Witch containment diary

Chapter 456 How to find companions

In this way, the transfer of power is completed.

Katie needs to find time to eat, train and recover. She can't even transform back into dragon form now, so she can't rule the earth.

In view of this, Lemi is more suitable for management. After all, people have worshiped real dragons since ancient times.

Cady soon left the manor, leaving everything in the Mancias family to Remi and the Ring of Peace of Mind.

"Hoo ho, jet plane." Hayho took everyone to ride on Remi.

"This is a seat belt, everyone, fasten it." Qing Xiao wrapped the long vines around the spines on Lei Mi's back, and then tied them to their bodies, "I never thought that a tree would fly to an altitude of 5,000 meters. .”

"Is it going to be cold at high altitude?" Zhizhang put on a warm spare jacket.

"If it's cold, just hug Natsuki tightly." Mayumi put Natsuki in the center of the seat.

"..." Natsuki looked up at the sun, feeling that it would be better to be closer to it.

"Okay, everyone is seated. There are safety belts. Even if you fall, I will catch you." Qing Xiao tied the vines and arranged them very carefully. They were divided into main ropes and auxiliary ropes to form a safety kit. " The power of plants is incredible.”

"I'm really looking forward to seeing the beautiful scenery in the sky." Mayumi was very happy. "Although I had flown on a plane before the war, the view was definitely not as wide as the one on the back of a dragon."

"Yes, good Remi, good baby. You are our sister." Saho sat firmly and pulled the evergreen vines on his body, "The flight is ready, we are going to see the world in the clouds. .”

"Ouch!" Remi spread her wings, and they suddenly felt the "monster" under their buttocks start to move, making a burst of yells.

"So intense!"

"Going to fall!"

"catch me!"

"Don't fall!" They put out their hands one by one, and Haoho sat at the front, so she firmly grasped the thorns on the dragon's back.

"Have you forgotten that Hayao is afraid of heights?" Mayumi suddenly came back to her senses.

"It's okay, I've overcome it." Saho smiled, "Do you think I'm a fool?"

Lemi flapped her wings, driving the strong wind, and pushed her body into the blue sky, heading straight towards the white clouds in the sky.

Hayho stretched out his arms, closed his eyes, and enjoyed the feeling of weightlessness floating in the sky.

She smiled carefree, feeling the wind blowing against her face.

Remi broke through the clouds, and then plunged in again. The children on her back screamed like a roller coaster, and Remi just wanted them to get the best view.

"Look! It's so beautiful!" Mayumi held the bomb in her arms and pointed down excitedly.

The sun is shining, and on one side are the mountains and deserts of Mexico, bathed in a warm honey-colored glow. On the other side, the Texas wilderness unfolded before us, neatly planted with newly cultivated farmland, dotted with fields of emerald, ocher, and maroon, with neat and orderly edges. The Trinity River is like a winding silver belt, shining like a mirror in the sun, reflecting the mood of the sky, sometimes as quiet as a mirror, sometimes as turbulent.

"The world is really big and full of places I have never been to. It would be a pity if I couldn't see all the mountains and rivers in this life." Zhazhuo observed carefully.

"Incredible." Mayumi sighed, "I don't dare to go that far. If you can go and take a good look at it for me, and then take pictures and send them back to me, I will be very satisfied."

"Huhu..." Xia Xi raised her hand to touch the sun, as if she wanted to take it into her palm.

"Roar!" Remi saw a cumulonimbus cloud in the distance and took the initiative to cross it.

The heavy rain poured down, and the water droplets were sharp and swift, like countless silver arrows.

They were startled by the sudden rainstorm, and their hearts beat like drums. However, Lemi showed no fear. She jumped up vigorously, passed through the layers of gray clouds, and flew up into the clouds.

Then a larger world unfolded in front of them, and the sky was blue and clear. At this moment, they suddenly forgot all their worries and sorrows and felt relaxed and happy.

"...It's raining heavily below, but the sky is clear above the clouds. It's really comfortable. It's better than what the database said." Mayumi hugged the spine on Remi's back and sighed, "On paper, it will be over." Jue Qian knows that this matter must be carried out with due diligence, and this is absolutely true."

"Bomber!" Bomb suddenly unlocked Remi's super usefulness, and she released her destructive power downwards.

Huge arrows of destruction were shot downwards, traveling, scattering, and bursting in the heavy rain. At this moment, she seemed to be the god of thunder and lightning, easily triggering a huge thunderstorm in the wind and rain, making a roaring sound that shook the world.

"It's like ascending to the gods in the clouds. This is really incredible magic. This is what we should do." Qing Xiao also felt very satisfied.

Lemi happily led them through the rain clouds and finally came to the sea.

It spread its wings and took them across the extremely beautiful blue sea.

"...Salt water devil!" Qing Xiao was surprised, "I don't want to go to a place like that."

"It's so beautiful." Zhazhu admired it carefully, "I hope this is not the only time in my life that I will see the sea."

"Attack from the bottom of the sea." Natsuki thought of her previous adventure in the deep-sea Ryugu Castle.

"The sky is gray, and the end merges with the equally gray sea. At this time, it is difficult to distinguish between the sky and the sea, just like sometimes it is impossible to distinguish between the real situation and the situation of the heart..." Mayumi recited the text she was familiar with. part.

"It would be great if I were so literate." Qing Xiao agreed, "But the charm of human beings is always difficult for me to grasp."

"The sea never rests or gets tired. It represents the vitality of the planet. The blue algae in it are still releasing oxygen to nourish our poor world that has been invaded by demons." Mayumi has endless romantic thoughts about the sea. , but now it is difficult to express my suppressed feelings.

After several hours of flying, Remi took them over offshore drilling platforms and a series of oil fields, eventually returning to the Mancias family mansion.

Zhang Su was making barbecue in the yard, and they were happy to have a good meal when they came back.

"I'm already starving. I need to eat." Zhazhu unfastened the vine safety belt on his body.

"Eat enough..." Natsuki walked down.

"Ha, those animals are greedy for plants, and now they have finally turned into barbecue. This is the blessing of eating our plants. Now I can stick my feet into the earth and watch the fate of these vegetarian monsters." Qing Akatsuki took off her shoes.

"That's great." Mayumi touched Remi, and then came down. She noticed that Saho was sitting at the front, but said nothing and didn't move during the whole flight, "Haaho?"

Mayumi walked over, touched Saho, walked to the front, and then saw Saho with his eyes closed and his face peaceful.

"Wake up!" Mayumi shook Saho up.

"Huh?" Saho came back to his senses, "When are we going to leave? I can't wait!"

Qing Xiao personally helped everyone grill mutton skewers.

"Haha, you usually eat enough grass, but now you feel comfortable. You rest in peace forever, and you will never have the chance to eat my siblings again," Qing Xiao said.

Zhang Su built a stone fire pit, the flames hissed, and the peppery smell of meat mixed with the smell of burning wood filled the air.

"Prrrrr." Lemi squatted aside obediently. It breathed out a breath of dragon fire, grilling the ingredients until they were carbonized and turned into pitch-black inorganic matter.

"Once the dragon fire burns, it won't go out. It's too dangerous." Mayumi swept away the things.

"Help me bake this." Xia Xi handed two cold sausages to Qing Xiao.

Qing Xiao blushed a little when she saw Xia Xi.

"Oh, great, good, I mean, good, it makes me feel good that someone is asking for it instead of waiting to eat the baked goods I put on the plate." Qing Xiao began to speak subconsciously Then, "Why is this? Because, because you think I am very good? Do you trust me? Natsuki?"

"?" Xia Xi knew nothing about this.

"She's saying you're so pretty that you're a pervert." Zhafang cheered.

"That's not what I meant. It's human nature, eh. No, this is the natural affinity of magic. Sunlight, rain, dew and plants should be closely aligned." Qing Xiao tried to convince herself, "Forget it, I'm here What can I say? It's time for me to work. I'm going to bake this mixture of starch and pork at high temperatures so that the surface turns black and the aroma appears. This is the most classic Maillard reaction... I'm so stupid! !!”

"Da Su, there are many amazing things in the sky." Zaosui was talking nonsense to Zhang Su.

"Didn't you faint?" Zhang Su leaned against a tree nearby.

"No, absolutely not." Hayho nodded vigorously.

At this moment, there was a ringing of bells at the door of the house.

"There is a visitor, I'll go take a look." Mayumi quickly stood up and headed outside.

Hayho stood up and looked away for a while.

Behind the fence was an aboriginal messenger. He took out a piece of letter paper from the feather-decorated mail bag and handed it to Mayumi.

She nodded, gave the man a silver coin, and returned to the garden.

"There is a letter." Mayumi hesitated, "Send it to the 'Ring of Peace of Mind'."

"Haha, I've already become popular before I even advertised." Hayho said. She took the letter, opened it, and read it while shaking her head. "'If you want to find your lost companions, please go to Seattle - The Oracle's Respect Come on, what kind of bird language is this talking about...?"

"Lost companion?!" Mayumi was stunned.

"Enori! Senior! Here we are!" Hayho threw the letter high into the air, "We can finally be reunited!"

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