Witch containment diary

Chapter 442 The Earth’s God of War Struggles for Hegemony

Fairy Boat Fleet.

Chu Boyao was also preparing for a decisive battle with Zhang Su.

Chu Xiangyan's matter concerned him very much.

Five hundred years later, his bloodline spread across the land, eventually forming the descendants of Chu Xiangyan, and they seemed to be separated by an abyss formed by time.

She had a slight resemblance to him in appearance. When she fights with all her strength, Chu's war marks will also appear on her face.

It's a pity that she is a female, and Chu Boyao doesn't think she can become a great person in the future. It is absolutely impossible to defeat Chu Boyao.

Even so... I still saw a familiar feeling in her.

When Chu Boyao was born, the world was still in chaos, and dynasties were at odds with each other.

He shattered the old sun and moon with his iron hand and rebuilt China's new century. He cooperated with various families, warriors, and immortals to develop seventy-seven immortal boats.

Winning depends on ambition, dominance and a vigorous vitality.

No matter how powerful a warrior is, he is just a wailing baby when he is born.

But some children are gifted with tenacity, survive the test, and develop an indestructible mind. Not giving in in the most terrifying situation, not giving up in the most desperate situation, you don’t know what retreat is.

That’s the spirit!

Full of vitality and wildness. Now Chu Boyao sees this kind of will in Chu Xiangyan, which shows that she is a descendant of Chu Boyao.

However, now something new has been added.

Was it given by Zhang Su? That instinct to consider others.

Chu Xiangyan actually cares about the happiness, anger, sorrow, and joy of the civilians around him, and even provokes Jianmu Ladder to do so.

This is obviously Zhang Su's style. It seems that this temperament has greatly affected Chu Xiangyan...

Do big things, do big things.

Zhang Su is simply blunting the martial arts will of the descendants of the Chu family. Chu Boyao realized in an instant that this was not only a contest between heaven and earth, but also a battle for Chu Xiangyan's future destiny.

As an ancestor, I will definitely bring this descendant who has gone astray back to the path of martial arts, so that she will no longer have distracting thoughts.

Chu Boyao tensed up his nerves and summoned his Zixiao Qi, revealing a terrifying body roasted by cosmic rays.

After the Immortal Boat Fleet left the earth, Chu Boyao took advantage of the situation and conducted rigorous training in the universe, and absorbed the life force of a gaseous planet for his own use.

This power was enough to push him to develop his own "Purple Sky Qi Jin".

Five hundred years of accumulated combat experience, a sincere heart as a seeker, and a one-in-a-billion martial arts talent allowed Chu Boyao to hone his terrifying strength.

His talent and ability are both superior to Zhang Su's, so he won't lose.

There were footsteps approaching from outside.

Chu Boyao raised his eyebrows.

"If you have anything to say, please tell me." He saw the person coming, it was the Immortal Boat Connector Mu Jianyun.

"The martial arts classics of the twelve sects of the Immortal Boat Fleet have been swept into jade slips for Master Chu Zu to study." Mu Jianyun presented the treasure.

"Good stuff." Chu Boyao scanned it carefully and read the contents. Most of them were the secret codes of Shenzhou Qi Jin that he had been asking for for years. "It seems that you are really anxious."

"And this." Mu Jianyun handed Chu Boyao a miniature device, enough to hide in a hidden place. "The super-intelligent computing power of the Xianzhou Fleet can be used to remotely measure Zhang Su's mobility, speed and tactics. Once With the analysis complete, your odds of winning are doubled.”

"Off-site assistance..." Chu Boyao hesitated.

"Although he is suspected of violating martial ethics, I'm afraid Zhang Su is not lacking in various blessings." Mu Jianyun smiled bitterly.

"I accepted it." Chu Boyao hid it on his body, "Is there anything else you want to say?"

"If Chu Zu is willing, we have developed ultra-high-strength brain chips and strengthened muscles..." Mu Jianyun tried.

"Is there anything you can do?...Technology can't transform a body like mine." Chu Boyao sneered.

"Please think twice, our current technology is enough to allow you, Chu Zu, to further ascend. If people like Zhang Su and Chu Xiangyan are allowed to cause trouble at will, where will our face be! Where is our home?" Mu Jianyun said with a sigh, "Chu Zu, The fate of the Immortal Boat Fleet and the people of Shenzhou will be in your hands from now on."

They want to keep people on earth in their rightful place forever, denying them the opportunity to climb and build trees. Chu Boyao took a deep breath.

Once he wins, Xianzhou can regain complete control over the earth and become the only surviving powerful force on the earth, thereby achieving the feat of unifying the sea...

"Back off." Chu Boyao closed his eyes and meditated, "Don't bother me with the fate of other people. I just want to fight Zhang Su, the second strongest human being on the earth, that's all."

"...Yes." Mu Jianyun bowed his hands and then retreated humbly.

Chu Boyao slowly exhaled a mouthful of essence.

If he can adjust to an excellent state before the decisive battle, he is confident that he can win Zhang Su.

The decisive day.

Zhang Su and Lian Wu said goodbye.

"Silk scarf..." Lian Wu washed the white silk scarf she sewn with her hands, folded it and handed it to Zhang Su.

"Since you gave it to me five years ago, I have won many battles with it." Zhang Su stored the scarf close to his body, "Miss Lianwu, this battle is a bet on the future of Shenzhou and the Immortal Ship. The important thing is that I will bring back the honor of victory and dedicate it to you. Because the ultimate goal of this duel, like the previous battle, is your safety and happiness."

"...!" Lianwu looked at Zhang Su carefully, feeling that he was shining brightly in her eyes, full of advantages.

"Even if saying this will reveal my weak side, I have to say it. Without Miss Lianwu's company, the road so far has been too long, and I cannot persevere with my heart. It is precisely because I think of Miss Lianwu. existence, so I have been living and fighting strong. It is the same now, so please take care of me, because you are one of the few remaining good things in my life." Zhang Su held Lian Wu's hand.

"..." Lian Wu put her head close to Zhang Su's chest and blushed, "... Come on."

"Goodbye." Zhang Su turned around and said, "Miss Lianwu, please wait for my return above the moon."

Lianwu bowed slightly to Zhang Su, and Yuetu also cupped her hands beside him.

Zhang Su stepped away from the lunar base and jumped towards the earth.

The body accelerated and fell, following the direction of the earth's gravity towards the uninhabited snowy mountain area.

The altitude here is extremely high, the air is thin, the glaciers are rolling, the terrain is steep, and it is deserted, which is enough for two peerless warriors to fight.

Chu Boyao has been waiting here for a long time.

"You're here," he said.

"I'm here." Zhang Su stood on the top of a mountain three or four kilometers away, talking to each other in the air. His voice still shook the ground and caused avalanches.

"I know you will come." Chu Boyao stood with his hands behind his back.

"I also know I will come." Zhang Su said.

"Where is Chu Xiangyan?" Chu Boyao asked.

"She shouldn't have come." Zhang Su said.

"Why?" Chu Boyao said.

"It's not suitable for her." Zhang Su said.

"She is your disciple." Chu Boyao said.

"They are also your descendants." Zhang Su said.

"Does she know we are going to fight?" Chu Boyao said.

"I know." Zhang Su said.

"Do you know this is here?" Chu Boyao said.

"I don't know." Zhang Su said.

"I will beat you." Chu Boyao said.

"You won't know until you fight." Zhang Su said.

The moment the two powerful men made eye contact, the battle broke out.

Zhang Su's body energy was condensed, his fists were burning, and he gathered energy, and then he swung the "Whale Killing Fist" towards Chu Boyao, sending energy from the air, the shadow of his fist filled the sky, and hit Chu Boyao.

The power of each qi force far exceeds that of ballistic missiles, instantly exploding huge craters on the snowy mountains and shattering the battlefield!

"It's useless, it's useless, it's useless, it's useless!" Chu Boyao turned around to dodge without any effort, even passed through the shadow of the fist, and took advantage of the situation to attack.

He leaned forward, changed his posture in the air, kicked his legs fiercely, and kicked out countless giant gas swords at Zhang Su.

"Tianlin Sword Dance"!

Seven or eight giant swords flew across the snow-capped mountains in an instant, slashing vertically and horizontally. Each stroke penetrated fifty meters under the earth. Cutting through the mountain was easier than cutting tofu. They slashed hard at Zhang Su. He had to avoid it, even if he was hit. Once, the protective energy will be greatly weakened.

Extremely powerful moves and speed!

I have never seen Chu Boyao use this trick before, and it is not a Chu family tradition. It should be a new method provided by Xianzhou...

Zhang Sugang just dodged these sword energies, and in an instant he noticed Chu Boyao disappearing.

As expected, it was too fast.

Zhang Su instinctively retreated quickly, then turned around to fight back, just when he saw Chu Boyao charging in front of him.

Chu Boyao and Zhang Su looked at each other.

"You've read in advance!" Chu Boyao was delighted, knowing that Zhang Su was extremely accomplished in the realm of "being first".

He immediately changed his movements, from kicks with large flaws to heavy punches.

Zhang Su raised his hand to fight back, bursting out with powerful force.


Both sides were bounced away, and the mountains where they fought began to burst.

There was no room to breathe.

Zhang Su immediately raised his hand to release his energy and summoned the "Air Explosion Star", forming a terrifying wind pressure field that emerged in the snowy mountains like a tornado, blowing ice and snow flying.

"It's time to forget it." Chu Boyao said.

As for the Immortal Boat Fleet, they immediately remotely sensed the terrifying airflow summoned by Zhang Su, accurately calculated its airflow trajectory, and instructed Chu Boyao on how to deal with it.

A large amount of data gave Chu Boyao a clear understanding of the airflow conditions.

"Okay -!" Chu Boyao first avoided the wind pressure field, then pretended not to notice, and was sucked into the cyclone with his back.


Zhang Su clenched his fingers tightly to control the storm, intending to press Chu Boyao into it and weaken the power of his protective armor.

In an instant, Chu Boyao came out of the storm and attacked along the trajectory of the strong wind. The high-speed rotating storm increased his speed greatly, allowing Chu Boyao to attack Zhang Su at an extremely fast speed!

Is the inertial force of the cyclone used? Calculated in such a short time?

Zhang Su immediately raised his hand to end the storm, and then showed a serious expression.


Chu Boyao suddenly felt that he had hit a huge, transparent being. When he looked closely, he saw the golden Martial God who was hundreds of feet tall!

He smiled evilly.

"Are you finally willing to activate it?" He used his strength to jump back, his Qi hanging in the air, "General Zixiao, come out!"

In the blink of an eye, a majestic Titan appeared behind Chu Boyao, which was also powerful in the sky and the earth!

"...It seems that some of them were beaten." Zhang Su took a deep breath, "Is what you did just now just a warm-up?"

"The blood is boiling. You should use all your strength." Chu Boyao's eyes flashed with cold light, he shouted loudly, and drove the general Zixiao to swing his giant fist at Zhang Su.

The two giant statues were at odds with each other and fought to the death, launching hundreds of moves at each other in an instant.

On the ground, Zhang Su and Chu Boyao also sent all their energy towards Qi Zhou and started fighting with each other on the ground.


The Martial God will hit the Heavenly General with his surging Qi sea waves one after another!

General Zixiao also used all his strength to unleash a huge gaseous electromagnetic field, melting and devouring energy bodies along the way, and in turn bombarding the God of War.

During the fierce confrontation, the two giant Qi armors continuously erupted with dazzling light, lightning interlaced, and roared continuously.

The mountain roared and collapsed, and huge fragments flew away, like a landslide and tsunami, and the entire continent could feel the turmoil.

Thousands of miles away in New Oriental City, people even felt the earthquake.

"Is it the battle over there..."

"very scary!"

"It's like the end of the world..." People felt the tremors of the ground with fear.

As for the Immortal Boat Fleet.

The commanders who were paying close attention to the battle situation were dumbfounded. The conflict between Chu Boyao and Zhang Su was far more terrifying than they imagined. The force that exploded was enough to flatten the mountains!

"The strong one..."

"This is...the real strong man." They couldn't help but feel ashamed.

On the moon base.

Lianwu was also able to use satellites to detect the decisive battle on the snow-capped mountains, and the children stood nearby and watched.

She looked at the blurry battle scene. Because the battle was so fierce, even the global electromagnetic wave signals were interfered with, and an obvious hole was made in the clouds above the earth.

"Where did that person named Chu Xiangyan go?" Zaosui turned around, but saw no one.

The fierce battle continued for a day.

The air becomes hot.

The gas controlled by General Zixiao is flammable gas, and it has already ignited the entire snow mountain, turning the battlefield into a raging sea of ​​fire.

The sky was pale, and the battle reached its extreme. The aftermath of the power surged everywhere, crushing the earth beyond recognition and leaving it devastated.

The strength of the God of War is even stronger, derived from the treasure "Guanshi Pagoda" inherited by the heroes of the past dynasties.

The Qi of the Heavenly General is of higher quality, has the characteristics of some abnormal celestial body, carries the power of the stars in the universe, and has an unknown origin.

Zhang Su and Chu Boyao fought with tens of thousands of moves, no matter the outcome.

However, Chu Boyao had studied most of China's secret techniques and was superior in quality and accuracy of moves.

Zhang Su understood that continuing like this was not an option.

"It's time to speed up." Zhang Su stepped back and called out the voice from the bottom of his heart, "...let's fight together."

The Martial God's color suddenly turned blood red.

Countless sharp blades floated out of its body, forming a killing array!

"I'll finish you off in one go." Zhang Su clenched his fists.

Chu Boyao laughed.

He immediately shouted loudly, and the figure of "Purple Sky General" expanded to seven times its previous size. It was almost like standing on the ground, and he could overlook Zhang Su and the God of War. Brilliance, illuminating thousands of miles away!

"Do you think you are the only one in the world who has had an adventure?" Chu Boyao drove the general and slammed down his burning fist, "——'Helium Flash'!"

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