Witch containment diary

Chapter 46 Morning exercise can also lead to evolution

At seven o'clock the next morning, Zhang Su took Lianwu to ring the bell.

The ancient morning bell hung near the school building. Lian Wu dressed in a witch costume and began to perform the bell-ringing ceremony.

Zhang Su supported her, and Lianwu pulled the huge wooden mallet, letting the rope drag it to a height, and then let go, letting the mallet swing diagonally on its own.


The sound of the morning bell echoed in Anxin Hospital, deep and deep, which had a pleasant and calming effect. The echo lasted for at least ten seconds before gradually stopping.

! Lian Wu was worried that the bell would wake up her ancestor Yue Hua Ji, so she looked up at Zhang Su.

Don't worry, the bell has been ringing for thousands of years. She would be surprised if she didn't ring it. Zhang Su said.

~ Lianwu breathed a sigh of relief, turned to look at the morning bell in Anxinyuan, and stroked the giant bell.

She observed carefully that the complex giant bell was weathered and made of bronze, but the Moonlight Prayer on the surface was inlaid with silver, making the bell itself an expensive cultural relic.

Can Miss Lianwu understand the text above? Zhang Su asked.

... Lian Wu recognized it, but couldn't pronounce it in a human voice.

She chanted silently in her heart, then closed her eyes and felt the feeling of striking the big bell, as if the magic power in her body also resonated with it.

Maybe one day I can control the magic power of the moon in my body. Lian Wu turned around and smiled at Zhang Su. That smile was really rare to see. When Zhang Su wanted to see it again, Lian Wu's expression returned to his normal nonchalant expression.

As soon as the morning bell rings, the daily work of containing the witch begins.

Katie was very happy that there were finally real prisoners in the asylum. She patrolled with a baton, looked at Bee through the iron gate, and hit the fence with the baton to wake Bee from her sweet dream.

Ah! Xiaofeng was startled and climbed up.

Come out...or I'll eat you! Katie stared at the little bee. Although it was a type of insect, it could still be eaten.

No, don't eat me! Little Bee was so scared that she got up obediently and followed Katie.

Katie used the key to open Akazawa Yoshio's cell, and forcefully opened Akazawa Yoshiyo's heavy metal door. After a day and night of imprisonment, Akazawa Yoshio, who was still very energetic when she first met him, is now curled up on the ground, struggling constantly.

Let me go to the - toilet - There was nothing in Akazawa Yoshiyo's cell, only four cold metal walls, which suffocated her almost to the point of going crazy.

Please, kiss my boots. Katie walked forward, her thick black boots stepping on the threshold in front of Akasawa Yoshiyo.

Akazawa Yoshiyo looked at the pair of leather boots in horror, tied with thick rawhide ropes. It was unimaginable how much mud and dead skin were stuck in the blended fabric, and how many days and nights they spent together with sweat and bacteria.

Except for being taken to the wild by Zhang Su for a wash a month ago, Katie had never cleaned herself up on her own. Now the terrible smell soaked into the porous and sweat-absorbing leather boots, creating a unique pungent smell.

I will not... succumb to the beast! Akazawa Yoshiyo stepped back.

Goodbye. Katie closed the metal door.

Just a second before the light was cut off, Katie suddenly felt resistance from Yoshio Akazawa.

I can do anything you want...except for things like shoes... Akazawa Yoshiyo couldn't stand it anymore.

Huh... Katie pinched Akazawa Yoshio's chin and ruffled her hair, Who is the animal now?

... Akazawa Jiayo looked humiliated, but there was nothing he could do.

After taking away Akasawa Yoshiyo, Katie checked the containment situation of Youfa Lin, and after confirming that it was safe, she went to check on Larue.

La Louie was imprisoned in a room with six mirrors on all sides. Some blood stains showed that she had tried to break or smash the mirror, or simply used blood stains to block the mirror light. She fell in the middle, motionless.

Cuddy sensed that she was pretending to be dead and begging for sympathy, so she closed the door and walked away.

Akazawa Yoshiyo got the first opportunity to squat since he was imprisoned, but things were far from over.

It's mandatory physical training time in the morning... Katie grabbed Xiaofeng and Akazawa Yoshio and asked them to warm up, Stretch your arms straight, turn your shoulders... Then bend down, try to touch your toes, don't move around, Otherwise your asses will suffer.”

Kobe worked hard, while Akazawa Yoshio reluctantly stretched his muscles.

Then it's running... 5 laps in total, and then we go have breakfast. Katie ordered.

Yoshio Akazawa stood on the starting line of the playground.

Let's see who can run faster, you beast. Akazawa Yoshiyo challenged.

...Okay... Katie came to the starting line in the central open space of Anxinyuan.

It's time to run, count me in. Roy Robot ran over, Three, two, one, start now?

Akazawa Yoshiyo couldn't help frowning when he saw Roy's presence.

This Defender robot seems to be a high-performance version that has been tested in actual combat, making her escape plan more difficult.

Being stared at by Roy's shiny head camera, Akazawa Yoshie felt uncomfortable from the bottom of his heart.

Zhang Su supervised from the side.

Yoshio Akazawa started with a standard starting movement, bending his body, placing his hands on the ground, and prepared in a squatting position.

Katie leaned forward like an animal, almost running on all fours.

Roy maintained a high degree of mechanical precision. The little bee stood timidly, not believing how fast he could run.

Okay, start now! Zhang Su waved his arm vigorously.


Facing the bright morning light, Akazawa Yoshie flew forward. Running gave her the illusion of regaining freedom, just like escaping from the shelter and running in the vast outside.

Katie strode wildly, as ferociously as a wild animal chasing a human, and even her running movements were wide open.

Roy advanced at a constant speed and was in third place; Bee was small and had a narrow pace, and fell behind at the end, but not far behind.

Akazawa Yoshiyo's prison uniform was soon soaked with sweat. She was in the top position and was content.

She is confident in her strong thighs and well-proportioned muscles. This is the body of a warrior going to war. Besides, I had emptied all my burdens before, so I felt extremely light.

Her lungs burned with every breath, and the rough track rubbed against the calloused soles of her feet.

Running is also a test opportunity for her.

Test whether she still has the strength to escape. After half a year of being detained, she is now transferred here again. She finally has the opportunity to test her strength and endurance.

If her body still has enough endurance, then she should be able to escape down the mountain and return to the human world, just like a dragon returning to the sea!

Last lap! Zhang Su saw them all running three laps, running towards the final invisible finish line.


Akazawa Yoshie breathed heavily and quickened his pace again. His leg muscles were burning and he endured the severe pain from his internal organs.

As a warrior, this level of pain must be endured.

too fast! She felt like she was flying.

Just sprint like this - combining strength and elegance, crushing the enemy with unparalleled advantage!

Ouch! Katie sprinted.

Her body leaned completely forward and she was running on her hands and knees like an animal.

Katie's body shape is already different from that of humans. Her arms are extra long, and when she runs, she actually looks like an animal.

In the blink of an eye, Akazawa Yoshie saw that Katie had surpassed him!

etc! Running on four legs is really faster than running on two legs!

Her eyes widened. To her, it looked like a lizard scurrying past her!

Grappling hook! Roy stretched out his arm forward, and the huge grappling hook flew out of his arm and quickly hooked the finish line.

It tapped its body lightly on the ground and made a super big jump, instantly surpassing Akasawa Yoshiyo and Katie.


Zipline! Katie and Akazawa Yoshio were both shocked.

How could a robot be so shameless! Close the distance with a mechanical hook lock!

The next second, they suddenly heard a buzzing sound.

Little Bee blushed, and the cyst on her back suddenly burst, and two pairs of thin bee wings unfolded from her back. The instinct of the insect swarm was activated, and her small wings flapped rapidly, pushing her body forward at high speed.

There are experts too! !

Katie, Yoshio Akazawa and Roy were startled when they heard the fluttering of wings.

The little bee is extremely fast and has an extremely light body. It can fly far away with just one flap of its wings. Although it does not fly very high, it rushes forward dozens of meters and surpasses Kati, Jia Shi and Roy in an instant!

too fast! This is real speed!

The little bee flew for the first time, fell down at the end of the runway, and quickly got up.

She quickly folded up the thin wings behind her and couldn't help but reach out and touch them. It was so magical that she had wings.

First place! Zhang Su waved his hand vigorously, Little Bee!

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