Witch containment diary

Chapter 459: Killing Yuan Zhi

Zhang Su took a step back.

"Lian Yang?" He looked at that familiar face.

"Yes." Lian Yang's smile trembled a little, "Do you recognize me?"

Zhang Su had a lot of thoughts, and Lian Yang's figure and memories came to his mind.

She was young then and her future seemed bright, but she always took strange paths.

She has always been obsessed with things that are beyond comprehension. He didn't know if he had educated her to perfection.

Even when she was still childish, she used to deal with the carcasses of small animals. Later, she went to New Tokyo and did many weird things.

Looking at it now, it's nothing compared to what he did before him.

Actually integrating humans and demons into the same group...

Demons are appearing around Reio, and there are also many ordinary people with calm expressions among them. They are very different from the demon servants, and there are no demon mutations in their bodies, which shows that the demons are completely willing to live peacefully with ordinary people.

"What happened?" Zhang Su observed.

Lian Yang's eyes became distant and resentful.

"Teacher, as you said, a natural disaster is coming." Her voice was extremely low. "The earth's defense line collapsed, there was massacre and bloodshed everywhere, and the catastrophe was endless. I had no choice but to avoid its sharp edges and do what I can. The most important thing is The first thing is survival, and then there is personal experimentation, or exploration. I start to control their will."

"The ritual of breaking the throne of the True Witch requires dealing with a creature stronger than you..." Zhang Su said.

"That's right." Lian Yang snapped her fingers, and a huge flame demon flew up from the Wound of the World behind her, with a ferocious face and a giant ax in its hand, as if it could split Lian Yang in two from behind at any time. , "This is what I did, I controlled the mind of a Balrog. This is a terrible thing, a necessary thing..."

"You learned how to make the devil open his heart, it's incredible." Zhang Su never thought that Lian Yang could analyze the devil's mind.

"It was very difficult, but fortunately I didn't give up. All in all, the devil's mind is no longer a secret to me now." Lian Yang shook her head, as if she was discarding those tiring memories.

She met Zhang Su's gaze and became even more determined.

"So these people are actually your puppets?" Zhang Su questioned, "No wonder you can act as an 'oracle' and do evil."

"Absolutely." Lian Yang retorted, "I have a sense of propriety. What I implant into them is 'sincerity', and they will think it is a true thought."

At this moment, Zhang Su felt that her outline was becoming more and more familiar, and she was still the same independent and argumentative girl.

"It's just the idea you injected into it."

"How should I put it? For intelligent life, the world is instilling various ideas into us all the time. From commercial advertisements to various propaganda, to the repeated impact of various ideological trends, our thoughts have experienced ten years without knowing it. Several changes. Looking back on the past, you will be surprised to find that your ideas have changed so much. And what I did was just following one of the common sense in the world." Lian Yang said.

"I don't see compliance, I only see distortion." Zhang Su looked around. People looked strange, "Are they all voluntary?"

"Voluntary and involuntary, even we ourselves can't tell the difference." Lian Yang raised her hand.

Under the guidance of the true magic, a powerful force field filled the air.

Zhang Su could feel the various expressions, joys, angers, sorrows and joys of humans and demons, which were both familiar and unfamiliar, like a trickle flowing out from the bottom of everyone's heart, and eventually merged into a river.

Lian Yang let go of her hand, and the dizzying scene gradually disappeared, but the poignant artistic conception lingered.

"It's not low-level mind control, but a higher-level reconciliation and acceptance. Humans, animals, and demons are all connected. As long as I write my carefully prepared high-level thoughts into their low-level brains..." Reio said .

"You are still controlling them mentally. I understand. This is a mental seal! It's not worth it at all." Zhang Su said.

"How can I convince you?" Lian Yang was not happy.

"Maybe you have your own ideas, but they are not mature yet." Zhang Su was low and firm.

"No." Lian Yang objected instinctively, "I don't want to hear what you say."

"As your teacher, this is my responsibility." Zhang Su continued, "You sent someone to send a letter to Mayumi and the others. They have now gone to Seattle. You said you want them to find their lost companions. That must be Yuanzhi. What if Yuanzhi conflicts with them? Who knows what will happen? You just manipulate others according to your habits."

"...Yes, they were implanted with the idea that they must find friends." Lian Yang smiled softly.

"Once the ideological stamp you imposed is erased, demons and humans will kill each other again." Zhang Su said.

"No." Lian Yang objected, "This is the highest level and has been deeply ingrained in their hearts."

Zhang Su glanced at the demons around him.

They looked perfectly calm, but he felt the pent-up rage within them.

Especially the Balrog flying behind Lian Yang, even today, still harbors a slight trace of murderous intent.

It aimed at Reiyo's body, and the giant ax in its hand seemed ready to chop down at any time.

"It only takes a moment." Zhang Su confessed, "As long as you disconnect for a moment, they will attack in groups and eliminate you."

"I don't believe it." Lian Yang shook his head, "Teacher, you are too sensitive."

"You'll know after you try it," Zhang Su said.

Lian Yang was thoughtful.

"What if I prove that I left a lasting impact on them?" Reio asked.

"Then I will study with you from now on." Zhang Su crossed his arms and said, "I have been learning new things from you kids recently. Maybe you can surprise me."

"Then, take a look." Lian Yang smiled softly.

She snapped her fingers and erased all traces of human and demonic sincerity.


The Overlord Flame Demon swung his giant ax and struck at Lian Yang without hesitation!

Lian Yang felt the evil wind blowing behind her, and felt a chill all over her body, instinctively feeling threatened.


The giant ax erupted into a wave of evil energy, hitting the ground hard and leaving a ravine.

Lian Yang closed her eyes in horror, and suddenly felt herself falling into solid support.

"I'll just say it." Zhang Su took Lian Yang with one hand and flew to a high place.

"Teacher——!" Lian Yang saw Ba Yanmo raise his ax again.


Zhang Su waved his hand, and the demon's arms were instantly shattered, and its soul poured out crazily from its body.

He then used his energy to drag the remaining body of the Balrog, as if swinging it with a rope, and easily smashed it to the shore, over and over again, until it died!

Instant kill!



"Help!" The people and demons around were still attacking each other.

"Damn it..." Lianyang tried to restrain them, but she felt that the negative energy condensed from them was rebounding, making her feel uncomfortable. "Are these guys still so ugly in their sincerity? Teacher, let's go!"

"Quiet." Zhang Su clenched his fists. In an instant, all the demons present were pressed to the ground, unable to move. Humans also felt the terrifying overlord-like aura, lost their will to fight, and became dejected.

"Huh...?!" Lian Yang realized that Zhang Su's current strength was simply a thousand times stronger, which was unbelievable.

"The Earth Federation will send people to receive these people. Humans need further psychological testing, and demons also need to be contained." Zhang Su sent a contact.

"Hiss..." Lian Yang made an annoyed voice, "Did I still fail to accomplish the task?"

"...Wait a minute..." Zhang Su noticed some calm and harmless demons in the previous commotion.

They are all little devils who look strangely friendly. They walk around on the ground and don't look like they want to attack humans.

"Have you lifted the soul seals of these brats?" Zhang Su went down to check.

"It's completely gone." Lian Yang went to observe the dozen little devils, "But they are still very gentle."

"When did you start infusing them with ideological stamps?" Zhang Su asked.

"It can range from a few months to three years at the longest, and this is it." Lian Yang pointed at one of the big ghosts.

This big demon looked extremely docile and polite, and even bowed to them, completely losing its aggressiveness.

"Is this... the true effect of the implant?" Zhang Su thought thoughtfully, "If it is implanted in young little devils, even if they grow up, they will become well-intentioned devils."

"So, it works!"

"It seems so now." Zhang Su admitted.

"Teacher, does it seem that my work is still effective?" Lian Yang said with a smile, "I am still qualified to be your student who loves to learn."

Zhang Su noticed rapid reaction troops approaching from high altitude.

"That's right, using your true magic power, coupled with the demon engine and the genetic warrior plan, maybe we can form a large-scale battle group." Zhang Su said.

"Are external versions updated so quickly?" Lian Yang was surprised.

"So, it's time to go home." Zhang Su said, "Come back, Lian Yang, everyone needs you."

"If it's Yuanori, I can control it easily." Reio nodded.


"Cough, cough, cough..." Hayho got up.

The sky flashed just now, it was obviously Natsuki's ultimate move.

Hayao quickly ran back to the main battlefield and saw that Natsuki had fallen to the ground due to exhaustion, and Yuori also fell to the ground motionless.

Died together?

No, I have to go help!

Hayao rushed over and helped Natsuki up.

Natsuki's whole body felt warm, and she truly turned into a little sun, feeling hot to the touch.

And Yuori is also hot, it's so good, she's not dead, she's not dead... Hayho sighed.

At this moment, the mountain-like huge Yuan Zhi began to move again.


Saho turned around and saw Yuori staring at her with wide cat eyes.

Weird cat!

Are there nine lives? correct! Cats have nine lives! Hayao was so frightened that he backed away.

"Enori, it's me!" Haohui shouted, "It's me! Haohui! Sui! Your treasure!"

Yuanzhi pressed her paws on the ground to support herself, staring at her closely, her beard trembling, and her crazy eyes flickering slightly, as if she was trying her best to identify.

"It's me!" Zaho yelled desperately, "We are in Ansinin! Ansinin! Give me something to eat!"

She held out her hand imploringly.

Enori panted, and Saho hoped for a breakthrough this time.

But after a moment, Yuanzhi howled again.


She swung her claws and knocked Hayho away. She hit a wall and fell down quickly. The pain of broken ribs exploded in Hayho's heart.

Saho spit out a mouthful of blood, propped himself up with his arms, and crawled over with his bloody knees.

"Yuanzhi!" She shouted hoarsely.

Yuanzhi glanced back and glared at the little bug that was still resisting her.

"Kill me! If you are no longer my friend, then I'll just die!" Hayho twisted and crawled on the ground, "Kill me! Kill me!"

His body was covered in bruises and blood.

But this belief still shines brightly.

Saho opened her eyes, hoping that Enori would change her mind.

Yuori quickly crawled over, raised his claws without hesitation, and slapped Haohui.


Hayho was blasted into the street, and his whole body was smashed into the cement, dripping with blood.

Why don't you follow the routine? Saho cried out in pain. Where is the friendship? Where is the bond?

She spit out another mouthful of blood, turned around, and looked at Yuan Zhi.

At this time, the huge cat Yuori covered the sky and was about to pin down Saho to death again.

I have no choice but to use this... Hayho gritted his teeth.

A surefire move!

Hayho closed her eyes and yelled: "Mom!!"

Yuan Zhi's movements stopped.

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