Witch containment diary

Chapter 449 She is also Edith

Like Edith...

"Why...why do you say that?" Zhang Su asked.

"Answer me, am I me?" Li Yixin hugged the coffee cup tighter, even though its heat could not touch her cold and twisted soul, "My soul is already riddled with holes, and demons are living inside and gnawing away. To replace my thoughts and memories."

"The devil's soul is also composed of memories and emotions..." Zhang Su said.

"They can only see intelligent creatures in their field of vision, because they need to feed on souls to replenish their own emotional memories, just like me now...my soul is also constantly burning, and then I eat other people's souls, my mind Washed away by their memories." Li Yixin murmured.

"There must be something left behind." Zhang Su said.

"Of course, I found that I have been trying to piece together my original identity all these years." A strange smile appeared on Li Yixin's face, "I...killed a person with the same name as me, 'Li Yixin', so I can remember my name. I killed a girl who grew up in China and had great ambitions and a righteous heart, so that I can remember my original ideal. I killed those who have the same temper as me. Similar people, so that I can simulate Li Yixin's original psychological state. I even thought about ambushing Chu Xiangyan several times, but when I thought of her as your apprentice, I gave up. "

So - Zhang Su.

The "Li Yixin" you see now is a huge stitched monster.

Li Yixin thought with disgust.

Hating, hating—living in constant disgust.

Even the skin that resembles Li Yixin is artificial.

It was created by Lianwu using Li Yixin in her memory. She had only seen Li Yixin's face, so how could she know the true proportions of her body? Li Yixin was not happy when she saw her hands and feet. They were all poor imitations of the girl in her memory...

"Maybe I need to find a better memory to be the 'master'." Li Yixin pressed her forehead and murmured to herself, "A soul with a better personality, maybe forget Li Yixin's name, maybe, maybe put together something better beautiful memories."

"What if this is not the case?" Zhang Su said.


"The things you just said are, in the final analysis, just 'things in memory'."

"...I...I don't remember either." Li Yixin pressed her head with both hands, "How do I know?"

"As you said, you killed many demons and devoured them. The memories of the demons rushed into your soul. Maybe it was just the killing memories of the demons that entered your brain. They were killing innocent people, and you were just killed by this kind of thing. My thoughts were overwhelmed, so I had hallucinations, feeling that I was no longer myself, and that I would kill people to make up for myself," Zhang Su said.

"Ha...I'm not that good, I'm definitely not that good." Li Yixin sneered, "You just don't want to admit my evil. You just don't want to admit that you didn't save Li Yixin, you just saved a demon!"

"How could the devil like me?!" Zhang Su asked back.

Li Yixin opened his eyes wide and was stunned for a moment.

She opened her mouth, a little flustered.

"What are you...what are you talking about? I am obviously..."

Zhang Su interrupted Li Yixin.

"Five years have passed! You have been killing for so many years, and your demon soul keeps absorbing other memories to complete itself. It is normal to feel confused in your heart. But which demon will make you have this kind of like 's memory? Which demon would make you willing to do so many things for me? Yi Xin! The evil thoughts of so many demons cannot cover your true thoughts! The only answer is - you are still you!" Zhang Su pointed out .

"I-ah...I...I don't like it..." Li Yixin felt like his soul was in a mess.

Zhang Su leaned forward, crossed the table, and kissed her cold lips.

Li Yi opened his eyes in panic, and then slowly, slowly closed them.

Ah, this...beautiful feeling...seems to be permeating the soul and heart.

After waiting for so many years, is there finally such an opportunity? Yes, this is... what I want deepest in my heart.

Li Yixin's body trembled slightly. She was so scared when she said those words just now. Will her dearest friend turn away in disgust because she has become like this? Will she be labeled a terrifying demon?

After spending so long in suffering, she felt that the only person who could help her clear up her doubts was Zhang Su.

Fortunately, he hasn't let go yet.

"Enough, enough...I'm just...an...ordinary..." Li Yixin felt that she was shameless, so she left.

"No, it's not ordinary at all. The light of the moonlight has shaped you into the most 'feminine' person in the world." Zhang Su said, "Love yourself."

"Am I worthy of being praised like this..." Li Yixin murmured.

"It's worth it, it's all worth it." Zhang Su gently wiped away a tear on Li Yixin's face that she was unaware of.

"I hope I am really strong enough to live with a clear conscience..."

"You are excellent! You are so powerful, you have all kinds of abilities. Except... your reaction speed may be a bit slower." Zhang Su hesitated. A true peak battle requires extremely rich experience.

"Humph..." Li Yixin deflected his gaze.

She frowned, recalling the most painful time in her life.

Indeed, she was thinking about Zhang Su and desperately held on to those short yet significant memories.

After her mind was washed away by the terrifying memories of thousands of giant demons, she still instinctively wanted to find Zhang Su.

Among the many memories that are difficult to distinguish between true and false, this is the only one that can be confirmed.

Li Yixin regained some hope.

"Okay, I understand. Maybe I've been driven crazy, that's all." Li Yixin took a deep breath and regained his composure, but at the same time he inevitably felt shy, "I myself can't tell whether the memory is true or false. But yes, you said You're right, I want to be nice to you. This kind of emotion definitely doesn't come after swallowing a demon. No demon would want to be nice to you! Ah, if I were a demon, I wouldn't come to you at all. Ah... you It has become my hope for survival.”

She looked at Zhang Su silently.

"You too, Yi Xin, you are my hope for survival." Zhang Su stared at her for a moment, then immediately stood up and walked behind Li Yixin.

"What are you doing?" Li Yi was worried.

"Nothing, it'll be quick." Zhang Su quickly braided Li Yixin's hair and combed her into a long ponytail, then returned to sit across from Li Yixin, looking around, "Can you do that again? That - support it with one hand Face, and then tilting your head, just like you did before."

"?" Li Yixin did as he was told.

She rested her elbows on the table, supported her face with one hand, tilted her head, and let her ponytail hang down.

She suddenly felt that there was light in Zhang Su's eyes

——It’s almost like looking at a loved one.

Zhang Su took a deep breath, feeling extremely excited. It was so close, so similar.

"It's so beautiful, so beautiful. Can you dye your hair red?" Zhang Su asked, "Please."

Li Yixin was stunned before. After all, her heart was full of thousands of demons biting each other, but now she suddenly came back to her senses.

open! Seriously!

"Damn you—" Li Yixin angrily took out three command knives and prepared to kill Zhang Su.

"Run!" Shui Li dropped a smoke bomb.

"Uh-" Zhang Su immediately retreated from the coffee shop.

Zhang Su went away to avoid the limelight.

Li Yixin went to find Lianwu with her sword in hand.

Lianwu lives on the Earth Federation's large office ship "Toad Palace". This name commemorates the moon's role in protecting humans over the years.

The appearance of the Toad Palace is quite beautiful, almost like a floating building, stretching for more than 2,000 meters, with wide wings extending from the sides, with hundreds of independent feather modules attached, working together, as if floating freely in the air. The ecological garden at the tail is irrigated by condensation in the air, and there are a large number of armed fighters in the hangar on the belly for defense.

When Li Yixin entered, Lianwu was feeding the moon rabbit on the spaceship.

"?" Lian Wu looked at her, while Yue Tu pricked up his ears.

Li Yixin looked around.

This ship's cabin is extremely gorgeous, the walls are covered with emerald green silk brocade, the carpet is made of real fur, teak wood base, and the craftsmanship is incredibly expensive.

There are also landscape walls, color-changing windows, countless service robots and expensive electronic equipment. It is really a pure enjoyment. The audio-visual equipment and leisure facilities are so good that it makes people jealous. There are two pairs of 500-inch projection screens. I don’t know what to ask for. What to do.

However, it is also a good idea to let Lian Wu be the head of state. Li Yi thought to himself. She has lived a life of adequate food and clothing since she was a child. She will not be corrupted by the luxurious life at all. She has a good brain and handles the world's problems without showing any signs of fatigue. It seems that this matter is not tiring Lian at all. fog……

Lian Wu made a gesture and asked Li Yi if he wanted to drink tea or coffee.

"Drank it. The one I want to tell you is Zhang Su!" Li Yixin, holding the sword on her back, stared at Lian Wu, "That guy is a bastard, how do you tolerate him?"

"~" Lian Wu smiled.

Correct answer: I don't know.

"Are you going to live casually? That's the way of a young lady like you. But my words will never do." Li Yixin was disdainful.

"~" Lianwu took Li Yixin to the window and pointed out to her the earth's cities and landscapes that were being rebuilt below, hoping that she would be happy about it.

"Why should I be excited about this? It's because there is a rich population there, so it doesn't matter if I kill one or two?" Li Yixin stared at the ground.

"..." Lian Wu shook her head. It's not good to do bad things. She felt strange that Li Yixin would take the initiative to come to her. She looked at Li Yixin sincerely and said, "..."

"Stop playing riddles. I can't guess your mind. If you have something to say, just say it." Li Yixin said, "Or I'll kill you!"

"...!" Lian Wu quickly picked up the moon rabbit and used it to cover her face.

Yue Rabbit was eager to give Li Yixin a try and made a claw-and-claw punch.

"...Forget it, that bastard is essentially a trouble-worrying person, so he will probably avoid me during this period of time." Li Yixin sighed, "As he said, I am indecisive all the time. , in a dizzy state, unable to distinguish between reality and illusion. Maybe we really need to be the same as before."

"?" Lianwu moved Yuetu away slightly and looked at Li Yixin with one eye, "?? What do you mean by going over..."

"I am an operator of the Human Defense Project." Li Yixin said, "The head of the Earth, Lord Anyuan Lianwu, grant me a task for the time being. I find that I am more accustomed to living this kind of life. This kind of organized life makes me I feel like I’m still Li Yixin.”

"!" Lianwu understood now.

In this case, she did have a lot to do for Li Yixin, so she lifted the moon rabbit up.

"Go to Hell." Moon Rabbit said, "Hell needs you to conduct reconnaissance. Such a long time, nearly half a year without action, is not like Hell's style."

"Ha... you actually asked me to go to such a dangerous place." Li Yixin frowned, "Are you trying to make me die on purpose?"

"You have the power of a phase demon and can enter the subspace at any time. Although I am not familiar with it, it is the safest for you to go. It can save a lot of lives. You also want to atone for the bloodshed in the past." Moon Rabbit said.

With three command swords and the ability to travel between phases, Li Yixin felt that she was powerful enough and even enjoyed the feeling of being valued.

"..." Li Yixin turned around, "I'll just go. However, no matter what news I bring back, you can't tell Zhang Su that I did it. I don't want to owe that guy anything, or let him owe me anything. .”

She tore open the gap in the curtain, got in, and disappeared without a trace.

Lianwu and Yuetu watched Li Yixin leave.

"This guy is easy to manipulate," Moon Rabbit said. "Just like Edith enslaved her in the past, now it's your turn to turn her into your weapon."

"..." Lian Wu was thoughtful.

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