Witch containment diary

Chapter 446 Train in the Universe

Lian Wu uploaded a holographic video of a satellite scan.

On the south coast of Australia, human ruins have been cleared away, and unknown forces have reshaped a prosperous cultural landscape.

Including ports, factories, docks, aircraft and even high-rise apartments and hotels...

The surveillance drone footage gradually descends, allowing richer details to be seen.

First it recorded a rhythmic snap, then a group of burly bipedal creatures lumbering along the ridge.

Plush, thick animal skin, black and white organic advanced armor, huge wings and a slender beak...

These towering creatures inspire a primal fear in people.

They fired at the drone with an unknown weapon, and its image quickly turned into fractured blobs of color, followed by an explosion.

"We humans didn't discover Antarctica until 1820, because before that, Antarctica had been defended by weather weapons controlled by penguins." Lian Wu said slowly, "The human defense plan, through the secret war in 1999, contained penguins. development until today. Now, humans, after being driven from the ground, have to face penguins again."

The faces of the participants were solemn.

The trained penguin is incredible.

They are a race of natural warriors who can spend months hunting in the deep sea, diving to a depth of 700 meters and holding their breath for more than 30 minutes.

Penguins can adapt to and survive in the freezing cold Antarctic that can kill people in an instant. They are not afraid of frost winds at minus 60 degrees Celsius and can easily travel more than 4,000 kilometers.

Stronger than humans and more cunning than humans.

"Everyone who has seen the penguin will eventually die." Lian Wu announced the news sadly, "So we can't take the risk and disclose more files."

"If there are really so many penguins, what should we do..."

"Our home planet..." Participants exchanged sad looks with heavy faces.

Mu Jianyun pondered for a moment.

"...If the relationship with Penguin is so bad that a war is necessary, we will not sit idly by. The Xianzhou Fleet will provide necessary cover." He said.

"Yes! Don't be afraid of penguins, let the people from outer space come back." Chu Xiangyan also said, "Damn it, we must never give up our home to the invaders from Antarctica!"

"Then, if we can reach an agreement, then the time has come to rebuild our hometown. Based on the principle of unity, we will rebuild an 'Earth Restoration Federation.'" Lianwu announced.

She raised her hand and signed an agreement with the participants to study the future appearance and development plan of the earth.

The purpose of the Earth Federation is to bridge the forces of survivors with different ideas, meet various urgent needs in the reconstruction process, and seek long-term development.

Due to the pervasive invasion of demons, the scale of city reconstruction will be very limited. Only areas with fertile climates and interconnected areas are allowed to build cities, so that they can concentrate on defending one or two locations to avoid being attacked and torn apart by demons like in the past.

Therefore, with the exception of a few densely populated metropolises, other regions on the planet had to be transformed into large-scale resource extraction sites, retaining only a small number of technical personnel and mechanized automated engineering to avoid being preyed upon by demons, and to quickly rebuild once destroyed .

After absorbing experience and historical heritage from all aspects, the Federation will also unify the financial system and legal order, recruit clerks and administrative clerks uniformly, and manage all matters from the ground to space.

In terms of military affairs, land forces, nuclear weapons and conventional strike forces are managed by the Federation, while Xianzhou is responsible for the space fleet and space security.

In addition, the Federation encourages private citizens to voluntarily form demon hunters, explorers, pioneering enterprises and other groups to leave the officially protected metropolis and explore the old world of Earth where demons are rampant.

At the same time, it also supports the Rogue Traders to leave the earth to sail freely and explore the borders of human power in deep space.

In this way, after many details were finalized, the earth's reconstruction plan was launched.

Because it has indeed been managed in an orderly manner over the years, Lian Wu also became the first "head of state" of the federation.

"Super Order No. 001," Lianwu arranged for Zhang Su and Chu Boyao to go to work, "reshape the destroyed landscape and repair the ruins of the war."

"Hiss..." Zhang Su thought about the fact that he and Chu Boyao smashed the snowy mountain into a deep pit before, which indeed had a great impact.

"The Daxue Mountain is very important, let's go." Lian Wu nodded and gave Zhang Su an encouraging and expectant look that he couldn't refuse.

"I will not let others do what I want." Chu Boyao crossed his arms and refused.

"The prosperity of China is because the snowy mountains block the storm, so it has the benefit of having rain and heat at the same time. Otherwise, it will be as dry as flat Arabia." Lianwu pulled out a chart to explain the role of the snowy mountains.

It curbs the spread of the subtropical high pressure. Without the Snowy Mountains, the monsoons would become dry, leaving China bare for thousands of miles, and the winter frost winds would travel south without hindrance, bringing about the annual terrifying cold wave.

"What does this damn thing have to do with me?" Chu Boyao was furious.

It doesn’t matter ≠ no responsibility. Lian Wu immediately listed this inequality. It also used AI drawing to create a large number of virtual videos to simulate the future climate disaster of the earth.

"..." Although Chu Boyao was very dissatisfied, he couldn't get angry. After all, Zhang Su was beside him, "... let's go."

Zhang Su nodded approvingly to Lian Wu, and then started work.

Zhang Su and Chu Boyao came to the top of the Snow Mountain. Because the peaks were shattered, the altitude became lower and even the coldness disappeared.

Chu Boyao frowned, and Zhang Su wondered if there was still a trace of compassion in this man's heart.

"We have scans of the mountain ranges recorded before the war, which can be restored to about 70 to 80%." Zhang Su summoned the Martial God to pick up the huge mountain blocks from a distance, "I will start from the west, and you will start from the east."

The farthest piece of the mountain was blasted into the depths of the Indian Ocean, and Zhang Su went to the bottom of the sea to salvage it.

It created a crack about 300 meters deep in the sea. When Zhang Su pulled out the mountain, seawater immediately poured into it. Looking back at the sea, a large vortex was formed like pulling out the plug of a bathtub.

Zhang Su dragged a 250,000-ton peak back to the Snowy Mountains. He thought Chu Boyao would only watch from the sky, but he did not expect that he was already silently reshaping the landscape, letting the general Zixiao remove the smashed rocks. , glaciers were pieced together and then compacted.

In the hands of giant airframes, mountains can be shaped as easily as children's sandcastles stacked on the beach.

Chu Boyao slowly built a gable wall more than 7,000 meters high, and connected it to form the appearance of the Snow Mountain in his memory.

"That's right. It's not that troublesome." Zhang Su put the mountain tip he was dragging on the top of the mountain that Chu Boyao pinched out, forming a high top for it. "Just imagine, there will be brave mountain climbers in a few decades. The warrior appears and attempts to conquer the tallest mountain on Earth."

"Hey, then I'll leave a fucking road for them." Chu Boyao drew with his hand, and a very well-proportioned slope appeared from the top of the mountain to the foot of the mountain, which was more than ten times simpler than the classic mountaineering route.

"Then, your road will become a sightseeing road." Zhang Su stroked his hand, and an 8,000-meter-high steep slope appeared from the top of the mountain to the foot of the mountain. "And this cliff is the reward for the brave."

"This mountain range has always had a harsh climate. I want the people here to live freely." Chu Boyao continued to develop. He divided canyons in the mountains for moist air masses to pass through.

In time, when the threat of demons is no longer terrifying, humans will resettle here and cultivate crops along the river.

He seemed to enjoy the feeling of being the "Creator" more... Zhang Su secretly said. He only planned to solve the job at hand and restore the landscape according to the pre-war files provided by Lianwu.

After about half a month, they repaired the Snowy Mountain until its appearance looked more and more familiar.

Chu Boyao made meaningless roars and yells while working, and sometimes destroyed Zhang Su's work results.

Zhang Su has never seen such a guy before, he is simply a naughty boy.

"Now it's done." Chu Boyao stood on the top of the snow mountain, side by side with Zhang Su.

"Blow this ice and snow away, and the atmosphere will be restored." Zhang Su said.

Zi Xiaotian will swing a sword towards the condensed air mass in the sky.

The condensed ice mist rotates high in the sky and finally falls, forming sharp-edged mountain glaciers and flawless ice and snow landscapes.

The mountains were originally blasted into pieces, but now they have returned to their original appearance, with thousands of miles of snow shadows and white caps.

"It's finally over." Chu Boyao said.

"It's not over yet." Zhang Su went to the source of the glacier and smashed the boulders blocking the source of the river.

The stagnant water roared out from it again, filling the channel that has been called the "Yellow River" since ancient times.

After notifying the residents along the river, many people came to both sides of the old river bed to watch.

The Taotao River flows again, carrying the silt, ice and snow from the upper reaches, roaring in, like a golden-scaled dragon, rushing across the land again.

"..." Chu Boyao looked down at the broken earth from a high altitude.

Many tributaries were blocked by silt, and he also started cleaning them. After the water passed through, he easily thought of the future of thousands of acres of fertile land on both sides of the river.

"Isn't this great? Healing the earth by one's own strength, I never thought that I could do such a thing in the past." Zhang Su watched as the Yellow River rushed to the sea, never to return.

"Hiss..." Chu Boyao suddenly reversed direction and flew south, returning to the Yunmengze area.

Zhang Su followed Chu Boyao to the shore of the lake. The place was completely unrecognizable. Chu Boyao stopped and strolled here with his hands behind his back.

"My wife is buried here." Chu Boyao looked at the collapsed land that could no longer distinguish its original appearance, "Somewhere."

"Is there no mark?" Zhang Su observed.

"I don't know how many enemies I have. If they find out, they will definitely make a fuss about her grave." Chu Boyao put his hands behind his back, "But I also know very well that we will eventually explode and merge with the heaven and earth. The basic materials that made us might have come from the same star."

"Yes." Zhang Su said.

"Before, I didn't really understand the difference between 'immortals' and 'mundanes'. I only knew that as long as I cultivated my energy, I could prolong my life. However, my youth has not changed yet, but it passed away with the wind. Only then did I understand the two It's a huge difference. It's still the same now. I see the matter of building a wooden ladder. Either it will be completely impossible to reach heaven, or everyone will be like a dragon. It is definitely not a long-term solution to block part of the path to ascension like now. ." Chu Boyao pondered.

"Do you want to change?" Zhang Su asked, "We can do a lot of things. After you got Zixiao Tianjiang, you became stronger than before, powerful enough to fight against the devil."

"Cooperate with someone like you?" Chu Boyao murmured, "Damn, how is that possible? Now that everything is safe, I have a new goal."

"Target?" Zhang Su was curious as to what attracted Chu Boyao.

"The essence of 'qi' is the energy of the universe. My Zixiao Tianjiang also comes from a gaseous planet outside Xinghan. There, I can feel the frequency of a certain movement, which is equal to the amplitude of the energy in my body. Like the ebb and flow of the tide. I think that TM is the source of our strength. There must be a huge 'source of Qi' somewhere in the universe. There are probably tens of thousands more TM than ours combined. Hundreds of millions of times, the energy in our body actually comes from the 'ancestral star'." Chu Boyao thought.

"If you don't determine the direction in advance, you may not be able to find it even if you spend several lifetimes," Zhang Su said.

"Yeah, but damn, how can a person look at and think about such a great thing and not strive for it?" Chu Boyao clenched his fists and looked up at the sky.

"...Same." Zhang Su said. However, he himself did not have such a far-fetched pursuit. He did not expect Chu Boyao to be a person with such lofty ambitions. "So you are leaving, right?"

"Indeed. My wife's bones have long been integrated with the land of China. Rebuilding the mountains and rivers seems to have reshaped her appearance. This is enough. There are still descendants in this world. Among those mediocre descendants, there are A girl like Chu Xiangyan is like my fucking will and my wife’s blood finally merging into one, moving towards a higher level. There is nothing left in this world worthy of my nostalgia, I, I am going to fly into the sky now!”

"..." Zhang Su also wanted to shake hands with Chu Boyao and say goodbye.

But he is still arrogant, just looking up at the sky.

"Also, at the edge of the solar system, I saw a space train. It's really long. I'll go and meet it first. Maybe I can take it to other places in the universe. Maybe I can really find it. Our Yuanmeng Star!" After Chu Boyao finished speaking, he soared into the sky and disappeared.

A train in space? Zhang Su thought. What is that?

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