Witch containment diary

Chapter 443 The winner of the death battle

"Purple Sky General" was inherited from a gas giant planet.

While the Immortal Boat Fleet was sailing across the ocean to alien planets, Chu Boyao was sent to explore anomalies because of his activities in the universe. He also scattered the remains of fellow immortals, hoping that they would be with him forever.

At that moment, he saw a dying gas giant planet.

It has reached the end of its life cycle and is dying, its thick atmosphere gradually fading away.

Then, Chu Boyao found that he could talk to it.

It is a whisper of survival in deep space, a life force.

"That purple storm has the same resonance as my energy. From now on, you can be driven by me. I will let you see the magnificence of the universe." Chu Boyao said coldly.

The life force of the planet is stirring again.

In the radiation background of deep space, Chu Boyao felt that his will was synchronized with this gaseous storm——

Like now!

The power of the stars!

In the name of the legendary natural disaster "Helium Flash" that can wipe out the solar system, a giant flame will ignite in the purple sky.

It instantly crashed into Zhang Su and his Martial God, erupting into endless destructive shock waves!

"Death! Death! I want you to die!" Chu Boyao shouted sharply.

The torrent of energy overflowed the earth, and the pure flames rippled in all directions, sweeping away the mountains!

The spectacular flare rose from the ground and exploded into the sky with endless high-temperature incandescent plasma jets, like countless tongues of flame burning the sky.

In an instant, this square of heaven and earth shone brighter than the sun!

The gaseous shell of the God of War was instantly smashed to the ground, exploded, and turned into golden light and disappeared in the sea of ​​fire——

"I won! I fucking won!" Chu Boyao was overjoyed.

A burst of cheers also erupted in the observation room of the Immortal Boat Fleet.

Although the power of Tianxing completely interrupted the communication signal, they also realized that Chu Boyao's stunt completely destroyed Zhang Su's Martial God!

"This is another great victory worth remembering in the history of Xianzhou!"

"Chu Zu is indeed a powerful man in the world!"

"Now, the era of Yongchang in Xianzhou has arrived!" The Xianzhou captain, the general and the children of the Xianren family were all happy.

In contrast, Lian Wu on the moon scanned such huge energy fluctuations and almost fainted.

Chu Boyao was very proud.

In a blink of an eye——

The smoke cleared.

Zhang Su climbed out of his shadow.

"Huh...huh..." Zhang Su noticed the invisible Martial God, waved his hand and looked up at Chu Boyao, "It's not over yet."

Chu Boyao's face sank.

Can you survive a "helium flash" head-on? !

People on the moon were even more excited when they detected that Zhang Su's life signal had been lost and returned.

"Da Su is still alive!"

"Hold it!"

"Shadow Step! I taught him this!" Saho tapped the screen frantically, but no one blamed her because everyone was so happy.

On the ground, Chu Boyao gathered his energy again and waved his hand to drive Zixiao General to smash Zhang Su to death.

General Zixiao strode towards Zhang Su.

At this time, Chu Boyao felt a splitting headache, making it extremely difficult for the general to take every step.

The move just now was extremely draining on General Zixiao!

Both Zhang Su and Chu Boyao noticed this.

"Is this enough?" Zhang Su held the Guanshi Pagoda tightly, absorbed the remaining Qi Sea, and summoned the God of War again, "Eat my chop!"

"Thousands of kills"!

Gathering the laws of massacre, countless blood-red murder weapons appeared from the air, dragging their light tails and slamming into Chu Boyao!

He had consumed a lot of energy at this time, and could only let Zixiao Tianjie try his best to block it, with many knife wounds appearing on his body.

At the same time, his vitality also declined rapidly, half of his life was lost in one go, and he even felt like he was being killed in other timelines——

What a terrifying attack, this is Zhang Su’s full strength!

Zhang Su drove Qianzhan without mercy and continued to suppress Chu Boyao until the true meaning of massacre that he currently grasped was consumed.

It's all over... Edith's voice can no longer be heard... Zhang Su thought silently, letting the God of War fade away his red light.

Chu Boyao took the opportunity to recover his energy, and Zhang Su also distanced himself to recover his energy. Both sides consumed a lot of energy.

However, Chu Boyao was severely weakened by the massacre and was at a disadvantage.

"Broken!" Chu Boyao shouted loudly. Despite the pain and suffering all over his body, he used his willpower to forcefully drive Zixiao Tianjiang, making him strode closer and get closer to the God of War again. "I'm still so far away from my limit. not here!"

Fight again!

Even a duel between two people is as spectacular as the entire war.

The onlookers had been watching it for several days, trying hard not to miss any details and feeling in awe.

"If it were us... we wouldn't be able to sustain it for that long..."

"Both Zhang Su and Chu Boyao have probably exhausted their energy to the limit."

"Even if you want them to stop, there is nothing you can do. Now we are in a state where we are risking our lives..."

Any spectator who is lucky enough to witness this duel will find it unforgettable in this life.

The battle between Zhang Su and Chu Boyao continued for another three days.

Both sides are desperately squeezing the energy from the surroundings, and then attacking frantically. If one side relaxes, it means defeat, so the nerves are highly tense.

The ultra-high-intensity and ultra-long battles are extremely draining for them.

"Are you going to fight for ten days and ten nights... Huh... Huh... Huh... I'll stay with you until the end." Chu Boyao was covered in wounds, like a bloody man.

"Can't you hold on any longer?" Zhang Su was unhurt and had a sure chance of victory. He clenched his fists and said, "Keep fighting for three years!"

The battlefield was severely devastated in these days.

The snow-capped mountains that were originally thousands of meters high have disappeared and been replaced by a deep depression.

The Baili Mountain was completely destroyed by the attack of the two powerful men, and the underground water veins had dried up and turned into a piece of scorched earth.

The two sides then launched a new round of power towards each other.

Until the energy veins of the entire earth are exhausted.

In China, the breath-eaters suddenly felt unable to breathe.


"Where is my Qi Liu?" They all felt that there was no energy left in the world.

When they thought of the decisive battle between Zhang Su and Chu Boyao, they realized a terrifying fact.

The two powerful men fought to the death and used up all the invisible air currents in the entire earth!

There is no energy left in the air to grab.

Zhang Su's Guanshi Pagoda was beaten dry, and immediately afterwards, the God of War dissipated due to lack of energy.

Chu Boyao lay on the ground, gasping for air. The poisonous air made him cough continuously. Zixiao Tianjiang disappeared earlier than the God of War, and his injuries were more serious.

"Huh...huh...huh..." Zhang Su pressed his hands on his knees.

The intensity was so great that even the refined energy and true intention of massacre were exhausted, which was unbelievable.

"Huh... Damn it... Damn it..." Chu Boyao breathed desperately, but he felt that his internal organs were filled with inferior aura, and his whole body was dripping with blood.

"...We can only fight with fists." Zhang Su walked forward.

"Yeah, come to TM to compete in boxing and kicking." Chu Boyao also responded.

This is the first time that a breath-eater has lost his vitality and the world's spiritual energy has been exhausted. Both Zhang Su and Chu Boyao felt that their speed and strength had dropped significantly.

Zhang Su consciously entered the fighting mode, dived to attack, and then swung a straight punch, hitting Chu Boyao's chest, but felt that the attack became very soft.

If he were to fight with full energy normally, one punch would be enough to turn a person into a bloody mist.

"Damn it... have you eaten?" Chu Boyao immediately raised his leg and kicked him hard.

Zhang Su raised his knees to defend, and Chu Boyao's leg hit Zhang Su's defensive leg bone. He felt a sharp pain piercing his heart, as if he had kicked a dense asteroid a hundred meters thick.

"...It hurts." Zhang Su pressed the sore phalanges.

"Huh...huh...huh..." Chu Boyao took two steps back, cherishing his extremely painful calf.

"The attack pattern against Zhang Su has been detected. Please follow the instructions." Xianzhou's supercomputer "Zhijiang" transmitted the information to Chu Boyao.

"..." Chu Boyao tensed up.

Vague clues suddenly appeared in his eyes, indicating Zhang Su's posture, movements and possible attack direction.

Zhang Su lunged forward and made a feint attack. He changed his hand to a jab midway and struck Chu Boyao's chin.

You can see it so clearly, and it’s all figured out.

Chu Boyao followed the computer's detection and realized that 99% of this move was a feint, so he stepped back sideways to make room for Zhang Su's fist to attack. He then raised his hand to parry, blocked it with force, and then used the Chu Family Phoenix Kick to fight back.

Compared with Chu Xiangyan's, Chu Boyao's Phoenix Kick is much stronger. It can explode with an inch of force in a very short distance!

Zhang Su thought the Phoenix Kick needed to be performed from a distance, but he didn't expect Chu Boyao to be able to kick it so close.


Zhang Su was knocked back several meters in an instant, and he even heard a snapping sound, and the muscles and bones in his body cracked.

"Purely relying on strength... madman." Zhang Su's chest rose and fell violently.

"..." Chu Boyao was like a candle in the wind. He couldn't believe that he was beaten to such an extent.

The next blow will decide the winner.

Zhang Su and Chu Boyao looked at each other and realized the flaw.

It’s not about “wounds”, it’s about “strength”. The spiritual energy of heaven and earth is exhausted, and the physical energy of both sides is almost exhausted.

Next, he will launch two or three attacks at most, and then he may not even be able to stand up.

Zhang Su adjusted his posture and attacked again.


Please, see clearly for me.

"Despair unfolds"!

In Zhang Su's spirit, countless possibilities for road development instantly appeared, forming a spreading tree of imaginary number traversal.

Many roads lead to failure. Chu Boyao has superb martial arts skills and will not be easily fooled. He also has a considerable degree of pre-reading ability.

Time is limited, no time to count.

Relying on his instinctive fighting intuition, Zhang Su stepped into one of the branches, and several frames of illusion appeared in front of him. Although they were blurry, they were enough for him to confirm his chances of winning.

A gentle hand touched Zhang Su's cheek, making him feel at ease.

Just do it.

Zhang Su quickened his pace and suddenly changed speed and turned.

What a weird trick. Chu Boyao kept an eye on the direction of Zhang Su's actions and asked the Xianzhou computer to calculate the path for him.

The probability of the left is 80%, the probability of the right is 20%... the left!

Chu Boyao defended to the left, and Zhang Su moved in this direction as he expected.

Immediately afterwards, Zhang Su leaned forward.

The probability of 66% was a straight punch. A trace of cold sweat broke out on Chu Boyao's forehead. He immediately raised his hand to block and then counterattack, but he saw Zhang Su's whole body fell violently, as if he had completely fallen down.

The best recommendation from the system is "Retreat".

Damn it, I don't have the strength to retreat. Chu Boyao was almost exhausted, so he used all his energy on escaping. It was so fucking embarrassing!

Does the opponent want to attack his legs? Then use hem kicks to defend yourself. The Chu family is best at kicking!

Chu Boyao did not retreat, but immediately swept the ground with his foot.

At that moment, many people held their breath.

Let this move be the decisive difference between victory and defeat today!

Zhang Su lowered his body and put his hands on the ground. His strong body showed unparalleled flexibility and he stood upside down.

His strength flowed through his body like a torrent and concentrated on his toes. He kicked Chu Boyao hard from behind and hit Chu Boyao's head.

"Back to the days"!

It's more like "dance" than martial arts - Chu Boyao was amazed by Zhang Su's novel moves, and then he was kicked hard on the chin.

The kick hit——!

Chu Boyao's eyes flashed with stars, and his brain went dark.

Are you defeated here? Did he fail at Zhang Su's unique skills?

Damn it, never admit defeat!

Chu Boyao's brain had lost consciousness, but his muscles worked instinctively. He used his hands to hug Zhang Su's kicked leg, and then threw him to the ground.

Can you still move? Zhang Su was startled and immediately stretched out his hand to twist Chu Boyao's arm, forming a triangle.

Chu Boyao recovered after being distracted for a moment, and found that he and Zhang Su had entered into a ground-level battle.

It's like a dragon and a snake fighting!

"Come on!"

"Chu Zu!"

"do not give up!"

"Da Su!"

"Crush him to death!"

"The last bit!"

"Withstand...!" Bystanders at home and abroad took different positions and tried their best.

Supporting, roaring...

I really want my side to win!

Zhang Su forcefully pulled Chu Boyao's arm outward, hoping to dislocate it to make him more honest.

If this continues, it will still be my victory! Zhang Su worked hard to exert his energy.

Chu Boyao's right arm was grabbed by Zhang Su.

He took a deep breath, opened his mouth wide, and bit Zhang Su's leg hard.

Bite it down!

Zhang Su's brain was in shock.

He suddenly remembered Chu Boyao's terrifying record of crushing the sword of the commander in one bite in the New Tokyo War, and forgot that this man had this trick!

Chu Boyao spit out a large piece of meat from his mouth, his eyes turned red.

"I'm going to drain your blood...! I'll eat you and then I'll be strong!" Chu Boyao yelled, "I'm the strongest god of war on earth!"

"You're not!" a voice said.

They were stunned for a moment and turned to look at the woman walking in the distance.

Chu Xiangyan!

She gritted her teeth and rushed down quickly, reaching the two of them.

"Xiangyan, this is a duel, no interference is allowed." Zhang Su scolded in a low voice.

"Yeah, damn... don't help outsiders at this time." Chu Boyao was also surprised.

If Chu Xiangyan intervenes at this time, Zhang Su can win at any time.

"Help 'outsiders', huh, do you fucking admit that I'm from your side now?" Chu Xiangyan scolded, "You two dogs and donkeys are fighting like this. I ask you because you want me to fucking watch. Should I watch my master die, or should I watch my grandparents die?"

"Did you follow the traces of the battle to find this place...?" Zhang Su felt incredible, "It takes such a long way..."

"It will be quick if someone helps me, and she knows where you are." Chu Xiangyan pointed behind her.

"Ninja, always here..." Shui Li said.

"Damn it, don't be ridiculous! If we don't decide who is the strongest on Earth today, if we don't decide the final winner, damn it, no one will ever be convinced!" Chu Boyao yelled.

"That's right, let's... end this." Zhang Su also turned to Chu Boyao, enduring the pain, and prepared to remove Chu Boyao's arm.

"Let's fight!" Chu Boyao was ready to take another bite.

"Humph, isn't it just to judge who is the strongest person in the world? My master taught me a lot of skills, and my ancestor taught me to do whatever I want. Hee, hee hee, let me tell you, the strongest person in the world now is not you two, it's me who is doing the damn thing Chu Xiangyan!" Chu Xiangyan swung his fists and knocked out Zhang Su and Chu Boyao, beating them until they were unconscious.

Deceiving the master and destroying the ancestor!

Chu Xiangyan became the final winner of the war! Become the God of War on Earth!

The whole world was shocked.

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