Witch containment diary

Chapter 441 Promise to duel

"Arrogant! Do you want to protect these traitors?" Chu Boyao snorted coldly.

"Didn't you once sit at the border to protect hundreds of millions of people?" Chu Xiangyan shouted, "Now, I will protect them!"

"They are deeply eroded by radiation, have impure genes, and have perverse temperaments. They are no longer of my race, and you still regard them as the same race? Are you still not a member of the Chu family?" Chu Boyao snorted coldly.

The people living in New Oriental City are not as good as before, unkempt and ashamed of themselves.

Chu Boyao looked at them and sneered again and again. He no longer regarded them as the people of China in the past.

"Don't be so self-righteous!" Chu Xiangyan shouted, "Open your fucking eyes and take a look, these are all brothers and sisters, and you are acting as an aide to the tiger and going against the will of heaven!"

"The nonsense is still being shouted. The immortal boat is the foundation of the Qi-eater's life. You should be damned if you rebel against your superiors!" Chu Boyao shouted loudly, repelling thousands of people around him, and then drove the Zixiao Qizhou behind him, and suddenly headed towards A palm shot out from the ground.

What a powerful domineering spirit!

Chu Xiangyan looked up and saw the light from Zixiao's palm slamming down, and realized how powerful Grandpa and Grandpa were. When did he learn to be angry?

Without any room for hesitation, Chu Xiangyan took a deep breath.

"I'm going to go against the will of heaven today!" Chu Xiangyan gathered all her energy and prepared to kick hard towards the descending palm print.

Gather all the strength in your body and explode it out!

Throughout the whole body, concentrate a little——

Phoenix kick!

Chu Xiangyan violently kicked upwards, with colorful phoenix energy on the soles of her feet, which collided with the big handprint in the air and exploded with energy!

At the moment of contact, Chu Xiangyan felt a huge force falling from the sky, overwhelming the mountains and the sea, and his whole body was crushed.


She was actually pressed down three inches, and the ground around her completely collapsed, creating a pit.

"Damn it-" Chu Xiangyan spat out a mouthful of blood.

Her face was pale, her energy was disordered, and her right leg was covered in blood again.

"Your strength is no match for me, call your master to take action!" Chu Boyao yelled.

"I will never... lose to a beast ancestor like you." Chu Xiangyan took a deep breath, solidified the armor again, clenched her fists, "Come again!"

"Then I'll beat you until you surrender!" Chu Boyao slapped him down with one palm.

Chu Xiangyan gritted her teeth and prepared to fight.

Master, lend me your power!

"Martial God, come out!" She raised her hand, and she felt the invisible link, and she felt happy, "If you want to see the power of my master, you can!"

Borrowing Zhang Su's golden "God of War", a giant towering upright appeared behind Chu Xiangyan!

"Okay! Kill!" Chu Boyao shouted loudly, and instantly punched out his shadow.

Chu Xiangyan concentrated on controlling the Martial God who was much larger than her. She clenched her fist and punched Chu Boyao's Zixiao Qi with just one punch.

Boom, boom——

The explosions continued, causing the sky and the earth to change color.

Even the wooden elevator was crumbling, and several fairy boats close to the ground were forced to loosen their anchors and begin to retreat.

Many buildings in New Oriental City also seemed to be blown by a hurricane, swaying here and there.

"This is...a battle between powerful breatharians..."

"Damn it, I really want to be the strongest breatharian..."

"Run! Don't get hit..." People were leaning against the wall and shivering, not daring to stare.

After twenty moves of fighting, Chu Boyao wanted to fight again, but he received a message.

"Don't hurt Jianmu Ladder!"

Chu Boyao turned around and saw the swaying Jianmu. Although his hands were itchy, he reluctantly stopped.

If a private fight here causes the building to collapse, the Thirty-third Heavenly Immortal Boat will be damaged, and the price is too high to be worth it.

Still have to find an open space.

"Call your master to come out." Chu Boyao stood with his hands behind his back.

"Huh...huh...huh..." Chu Xiangyan had just exchanged twenty punches with Chu Boyao, and his whole body was about to lose energy. "Damn it, did you-did you admit defeat?"

"Seeking death!" Chu Boyao raised his hand.

"I'm here." Zhang Su appeared, first protecting Chu Xiangyan, then soaring up through the clouds and staring at Chu Boyao.

Chu Boyao and Zhang Su looked at each other, and then sneered.

"My 'descendant' has a naughty character," Chu Boyao crossed his arms. "It's ridiculous that he would fall out with Xianzhou for the sake of the residents of this city. My martial arts skills are superb, so it's okay to kill her. But I'm afraid you have to fight with her. I won’t give up, so let’s do this, let’s compete, if you lose, take Chu Xiangyan and leave China forever, and don’t interfere with our affairs again.”

"If I win, you will leave China forever and no longer interfere in the affairs of the Immortal Boat." Zhang Su said coldly.

"Okay! It's a deal." Chu Boyao turned and left, "Three days later, we will fight again, and the one who is still standing at the end will be the Earth Martial God who can dominate this world!"

The strongest on earth competes for hegemony!

"Master!" Chu Xiangyan shouted with all her strength, "What's going on?"

"Chu Boyao is aggressive by nature." Zhang Su could see this from the New Tokyo War.

"Hiss..." Chu Xiangyan felt anxious, "Is it because of me?"

"I'm afraid that the Xianzhou side also deliberately let him come to entangle me. This battle is inevitable. Needless to say. Just think carefully. Chu Boyao has the support of the entire Xianzhou fleet behind him. I'm afraid his strength will be strengthened a lot." Zhang Sudao .

"Yes." Chu Xiangyan understood and turned to look at the messy scene. Some people were injured in the aftermath of the conflict and were receiving first aid. "... Damn it, I just want to protect the people here, why is it so difficult? Woolen cloth."

"Let's go, this matter will have a huge impact on our future." Zhang Su left.

Chu Xiangyan had complicated feelings about this land and the people living on it. She looked at the azure surrounding fields and gazed at it with nostalgia for a moment.

Zhang Su and Chu Xiangyan went to the moon.

As soon as Zhang Su and Chu Xiangyan were gone, the Xianzhou soldiers descended from the sky again, took control of the city's management, organized the people into households, and asked them to resume work as soon as possible and continue to use the wooden ladder to transport supplies to the thirty-third heaven.

After the Fairy Boat Fleet returns, it will require a lot of resources to maintain.

Normally, the entire Shenzhou is supplied, but now there is only one city, so the requirements for them are strict, and they are ordered to extensively exploit minerals for funding.

A large number of Xianzhou robots also quickly entered cities, occupied residences, mined minerals with higher efficiency, and gradually replaced the ecological niche of "ordinary people".

Over time, the Thirty-Third Heaven will become a world with only immortals and working robots.

Moon, pre-war conference.

"It's time to duel, let's go sneak attack Chu Boyao." After hearing this, Zaosui was very happy.

"You have to practice martial ethics when fighting against a person like that." Zhang Su said, "Just let me handle this matter alone."

"Yes. So what should we do next?" Hayho asked, "Rest? Can we finally take a vacation?"

"The work is endless. I hope you will go to Earth." Zhang Su said.

"Going to the decisive battlefield to lay a trap? No problem." Hayho said excitedly.

"No, I said I want to talk about martial ethics. I'm looking for someone. I want to ask you to go to the west coast of North America. Katie and Remi are there. It is said that the news about Yuori is also there, as well as the mysterious 'Oracle' ...There are many things that you need to investigate." Zhang Su drafted a task statement for them.

"Ah?! I still want to sleep." Hayho blinked, "——But when I think about Yuanori Cat and Kati-chan, I feel full of energy."

Zhang Su nodded and prepared to retreat.

Zaosui went outside and saw Chu Xiangyan.

"Hey, are you here to join the children's team... no, the ring of peace of mind?" asked Hayho.

"I'm not a fairy." Chu Xiangyan looked at Zaohui, "You are all little fairies, right."

"Why are witches called witches in other places but fairies in your place?" asked Hayho.

"There is a powerful fairy, the goddess Qiongheng, in heaven, who is in charge of rituals and the cycle of regulating chaos in the world. Therefore, we have always called other witches fairies." Chu Xiangyan said.

Is heaven the spiritual world? Hayao thought. Different civilizations have different names. But in general, they all want to express a wonderful place that is higher than the human world. And "Qiongheng" is also one of the nine seats of the witch.

"It doesn't matter, let's be friends." Zaosui came up to smell Chu Xiangyan's scent, "Brother, you smell so good..."

"?" Chu Xiangyan turned around and looked at her dirty body, "Why don't I think I need to rest?"

"Come with us when you go on a mission." Saho waved.

"No, I want to see the winner between my master and my ancestor." Chu Xiangyan said.

"What if Da Su loses? You guys just pack up and get out." Zaho scratched his head, "Or should I say, then you work hard to practice and take revenge yourself later?"

"It's okay." Chu Xiangyan nodded, "I'm younger than Chu Boyao. I want to wait until he dies of old age and then go dance on his grave. I'm invincible."

"They were obviously relatives, but they turned into enemies!" Saho didn't dare to think.

Lian Wu and Yue Hua Ji also had conflicts, but they were by no means so intense.

"Fellow? He is no longer a human being. Practicing martial arts, becoming stronger, and killing are the only things left for him to do in his life. I don't admit that Chu Boyao is still a human being. Does he still have half of human emotions? What if? If I have the chance, I'll beat him up hard." Chu Xiangyan sighed.

Zhang Su practiced imaginatively in his mind, fighting countless enemies he had encountered, and constantly improving his tactics.

Chu Boyao has shown unparalleled destructive power and speed, his protective power is first-class, his combat experience is not inferior to Zhang Su's, and he recently had a strange "Purple Sky Qi" with him.

Speed, this is Chu Boyao's advantage. Shenzhou has more ways to use Qi, and it can develop various uses of Qi, including ultra-high-speed flying, which can shrink the ground to an inch and travel thousands of miles in one breath.

Xianzhou will provide technological assistance...

Zhang Su repeatedly honed his skills, tested Chu Boyao's upper limit, and kept adding cheats and buffs to the fantasy Chu Boyao.

It's a tough fight.

If it fails, not only the civilians of New Oriental City will suffer, Chu Xiangyan's confidence will also be damaged, and Chu Boyao will be able to dominate the world and run rampant.

"do not be afraid."

Zhang Su heard the familiar female voice ringing in his heart, like a ghost whispering vaguely. He couldn't help but feel his heart tremble, his expression changed, he sighed softly, and listened silently.

"While fighting."

"Think of me."

"Fight with me."

"Let me stay with you until the end of the road."

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