Witch containment diary

Chapter 460 Yuanzhi is my mother

Bruised and exhausted.

Saho knew that he would not be able to deal with the invincible orivore cat on his own.

But she felt that maybe Yuan Zhi's nature could be used to make her calm down for a while!

"Mom!" Hayho shouted to Enori.

This shout echoed in the streets for a long time.

Saho suddenly felt a pain in her butt. She didn't know why, so she could only lie on the ground, whining and yelling: "Mom!"

She pretended to be an injured kitten, curled up on the ground, sniffing pitifully, crying due to pain, and looked at Yuori with pleading eyes.

"Mom!" Saho shouted again.

Hayao! yes! harmless! Baby!

Yuan Zhi remained motionless.

In the slit-like cat eyes, Yuan Zhi's pupils shrank into a shocked focus.

She tilted her head in confusion and looked at the little thing that was squirming like a maggot.

Hayho felt that her great acting skills were working.

"Mom, save me!" Hayao said innocently, "Baby! I am a cute Hakimi baby!"

Yuori let out an earth-shattering howl and rushed forward, staring closely at Haohui.

Saho's soul almost flew away, but after a moment, Yuori gently picked up Saho with her huge front paws and held her in front of her.

Huhu...meaty claws...

Hayao used Yuori's paw pads as a swaddle, lying on it and sniffing pitifully. At the same time, she secretly looked at Yuori and found that her eyes were much softer.

ah! Mother!

It’s mom’s taste!

Yuanori put Haoho close to her chest, and Haoho felt the soft hair on Yuanori's body, which made her feel much more comfortable.

She listened to the heartbeat deep in Yuanzhi's chest, becoming more and more curious and tired.

It's so peaceful...

Wouldn't it be a blessing to be able to survive with such care?

Everyone is working hard, don't they just want to be comfortable and worry-free?

Now, this beauty is at your fingertips!

After a big yawn, Hayao rested peacefully.

Yuanzhi put Zaosui in her heart to warm it for a while, then gently held Zaosui in her mouth and took her back to raise her.

Hayao was carefree and relaxed his limbs as if he were dead.

On the ruined street, other people poked their heads out and were shocked to see Hayao's appearance.

"Haho was captured?!" Mayumi was shocked.

"Haosui surrendered!" Qingxiao disapproved, "She can't be saved! Let's go rescue Natsuki quickly!"

"Xiao Xiaosui surrendered to Yuanzhi just like that?" Zhazhang was filled with indignation.

"She seems to be very proud." Qing Xiao watched Yuanzhi being carried back to the library and nursery, and joined those stupid humans, "How hateful!"

"Let's think about it in the long run. We still have no way to subdue the cats Enori." Mayumi asked them to rescue Natsuki. "We collect supplies from the ruins, feed Remi, and then find a way to deal with Enori and Hayho."

Remy agreed.

After flying so far from the south to Seattle, he was already exhausted.

"Falling lightly." Lian Yang came to Seattle with Zhang Su wearing a mask.

"There was a battle here." Zhang Su checked the magic power fluctuations around him.



"We are here!" Zhazhi and the others noticed Zhang Su and waved quickly.

"Are you investigating? Have you met Yuan Zhi?" Zhang Su stepped forward quickly.

"Encountered." They looked a little tired.

The children had just pulled out some food from the ruins and could only barely satisfy their hunger. Remi was also hungry.

Qingxiao struggled to conjure two orange trees, but they were quickly wiped out.

"The supplies here are not enough, we have to call for reinforcements." Zhang Su contacted people from the Earth Federation, "Take me to see Yuan Zhi."

"What is this?" Mayumi looked at the "Oracle" Reian behind Zhang Su.

"Hi." Lian Yang greeted.

"A familiar voice..." Mayumi was a little surprised.

"Haha." Lian Yang's changing tone was mysterious and unpredictable.

"Yuanzhi is here, dad." Zhazhuang pointed to the Seattle Municipal Library for Zhang Su.

Zhang Su squatted down and observed.

The library itself was damaged due to the previous turmoil, and Enori is now letting the children roam the streets.


"Mom...Mom!" They are all adults, but they are all extremely dependent on Yuan Zhi.

Even Hayao is among them!

Zhang Su felt incredible.

Although he is already a 20-year-old adult, Saho is crawling around on the ground, looking not at all presentable.

"Hehe, hehe..." Hayao followed the tip of Yuanzhi's tail stupidly, "Mom, Yuanzhi's mother..."

"It seems that he has revealed his true form." Zhang Su said.

"Haha." Zhazhu thought it was funny, "Baobao Sui, but it seems to be no different from usual."

"Hey! We need to get the two of them back to normal. We haven't won the battle yet, but one of us got involved." Qing Xiao was angry.

"So, you also regard Zaho as a companion?" Zhang Su noticed that there was some disagreement between them.

"I haven't thought about companions or anything, I just... don't want that guy to look stupid every day." Qing Xiao turned around.

"Meow, ow, ow, ow...!" Yuanzhi stretched, recovering the energy damaged in the previous battle.

She picked up the children with her tail, put them all on her back, and carried them away.

"Ah! He's running away, should we pursue him?" Mayumi observed.

"..." Zhang Su carefully observed Yuan Zhi's movements.

Yuanori is extremely doting on the children, almost becoming possessive.

The sun shines on her dirty back, and only the white hair underneath is faintly visible, while the outer part is deep gray mane and faint red strands.

"When have you ever seen Yuan Zhi so dirty?" Zhang Su asked.

"It's always dirty during natural disasters." Qing Xiao disagreed. She herself was disheveled and gray-faced every day. She was a completely dirty girl.

"Cats always lick themselves very diligently. They are animals that love cleanliness." Zhang Su said, "Yuanzhi is also the cleanest one in Anxin Home. Have you forgotten that she used to wash your clothes every day?"


"Little kitten..."

"Became a dirty weird cat!" They all regretted it.

"'Evil beasts' have attacked Pacific coastal cities including Seattle." Zhang Su led them forward.

"It caused more than six million casualties." Mayumi remembered this history.

"Let's go. Yuanzhi has crossed the street. We can go to the library to check." Zhang Su stepped into the Seattle City Library.

He uses his energy to distinguish details.

"How do you feel?" Zhang Su looked around.

"Stinky, dirty." Mayumi felt that they were eating, drinking and sleeping here.

"No, there is still an aura of violence." Zhazhang felt a familiar tone, "It seems like a real big monster has been here."

"From the past to the present, even after being devastated by natural disasters, everyone has generally maintained their original personality. But the changes in Yuanzhi Cat are not small." Zhang Su speculated.

"Teacher, are you saying that Yuanori Cat is possessed by an evil spirit?" Mayumi was stunned.

"Maybe it's this kind of power." Zhang Su checked the window sill that Yuanzhi had cleaned with his tail and picked up a fallen gray-red hair, "'evil beast', 'evil beast'. An extra large cat-shaped creature , why not call it a 'cat demon', but an 'evil beast'? Because its appearance is completely twisted and ferocious, and it is covered with weird and curled fur of different colors, which makes it impossible for people to imagine a cat."

"So, Yuan Zhi is turning into another 'evil beast'..." Qing Xiao was shocked, "I don't want this."

"In my opinion, it's more like Yuanzhi took the initiative to follow her mother's aura to the city it once attacked, and found the hair left behind by her mother's conflict. Maybe she collected it carefully, maybe she accidentally ate it." Zhang Su's expression was solemn.

"Like her style. Damn it, I have to make her spit it out." Zhazhu frowned.

"Unless she can voluntarily remove the traces of the evil beast on her body...otherwise we can only sneak over or fight hard. But it is too difficult." Mayumi pondered, "How can we make her change her mind?"

"Come on, Mayumi, let's use the 'mind trick' to make Yuori relax her vigilance first." Reio walked out freely.

"——!!" Mayumi was shocked, "——Are you——Reio?!"

"Eh?!" The other witches were also surprised.

"The reunion celebrations can be postponed. Now we have a partner to win back to our side." Reio turned around and said softly, "It's time to work."

"Yeah!" Mayumi felt confident in her heart.

She and Reio quickly followed.

Yuanori is like a huge cat bus carrying many babbling people.

Hayho also sat on it and sucked her thumb, carefree.

"Come on, let's begin. Yuanori Cat, for you, the "thing you are willing to admit" is -" Reio adjusted the magic power and prepared the technique.

""Lost in the Happy Pavilion"! "The real bow synchronized with it, and the two magic powers became entangled and quickly hit Yuori.

"Meow!" Yuanzhi stopped immediately and was attacked by a strange sense of joy.

"It's working!" Zhazhuang's eyes lit up.

"It's because Yuanori Cat relaxed his vigilance, so he was invaded by us!" Mayumi opened her eyes wide, surprised.

"Mayumi's magic power is pitch black, while Reio's magic power is bright red and very aggressive, eventually forming a dark red spiritual chain..." Zhang Su observed carefully.

"Dad, I'm going to attack!" Biaobo was about to run over and burn off the evil hair on Yuanzhi's body.

"Go ahead and weaken Yuan Zhi's combat power, but be careful when sneaking past." Zhang Su sent out a bomb.

Yuan Zhi was so happy.

She was swaying on the street, and even wanted to stand up and clap her hands and dance a happy happy dance. The children on her back fell off and cried on the ground.

Sneak past and avoid these harmless humans.

Suddenly she felt a chill.

"Wow!" Saho jumped out, holding the shadow cone, and poked Zhibo's shadow, which immediately caused Zhaobo to feel severe pain in his body.

"Haohui?! You guy..." Biaobo covered the injured area and quickly dodged sideways.

"Don't get close to my mother!" Haoho followed up with a quick step, and then let Suiying poke the explosive shadow, forcing her back, majestic.

"What a strong martial arts..." Bafang tried to break through, but couldn't find a gap.

"Hoho, I'm a master." Saho bullied Zhizhi.

Explode, break the defense.

"What the hell! Why are you such a bad guy here!! When you become an enemy, show your bravery!!" Bafang yelled!

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