Witch containment diary

Chapter 45 A new population

Zhang Su used a sickle to chop down the weeds, while the bee looked for wild plants that could be transplanted.

Sweat dripped down Zhang Su's neck and back. He worked methodically, while Xiaofeng dug out the wild flowers and prepared them for transplanting.

There were many empty flower pots in the garden, and the original plants were all dead. Zhang Su dug out the dead plants and threw them away, letting the bees put the flowers in to raise them.

Zhang Su’s newly planned garden has three areas.

There are flower pots surrounding the Bodhisattva Seat stone for growing flowers to make the environment more beautiful; orchards, herbal gardens and fruit nurseries are built next to the well; and finally a pond needs to be dug. It is now beginning to take shape.

Unsightly thistles, poison ivy, and overly dense underbrush were cleared away, and through the efforts of him and the bees, the garden was transformed.

Looking at the clean and tidy gardens around him, Zhang Su couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief.

Little Bee also looks a lot more cheerful.

Lilies! Raspberries! The little bee squatted next to the flower pot, looking at the small flowers she transplanted, and then pointed to several mounds of soil and shrubs nearby, Kiwi seeds! Raspberries! Mulberries! Bayberry!

These are the little bees that distinguish them from weeds and wild flowers, and they are a small number of flowers and fruits worth cultivating.

If you rely on me, it's hard to distinguish between these flowers and fruits... Sure enough, the wasp is still better. Zhang Su looked down.

We still need sunshine. Little Bee felt very comfortable after hearing the compliment.

She looked carefully at the flowers she had transplanted and ran her fingers over the young leaves.

There is always sunshine, come with me. Zhang Su took Xiaofeng to the school building in the west.

At this time, in the open space, Natsuki squatted on the ground and engaged in a glass bead duel with Saho. Even though all the glass beads in his pocket were exhausted, he could not defeat Saho.

Ah - that's the last glass bead! Natsuki touched his pocket.

Hmph, I will take back everything I lose with my own hands. Hayho was satisfied. Because of the heating bill, Natsuki accumulated a pocket full of gadgets during the winter, and Hayho would win them through various mini-games.

You can't survive without money... Xia Xi touched her head,

Xia Xi, are you here to help with the work? You have to pay. Zhang Su waved to Xia Xi.

Who is that? Zaohui saw Xiaofeng beside Zhang Su, Looks like a dirty guy.

Director, I'm here! Xia Xi ran towards Zhang Su unsteadily. Because he was the youngest, he was particularly clingy.

She jumped on Zhang Su, and Zhang Su picked her up. Natsuki lay in Zhang Su's arms and waved to Saho.

Ah - I want it too! Hayho could only be angry alone.

Zhang Su brought Xia Xi to the flower bed in the garden. Xia Xi looked at the plants, leaned out half of his body from Zhang Su's arm, and reached out to touch them.

Little flower. Xia Xi was very happy.

The fruit cores you have eaten in the future can be planted here, and they may sprout. Zhang Su said.

Big melon. Natsuki ate a big watermelon that day and collected a lot of seeds. Now she can grow her own.

What is she here for? Xiaofeng was confused.

Please use your magic power. Zhang Su said.

Natsuki touched her head, then her knees, and then waved her little hands and feet.

Sunshine! Natsuki opened her arms


The warm sunlight emanates and shines on these plants.

As the light shines, the flowers of these plants are immediately covered with a layer of pure white brilliance, like a protective shield.

Waves of bright, warm sunlight shone out, filling the garden with a joyous glow, and the air seemed to sparkle.

The power of the sun touches every low-hanging leaf and weak flower. The plants ripple and stretch in the embrace of light. The low-hanging buds expand upwards, the withered branches and leaves are rejuvenated, and the colors of the flowers appear more intense.

The little bee was even more mesmerized, bathing in the sunshine.

The sun, the great sun...

For the insect swarm, the sun means endless light and is also the ideal energy source they crave.

Huhu... Xia Xi's magic power was exhausted. She put away her light and smiled at Zhang Su, I am the sun!

This is a reward for you. Zhang Su gave Natsuki a 500 yen note, Don't be deceived by Saho.

Yeah! Natsuki folded the paper. As long as you tell Sister Kati about the money and what you want, she will say, Children are so troublesome, then lazily walk away, and bring Natsuki what she wants a few days later.

They were in high spirits and walked back along the stone road. The originally dilapidated garden has now become a small tourist attraction, and it will also provide fruits and flowers for everyone in the future.

Saho is watching from outside.

Is she a prisoner? Hayao looked at Xiaofeng's prison uniform.

Aren't you a prisoner? Xiaofeng looked at Saho's school uniform.

Identity doesn't matter. Zhang Su led them out of the garden, As long as you are willing to treat Anxinyuan as your home.

Xiaofeng was allowed to visit the Insect King Youfalin.

Zhang Su took her into the room at the end of the first floor of the East Prison Area. Youfalin's containment cabin was placed in the middle, with steel alloy bars wrapped around the corners to prevent breakthroughs.

The special containment measures here are paint that blocks mental energy, and all spiritual echoes are locked indoors.

The only light source in the room was a row of round holes on the wall, which shone fragmented light spots on Youfa Lin's sleeping figure.

Mother, I'm here! Xiaofeng approached cautiously. She tried hard not to make any footsteps, walked slowly to the side of the containment cabin, and stared at her mother through the glass.

Even in a deep sleep state, Youfa Lin's magnificence awes Little Bee.

Her gorgeous clothes, accessories and elegant appearance all made Xiaofeng fall in love with her. Youfalin folded her hands on her chest and her belly swelled, waiting for the arrival of new life.

Can I touch Lady Youfalin? Xiaofeng longed to touch her mother again.

No. Zhang Su shook his head.

Zhang Su was supervising from the side.

He saw a trace of sadness on Xiaofeng's face.

Are you feeling sad? Why? Zhang Su asked carefully.

Sad, because... Mother is a great witch, the one who gives life to everyone, and the mother of our swarm. But she is here now, in this cell. Why can't humans allow the existence of swarms? Little Bee knelt beside the glass box and touched the glass with her fingertips.

People don't want to be eaten or assimilated. Zhang Su said.

We don't understand. The little bee sighed, We just want to reproduce. Isn't it good for everyone to become a little bee?

She closed her eyes, as if sharing silent sympathy. Zhang Su looked at this scene and wondered whether Xiaofeng was conveying comfort to Youfalin, or whether Youfalin was giving warmth to Xiaofeng.

The time has come. Zhang Su reminded.

Wait a little longer, I beg you. Bee begged.

You can spend 10 minutes with your mother every day.

Can I come tomorrow? Xiaofeng stood up reluctantly.

Tomorrow. Zhang Su nodded.

Tomorrow. Xiaofeng waved gently to Youfalin, and then was taken out of the cell by Zhang Su.

Xiaofeng rubbed her hands together, and Zhang Su took her to the cell at the entrance of the first floor, ensuring that she was farthest away from You Falin, and then sent her into the room.

The cell room has a coating that isolates mental energy. After entering, Xiaofeng suddenly felt refreshed.

It's so strange... Xiaofeng sat on the concrete bed in the cell and looked up at Zhang Su, I feel much more comfortable.

When other prisons took you in, they didn't separate you from Youfa Lin like this. Maybe it was because there were too many witches in them, so they simply regarded you and Youfa Lin as the same kind of witches. But that's not the case. You must You have to separate from her, now is your first day away from the 'insect swarm'. Zhang Su said.

Left the insect swarm? I, I feel very strange, as if I have lost my direction. The little bee shrank.

Get used to your first day as an independent will. Zhang Su said.

My mind is empty. Xiaofeng grabbed the railing.

Think about what you did today. Zhang Su said a few words and then left.

Xiaofeng lay on her back, her mind filled with buzzing and Youfalin's call. Every time she got close to the Insect King, she could feel that she couldn't help it.

However, now, after being cut off from physical and mental contact with Youfa Lin, Xiaofeng felt relieved.

Think about what you did today. Bee closed her eyes. Her mind pictured seeds to be sown, soil to be tilled, plants to be cared for.

Her thoughts changed. She thought of the fertile soil sifted between her fingers, the green plants smelled in her nose, and how there was so much to dig out and so much life growing.

And the feeling of loneliness and fear when being lowered into the well with vines tied to the body...

It was so deep that I completely forgot about You Falin's existence. I just mustered up the courage and willpower from the bottom of my heart to support myself in working under the dry well.

Can a little bee live on its own?

Xiaofeng closed her eyes and slowly fell asleep. In her golden dream, she alone spawned a brand new insect nest. Thousands of female insects were inhabiting and swarming, and billions of tendrils colonized the surface of the earth, melting away the earth and turning it into nourishment for her meal.

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