Witch containment diary

Chapter 445 The person who takes in the devil

"What virtue is there in the night light, which brings forth life even after death? What is the virtue of being extremely powerful, but caring about the rabbit in the belly?" Lian Wu chanted softly.

The magic of the moon is the power of "lunar yin".

Those who have Taiyin in their destiny will regain their feminine beauty.

Lianwu has tried using this power several times, but this is the first time it has been used on a completely demonic being like Li Yixin.

She noticed that Li Yixin was a little confused. Although his expression was no longer human, his look of being at a loss was still very typical.

It’s not easy to receive such a favor...

Everyone longs to be loved, but at the same time is afraid of being loved, because they feel that their nature is bad and not worthy of others' efforts.

Being able to accept the love of others calmly and confidently is also a gift.

"Do you really want it?" Lianwu gathered the silvery moonlight magic power. This power was too strong, and Zhang Su needed to retreat to avoid being involved.

"Pfft." Moon Rabbit opened his red eyes.

Li Yixin paused, facing the powerful magic power of Yue Rabbit.

"I...please you." Li Yixin's voice was hoarse, "Reshape my appearance again——!"

She raised her eyes.

The moonlight shone brightly, forming a pair of twin silhouettes that she could never forget. One of them was An Yin Renwu, a witch of this generation who was both beautiful and silent. The other is An Yue Yue Hua Ji, the immortal who holds the moon, extremely powerful and noble.

The images of the two gradually overlapped in front of Li Yixin, and it was gradually impossible to tell which one of them was who. She could only perceive...nobility.


The Moon Rabbit is the transmitter, Lian Wu's will is the medium, and Yue Hua Ji, who is sleeping in chaos, is the source.

The magic power of the moon overflowed, washing through Li Yixin like a torrent. She held on to her soul tightly to prevent her sanity from being washed away.

She screamed, feeling the power pass through her dirty and bloated body, melting every cyst on it, annihilating the twisted cells that symbolized the disease, and reshaping the appearance of a young and beautiful girl.

Restore Li Yixin's original appearance...!

After Zhang Su came in, he saw Li Yixin lying on the ground, motionless.

"She fell asleep." Lian Wu said.

The ceremony has ended, Li Yixin's original terrifying appearance has been shed, and his new body is as good as before.

She was very good-looking before, and now she is even more attractive.

Due to the extremely strong rotation of the female's field, she develops in an astonishing way and may dynamically expand to three times her original size, making her very full.

"..." Lianwu observed Li Yixin's silhouette.

All malignant demonic aberrations have been removed from the skin, leaving only some black traces similar to curse marks on her body, which are her demonic essence and cannot be removed.

She slept peacefully, and Lian Wu really hoped that this would make her forget the nightmares she had had over the years.

"Thank you, Miss Lianwu." Zhang Su couldn't help but say, "This is very important to Li Yixin. She has suffered too much and has also helped us a lot."

"Well..." Lianwu smiled and nodded.

"Then, I'll deal with the trouble caused by that apprentice first..." Zhang Su and Lian Wu parted, and kissed her on the face when they left.

"~" Lian Wu felt that everything was pretty good.

As Zhang Suyuan left, she looked down at Li Yixin and thought optimistically that a powerful person like Li Yixin would definitely be able to help a lot when he came back.

"Pah!" Yuetu jumped up and hit Lianwu on the head.

"?" Lianwu stepped back and looked at her ancestor pitifully.

Yuetu pointed at Li Yixin, then at Zhang Su, and then made a helpless gesture.

You guy, didn’t you find yourself another competitor?

"Ah?" Lian Wu finally realized what he was doing and looked at Li Yixin worriedly and helplessly.

The magic of the moon made Li Yixin extremely beautiful. In this case, wouldn't Zhang Su...

"Puff." Yuetu jumped to the sleeping Li Yixin and made a motion of wiping his neck.

Those who are in the way can be eliminated for reasons such as rejection.

"~" Lianwu squatted down and observed her carefully.

Even though she couldn't see inside, Lianwu felt the evil power contained in Li Yixin.

Many demons were trapped in Li Yixin's burning soul and were tortured forever. Correspondingly, Li Yixin himself became an inescapable prison warden and fell into deep trouble.

If Zhang Su is the one who takes in the witch, then Li Yixin is the one who takes in the devil.

If you put it that way...it seems to match quite well.

"Pfft!" Yuetu glared at Lianwu. Didn't this guy learn a lesson at all?

Lianwu lifted Yuetu up and rubbed it against his face.

"Let us worry about other important things." Lianwu left the room.

Zhang Su had Chu Xiangyan to provide backup hidden energy, and Chu Boyao also had other soldiers from Xianzhou to pass on their skills. After the two regained their strength, they had to hold a meeting to resolve the incident in China.

Lian Wu, the representative of the Human Survivor Alliance, and Mu Jianyun, the connection envoy of the Xianzhou Fleet, will negotiate on behalf of the last power of civilization to determine the future development path of China.

The meeting was held on a ship at the top of the thirty-third heaven of China. It was the "Jade Tripod". It was light and well-proportioned and consumed the least fuel when anchored at high altitude.

"Well... there are a lot of people." Chu Xiangyan stood in the corridor.

"You are a man of the hour now. Having defeated the two strongest men on earth, you are already the hope of tomorrow." Zhang Su put his hands behind his back.

"Hmph. I had no choice." Chu Xiangyan curled her lips, "But will people really look down on me?"

"Let's talk, it's time to start." Zhang Su took her inside.

The outcome of the duel is still in the making.

Although all parties agree that it is now necessary to shelve disputes and work together, Zhang Su is very clear. If disagreements arise on key issues, internal fighting will continue, and humans will be able to overthrow everything without the demonic invasion.

"Are there no representatives from New Oriental City?" Chu Xiangyan saw the immortals on the immortal boats on both sides, as well as people from outer space survivors, including representatives from Europe, North America and Dongming Kingdom.

"You are the one." Zhang Su said.

"Well——!" Chu Xiangyan's eyes lit up, "Yeah, isn't it that I'm here to represent everyone? I want to say something for the benefit of the villagers."

The conference room is huge.

Xianzhou representative Mu Jianyun came on stage and briefly said some warm-up remarks, then handed the floor to Lian Wu and asked her to explain the current situation.

When Lian Wu arrived at the meeting, she rubbed her hands wildly against the Moon Rabbit, letting the Moon Rabbit's fur give her a little more confidence. At the same time, she glanced at Zhang Su again, and finally patted her face twice. After making all preparations, she began to explain her position. :

"...The earth was originally a prosperous place, and various countries have reached many consensuses. But the invasion of demons has brought about a catastrophe called a 'natural disaster'. Each of us has suffered huge losses, and every time Every moment I think about returning to the ground and rebuilding my home. On this basis, from the past to the present, many historical issues have been accumulated. Here, we hope to reach a basic consensus... The first Question: 'Earth is the strongest, has it been decided yet'?"

It is the battle between the strong that people pay the most attention to!

They couldn't help but cast their eyes on Zhang Su and Chu Boyao who were present. Their eyes met and almost ignited the air.

If the "God of War" and "Purple Sky General" were summoned here, I'm afraid the entire human army would be annihilated.

They all exercised maximum restraint.

"It's decided!" Chu Xiangyan shouted, attracting everyone's attention again. She stepped forward and walked onto the stage, forcing Mu Jianyun to step back, "Have you forgotten? It's me. !”

"Damn guy..."

"There is no law and no discipline...!"


"What can such a young girl accomplish?" Everyone was unconvinced.

Chu Boyao looked at Chu Xiangyan on the stage, studied it again and again, but let out a sigh of relief.

He is indeed his descendant, and he does things exactly in his style. It's just a little greener.

The duel with Zhang Su made him see the bigger world.

Having never encountered a comparable opponent for many years, Chu Boyao slacked off in his practice.

But now more and more powerful demons appear, even Zhang Su can overwhelm him, which makes him realize that he still has a lot of room for improvement.

It's time to end this myself.

What's more, he was indeed beaten badly by Zhang Su, and Chu Xiangyan's last appearance left him a bit unfavorable. If he was hit again by Zhang Su's true intention of massacre, it would definitely be a tragic ending in which everything was destroyed.

"Chu Xiangyan defeated me." Chu Boyao said loudly, "According to our agreement before the war, the last person standing will be the Lord of China. I support Chu Xiangyan as the one who speaks out."

"I also support Chu Xiangyan." Zhang Su nodded.

After all, he is an apprentice taught by his own hands. This is how history is passed down. It’s time to give Chu Xiangyan a stage to work hard.

After the two spoke, it was hard for others to say anything.

Chu Xiangyan was surprised and happy. She didn't expect that she would be recognized by her ancestors and master. She smiled and saluted excitedly in their direction.

"I will never betray your trust!" She clenched her fists, "As the God of War on Earth, I decided to let everyone return to the ground to live! Stop making such a fuss here!"

"It's not that simple." Lian Wu said cautiously.

"Eh?" Chu Xiangyan's enthusiasm seemed to hit the iron plate named Lianwu.

"Devils are monsters that are good at quick raids and permeating every corner. If they are scattered around the world like in the past, human beings will still perish as before." Lian Wu said.

The guy who talks intermittently...Chu Xiangyan muttered in his heart. Do you have aphasia?

What Lian Wu said is true... Zhang Su secretly said.

The world has been invaded into a sieve, and every crack must be plugged up with stardust bricks.

But if you do that, you will consume too many stardust bricks, and it will take at least two thousand years of mining to get them all.

Before that, it would be better to build a metropolis on the ground and then protect it with a powerful consecration ceremony.

“... After determination, Australia is still the most suitable place for us to return and settle. Therefore, it is expected that large-scale cities will be built around the plains east of the Great Dividing Range and the warm coast of Australia, where we can rest and recuperate for 10 years. Around 2009, the population can recover to about 300 million." Lianwu Planning.

"You mean...Australia...the place is very big and suitable for leisure...but..." Chu Xiangyan's heart moved.

"Penguin." When Lianwu said this terrifying term, there was a burst of horrifying whispers in the venue. "When humans left, the powerful Penguin Empire had restored its former... territory."

Penguins, mankind’s greatest and eternal enemy.

"Terrible guy..."

"We originally defeated them, but they revived?!" People were very surprised.

"And it's stronger than before." Lianwu said slowly.

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