Witch containment diary

Chapter 461 Establishing an Anxin Fund

"Hmph, it's our duty to protect my mother!" Hayho shouted.

"Wake up!" Biaobo endured the pain and attacked.

"Hakimi Hakimi Hakimi Hakimi!" Hayao hesitated to block the explosion.

Suddenly, she felt pain in her butt again, and she jumped up in pain.

"Ouch... butt..." Hayho shivered, covering her butt.

"Let's play." Bakubo kicked Haohui away, as if he was kicking away a wild dog on the side of the road!

Then she rushed over, quickly jumped on Yuanzhi's back, and began to pull out the evil hair on Yuanzhi's body.

"An ugly thing..." Biaobo climbed onto Yuanzhi Cat's body and suddenly felt horrified.

These red and gray hairs were twisting almost autonomously, as if they had a life of their own, with a greasy sheen, like smooth, solid, viscous blood.

It was these things that parasitized Yuanzhi and turned the lovely Yuanzhi into a monster. Fangzhang became furious when he thought of this.


Bamboo grabbed a few hairs with both hands, and they immediately began to run wild and spread, trying to entangle Bamboo.


Just a dead thing, do you want to challenge the majesty of "annihilation"?

Blast's hands burst out with magic power, and the powerful energy field instantly shattered the remnants of these evil beasts!

Yuanzhi Cat immediately fell heavily on the ground and howled loudly.

"Don't be afraid!" Zhibang grabbed the remaining hair on Yuanzhi's body, "I'm here to help!"

She then aimed at the dirty and twisted hair knot on Yuan Zhi's back and sent out a wave of destruction. The powerful force swept past Yuan Zhi and hit Yuan Zhi's contaminated fur.


The air roared, and smoke rose from the back of Yuanzhi Cat. Her body convulsed violently, struggling with severe pain, and her burnt red-gray hair turned black, then withered, and disappeared with the wind.

Yuan Zhi has obviously been weakened a lot, and those extraordinary strength and resistance are disappearing.



"Mom!" Saho shouted vigorously, while covering his bleeding butt, "Who is stabbing me!"

"It's working!" Qing Xiao shouted.

"Huh..." Zhibang grabbed Yuanzhi's back.

She hadn't liked her magic for a long time, but now it felt like it had meaning.

The deep-rooted curse and corrosion also disappeared without a trace in the powerful "annihilation"!

"Okay! Now that Yuanzhi has been weakened, the next step is to let her clean herself up!" Qing Xiao observed the situation and clenched his fists.

"Let Enori Cat rest first! She looks in pain!" Mayumi shouted.

"We must take action now!" Lian Yang did not want to delay the opportunity to fight. "No matter how painful it is, we must get rid of Yuanzhi's curse as soon as possible!"

"You need to let the most commanding person give orders." Zhang Su ordered, "You can't each do his own thing!"

"Our leader is Zaho!" Qingxiao was anxious.

"I want to drink milk..." Saho squirmed on the ground.

"We never expected her! Qingxiao, aren't you eloquent?" Mayumi turned her head.

"As everyone knows, I will look at the current situation from all aspects and then analyze it. In a fierce battle, I will look at the overall situation. This is probably a good quality, but it's too late. Look, Yuori is about to get up. Make up your mind to find someone who speaks faster... Mayumi!" Qingxiao hurriedly said.

"I can't help it, I... don't feel like I'm capable of leading the overall situation." Mayumi was also embarrassed.

"Make a decision quickly! Yuan Zhi is about to move!" Bafang felt the giant cat under his feet shaking, and he could only hold on to the cat's fur tightly.

"Then, I have to become everyone's leader again." Lian Yang chuckled.

There was a click and a sound of footsteps, and they all turned their attention to a gorgeous and divine blond girl.

For the well-being of everyone, to spread light and heat, for reunion...

Natsuki took a deep breath, regained her energy, and raised her hand.

"Attack with all your strength," she ordered.

"It's time!" Biaobo burst out with the power of annihilation in his hands, hitting Yuanzhi Cat hard, knocking her to the ground instantly!

"Kill the traitor!" Qingxiao summoned vines to tie up Zaho Wuhuada.

"Ouch!" Zaho struggled, "Why are you bullying the baby!"

"Light..." Natsuki moved forward with one hand and shot out a ray of light, burning and frightening Yuanori to prevent her from continuing to resist.

"It's time to implant thoughts into Yuanzhi... These are all her voluntary thoughts." Reiyo took advantage of the victory and continued to press thoughts into Yuanzhi's weak spirit.

"Stop. Come back." Natsuki called to stop, and they ceased fire and retreated.

Yuori lay on the ground panting, her thoughts filled with thoughts implanted by Reiyo.

To refuse, to want, to resist...

She vomited loudly, and the sound of retching was very loud, as if a black hole was excreted.

Then she spat out a large puddle of acidic water, ending in a twisted ball of crimson fur.

The hair ball was simply a complex of venomous snakes, pus, blood, and maggots. Once it was spit out on the ground, it began to squirm and crawl, trying to get back into Yuan Zhi's skin.

"Die! Destruction!" Biaobo punched hard, creating a wave of annihilation, suppressing the remains of the evil beast.

The curse has been removed!

Yuanori was lying on his side on the ground, his size greatly reduced, from the previous city-level giant cat to a larger cat, about two or three times the size of a lion.

Zhang Su went up to check and found that Yuanzhi looked particularly weak. After a few seconds, his body shrank again and turned into a humanoid Yuanzhi.

"Back!" Zhazhuang was very happy and rushed over to take a look, his eyes bright.

"Yuanzhi has become a human!" Everyone rushed over and watched the good boy Yuanzhi return to his original state.


"Put me down!" Zaho struggled.

"Aren't you baby Hakimi? We are going to join the witch's banquet now, and it's not your place." Qing Xiao said.

"Hey! This isn't fair!" Hayho struggled, "My butt hurts, otherwise I would have hit you on the head! I want to see my senior! Let me down!"

Suiying couldn't stand it anymore, so he cut the shadow of the vine, so that the real body of the vine also cracked, and Haoho had a chance to pass.

"Hehe, senior, hehe..." Hayho went up to lick Reio.

"Good boy, you're still the same as before." Reio smiled and touched Saho's head, "Now I'm back."

"Great!" Zaho was very happy.

"Go and visit Yuanzhi." Lian Yang crossed her arms and looked sideways.

"Oh! Yuori! I miss you so much!" Hayho jumped up and down.

"...I passed out. It looks like I suffered a lot." Zhang Su hugged Yuanzhi and sighed.

"It doesn't matter, just stay alive. With our peace of mind, you will definitely be able to regain your health and happiness." Mayumi leaned down and observed Yuori, "...it's still as sweet and lovely as in memory, that's enough."

"So, except for Shihua, we are reunited again." Lian Yang turned her head.

"We also know where Murohua is, in the spirit world! As long as we are reunited with Komuroka at the end, that will be the most perfect episode." Mayumi nodded.

"It's all my credit." Hayho was surprised. "In the beginning, it was just me, Mayumi, and Baku. Then we found Natsuki in Svalbard, Qingxiao in Southeast Asia, and Enori in North America. , the senior sister came out of the ground and joined Remy. We have had a wonderful journey!"

"Yes." Zhang Su agreed, "Today, everyone has completed a very amazing adventure..."

He looked at the survivors on the street who had lost the ability to live on their own and nodded.

As for the troublesome matters, leave them to the adults.

"We have basically completed our work in Seattle. However, like other cities, there are probably nearly 10,000 survivors near here. As the intensity of the demons weakens, they continue to show up to scavenge." Zhang Su communicated with Lian Wu.


"Hmm... It seems that we have to convince them and then send them to the star of Terra. In addition, some local humans have experienced varying degrees of mental degeneration and need professional help. I have heard the roar of the engine, and it will probably Come with support.”


"Would you like to set up a special foundation to deal with supernatural events and control small-scale demonic activities? It sounds good. Witches are very suitable. As for the name? 'Anxinyuan Foundation' will be established from today. The funds and personnel will be troubled by Miss Lianwu. Deal with it." Zhang Su decided.

After ending the communication, Zhang Su looked up at the "White Bird" transport aircraft flying closer and closer to the sky. From these large rotorcraft, many parachute vehicles, automatic robots, turrets, soldiers and logistics staff were released.

Some elites should be mobilized to form the Anxinyuan Foundation, Zhang Su deduced.

Now that they have shown their talents, abilities, personalities and quirks, they need to be sent to a larger platform.

However, children still have to be smart.

They lack real discipline and professionalism, and still regard these major events related to each other's safety as outings or fun activities.

"You have already encountered many various adventures, encountered many dangers, and have shown your strength. However, things are getting more and more serious now, and you need to handle them carefully to solve them." Zhang Su Tell them.

"Get serious."


"Ababa," said Saho.

"...In other words, if you don't have enough awareness, you can leave after a short farewell to your companions and return to Anxinyuan in Gensokyo, where you can wait until the war is over. As an aside: the war will never end." Zhang Su explain.

They exchanged glances with some hesitation. Zhang Su's words were undoubtedly a morale test, testing whether they could take another step forward after being reunited.

"We finally got Yuori back, now is not the time to back down." Mayumi encouraged everyone, "We can make a name for ourselves if we take a step forward!"

"Well..." Natsuki stated simply.

"I will achieve great things." Zhazhuang didn't want to live up to Zhang Su's expectations, so he was very serious.

"I also want to strengthen my presence to the world. It would be too early to retreat behind the scenes now," Reio said.

"Ah, then I'll join in. Anyway, it's not interesting to be alone with a tree. I've gotten used to it after fighting with you guys every day." Qing Xiao said.

"Then, sign a contract with your teacher and become a witch employed by the Earth Federation. In the future, you will have to complete many missions. You will be responsible for protecting humans, controlling demons and other extraordinary threats, dealing with demon breakthroughs and containment failures, and resolving the aftermath of disasters. , but also to study abnormal phenomena. Correspondingly, you have also obtained independent rights beyond general legal rights. You can act according to your own wishes and apply for funds." Zhang Su solved the employment problem of students.

"I'm not running away, my butt hurt just now." Hayho signed the last one, "Am I okay?"

"It should be fine." Zhang Su looked at Zaosui's shadow.

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