Witch containment diary

Chapter 458 The evil beast on the street

"Is that the Enori cat?" Mayumi looked at the giant Enori cat in the distance around the Seattle City Library.

The background color of her fur is still white, but due to years of suffering, it is difficult to recognize her original appearance. She is huge and powerful. The huge teeth flashed sharply, undoubtedly possessing a terrifying appetite and fighting power.

"It's become so big! A super monster!" Zhazhuo was surprised.

"We have to find a way to stop her! She doesn't look very friendly! Maybe she's not the Yuan Zhi we know anymore!" Qing Xiao shouted.

"But - try not to hurt her!" Mayumi shouted.

"Throw Saho down first!" Qingxiao commanded.

Natsuki asked Remi to swoop down and stop on the roof of the building, then use focused sunlight to burn off the vines that tied up Saho, and then placed Saho on top of a building.

With their backs against the large air-conditioning unit on the roof for cover, they exchanged glances nervously.

"Could she not have noticed us?" Mayumi prayed.

"Roar!" Yuanzhi roared in their direction, approaching with square cat steps on the street, her back arched, her face ferocious, the ground shook with every step, and the road trembled under her weight.

"Does it look like you didn't find it? Get ready for battle!" Qing Xiao rushed to the edge of the rooftop and scanned all the available plant resources in the city.

"We have to attack, but we must not kill her. No matter who it is, we must be careful!" Mayumi gritted her teeth, "Eori is our friend. No matter what she becomes, we must take care of her well." Come back. Don’t forget what she did to us in the past. Today it’s our turn to protect her!”

"If we shout with our voices, we might be able to attract her attention!" Zhibang said.

"Let's do it, Yuori is coming! Get back on Remi's back!" Mayumi waved.

They quickly climbed onto Remi's broad silver back and grabbed the spikes on her back.

Remi let out an unhappy roar, because it could also feel the terrifying energy and killing intent in Yuanzhi!

Feilong vs. Big Cat!

After Remi took off, Mayumi clung to Remi's back and soared over the ruins of Seattle. The strong wind blew wildly, blowing her black hair,

When Remi flew three blocks away from Yuanzhi, Yuanzhi let out a roar that shook the sky.

"Meow!" Yuanzhi waved his claws, smashing the street billboard of a large shopping mall next to him, scratching the wall, then stood upright, leaned back, and then threw countless gravel at Remi.

"Careful!" Mayumi shouted, "Hold on tight!"

Remi quickly tilted her body and instinctively spun in the air.

The stones came fast and hard, like a cannonball being thrown out, mercilessly destroying the city and streets, making explosions one after another, making dents in the ground, and completely penetrating the buildings. Lemi's scales were hit, and although they bounced away, they still hurt.

One of the stones hit Lemi's skin, causing pain in its wings. It quickly grabbed the glass exterior wall of a building, its claws embedded deeply into the floor, and then stretched its neck sideways to spit fire.

The roaring flames surged towards Yuanzhi, igniting the streets and forming a wall of explosive fire.

Yuan Zhi jumped back, gathered momentum for a moment, and then jumped directly over the wall of fire!

The huge body hit the ground, raising dust and shaking the earth.

"Super big cat monster! Too fast!" Zhazhu was shocked and didn't know what to do.

"Everyone, be prepared!" Qing Xiao shouted, "The Beast Witch is too strong when she transforms!"

"First, let Yuori be happy! It's time to unveil Yuori!" Mayumi tried to summon a ball of light that could give happiness and quickly threw it at Yuori.

An amber beam of light burst out, right between Yuan Zhi's eyes.

She grunted in surprise, staggered briefly, and then quickly shook the offending thing away as if she had been stung by a bee.

"Meow!" Yuanzhi became even more excited and broke through directly, slamming into the building that Remi was clinging to.

The ground shook and the side walls cracked.

Remi was forced to fly away and tried to rise to a higher place, but Enori stepped on the collapsing ruins and climbed up, stretching out her claws to scratch Remi's lower abdomen.

Remi let out a scream and struggled to keep flying.

"Enori! It's us!" Mayumi shouted desperately.


"Yuanzhi Cat!" they shouted one after another.

The entire building collapsed in the fierce fighting, and the more than 50-story building turned into a smoke-filled ruin.

Yuan Zhi roared towards the sky, showing no sign of waking up.

"Deadly force must be used! Otherwise we can't... there's nothing we can do!" Biaobo pulled out the command sword on his back.

"Do you want to cut Yuori into pieces?" Mayumi was surprised.

"Then at least let her take one move of this! Maybe she will wake up!" Biaobo stubbornly gathered the power of destruction and bombarded downwards indiscriminately.

The terrifying destructive death light cut through the streets, a series of explosions occurred where it was illuminated, and the violent magic shock hit Yuan Zhi's fur.

"Meow!!" Her injured scream was earth-shattering, and she fell backwards.

"Sure enough, I'm still the strongest!" Zhazhuang shouted excitedly.

"Is now the time to fight bravely and fiercely?" Mayumi felt heartbroken.

"Fight! It's fun! Vine!" Qing Xiao summoned the plants growing on the street, "Wild wind!"

She blew out the plant magic, and the green wind swept across the road, instantly forming large tracts of forest, the concrete turned into soil, and the lamppost turned into a big tree, from which tens of thousands of tree vines sprouted, tightly entangled with Yuan Zhi's four claws.

"Meow! Meow!" Yuanzhi struggled desperately.

"Caught!" Qing Xiao shouted.

"Using joy... can soften her mind!" Mayumi once again released a wave of joy to Yuori, "At least at this time, face us with a smile!"

The halo hit Yuanzhi, and Yuanzhi howled in anger and pain for a while. His huge body lay dormant on the street, breathing heavily.

"Great!" Mayumi's eyes lit up, "Four minutes and fifty-five seconds, the suppression was successful!"

"Arrest the little kitten!" Qing Xiao clenched his fists, "Is my power still useful?!"

Just then, they heard a cry.

Turning around, I saw movement in the direction of the Municipal Library.

Due to the battle between Yuan Zhi Cat and them, the "children" in the nursery have crawled out and cried loudly on the windowsill!




Shouts penetrated the city.

Hundreds of people shouted in unison, forming a tragic song that they never wanted to hear at this moment.

Yuan Zhi's body trembled violently.

"Meow ooo ooh!" She roared, her body suddenly swelled up again, and her eyes turned red.

To protect them——!

This is what a mother should do!

No matter what happens, never abandon your child!

"No mother"... No one in this world should have to experience this kind of pain!

"Meow!" Yuanzhi broke free from the vines summoned by Qingxiao in an instant, then jumped up, first jumping to a building, and then jumping off the wall to rebound, rising rapidly.

"Woo!" Remi struggled to breathe out fire, but she instantly felt a huge thing crashing into her. She instantly grabbed its tail and dragged it to the ground!

Body size is not a scale!

"Mayday! Mayday!"

Lemi instantly fell to the ground and rolled on the ground. The witches on her back were also knocked to pieces.

"Ouch——" Mayumi fell the worst.

"Damn it..."

"The little kitten back then...has now become an 'evil beast'..."

"What should we do?" They were worried.

"Roar!" Yuanzhi roared, staring down at the defeated witches on the street.

"Oh my god, I really can't do anything about you." A frivolous whisper sounded from the street behind.

They looked at the figure walking in the distance and couldn't help but feel happy.


"Hmph, I woke up and found that I was already here. It's really convenient." Hayho crossed his arms.

"Meow!" Yuori turned around and roared at Hayho.

She noticed the powerful power carried by Hayho, and immediately became alert, breathing heavily to regain her strength.

"The agreement of the 'Ring of Peace of Mind' is not to betray each other or attack each other, but you took the lead in violating it. Now, let me, the leader of the Ring of Peace of Mind, the great witch Saho, punish the disobedient kitten. "Haosui raised the shadow cone.

She held the black spear in one hand and walked towards Yuanzhi alone.

Yuan Zhi is eager to try.

"Be careful!" Mayumi held her hands like trumpets, "Eori is very strong! She has turned into a natural disaster cat!"

"Dedicate victory to you." Hayho raised the weapon in his hand high and struck an elegant pose.

"Meow!" Yuori swooped over and hit him hard, sending Saho flying several kilometers away.

"Ah?!" Hayho disappeared without a trace.

"When can I help you again?" Mayumi was desperate.

"You take Remi away first." Natsuki stood up and asked them to retreat, "Bomb, wait until there is no way back before executing Yuori."

"Let's go!" Zhazhuang led everyone to retreat without hesitation.

Looking at the giant Enori, who was as big as a hill, Natsuki rolled up her sleeves and approached calmly.

Will you be as happy as before? If you eat everyone. Natsuki stared at Yuori.

"Roar!" Yuori pounced on him like he did against Saho, but missed. In the blink of an eye, he felt something was on his forehead.

"If I can only make you look back this way...I'm sorry." Natsuki closed her eyes.

Later, survivors near Seattle claimed that the city had been hit by a nuclear attack.

Because there is a bright light bursting over the city, like a thousand brilliant suns.

Zhang Su calmly headed to the wilderness of Iowa.

When they had just recovered the Mancias family, the Oracle sent a letter directing them to Seattle to find their "lost companions."

However, why send everyone in such a secretive way without communicating with the Federation at all? Explain that the oracle cannot show up. The timing was so coincidental, indicating that this person had been secretly paying attention to their whereabouts.

Here we are, Qi Jin detection shows that the place where the Oracle is active is here.

This is an unusually vast realm, with a gray sky and a landscape similar to hell.

The creatures moving here are all followers of the Oracle, and Zhang Su's energy has detected seven or eight different humans and races, as well as demons.

But they were in harmony with each other, did not attack each other, and were extremely harmonious.

There were also those who were ignorant and tried to block him. Zhang Su released his energy, his power rolled wildly, and he released a fatal high note in the dusk.

They suddenly changed their colors and retreated, not daring to provoke.

Among the Oracle's followers was a strange calamity demon, a crow-headed and blue-winged spellcaster. It flew over with a slender staff, hovered in the sky, looked down at Zhang Su, and let out several crows.

"I'm looking for the 'Oracle'." Zhang Su raised his head, his tone implicitly threatening.

These people and monsters clearly rallied around the Oracle.

If he had to, he would crush everything with ease.

Realizing that Zhang Su's terrifying strength was completely superior to all of them, the Disaster Demon screamed, bowed in acquiescence, and retreated.

Other followers also parted a path, allowing him to travel to where the Oracle was.

Zhang Su saw a huge gap for demon invasion.

here it is……

The hurt of the world.

The heart of North America has always been plagued by demons, and only the coast has been more prosperous. During natural disasters, the gap expanded again.

The Oracle wears a mask and a smart dark purple dress, which is decorated with jewelry, demonic instruments and many accessories. His long hair is loose and he is tall.

Zhang Su was stunned for a moment.

"'Oracle'? No - you are..."

"You finally found me, teacher."

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