Witch containment diary

Chapter 455 The Revival of Mancias

Saho shakes Kati up and asks her to treat Natsuki.

Natsuki's body is overflowing with the magic power of the moon. It is particularly charming and important. If it were sent like this, Hasumi would tear Saho's hands apart.

Katie clumsily put a bandage on Natsuki's head.

Saho was a little troubled.

"I...I...I...am I still a fool?" Saho felt that he was indeed a fool. "When I thought about how much trouble there was outside, I thought it would be pretty good to stay here and live my life. As a result... I was discovered by Natsuki when I had such an idea, and she was ready to eliminate me."

"Where's the little kitten Yuori?" Katie asked.

"Yes! You reminded me! Koneko is not here, and neither is the senior sister. This world will be destroyed." Saho leaned back, fell to the ground, and made a big letter.

"But Natsuki is still here...Natsuki is fine too," Kati stammered, trying her best to comfort Hayho.

"Ah ah ah, I'm so angry!" Saho rolled on the ground, "Grow up! Grow up! Grow up! I want to grow up!"

"Growing up means not eating ice cream? But I also abuse alcohol and cigarettes, haven't I grown up yet?" Katie shook her head.

She didn't know it herself, but she felt like she had to say something nice to restore Saho's confidence.

"When I encounter something scary, I want to escape. When I encounter something delicious, I want to get up in the middle of the night to eat it. Am I not allowed to live in this world?" Saho looked outside in frustration.

"Because there are responsibilities outside for you to bear." Katie suddenly found a reason to convince Saho, "You are the leader of the Ring of Peace of Mind."

"Oh! I am, but if I am bound by such an identity, then I am not the leader of the Ring of Peace of Mind, but a slave of the Ring of Peace of Mind!" said Saho.

"So! There must be someone out there you want to see." Katie said.

"I want to find the little kittens, I want to find my senior..." Saho wanted to cry, "Where have they gone? I miss them so much."

"I want to find Zhang Su, find Leimi..." Katie felt regretful, "And you must also owe others something."

"I still owe Dasu a lot of benefits that I haven't repaid." Zaho wiped his eyes, "And my mother doesn't know where she is. So, for the sake of the people you want to see, and for what you owe, you have to persevere even if it's very hard. Go ahead, even if you feel sad, you have to work hard, even if it makes you feel uncomfortable, you have to grit your teeth... This is the truth."

"Yes. Ah...Am I persuading you, or am I persuading myself?" Katie closed her eyes and thought of many important things.

Natsuki opened her eyes.

Hayao quickly stood up, folded all her clothes beside her, leaving only a pair of socks, then knelt on the ground, bowed forward, and assumed a sitting posture.

"Miss Xia Xi, I am the most useless person in the world, please forgive me." Saho said.

"?" Xia Xi disagreed.

"I am an incompetent person who will succumb to the taste of vanilla ice cream in the middle of the night. Please punish me!" Saho shouted with his eyes closed.

"It's okay." Natsuki said.

"Is everything okay?" Zaho's eyes lit up.

"It's okay." Natsuki stretched, "Sleep."

"Then rest." Katie put them back on the blanket. "There are still stories to tell tomorrow."

A week later.

Katie ended her day of fitness. During this time, she worked hard to quit smoking, drinking and addictive substances, and to restore her competitive state and mental level.

"Oh? Oh? No problem." Saho lay on the sofa and called, then turned around, "Sister Katie?"

"What's wrong?" Katie was confused.

"Remi and Dasu are both at the old manor of the Mancias family! Now that various agreements have been finalized, please go back and take over the property."

"I...go back?" Katie was stunned for a moment.

"Yes. Haven't you always said that you want to rebuild the empire? Although Da Su vetoed it before, he has been studying the feasibility these days. Now he has it done! As long as you go back now, you can accept a large protective territory. Just like your family's previous business, it's all oil and stuff, and you'll make a fortune!" Hayho was very excited.

"I..." Katie took a deep breath, turned around and saw Natsuki's sparkling encouraging eyes, and nodded again, "No problem." Showing cheer.

Natsuki nodded and left.

Katie gradually figured out Natsuki's logic.

People's existence has received the blessing of the sun. If it is not used properly, it will be equivalent to wasting this blessing.

From a glimmer of light to a stern sun...

But she wasn't sure, after all, no one knew what Natsuki was doing.

Katie changed into a well-fitting exquisite dress and put on the horn crown that she had prepared.

"Does this look good?"

"Okay, just accept the ancestral inheritance with your head held high!" Saho was very happy, "This is the ideal you dream of. Seeing you succeed is equivalent to my success!"

"Well, thank you." Katie turned to the mirror.

She tried her best to appear graceful and luxurious, but no matter how she looked at herself, she looked like a monster wearing a crown.

"But, where is your secret weapon?" Saho ran under the closet and took out the strips of cloth that seemed to her to be thin and narrow, "Can't you wear this?"

"Those are... late-night clothes." Katie stuffed them back, "It's time for us to set off."

In the eastern section of the Sierra Madre Mountains, the Mancias family estate.

Zhang Su and Lei Mi met with Katie and her party.

"Ouch--" Lemi raised her head and shouted happily, missing her mother endlessly.

Kati is wearing a gorgeous dress, which she carefully prepared. The belt is inlaid with malachite, agate and emerald. The color of the tassel is more beautiful than the rising sun. The horn crown is carefully crafted according to the dragon's horn, which is extremely gorgeous.

She also prepared a suit for Zhang Su, but it was a pity that it was no longer available because Zhang Su couldn't wear it.

A long time ago, Katie had thought about dressing up with Zhang Su and returning to the top of power, but now, she felt that she had missed the precious opportunity all because of her own incompetence.

Zhang Su had a sullen face and showed no expression. He just made a gesture to let everyone in.

The estate is very large.

It declined for a time due to demonic attacks, and was later occupied by the Intercontinental Energy Group and turned into a cultural heritage attraction.

"Hoho, this is where we should live." Saho was very happy, "It's too big."

Big, indeed. Katie thought.

The Mancias family is the family of the dragon witch. At its peak, there were more than a hundred dragons, including witches, flying dragons, ancient dragons, and various dragon-blooded ones.

Pushing open the ornate wrought iron door, there is a huge dragon sculpture in the atrium, with perfect outline, but the gems on its eyes and claws have been stolen, and now it stares at the entrants with its huge blind eyes.

The driveway is wide and leads to a garage for the sports car.

Katie felt half bitter and half ashamed when she thought of the scene when she and her sisters were rallycrossing in the desolate New Mexico desert when they were young.

There is a shaft at the top of the manor and a platform that can fly directly into the sky. The Mancias family's mansion does not allow any aircraft to be parked, because only dragons are qualified to fly in this airspace. All international routes are forced to bypass the sky above the family, otherwise will be shot down.

She looked toward the garden on the other side, where exotic orchids, grapes, orange trees, grapefruits, and avocados once grew, where there once were countless rare birds with bright wings, where there once were imported purebred peacocks and hunting dogs. But now, all she saw was a mess of rocks.

"Remi likes it here very much." Zhang Su saw Remi flying to the terracotta roof, roaring happily with his big eyes open, "I guess it can be used by many people after renovation."

"Can we live here? Sister Kati, sister Kati?" Saho requested.

"Okay." Katie didn't dare to answer Zhang Su's words, but she was thankful that Zaohui suddenly said this.

The scenery here is desolate and majestic. You can see rows of oil excavators and huge offshore drilling platforms in the distance. Bird helicopters fly back and forth between the sea and the land, transporting people and materials.

The Mancias family made their fortune from endless oil wells, and Carty once set the entire field on fire, just for fun.

Remy glanced at Katie, but quickly looked away, excitedly scanning the red rock canyon in the distance.

Katie remembered that two or three years ago, Remi's eyes had been falling on her with admiration, until she unknowingly sank and gave up her mother's responsibilities.

"Come on." Katie tried to call Remi, "Come on, Remi."

Remi crawled slowly on the roof, and Katie took Remi to the deserted garden and walked through the overgrown gravel path.

Katie introduced this place in a low voice. This was the play place she had lingered on in her childhood, with a central fountain and a hedge maze. She and her companions wrestled with each other, burned potted landscapes, broke stones, teased servants and had fun... Katie I can't say any more.

"Priest Cacotel, the local leader, has signed and agreed to hand over the Mancias family manor and the land in the three neighboring states to you." Zhang Su walked into the garden.

"Well..." Katie felt as if her tongue was welded and she couldn't speak.

"Manage this place well. After all, this is your dream all along." Zhang Su said.

"Thank you." Katie forced herself to say the most basic thanks, she was just ashamed.

"Ouch." Remy still remembers the name "Kacotel".

This is a person responsible for delivering food. Sometimes he will impatiently ask Remi to attack and let him burn the menacing enemies on the ground. And when it wins, people will respect it even more.

"..." Katie took Remi into the mansion through the dragon's path.

The house is four times the size of a regular mansion, allowing teenage dragons like Remy to come and go as they please.

The ceiling and walls have been widened and raised, and the floor has been carefully carved so that it will not be scratched by claws.

She checked the kitchen and cooked everyone a supper of roasted quail, beef, carrots and olives.

"This place is too big. I want to establish the Peace Ring office here." Hayho announced excitedly while eating. "The world has become a little calmer. I have to unite all the surviving witches."

"If the ring of peace of mind works properly, Lianwu will appoint you as the 'big witch' of the earth." Zhang Su said.

"Oh! I have to work hard for this." Hayho felt majestic.

Katie tentatively put her hand on the table, close to Zhang Su's side.

Zhang Su paused for a moment, then stretched out his hand and gave him the slightest touch. This was by no means an acceptance, nor was it a complete rejection.

After the meal, Katie tried to feed Remi goat meat for Zhang Su, and the raw meat was devoured by Remi's huge mouth.

Finally, Katie even had a chance to kiss Remi's forehead, and Remi made a happy sound.

Late at night, Katie sat in the study.

This was the place where she had sat the night the demons robbed Mancias Manor. She stroked the phantom pain in her neck, and then the stitches in her finery, thinking that she had once been so young, full of energy, and proud. look like.

Endless thoughts flowed in her heart, recalling those youthful days that shone brighter than gold and were more passionate than fire. She felt——

Remi poked her head in from the window, looked at her mother with wide eyes, and whispered good night with a slight whisper.

Katie suddenly felt that nothing was important anymore. Everything was unimportant. Shame and glory were burst like bubbles in an instant. Troubles and obsessions also dissipated like smoke. As a mother, she knew that she would devote her future years selflessly. Giving this little life is an obligation, an instinct, and a destiny.

She nodded gently, gently took off the horn crown, and put it gently on Remi's head.

Lemi blinked, her clear eyes flashing with joy and curiosity.

Then, Katie began to draft a document. The crown she had longed for all her life only stayed in her hands for a few hours, and then it went to a more meaningful place. She gave everything she inherited to this proud child. From tomorrow on, Lemi will have its own land, a vast 250,000 square kilometers, which will be full of its glory and ideals.

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