Witch containment diary

Chapter 444 It’s the warmth of an old friend

What Chu Xiangyan did surprised everyone.

"This guy! - Is it Zhang Su or Chu Boyao who turned her into this?!" Mu Jianyun was shocked by the connection of the fairy boat.

"Are there any masters?"

"Is she the real God of War on Earth?"

"It's unreasonable! You're acting on impulse!"

"It's a ghost if you believe her."

"???" Lian Wu observed this on the moon and was confused.

"Teacher Dasu!"

"Quack! Go and save him!"

The rescue boat set off immediately.

After a while, the Moon and Xianzhou fleets each picked up Zhang Su and Chu Boyao.

"You?! You guy." Zaohui glared at Chu Xiangyan, "You can do more nonsense than me! Where did you get this snack from?"

"Hmph, my ability has been witnessed by the world, there is nothing to say." Chu Xiangyan disdains to be as knowledgeable as Zaho.

"Da Su, wake up." Zaosui pushed Zhang Su.

Chu Xiangyan put her hand on Zhang Su's shoulder.

"...Master, you lent me the God of War before, and now I want to lend you my energy. All the energy in the world has been drained by you, but I still have several layers in my body. Just Consider it an apology. In this case, you can recover one step ahead of Chu Boyao." Chu Xiangyan channeled her energy to Zhang Su, saluted him, and then left.

Lian Wu sent Zhang Su to the medical room.

She had seen Edith dying here before, and she didn't want to see Zhang Su meet a similar ending.

"..." Lian Wu looked at Zhang Su silently.

She had rescued Zhang Su from a desperate coma several times, so Lian Wu was already familiar with it.

This time we will definitely be able to avoid danger, and then we can live a happy life. Lianwu took care of Zhang Su silently.

"Pfft." Yuetu squatted on the aluminum operating table next to him, raising a pair of plush ears, as if expecting Zhang Su to recover as soon as possible.

Medical instruments are no longer effective on Zhang Su because his muscles are too dense and cannot be compared with ordinary people. Therefore, those metal probes cannot penetrate into the skin. Even MRI cannot penetrate Zhang Su's muscles. What is the structure inside? Totally unclear.

"..." Lian Wu stroked Zhang Su's muscles, and finally reached Zhang Su's mission.

If this works, people should be fine.

After Lianwu tutored Zhang Su, she really felt the hot copper pillar rising slowly.

The Moon Rabbit jumped over, squatted beside Zhang Su, and signaled to Lianwu, instructing her on what to do.

It educates Lianwu in a serious way, and hates Lianwu's performance.

The Moon Rabbit bred half of the Dongming Kingdom's population back then. Even though it was diluted and the tribe gradually perished, the modern Dongming people still have one-tenth of the Yuehuaji bloodline. They can be said to be the common ancestors of people and the founders of civilization. .

However, Lianwu was pure and innocent and did not know how to find interest in this matter, which made Yuetu dissatisfied.

"Do you want to use... like this..." Lian Wu stuck out her tongue and saw Yue Rabbit nodding, and then she understood.

Zhang Su was resting in a coma, recovering from the injuries suffered after the battle.

He suddenly felt particularly at ease, and just as the warmth and softness stirred, he couldn't help but make bigger movements.

Lianwu felt even happier when she saw Zhang Su waking up from hibernation, so she threw herself into her work even more happily.

complex! live!

Zhang Su couldn't bear it anymore. He opened his eyes and was shocked when he saw Lian Wu.

Lian Wu also quickly stood up and retreated, coughed twice, turned away, and raised her sleeves to hide her shame.

"Wake up~ Okay!" Lian Wu ran out quickly, fearing that Zhang Su would ask anything about this matter.

"Puff." Yue Rabbit said goodbye to Zhang Su, and then followed Lian Wu.

"Incredible..." Zhang Su pressed his forehead.

He closed his eyes and felt the energy flowing in his body. It was not his native golden energy, but a colorful one, like Chu Xiangyan's breath. Does she use this power to help herself?

Recalling the last scene before, Chu Xiangyan killed him and Chu Boyao, it was really unbelievable.

Zhang Su can trust Chu Xiangyan to take care of things. After all, he is busy with affairs and will not stay in Xianzhou for a long time.

But I don’t know if Chu Boyao and Xianzhou recognize it.

In the final analysis, it still depends on whether Chu Xiangyan can convince the public and whether there are many people supporting her.

Chu Boyao had used all his cards in the previous battle, but Zhang Su still had some strength left. If he fought again, Zhang Su felt he had a better chance of winning.

Without thinking too much, Zhang Su left the lunar base and went to outer space to absorb cosmic energy and regain his strength.

Entering the dark universe, Zhang Su stretched his body and blended into the deep space scenery with the most freedom.

After the earth rotated three times, Zhang Su's physical energy and autonomous spiritual energy had basically returned to 90%, but it would still take time to recharge the Guanshi Pagoda.

It will take about another month... Zhang Su researches. If the devil takes advantage of the situation, the situation will be very dangerous.

But the demons never attacked, presumably planning something.

While drifting above the orbit, Zhang Su looked at the stars in the distance and suddenly felt some changes in the surrounding space structure.

Here comes the devil!

Zhang Su held the Guanshi Pagoda tightly and was ready.

Black spots lit up in the void, and a huge demon emerged from it. It was covered with a lightless cloak. Its appearance was strange and dark. From the abdomen down, it was covered with densely packed white bones. Its face was miserable and wailing. There were humans and other demons. .

"You——" Zhang Su wanted to make a move, but felt a familiar aura from the other party.

"You don't recognize it at all..." The devil's voice was hoarse.

"Yi Xin!" Zhang Su was stunned.

Li Yixin's demonic appearance was distorted for a while, as if he wanted to change back to his original appearance, but he could no longer do so.

"I'm escorting you in the battle." Li Yixin continued to speak with the appearance and voice of a demon, unable to distinguish the twisted soul inside, "observing from the side."

Neither he nor Chu Boyao noticed Li Yixin's detection in the subspace. It seemed that her strength had also increased.

"Have you seen Chu Xiangyan? She respects you very much now. You can go back to China and your home." Zhang Su said.

"They don't even accept deformed people on the ground, so how can they accept demons?" Li Yixin said.

"We will find a way." Zhang Su invited Li Yixin, "Come back, and when we defeat the Blood Army together, the nuisance of the demons will be greatly reduced."

"I really want to. I can tell you that I really want to. I want to go back to my old life. But there is a reason why Edith turned me into this. I am too dangerous." Li Yixin uncovered her belly, and there was Countless sealed demons.

Ordinary demons will be reborn in hell when killed, but Li Yixin was transformed into a human prison for demons.

"Edith...she has left." Zhang Su said.

"She left, but she left me. I've had enough of this kind of life, unable to see people, homeless, and alone. I'm here to say goodbye to you." Li Yixin said.

"Farewell?" Zhang Su was surprised.

"During the era when Edith was under siege, I often returned to another realm of hers, a huge holding room, or treasure house. I wanted to go back there and find a place to sleep quietly and numb my thoughts. The universe. The depletion will reach its peak in tens of billions of years. At that time, my material form and spiritual strength will exceed the original design limit, disappearing little by little in 'eternity'. In the end, I will be unable to bear the huge weight of the years, and I will be forgotten. And people will forget me...that is the future I can see." Li Yixin said.

"Li Yixin!" Zhang Su stretched out his hand, "I won't let you go."

"So before I came here, I felt that I should die alone, because you will definitely not...won't give up on me. This feeling makes me feel hard to let go, and also feels extremely worthless. For people like me, our destiny is just Just keep the relationship as a passing relationship. It's time for you to let go." Li Yixin turned around, used the power of the phase demon to open the crack, and prepared to leave.

"Li Yixin!" Zhang Su chased after him, reaching into the subspace with one hand, and suddenly felt that there was no feeling in that hand.

"You're crazy!" Li Yixin saw Zhang Su dare to chase him without protection and quickly pushed him back.

"There must be a way!" Zhang Su shouted to Li Yixin through the crack that had not yet been closed, "——I have perished countless times, but now I am still alive! Destiny can be changed. I know that in other worlds You are safe and sound online! There must be a way for you to find happiness!"

"In other world lines..." Li Yixin was stunned for a moment.

"Hold my hand!"

"...You guy...Why on earth do you want to give me fragile hope." Li Yixin grabbed Zhang Su's hand and was pulled back from the subspace to the real universe.

"Because I know that if something similar happens to me, you won't let it go! You will try your best to save me!" Zhang Su said.

"..." Li Yixin looked at Zhang Su in disbelief.

"Don't worry. I'm someone who has witnessed miracles happen." Zhang Su hugged Li Yixin. Her demonic body was extremely cold and her appearance was extremely terrifying, but Zhang Su didn't mind at all.

"Wouldn't my appearance make you disgusted?" Li Yi felt ashamed.

"It's okay. The appearance can be modified, dreams and hopes exist, and there is no need to sell your soul as a price, just come back with me!" Zhang Su said.

"What is the world line you are talking about?" Li Yixin asked.

"In other timelines, our team would have been wiped out long ago, and I could not die anymore. But now I am still very healthy, which shows that the whole world has endless development possibilities. There must be another world line, where You have become very powerful and figured out how to live well, provided that you have been alive! You can go to the future to find your own destiny. The world is so vast and the dimensions are so rich... You, you will definitely have a better ending. "Zhang Su insisted.

"I...I'm nothing!" Li Yixin gritted his teeth.

"You are very important in my eyes! That's enough! We are friends! And I will be responsible for my friends to the end." Zhang Su said.

Li Yixin sighed.


"I can probably still be of some use." Li Yixin said, "But it's just, just for you. So how can I regain my health?"

"The moon will realize all our dreams." Zhang Su took Li Yixin back to the moon base.

Zhang Su returned to the moon base with the demon Li Yixin with his head held high, frightening many people. They almost sounded the alarm and tried their best to convince themselves that Li Yixin was the demon puppet captured by Zhang Su during the battle.

Arriving at the underground secret room of the moon, Lianwu sheared the fur of the moon rabbit, and Zhang Su declared his intention.

"~" Lianwu seemed to understand a little bit.

She looked at Li Yixin and was very surprised.

Li Yixin was completely and deeply demonized. In appearance, he was uglier than all the demons they had dealt with. His skin was covered with dark tendrils, strains, and huge pustules. Skulls and ghost flames were everywhere. His lower jaw was protruding. Sixteen eyes are arranged.

"..." Lianwu raised the moon rabbit. Such a significant magnetic field rotation required the ancestors to be used as magic transmitters.

"Puff." Yue Tu looked at Li Yixin curiously. In the ancient times when Yue Huaji lived, there were no demons at all.

Zhang Su nodded to Lian Wu, and it was time to start.

"!" Lianwu recalled Li Yixin's appearance back then in her heart, and felt that she could not ignore such a thing, so she began to pour out her magic power.

"The female field turns"!

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