Witch containment diary

Chapter 463 Equipment Upgrade Plan

A week later.

Toad Palace, the highest headquarters of the Earth Federation, the throne of An Yuan Lian Wu.

"Eat well, go to bed early, have many friends, and have few worries~" Zaohui sang the song of Zaohui, living a vibrant life, wearing only a vest and going out to wash up.

"It would be great if everyone in the world were as carefree as Saho. A heartless person wouldn't have worries." Mayumi looked at Saho.

"The world of fools will surely perish." Zhafang disagreed.

"This is wrong. If the devil cannot gain wisdom, it will not attack. Instead, it will allow the earth to enjoy peace forever." Qing Xiao said.

"But such a world has no value in existing." Zhaobang said.

"There is no need to argue, there will be no result. In fact, it is good to relax and be carefree like Hayao occasionally. Look, the scenery below is really beautiful. And Eori? Do you feel better?" Reio Walk through the glass corridor and look at the Australian deserts, mountains and the metropolis Terra Star below.

"Yeah. It's much better." Yuanzhi smiled sweetly at everyone, "After so many years, it's great to finally live together again."

"Damn it, there is always an illusion that will disappear at any time..." Hayho trembled and looked at his hands, "There is also a feeling of pain in the butt, all kinds of things happen too fast."

"By the way, Miss Hasumi was summoned in person today." Mayumi checked her schedule, "Go see her as soon as possible after getting dressed. At first, I thought I was still a young lady who was ignorant of the world, but now she is the chief figure of the Earth Federation. , incredible.”

"Sitting in that position, you need to think about a lot of things every day. Only Miss Lianwu can figure it out." Lian Yang said silently, "I'm really curious, Miss Lianwu's mental structure..."

In Lian Wu's command post, they filed in and happened to see Lian Wu working.

Lianwu handles various aspects of things at the same time, sorting out various events in an orderly manner, as if he can multi-task.

Things about the Terra Star, population mobility, financial bills, military expansion and war preparations, scientific research and diplomacy... Lianwu was handling them quickly, and at the same time he also received the witches.

"~" Lian Wu smiled at them.

"Are you the best witches of this generation? It's gratifying to have the strength to break the throne once." Yuetu sat on top of one of the computer servers and spoke to them.

"It's a talking rabbit." Hayho was curious.

"Well..." Zhazhao once discovered that Yuetu and Lianwu had changed their bodies, so it was very embarrassing.

"Ah, Tsukihana-hime..." Natsuki had seen Tsukikka-hime's true form under Kyoji's guidance, so she could recognize her.

"Yes, yes, it's very good to have such a vision." Moon Rabbit glanced at Natsuki, "You are indeed the 'sun', the destiny bond of our clan. Well, to make a long story short, I have called you together this time to distribute weapons and equipment to you. And the Noble Phantasm.”



"Noble Phantasm?!" They were all surprised.

Moon Rabbit stood on tiptoes and quickly commanded the robot to give each person a sealed prop box, which contained rare equipment that was tailor-made for each person.

"Given Hatsumi Saho with the "Hidden Dragon" armor, it gives the wearer a powerful optical shielding ability, completely eliminating the sound of footsteps, and is also quite excellent in terms of protection. Hope you make good use of it. "Moon Rabbit read aloud.

"Hey, hey, hey! There's such a good thing." Saho couldn't wait to open his box and found a suit of shadow armor inside. He immediately started thinking about putting it on.

"Give 'Zhao Zhao' the treasure phantom "One-Dimensional World-Destroying Machine". This treasure phantom is transformed from the devil's treasure. After you fully inject magic power, it will be fully charged and will be in the dimension you are in. It can release unparalleled destruction, even piercing the side wall of a certain world. If it is released on the earth, it will open a hole through the North and South Poles, so if you make good use of it, it will surpass the command sword in terms of range and penetrating power. "Yuetu followed the script.

"I'm just kidding." Zhazhu opened the box and picked up a heavy heptagonal module from inside. There was a strange dark red light shining inside, and his heart was pounding just by holding it.

"Give Lian Yang the treasure "Psychic Wall". You have the potential to spy on other people's minds, and this treasure can prevent you from being penetrated and gnawed by other psychic spells. "Jade Rabbit ordered.

"In this case, we should have established a relationship of mutual trust. I am very satisfied." Lian Yang opened the box and put on the purified hell jewelry inside.

"Given Qing Xiao a prop "three-dimensional detector", which allows you to use modern technology to scan and examine the surrounding air, minerals and soil on a large scale. " Moon Rabbit said.

"Oh? It looks very convenient." Qing Xiao opened the box and took out the treasure detector inside. With a slight press, a three-pronged scanning antenna appeared, which looked particularly designed. "It can detect the combat effectiveness index. This way Then you know where the other person is coming from.”

"Give Yuanzhi the "Split Armor". This armor is a nano-movable armor carefully designed according to the figure of the Beast Witch. It is actually composed of a large number of micro-robots that I don't know. No matter what you transform into The appearance and armor will adapt to the deformation, so whether you are in human form or beast form, you will be properly protected. " Moon Rabbit said.

"Thank you." Yuanzhi bowed to Yuetu, and then opened the box. There was only a cylindrical silver-white fine particle column inside. After she reached out to touch it, they immediately climbed up Yuanzhi's wrist, forming a small ring.

"Give Mayumi a "gravity ray emission device" as a gift. This is one of the powerful weapons captured from the Unbounded Alliance. It is a standard infantry weapon for them, but it is an incredible weapon for us. It has been adapted to our habits and can be fired easily, each shot has devastating power, and can be fired 6 times before it is completely exhausted. " Moon Rabbit said.

"Hey! I've heard of this, but I didn't expect to have it myself." Mayumi opened the box and picked up the gorgeous black firearm inside. It looked ordinary, but in fact it could easily destroy the city. "Now I also have the ability to defend myself. It's great. ,Thank you so much!"

"Give Natsuki the Noble Phantasm "The Moment of the Fierce Sun". It is transformed from a powerful equipment captured by the devil. Once you give the Noble Phantasm, you will definitely rely on the great power of the sun to yourself, and you will become a temporary An immortal and extremely powerful existence. Even in our history, such a Noble Phantasm is rare, thanks to the Forging Witch logistics team who created the Noble Phantasm. " Moon Rabbit said.

"I like this." Natsuki opened the box and took out the treasure inside. It looked like a pure gold crown, made according to her head, and it would look great when worn.

"It's a pity that Muroka isn't here, otherwise there must be her too." Hayho said, "I miss Muroka!"

"You will meet each other soon, because Shihua is now in the spirit world." Moon Rabbit squatted down, "And you have a reason to go to the spirit world: the spirit world is now being besieged by the demon army."

"Siege?!" Mayumi was startled, "Has the war already started?"

"Yes, maybe you will set off to join the war soon. This battle is against the powerful force of hell, the "Blood Army". They come from the "Throat of Fury", the fortress dimension of hell, and the terrifying "Incarnation of Carnage" Harnak is reported We will also join the battle. If we can repel this largest attack in one go, the devil's rampage will finally come to an end. " Moon Rabbit said.

"I'm really nervous... to join such a battle..." Mayumi smiled bitterly, "Isn't this the final battle? Indeed, if the spiritual world falls, human beings will also be dead."

"You also have reasons to work hard. According to the original plan, the important backbone member of the Anxin Fund and the task force was Li Yixin, but she disappeared while lurking to reconnoiter the Throat of Fury. I hope we can attack the Throat of Fury as soon as possible , rescued Li Yixin again." Yuetu explained.

"Did she leave any message?" Lian Yang asked.

"Right hand." Lian Wu suddenly spoke.

"What does that mean?" Hayho scratched his head.

"This is the only information." Lianwu said.

"I don't understand. In short, the next step is to train hard and prepare for the battle. It's time to develop new moves." Saho put on the stealth armor and was eager to try it.

"Yes, I hope you will train hard and be ready for battle." Moon Rabbit said goodbye to them.

The witches took their new treasures and left happily.

Yue Tu watched them go away, sighed, and turned to Lian Wu.

"Thank you so much for preparing so much content for me to recite. I simply repeated what you wrote, but you were able to accurately predict every word they would say, and their questions were exactly what you expected. It matches, my answer made them unaware at all... How could I have such a smart offspring like you? It seems that my genes are strong." Moon Rabbit sighed.

"Every move they make is very easy to understand. The same goes for humans, witches, and demons." Lianwu's eyes returned to her desk work.

She has recently been handling some resource disputes without favoritism, ensuring that the interests of all parties are fairly protected.

"Interesting, you always remain neutral when dealing with Earth affairs, and you are so fair that you doubt whether there is a deeper motive. Mortals are like this. If you make that kind of selfish, efficient choice, it will be easier for them to understand." Yue. Rabbit walked up to the table.

"A moment of selfish desire will lay the foundation for a hundred years." Lian Wu silently weighed the future of countless earthly events in her heart, unwilling to take sides at will.

"My mind is always thinking about things a hundred years from now, and my calculations are so clear that they are smarter than the best scientific equipment invented by mankind. This is you, An Yuan Lianwu. However, I gradually started to rely on drugs and slept less and less. ." Yue Tu looked at the medicine bottles on the table. They were all powerful mind-stimulating drugs. It was hard to imagine what Lianwu's brain would look like after stopping the medicine.

"Persist." Lian Wu said briefly.

"I must insist on it for Zhang Su." Yue Rabbit said.

"..." Lian Wu did not deny it.

"Yeah, it's just for his future that's why I've been sticking here. Don't worry about others, so take control yourself. It doesn't matter even if he doesn't understand, it doesn't matter even if he doesn't know, even if he doesn't put his heart in you. It doesn't matter... It's easy to paralyze yourself with such a spirit of sacrifice, but if you bet your future on others, you will definitely be disappointed. In the future, his eyes will still drift elsewhere, and all your efforts will be in vain." Moon Rabbit scoffed.

"I believe it." Lianwu said stubbornly, "I believe it, Zhang Su like that."

"He will disappoint you. Don't forget, the next step is the biggest test." Yue Rabbit said.

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