Witch containment diary

Chapter 462 The first mission is completed

There were some positions available for allocation in the newly formed task force, and they also studied it carefully while taking care of Yuan Zhi in the ruins.

"Then Natsuki is our leader, because we have lived closely around Natsuki since a long time ago, otherwise we would have frozen to death. So we all owe her our lives, and we must listen to her in the future." Sui sat on a big rock and gave orders.

"My first order is: touch me." Natsuki ordered.

"Touch you." Qingxiao rubbed Xia Xi's face.

Natsuki stood sternly, which was very cute for a girl like her.

"Bangbang is our combatant. Bbang is indispensable and we can replace him. Anyone who joins Bbang can destroy others. One person can defeat a hundred of his teammates. There’s no need for that anymore, just treat your teammates as higher-level soldiers and treat them as a battle to blow up one person.” Saho shook his head.

"Oh? It seems to be getting more and more powerful." Biaobo obtained the assigned Witch Blade launcher and re-entered the battle armor "Black Beast".

"Okay, we also need an on-site research institute, which will be responsible for recording and observing the battle scene, providing reports on our activities, and providing valuable insights." Hayho researched, "I'll leave this matter to Qingxiao."

"Huh? It sounds like it suits me very well. I just need to let the plants analyze the air conditions, and the entire wilderness will tell me the truth." Qing Xiao nodded.

"In this case, Mayumi will be responsible for roll's eloquence and communication, I will be responsible for sneaking and passing the occult test, Yuori Neko will be the doctor after the resurrection, and Muroka will become the door panel after returning." Hayho shook his head.

"What about me?" Lian Yang was curious.

"Oh, senior, my senior, just standing there is our glory." Hayho sighed.

"I'm really flattered." Lian Yang smiled.

"No! She has to be put to use. Our team is a professional team. We are going to do big things in the future. We can't raise useless people or people with evil intentions!" Qing Xiao had a bad temper and directly criticized her. .

"My combat skills still need to be improved, but I can also provide some professional skills in driving and psychology..." Lian Yang glanced at Qing Xiao and said slowly.

"Can you analyze the psychology of a tree? I don't even have a heart or a brain." Qing Xiao said, "I even have cell walls and chlorophyll. Can you use your magic power to implant ideas into me? Implant it into the world The smartest..."

"Shh." Natsuki asked them to calm down, and then pointed at Yuori.

"Treat, treat." Saho squatted next to Yuori and pushed her, "Resurrection, my love."

"I'll go find the on-site personnel to get some medicine." Mayumi went to seek help from the Earth Federation soldiers who came for support, and soon got back two boxes of medicine.

"So fast." Hayho felt incredible, "If it were me, it would have taken a whole day."

"I'm an official federal employee who wears many hats." Mayumi opened the box and applied healing needles, magic tonics and neurostimulants to Yuori.

Yuan Zhi's body twitched twice, and then slowly opened his eyes.

"I...where am I?" Yuanzhi said weakly.

"Kitten! She was born to be kissed by her mother." Saho hugged Yuori and kissed her.

"Well...everyone is here..." Yuanzhi looked around, "Why have they become so big?"

"Yes, it is very well developed." Reio was particularly proud. "The bark cannot be filled with fat."

"Fat is just a burden." Qing Xiao was indeed horribly flat, indistinguishable from front to back. She had never thought about this problem before, but now it seemed very serious.

"It seems like a long dream..." Yuanzhi said weakly.

"It's okay, Yuori. Now stand up and try to walk around. Come on, put on this dress." Mayumi put on a new outfit for Yuori, "Come with us, walk slowly, come on, take your time, Just like that, one step after another..."

Yuanzhi followed them to the street outside. At this time, there were hundreds of "babies" waiting to be fed, all of them adults who could not take care of themselves.

"That's..." Yuanzhi felt familiar, but couldn't place it clearly.

"He's a strange person! He's still crying at such an old age, haha." Hayho laughed.

"You were the same way just now, but it's a pity that I didn't record it." Qing Xiao said.

"Really? Why don't I remember." Saho disagreed, "Next time, say something more reliable. I am the most mature among you."

"These people also need to be dealt with properly. This is part of your responsibilities. Let me see how you will solve it." Zhang Su arranged.

"Ah? A big mission, more than 400 uncles crying for their mother!" Saho was surprised.

"We can't let Yuanzhi Cat take care of them again." Qing Xiao said.

"Ah? Is it... is it me?" Yuan Zhi was stunned for a moment.

"It's not you! It's not you, and it has nothing to do with you. Come on, let's go here." Mayumi immediately pulled Yuori away, and then glared at Qingxiao.

"Facts speak louder than words." Qing Xiao put her hands on her hips, "Is there any benefit to lying?"

"Sure enough, it's wild magic, inhumane, right?" Lian Yang chuckled.

"I, screw you! We have gone all the way until now, and you only joined in at the end. You are not on our side at all." Qing Xiao became anxious.

"Shh-" Natsuki raised her hand again, telling them whoever they were to suppress their anger, "Go and check."

"I'm leaving." Qing Xiao walked among them and inspected these helpless men, women and children.

She stretched out her green thumb and pressed the eyelids of one of the men. From her fingertips, soft thin wooden whiskers stretched out, some crawled over the eyeballs, and some entered the ears and mouth, and carefully examined their biological conditions.

"Haren." Zaosui shivered, "I want to stay away from Qingxiao."

After about a few minutes, Qing Xiao took his hand back.

"The phenomenon of collective delirium has profound psychological damage." Qing Xiao judged, "We need centralized control and care. Letting them run around like this will not work."

"Can't we all kill them all?" Zhibang asked. "The cost of restoring the disabled to normal people is too high. People will not be willing to pay taxes to the federal government for this."

"If one day you find yourself in this situation, will you be willing to be euthanized?" Qing Xiao asked.

"Hmph." Zhazhu rebelled, "Then eliminate me. Even if I die, I can be considered as making some contribution to you."

"Help them." Natsuki decided.

"Yes, yes..." They were honest.

After a decision is made, they will be sent to the Safe Home Foundation shelter on Terra Star for further examination. After medication, behavioral rehabilitation and cognitive modification, it is expected that they can get rid of this infantile state and return to health.

On the other side, everyone is walking with Yuanzhi.

She caressed the invisible form in the air, as if trying to find something.

Yuan Zhi's senses were on high alert, and his velvety white cat ears stood up, listening to the hum in the air.

"And." Yuanzhi knelt beside the crack in the road, and she felt that the sound, soul and smell were all left in it.

Bamboo ran over and saw that the soil under the crack was open like a wound, and a creepy red light oozed from it.

"It's still an 'evil beast'!" Zhibang shouted.

She could imagine the scene. The terrifying evil beast landed in Seattle. The human defense plan desperately fired at it, leaving huge wounds on it. The evil beast also destroyed the roads, and its flesh and blood soaked into the earth, leaving the city Eternally engraved with the marks of the beast.

"Huh...huh..." Yuanzhi closed her eyes. She couldn't remember how she was born, only a vague impression. Her mother took her on a wandering journey, avoiding human pursuits and surviving.

"Even if you don't have your mother by your side, you must live a good life."

"Must survive."

"You must keep growing up."

"No matter how much I want to watch you grow up."

"I can only accompany you so far."

Yuan Zhi knelt on the ground, pressing his hands on the ground.

"Did they cut me out of my mother's body?" Yuanzhi murmured.

"...Probably." Mayumi read the early report.

The Human Defense Plan dispatched operators to seduce evil beasts. The operators eventually fell in love with evil beasts, causing them to conceive a witch. The operator refused to carry out the mission and was eventually executed. And humans continue to track the evil beasts that have been weakened by pregnancy and poisoning.

Yuan Zhi was also born with the residue of biological poison. It was impossible to live to this day. He would have died at least six years ago. It was Zhang Su's mission in New Tokyo that gave him a chance to survive.

"I have grown up, Mom..." Yuanzhi clasped her hands on her chest, capturing the last traces of her mother in the world. This breath attracted her to Seattle and other cities in the world.

"It's sunset." Hayho watched Remi flying across the sky and jumped over, "Yuanori! My good Yuori."

"..." Yuanzhi was still immersed in sadness.

"Oops, I don't like this atmosphere." Hayho noticed the cracks on the ground, "It's a terrible thing, let's burn it and go drink Coke."

"Hey..." Yuanzhi felt that everything seemed familiar, and the atmosphere of the past had returned. However, it was still difficult to be happy.

"Yuanzhi, you can choose to collect them or destroy them, it's up to you." Qingxiao carefully inspected the remains, "The magic of the beast path is too powerful. This power is still alive and will continue to exist, even in the Inside you.”

Yuan Zhi's eyes dimmed.

The tortured remains of my mother deserved prayers and relief.

"Is Miss Lianwu still alive?" Yuanzhi asked.

"Miss Renwu? She is the strongest among the strong. Not only has her strength increased by leaps and bounds, but she can also turn everyone into beautiful girls. She is now the ruler of the world." Hayho said.

"Please help me collect them and let Miss Lianwu purify the dead souls with a blessing ceremony." Yuanzhi requested.

"It's Yuori's request, and it will be done. Come on, let's be together, this is the most meaningful thing. It can save a heart from sadness..." Mayumi was very happy.

They were about to leave, while Yuanzhi stood on the empty ruined road, looking at the abandoned city that had been baptized by natural disasters.

"Aren't you leaving?" Zaho turned around.

"I want to... be alone for a while. I'm sorry. I'll catch up soon." Yuori bowed to Saho and the others, "I'm really sorry for causing everyone a lot of trouble..."

"No, we should apologize for leaving you alone, but it doesn't matter. We will live together from now on. Then we will have no worries." Mayumi turned around with a smile.

Yuanzhi took a deep breath and looked at Zhang Su walking in the distance.

Ah, teacher...

What would it be like if there were no teachers?

The current world, and that world.

She closed her eyes, opened them again, and suddenly felt that the air had become thicker and more poisonous, making her breathing difficult.

The surrounding city has become a wreckage trampled upon by giant demons, whose reign continues and replicates the landscape of hell.

Under the control of the Puppet Demon, the huge evil beast resurrected again, looking at the world in front of him with dull eyes, and the gaps between its teeth were full of human corpses.

Ah, mother...

In the blink of an eye, I returned to the quiet street and the figure walking towards me.

Has the world changed because of her? Things turned out like this because...

"Yuanzhi?" Zhang Su stretched out his hand.

Yuanzhi blinked again, and the terrifying doomsday landscape reappeared again.

At this time, the evil beast had lowered its head and stared at him, with rot maggots crawling in its empty eye sockets.

"My... Yuanzhi, my... child... you found me..." It stuck out its tongue, and the demons covered the sky.


Yuanzhi shook his body, opened his eyes, and grabbed Zhang Su's outstretched arm.

"Thank you..." Yuanzhi took a deep breath, "...it's good enough to be alive. On this basis, I don't dare to expect anything more, whether it's my mother, everyone, or myself...I..."

"I want to thank you." Zhang Su held Yuanzhi in his arms, "It's you who made everything so far meaningful and allowed me to see a future that didn't exist. Yuanzhi, you are the one who makes this universe The most important person in the world."

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