Witch containment diary

Chapter 448 The Strike of the Judgment Sword

The sun streamed into the cafe, making it as hot as liquid honey.

When building the city before, Hong Yan put down such buildings from high in the sky. The advantage was that it was very fast, but the disadvantage was that she was almost too lazy to make variations of the shops, so the shops in the streets and alleys looked very different. picture.

Therefore, there is no need to be selective.

Zhang Su was sitting on a carved chair and resting. The drone attendant used one spiral arm to clean the wall and the other hand to arrange the electronic books on the bookshelf.

He can use his energy to sense the luminescence of semiconductor electric fields on the surrounding electronic screens, and can know the news on the streets without using the naked eye.

"Star Ring Technology Company provides human body enhancement services: Want to enter the dangerous zone to hunt demons? Arm yourself!"

"The Chinese Wuzong has begun recruiting students for Terra Star. The three-month course will make you as brave as the Earth's God of War!"

"Drones have successfully recovered the EH server in Moldova, and the fire of civilization with a total of 54,041TB of resources has been preserved."

"Be careful! Your family may have been infiltrated by penguin spies! Three steps to teach you how to identify the evil killer around you."

It seems everything is back on track.

Zhang Su tasted the coffee. So much has changed since the War on the Moon, Homecoming, and the rebuilding of Terra...

There is water sprinkled on the street outside to keep it moist and clean.

The streets are paved with kinetic energy bricks. As long as everyone steps on them, the weight and movement will generate electricity, powering the city's road signs and touch screens.

Correspondingly, the roof of the bus station is also covered with solar panels, and people can use the interface to charge their devices while waiting for the bus. As a result, residents seem to live together with the city and are not isolated from each other as in the past.

The portrait and flag of Hong Yan, the builder of the metropolis and the little fairy, are hung in the streets and alleys. They are all about her majestic appearance, full of energy, and never frowning, which makes people feel happy when they see her.

Even if she didn't say anything, people began to learn the advanced culture of the Hongyan Sect, trying to link their own thinking with other people's brains to keep their minds transparent.

You can also see the redesigned seaside promenade, and a little further away is the beautiful golden beach, where people are relaxing, the waves are rising and falling, and people's thoughts are slowly rising and falling, dispersing their worries.

Zhang Su was observing his surroundings and enjoying a moment of tranquility when he suddenly felt an unnatural twist in the air.

"I'm still wondering where to find you." Li Yixin sat opposite Zhang Su.

"This is a peaceful place, which is hard-won. I want to rest here for a few days, which is not an ambitious thing." Zhang Su said.

"What you did is already earth-shattering." Li Yixin looked at Zhang Su carefully.

"How does your new body feel? After I temper my body, I always feel a sense of discomfort. I hope you don't." Zhang Su tried to take his eyes away from Li Yixin's Feng Na.

"Not only am I more adaptable, but I also learned how to use it." Li Yixin raised a hand.

The skin suddenly turned gray and swollen due to her will, and the fingers turned into sharp claws, as if they would attack in the next second. She stared at her demon skin lovingly, and it took a long time for it to return to its delicate appearance.

"It wouldn't be like this if it were me." Zhang Su said, "Although I also have the power inherited from hell, I am also worried that one day it will backfire."

"Really? Are you afraid of Edith? She's dead. What's there to be afraid of?" Li Yixin disagreed.

"What I'm afraid of is never the living Edith, but the future after her death. This power is looking for a new master." Zhang Su said.

"I think you are a good match." Li Yixin said, "If I hadn't...hated Edith and everything about her, I would have chosen to bear it for you."

"You have endured enough, and the sword is also with you." Zhang Su said.

"Indeed." Li Yixin stretched out his hand to one side.

The gap in the subspace opened, as if an invisible beauty gently opened her lips. She pulled out the command sword from it, the first one, the second one, and the third one.

Three magic weapons powerful enough to cut the earth were neatly arranged on the table. They exuded violent blade power and were eager to tear everything apart at any time.

"I thought you only took two handfuls." Zhang Su said.

"There is also one in Edith's collection room. She has a huge corridor full of collectibles. After Edith died, I often sneaked in and took away what I needed." Li Yixin said.

"Why do you want to 'sneak in'? I thought you weren't afraid anymore." Zhang Su said.

"Fear is instinct. Do you think I can really get rid of Edith's shadow? It seems that she will appear again in the next second, seal me, and let me be driven by her. That kind of humiliation is like the wrong vaccine when I was a child. There will always be a trace left on the body. You want to go back to that day to remind yourself, but it’s too late.” Li Yixin said.

"You have also seen my battles, the so-called 'earth-shattering' things I did. But your strength is not weaker than mine. If it were you, what would you do?" Zhang Su stared at the three command knives.

"I don't have the courage to say what I can do." Li Yixin put them away.

"You will always find it," Zhang Su said. "Self-doubt is human nature."

"What should you do? You must have doubted yourself sometimes." Li Yixin said.

"I think the only option is to jump." Zhang Su said.

"What's the meaning?"

"We're asking all the big questions, but we don't have the answers. So now we're all standing on a cliff, me on this side, you on that side. You want to jump over, but you don't know where to jump, and maybe you'll be shattered. . As for me, I am also thinking about whether to jump to your side. Only after we make a decision will we know where our feet will land."

"It's scariest when it's unresolved." Li Yixin murmured.

"Yes, we can't reach the other side by just thinking and guessing. No matter how many times we think about it, we can't verify it with fantasy and deduction. No matter how good the prediction is, we can't make it... We can only jump to say that each of us We have to face such a choice at least once in our lives. As for whether to be saved and verify our ideals, or to be ruined and hit rock bottom, we have no idea. This is completely a risk." Zhang Su said.

It’s really… helpless. Li Yixin had a sad smile on his face.

She didn't know what the price of becoming a human was, and Zhang Su didn't know what kind of future accepting the true meaning of massacre would bring to him.

This square table is like a chasm.

Li Yixin really wants to exchange identities and positions with Zhang Su. She wants to become a hero who protects the world and stand out, and be admired by thousands of people. Zhang Su, on the other hand, can transform into a demon and go to hell with his actually favorite Edith to dominate the blood army.

But now, in front of her is the other side that she can't reach.

"I have never been to the road to the collection room." Zhang Su changed the subject.

"You need to go through the subspace. There is nothing interesting there, and only I can find it." Li Yixin took out a few boxes from his arms and placed them on the table. "The collection that Edith found in the world of the heavens. The Dragon Tears Gem. Immortal Slash, Master Sword, BFG-9000, Lord of the Rings, Portal Gun, Blade of Chaos..."

"I guess there should be something I can use in it." Zhang Su said.

"Of course, better weapons, better equipment." Li Yixin explained.

"Most items bring me little benefit. I think... I need a more important weapon, a weapon that can release infinite arrogance." Zhang Su pondered.

"I thought it would be enough for you to have the Kanshi Pagoda or the Lingji Sword." Li Yixin said, "If you want the Lingji Sword, I can give you one."

"They have different compatibility with me. The Guanshi Pagoda is more suitable for charging and recovering, which makes the attack method of the sword more limited. I need to completely use the power. During the decisive battle with Chu Boyao, we If I delay it for too long, even the spiritual energy of the earth will be drained. If I can release and consume it faster, I may be able to explode with huge power in a short period of time and win instantly..." Zhang Su speculated.

"...I know." Li Yi understood.

She reached into the warp like she was reaching into her own fourth-dimensional pocket.

Li Yixin noticed Zhang Su looking at her movements curiously and couldn't help but smile. She liked the way he looked at her, so she deliberately extended the time.

"Does it take a long time to search?" Zhang Su asked.

"That's a useful thing." Li Yixin has rarely made many jokes in her life, but now she wants to make something more interesting, "You have to look for it slowly, a little slower, a little slower..."

"You can wait as long as you want, be careful." Zhang Su poured her coffee.

With the soul-eating nature, Li Yixin's need for food is minimized, but she also likes Zhang Su to treat her as a human being.

She started sipping while finding the magic weapon from Edith's storage room.

Finally, Li Yixin took out a bright red sword hilt and placed it on the table.

"That's it, put your power into it." Li Yixin said.

"I... try." Zhang Su tightened his grip on the alloy sword hilt.

It was large enough to require both hands to hold, and he poured strength into it, quickly feeling the hilt begin to crave energy.

After about fifty layers of energy were injected into it, it began to vibrate, and flashed with a huge blade filled with bright red energy. Many sacred runes were imprinted on it, and terrifying red lightning buzzed around it.

Zhang Su carefully observed the runes on the hilt of the sword and the strange tape wrapped around the handle. This weapon seemed to have an excellent killing effect on demons.

The most outstanding thing is that its blade is not double-edged like a traditional giant sword, but has a flat shovel shape at the end, making it a special-shaped holy sword.

In order to avoid scaring the civilians, he put it away after examining it for a while.

"I think... it has infinite carrying capacity. I only injected fifty times of energy into it, but it doesn't even seem to be satisfied with the appetizer. Yes... yes, it is the most suitable weapon for me. It can be used in any number of ways, it is a real weapon against hell." Zhang Su said.

"'Judgment Sword', also known as 'Devil's Crucible' and 'Crucible'. The weapon of the demon slayer from another dimension has no other purpose than to kill demons and vent resentment. It is said to be specially used to destroy big demons. I can't imagine you using it. What terrible effects this sword can have. Edith placed many shields on its storage box. She didn't want to touch this weapon. The reason why she kept it was because this power has the same source as massacre. "Li Yixin was very satisfied.

"Thank you, Yi Xin, this is too precious." Zhang Su put away the Judgment Sword and nodded solemnly to Li Yi Xin.

Li Yixin supported her chin with her hand and tilted her head to look at Zhang Su. This look made Zhang Su feel familiar.

"What if I say," she said softly, "I'm not Li Yixin?"

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