Witch containment diary

Chapter 440 Jianmu Thirty-Third Heaven

There are more and more residents in New Oriental City.

Hundreds of people from all over the world join in every day. They originally wanted to open up land, farm and collect, but at the request of Xianzhou, they must excavate the mountain, restore the spiritual vein mine, and replenish the spiritual stone fuel for Xianzhou. .

Chu Xiangyan frowned.

She thought about her original trip to New Tokyo, where she had the privilege of being from Xianzhou, and often acted recklessly, asking people and soldiers to tell her the truth, and severely tortured Li Yixin.

Thinking about it now, I really blushed.

Li Yixin, that is a good woman who can become a comrade-in-arms!

"The Immortal Boat was built by a small group of ascended people. At first, they wanted the air-eating people to become stronger and go to the sky, and everyone would be like a dragon! But it seems that that idea has been broken... By the time people realize that the immortals The boat's fuel depends on them, and conflicts will break out sooner or later!" Chu Xiangyan concluded.

"That's right. If the conflict between the people of the Immortal Boat and the people of the wasteland cannot be resolved, even if all the demons are lost, a new struggle will begin." Zhang Su said.

Chu Xiangyan looked at New Oriental City distressedly.

People of all kinds have gathered together to rebuild their lives, and they have even begun to repair the network and tinker with some software that can view pornographic images. They are full of energy.

If all this suddenly passed away, Chu Xiangyan really didn't know what to do.

She looked up at the fairy boats. When she was a child, she lived in the sky and was not sensitive. Now when she looked up from the ground, she felt that the ships were unreachable.

The summer harvest has arrived, and more than 500,000 kilograms of "rich fruits" rescued from the Svalbard seed bank have been harvested. There is no need to worry about food for the time being.

Mars, the moon, Xianzhou, and Dongfang City are gradually connected in a line, like a blood vessel, slowly injecting life into the ground.

Chu Xiangyan was still patrolling Dongfang City, while Zhang Su was practicing by the dry Yellow River.

The activities of immortals in the lower world are becoming less and less frequent.

In the first few weeks, they would appear in person in front of everyone. Later, only a few immortals wearing breathing valves supervised the work with unkind expressions, and sent robots to replace human work. They seemed not to trust the people on the ground.

In addition to logistics and transportation, the most important task is to build a large elevator called the "Jianmu Sky Ladder".

This space elevator will reach the moon, and many laborers have been gathered to join the construction at the request of Xianzhou.

Xianzhou's space technology has always been very advanced, and now it has also proposed sophisticated design plans.

Each ship in the fleet will be arranged in a ladder sequence, with thirty-three ships going from top to bottom, forming thirty-three anchor points, connected to each other, forming an elevator-like arrangement, so that the up and down movement of supplies will be very smooth. The cables arranged in sections also ensure the stability of the elevator.

This is... "The Thirty-Third Heaven"!

Chu Xiangyan looked up and saw the majestic fairy boat casting a huge shadow on the ground. Workers were working hard in the lowest stage to assemble the towering accelerator.

"First test!" the engineer shouted.

A 25-ton blue rusty container was trucked to the platform, containing mainly scrap parts for smelting and melting.

Its entire box is embedded in the cargo hold to simulate actual transportation.

After the wooden ladder was launched, the cargo cabin rose rapidly along the cable, and the rope swayed slightly, as if dancing in the wind.

The first fairy boat it encounters remains anchored, accelerating it as the cargo hold passes by. At the same time, it adjusts its propulsion angle and direction, allowing the cargo hold to accelerate again and fly towards the next fairy boat.

From there, it continues to rise until the thirty-third heaven, and finally reaches the moon.

For the people at the bottom, they can only see the two or three fairy boats at the bottom at most, and the world in the sky is still very far away.


"Very good!"

"Such a spectacle can only be achieved by us in China..."

"With a space elevator, the cost of launching materials is 90% less than rocket transportation. I really hope to see it when it is finally completed." The staff sighed very much.

After stable transportation, more residents were asked by Xianzhou to mine minerals to support the expenses of Xianzhou and building maintenance.

There are many minerals in the Shenzhou region that do not exist in the outside world, such as spiritual stones, strange jade, ghost iron, white sulfur, etc., and efforts are now being made to mine them.

They all worked hard, and Chu Xiangyan noticed the details.

"We have put in so much hard work, will we get any benefits?"

"After all, we are all breatharians, so we should be allowed to join the Immortal Boat."

"In this case, we can also walk to higher ground." Many residents have this idea.

It turns out that everyone is like me, thinking that through hard work they can join Xianzhou, so they are willing to help. Chu Xiangyan said secretly. No wonder everyone is working day and night.

I am also a person, so Xianzhou will invite me sooner or later. Chu Xiangyan felt very confident.

A week later.

As expected, Xianzhou released news that some people on the ground would board Jianmu and join the "Thirty-Third Heaven".

However, they have to conduct a selection and assessment of the people on the ground, hoping that they can pass the strict selection and then get the rights to live in the fairy boat, thus becoming high-level breath-eaters who have no worries about food and clothing.

In other words, a series of tests on talents, tendons, and bones are conducted to select breath-eaters who have spiritual roots in their bodies and are suitable for cultivation.

After passing, he will be expected to become an outer disciple and assist Xianzhou in managing New Oriental City and the breath-eaters on the ground.

There was an endless stream of people signing up, and the Shenzhou connection envoy Mu Jianyun personally proctored the exam.

"The power of Qi, third stage!"

Looking at the five bright and even dazzling characters on the test stone tablet, the young man's face was expressionless, with a hint of self-mockery at the corner of his mouth...

This is what happens to most people. Chu Xiangyan saw that most people were weak.

In the end, only a dozen people out of more than 10,000 people passed.

They all relied on hard power to survive until the natural disaster, and killed countless little devils on the way.

Most of the people who lost the election complained.

"We worked hard to dig out the spiritual stones from the ground and let the fairy boat hang high. Why can't we get up there?"

"The location of the Immortal Boat is so big that it can give everyone a cabin. Why do they have to go through so many assessments?"

"The exercises were all developed by our ancestors. Why are they monopolized by you now? Aren't our ancestors also your ancestors? We were one family a thousand years ago, why should we be separated now?" The residents of New Oriental City were very unhappy about this.

"It's not that you are not diligent!" The few who passed were anxious. They were thinking about going to the thirty-third heaven to share the results of the construction, and did not want this beautiful test to be destroyed.

The conflict gradually became louder and louder.

Chu Xiangyan noticed that Xianzhou's armed forces began to decline.

If a fight breaks out, New Oriental City will be blown up by naval guns...

A group of armed men with swords arrived.

Most of them are accomplished warriors with Qi energy, possessing ten to twenty levels of Qi energy. As for the Li Shu breath-eaters on the ground, they are only at the third or fourth level at most.

When Zhang Su was practicing, some people tried to imitate his breathing method and learned many useful skills. However, the time was too short and there was no chance to turn them into combat effectiveness. They could only grit their teeth and endure it.

"You'd better behave well. Now we just tolerate your existence generously." The soldier was very dissatisfied when he left.

People on earth want to prove that they are still healthy humans, but looking at each other's weak state and poor limbs, and then looking at the perfect postures maintained by the immortals during space navigation, they can only sigh.

Eventually broke up on bad terms.

Chu Xiangyan ran to inform Zhang Su.

"Master, don't sleep too much, the big one is coming." Chu Xiangyan reported.

"It seems like someone is coming." Zhang Su looked up and saw the Immortal Boat Connector Mu Jianyun arriving with his energy.

"Zhang Wushen." Mu Jianyun tried to recruit him, "I'm here because of the recent turmoil in New Oriental City."

"Please come back. The only thing in my heart is to fight against the devil and end the natural disaster. I hope you will also put your energy into this matter." Zhang Su said.

"Miss Xiangyan." Mu Jianyun did not dare to say more to Zhang Su for fear of causing resentment, so he immediately turned his attention to Chu Xiangyan, "You have always been prestigious in New Oriental City..."

"I want to do whatever I want, and I don't want to be driven by others." Chu Xiangyan also refused.

As expected of a master and a disciple, there is no room for exploiting every opportunity. Mu Jianyun said secretly.

In this case, we can only ask Chu Zu to come out.

Mu Jianyun stopped bothering him.

"You two, please help yourself." He bowed deeply and then left.

"Master, you have been looking at the dry river here for a long time. Do you see anything interesting about it?" Chu Xiangyan asked.

"There is still water upstream, but it is blocked. A big hole must be built to release the flood. Not only here, many mountains and rivers need to be reshaped to their original appearance. Only when we rebuild mountains and rivers and protect trillions of people can we restore our Familiar China." Zhang Su said.

Another payload was launched, with Chu Xiangyan watching.

People put the mined spiritual stones, sulfur and minerals into the cargo hold, launched them upward along the space elevator, and sprinted towards the sky, heading for the increasingly distant Fairy Boat Fleet.

Work is in full swing.

At Xianzhou's request, the residents of New Oriental City need to work hard every day to meet the huge consumption of the Xianzhou fleet.


"It's so hard..."

"I'm going to be exhausted..."

"Is Xianzhou planning to exhaust us to death..."

"The robots they sent seem to be secretly replacing us..."

"It would be great if Xianzhou didn't come back..."

"In this case, it might as well be the first few weeks." Many people have objections.

Occasionally, some supplies are projected downward from above.

Most of them are entertainment products, such as cigarettes, beer, medicines and "O God" game console discs, used to let people enjoy life and distract their attention.

However, more and more people want more new things.

"It is said that the people of Xianzhou live a luxurious life."

"They eat countless delicacies every day, drink pre-war drinks, and have many artificial robot butlers called 'Yanou'."

"They never let us go up, and the temperaments of those who go up have changed drastically." The residents complained while working.

"Be honest!" Xianzhou soldiers shouted to them, "Don't talk during working hours."

"This is our territory!"

"Are you in charge?"

"What do you mean?"

"This is us at work!" Everyone was not happy and started a quarrel.

The soldier picked up his spiritual spear in displeasure, preparing to poke the two leaders as a warning.


Chu Xiangyan flew forward, raised his leg and kicked out, knocking the spear out of the soldier's hand. The soldier was shocked and saw it flying more than ten meters, spinning and landing on the ground.

Immediately a brave man next to him picked up the spirit spear, turned it in a circle, and used it as his own weapon.

"You are - rebelling!" The soldier glared at Chu Xiangyan, "You...Miss Xiangyan, aren't you also a member of the Immortal Boat?"

"Stop making such a fuss." Chu Xiangyan was also beating her heart.

Deep down, she didn't want to make a big fuss, and the soldier's words made her feel uncomfortable, but she didn't want this to turn into a full-scale conflict.

Xianzhou quickly noticed the movement below.

In order to ensure the normal operation of the wooden elevator, more soldiers descended to try to maintain the situation.

"Arrest those people!"

"Don't let them mess around!"

The soldiers considered that there was no room for error in building the wooden elevator and immediately began to implement measures.

"They're coming!"

"Damn it——"

"We cut down the building wood!"

"Without the power of the spirit stone, the fairy boat will crash!"

"Let them have a taste of the power!" Residents of Dongfang City gathered one after another and threw their weapons at Jianmu Elevator.

Jedi Tiantong!

Chu Xiangyan gritted her teeth and was about to take action when she suddenly felt thunder rolling and wind pressure falling from the sky.

"You're all going to die if you talk and make trouble!" A loud shout came down, and Chu Xiangyan couldn't be more familiar with it. It was her biological grandfather... Chu Boyao!

The muscles all over his body swelled, and his energy protected him. Like a god, Chu Boyao also found the boundary of his energy!

At this time, Chu Boyao noticed the presence of Chu Xiangyan.

"Go away." Chu Boyao urged, "I'll f**king kill you!"

"Come on!" Chu Xiangyan was extremely angry and rolled up her sleeves, "Let's see who is stronger and who is the ancestor today!"

The first grandson-grandfather fight in history!

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