qi since childhood and are currently sleeping in the cryo chamber. Once the landing fails or encounters a demonic invasion, the ship will be damaged, and their fate can be imagined.

"There are a lot of monsters ahead!"

"The devil appears!"

"Teleport!" The alarm sounded again and again.

Mu Jianyun stared at the emerging settlement below and checked the spatial coordinate radar.

More than ten portals suddenly appeared within a radius of 50 kilometers, indicating that the demon had already prepared to project troops and tried to tear apart the Immortal Boat Fleet.

Zhang Su!

He suddenly felt uneasy. This person should ensure the safety of the surroundings before letting the fairy boat fleet come. Why would he allow these demons to appear now?

There is also the large settlement below, crowded with civilians. Although an airport has been cleared for the ferry to land, they are nothing more than bait and living targets once the demons approach.

What the hell is Zhang Su doing?

"Command the fleet to stop descending temporarily." Mu Jianyun immediately asked the fleet to suspend its descent.


"Roar——" The huge tyrant flame demons crawled out from the cracks in the abyss, followed by a large number of soul-eating flying wing demons, giant dragon demons, disaster demons, etc., forming a huge abyss army.

The Hedong survivors on the ground were also horrified.

"Did the demons find out?"

"Sure enough, as long as the number of demons exceeds a certain level, they will be attacked by demons..."

"We shouldn't stay here, we should run!"


"Damn it, if that's the case, then let's grab a good deal before leaving..." Sensing that the devil was approaching and the ground was noisy, people's thoughts changed.

When Zhang Su saw the fleet's whereabouts stopped, he couldn't help but send an inquiry.

"Shepherd, why are you suspending the fleet's anchoring?" he asked.

Mu Jianyun couldn't help but feel embarrassed, didn't this guy know that the devil had arrived?

"There are demons in the four realms. Most of the fairy ships are civilians and are not suitable for landing." Mu Jianyun said.

Zhang Su lowered the normal threat scanning level, and then discovered those monsters.

"Sorry. I skipped them. The demons that came were too weak to be scanned."

"What?" Mu Jianyun couldn't help but be surprised. In the past, such a large group of demons would have required the dispatch of border generals, the firepower support of the Chinese fleet, and several months of fighting to capture it.

But Zhang Su said they were too weak?

"I'll just take care of it." Zhang Su started.

well. Mu Jianyun said secretly. It depends on how you deal with these demons. How can you do it alone?

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