Witch containment diary

Chapter 47 Basic Eating Skills

It's not fun to lose, so it's never fun. Roy landed half a second later and patted his mechanical head in frustration.

Katie climbed across the finish line, and Akazawa Yoshio panted and walked over in embarrassment.

Bees can actually fly? This was something neither of them had imagined. However, Zhang Su knew very well that Xiaofeng’s potential was endless.

Although the cyst on her back ruptured, because it was an insect, the pain-sensing nerves were relatively weak, and it healed quickly, with no scar visible.

...She will fly away sooner or later. Akazawa Yoshie was frustrated. She was exhausted and put her hands on her knees.

No. Zhang Su shook his head.

Youfa Lin is still here, how could Xiao Bee leave his insect king? Although he has developed a little sense of independence, Xiao Bee is still very attached to the insect king.

At this time, breakfast in the cafeteria is also being prepared.

The new prison staff member Les Colin is good at making European food.

I am Lescorin, who was born in the Normandy region. I was assigned by the Witch Countermeasures Bureau and will work in the shelter from now on. Lescorin greeted Rena in the kitchen.

Excuse me, I'm Reina, I work as a teacher for the children in the shelter. Reina smiled slightly, and then introduced Eori who was standing on a stool cutting tomatoes next to her, This is Eori.

Can we prepare breakfast together? Yuanzhi looked at Lescorin expectantly.

This is your duty as a staff member. You must provide quality meals to everyone. Lescolin covered her chest with one hand. For a long time, Anxin Home has let teachers and children take the responsibility. Do you want food? This kind of thing must change in the future.

So serious...! Yuanzhi was full of respect.

Lescolin put on a cloth apron and completed her work silently and efficiently. She placed an iron cup on the stove, poured coffee beans into it, and started cooking coffee, just like a professional maid, perhaps a professional domestic worker before joining the shelter.

Coffee? I haven't smelled such an aroma for a long time... Reina expressed her dislike of coffee tactfully.

The tastes of people in Tomyo can be divided into Western-style food and Japanese-style food. Reina is an out-and-out Japanese-style food, and she hates foreign foods such as coffee, toast, and fried chicken.

Yes, you have to drink a lot of coffee in the morning so that you can be energetic. Lescolin was minding her own work.

She opened the kitchen cabinets and quickly glanced around, determined to use her own techniques to make them into a delicious continental breakfast.

The kitchen has been upgraded a lot and has all the tools. Lescolin quickly cuts sausages and prepares omelettes and bread.

There’s also sweet French toasted bruschetta! Cook in a brand new oven.

Lescolin accurately measured the ingredients with her hands. She beat the eggs into a basin, added fine sugar and fresh milk from the florets, stirred the egg yolk liquid evenly at a constant speed, and sieved it multiple times to make it delicate.

Her skillful hands prepare the prototype of the pastry, and finally put it into the mold, bake it in the oven, and bake it at high temperature.

The oil sizzled, and Mrs. Rena watched Dahai from the side.

Eating such hot food in the morning will damage the children's gastrointestinal tract!

This sudden foreign woman is poisoning the children's health!

With this thought in mind, Reina decided to protect everyone with light food.

Reina quickly cut the green onions and tofu, poured them into the pot, and poured in the pre-mixed household miso powder.

Immediately afterwards, she quickly took out the bundle of kombu, rolled it in vinegar rice, tuna meat, and radish, poured in mirin, and finally quickly cut the rice ball into thin slices as wide as her index finger, and placed them delicately on the plate.

Feed everyone the healthy food you cook first, so they won't eat what this woman cooks!

The aroma of miso soup and the frankincense of baked pastries are intertwined.

While cooking, Lescolin recalled the small villa on the port and the emerald hills; while Reina thought of the tatami mats in her hometown and the time she and her mother spent preparing fish.

They all focus on their own things and offer their own cooking skills.

Yuan Zhi was stunned, not knowing which side to help. She could vaguely feel that the previously peaceful kitchen was now undergoing an unprecedented confrontation!

Finally, it was time to enter the restaurant.

Breakfast is here! Yuanzhi walked over step by step, holding a tray with Xiaohua's fresh milk on it.

On either side of her, Lescolin and Mrs. Reina each brought out their own breakfasts for the children to choose.

There's something to eat!

Fresh food? Zaho and the others couldn't hold back anymore and began to taste brand-new food.

Hayao likes to try new things, so she picked up a piece of pastry made by Les Colin and stuffed it into her mouth.

When you take a bite, the crispy dough makes a crunching sound, and the melted custard slowly oozes out. One crispy and one soft, forming a sharp contrast, swirling on the tip of her tongue, hitting her taste buds, and deeply enticing Zaho's taste.

It's so delicious! Zaho fired his bows from left to right, fired his little hands, and immediately took three baked puddings and stuffed them into his mouth.

Katie took a sip of coffee. She liked the feeling of fresh energy filling her brain and nerves, as if it could drag her back a little from the beast's chaotic thoughts and make her mind clearer.

You can replenish your energy by eating rice balls... Damn Ansin... I hope you don't cheat me in terms of food. Akazawa Yoshiyo was also hungry.

She found that the food provided by An'an Hospital was richer than that of New Tokyo Witch Prison. They were all freshly handmade dishes, not pre-made dishes provided in batches.

I'm starting. Akazawa Yoshio picked up a rice ball and tasted it carefully.

The vinegar rice provides flavor and carbohydrates, and the salmon strips are both delicious and provide protein, which is suitable for her to recover after strenuous exercise.

Looking at Akazawa Yoshi's standard tasting movements, Reina was deeply satisfied.

However, she was more concerned about Zhang Su and looked forward to Zhang Su's choice.

Zhang Su tasted the pastries first, and then tasted the miso soup made by Mrs. Reina.

He raised the spoon to his mouth, and then took a deep breath of the seafood aroma emitted by the soup. The sweet and fresh smell whetted his appetite.

Well done. Zhang Su nodded to Mrs. Linai.

Thank you for taking care of me, this is what I should do. Mrs. Rena responded gently.

If you feel it tastes delicious, you should thank the person who prepared the food. Zhang Su told the children.

I'm full, thank you. Reio ate two rice balls and a bowl of soup, and thanked Mrs. Rena gracefully.

You did a good job, and you will continue to make delicious food in the future. Hayho nodded to Lescolin.

As the dual managers of the kitchen, Lescolin and Reina looked at each other.

In any case, the pleasant breakfast atmosphere still gave them a sense of comfort. For a chef, having someone appreciate him is the greatest reward.

Chiyo Fujikawa, who was released from prison, leaned on his seat and looked at the surrounding countryside passing by.

The green rice fields spread endlessly, connecting the foggy mountains. Telephone poles stand on the roadside, and the lines are connected to each other, like a black mesh covering the world.

Which hall master sent you here? Fujikawa Chiyo held her chin with one hand and asked carefully.

According to Zhang Su's reminder, she only has the last few days left in her life, and she will soon be assassinated and die tragically.

This terrifying prophecy made Fujikawa Chiyo feel uneasy about everything, including the driver next to her.

Ruizi sat in the back and looked at the scenery outside the window leisurely. After she was released from prison, she decided to ride in the same car with Fujikawa Chiyo. Fujikawa Chiyo didn't know why Ruizi did this.

Miss, I was sent by Mr. Saburo. The driver said calmly.

Fujikawa Chiyo observed the other person carefully, sizing up his muscular body and enigmatic expression.

For a driver, this guy is too serious, almost like a professional killer.

This doesn't look like going to the Capital Expressway. Chiyo Fujikawa looked at the country road in front of her.

The Metropolitan Expressway is a highway network that connects Tokyo with other regions. It has always been famous for its high speed, reliability, and high traffic efficiency. The most important thing is that it can directly reach the city center and return to Fujikawa Chiyo's sphere of influence.

There is an inspection on the highway, which may be detrimental to us. The driver explained.

Then where are you going? Fujikawa Chiyo frowned.

Go to Tochigi County and pick you up to a safe place first, the driver said.

Chiyo Fujikawa became increasingly suspicious.

Tochigi Prefecture was traditionally located on the fringe of the Fujikawa group's influence. It was an area she was unfamiliar with, and it was relatively remote along the way, with mountain villages and dense woods.

According to Zhang Su's warning, she really couldn't trust the driver to arrange the trip.

Are the surrounding paddy fields and rice fields just here to bury him?

Go to New Tokyo, hurry up. I would rather go back to New Tokyo. Fujikawa Chiyo ordered.

Sorry, the detour now may be too time-consuming. The driver apologized repeatedly.

If I were taken to the countryside like this, I might never see the Fujikawa family home in New Tokyo again!

Fujikawa Chiyo took action immediately.

Upon seeing this, the driver reacted very quickly, turned the steering wheel violently, and tried to crash the car into the village house in front.

The core of the rear seat suddenly popped out, and he leaned forward and strangled the driver's throat with both hands.

The driver gritted his teeth and dug his nails into Ruizi's arms, digging into her skin and leaving dig marks on her hands. Ruizi's eyes turned red and she refused to let go, still strangling the driver's neck.

Fujikawa Chiyo hit the driver hard and aimed his punch at the temple, knocking him unconscious.

The vehicle lost control instantly!

Chiyo Fujikawa stretched out her foot and slammed on the brakes. The vehicle tilted to the side of the road and crashed into the rice field. However, it did not sink deeply enough to stop.

The vehicle was crumbling, Fujikawa Chiyo and Ruiko breathed rapidly, and then began to evacuate.

Fortunately, Ruizi controlled the driver in time. If he hit something, it would probably cause a tragedy. Now he just deviated from the direction.

Chiyo Fujikawa loosened her seat belt, tried to push open the car door, and turned around to ask: Why help me?

After working on a sewing machine for two years, I found that I still like money. I'll bet the rest of my life on you, please take me to have a big meal. Ruizi said slyly, with fiery eyes.

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