Witch containment diary

Chapter 465 To create new humans

Fangzhang ran wildly in the factory, running from workshop to workshop, hoping not to be stared at. He didn't want to see others or see himself.

In this world, how hard do people have to work to succeed? You have obviously worked very hard, right?


Failed, failed, failed, failed, failed...

Everyone passed, even Haoho, who usually behaves the most stupid, passed, but he failed, the only loser!

Blast rushed deep into the factory, reached out and aimed at the huge furnace of creation, preparing to destroy it with a one-way blast engine, letting the whole world see how powerful Blast was! Let AI understand the power of Zhazhang!

Fury overriding reason, Biaobo took two steps forward, then fell to his knees again.

This way...it won't work.

Dad will be disappointed.

But a "little soldier" like himself has been trained as a weapon and tool since he was a child. How can he pass the machine's moral test?

She couldn't understand the objects described by the AI.

Innocent people, enemies, comrades, blood relatives, people with deep relationships...

These people don't exist in her world at all!

She hopes that AI can ask herself some questions about "dad". At least Zhang Su is real to her. That way the explosion will definitely not end with killing. She will seriously tell AI that she has a good person to adopt her. Dad, tell it.

But AI doesn't.

So Zhizhang was judged as an immoral animal.

"Boohoo." Natsuki appeared.

"Xia Xi?" Zhazhao turned around.

Natsuki looked at her.

"You...are you my friend? Are you my comrade-in-arms?" Zhibang asked.

"Tata." Xia Xi didn't know.

It seems that Fangzhang needs someone to share some of the emotional pressure.

But Natsuki herself is not good at this kind of thing.

Natsuki is a light, so she runs very fast. The only thing she can do now is sit next to Bakubo.

She tilted a little to Zhazhuo's side so that Zhazhao could lie down.

"Hey..." Fangzhai was melancholy.

Zhang Su arrived, but he didn't expect Xia Xi to arrive first.

Natsuki may just think this is "good". Natsuki has a unique way of measuring good and evil in her heart, and will only do what she thinks is good.

"Breaking?" Zhang Su looked at the child.

Ever since she was little, Zhazhao's hands had scars from being pierced by chains and tied to a cage. Although they have been restored with biogel, she still occasionally feels phantom pain.

"..." Zhazhang didn't know what to say to Zhang Su.

Probably troubled dad again.

With this kind of self, just living feels very hard, and I don't know how to face the expectations of others.

If only I had never been to this world in the first place...

"Let's go outside, it's too dark here." Zhang Su said.

"Oh." Zhazhang reluctantly stood up and followed Zhang Su out.

Outside the factory, wastewater flows out of the sewage canal, and there is also some filtered devil residue, which is very ugly.

However, there is a cleaner stream nearby, with fish swimming in it and surrounded by welcome shrubs and green trees.

Zhang Su walked to the stream and squatted down. Zhazhuo and Xia Xi also walked over to watch.

A cute fish is swimming.

"Fish..." Natsuki observed.

"The ecology has recovered." Zhazhuang said.

Zhang Su moved the fish inside with his hands, and it swam surprisingly fast and light.

"I can't catch it." Zhazhuo thought it was funny.

"Play with it for a while." Zhang Su invited.

"Okay." Zhazha didn't expect that Zhang Su's arrangement was to let her play with a small fish.

She squatted down by the river, patted the water, and enjoyed the clean environment and the movements of the fish.

"Not bad, not bad." Xia Xi was very happy.

In this case, just put on a happy face and let this matter pass. I thought to myself.

"How?" Zhang Su came to her side.

"It's okay." Zhazhu said.

Zhang Su suddenly grabbed the fish with his hands and lifted it into the air out of the water. It immediately began to struggle desperately, but could not escape.

"Ah! No!" Zhibang was startled.

"Don't you like destruction?" Zhang Su asked, "It doesn't matter if the fish dies."

"No - it's not like that!" Zhibang shouted, grabbing Zhang Suxiang's arm, "Anyway, put it back quickly!"

"Don't you like to destroy people? Like to kill everything?" Zhang Su asked.

"Afraid..." Natsuki fell down.

"I don't want it to..." Zhazhu looked at the poor silver-scaled fish, "I don't want it to die..."

"Is this a feeling of compassion? Does the Witch of Destruction also feel this way?" Zhang Su lowered his head and looked at Bangbang.

Zhazhe stared at Zhang Su and the fish in his hand with wide eyes, feeling some inexplicable and complicated emotions for the first time.

Cherish, protect, love...

"No! No! No!" she said impatiently, "It's dying! It's dying!"

Zhang Su sent the fish to the dirty water in the factory sewage canal.

"This won't work either! Hey! Dad! Put it back! Put it in a clean river!" Biaobo rushed to the water's edge to stop him.

"You want to save it?" Zhang Su let go of the little fish and threw it down.

"Fish!" Zhazhe wanted to catch it, but after a moment's delay, the fish fell into the sewage next to it. She immediately squatted down and reached out to fiddle with it. The small fish swam so fast that she couldn't touch it. "Dad! Why are you doing this?" !”

"Is the life of a fish as important as the life of a human?" Zhang Su looked on.

"Same...different...I don't understand!" Zhibang shouted.

"If you can treat human life as nothing, what about fish?" Zhang Su asked.

"But I played with it..."

"Are you willing to help it because you have a bond?"

"Because I don't want to see this happen!" Bafang reached down with both hands.

"Arrest." Natsuki got up, grabbed the small fish with the speed of light, and then released it back into the stream.

"Caught it!" Zhafang was surprised and happy. He ran back to the stream and watched it flow in the water and shake off the mud. "Oh - oh - hey -" she sighed.

"Purification." Natsuki used sunlight to heal the little fish, and it looked much better.

"Amazing..." Zhizhang felt that Xia Xi was very great.

Natsuki can become light, can shine on others, help others, and is kind at heart, so she is admired very much.

Although Natsuki has the same potential to destroy the world as Bakubo, it seems that everyone is more willing to be with Natsuki.

"Actually, you and Xia Xi are very similar children." Zhang Su said.

"Eh?" Zhazhao didn't understand.

"Synthetic big watermelon." Natsuki said.

"They are all good at heart," Zhang Su said. "If the crime is really heinous, why would you blame yourself? Only people who love others will blame themselves. Both You and Natsuki have the potential to care for others."

"I am the Witch of Destruction." Zhizhang curled his lips.

"So, did you choose the path of destruction, or did destruction dominate you?" Zhang Su asked.

"...I...I think...I don't know how to explain it." Zhazhu felt that he couldn't understand himself.

"Fish can live in clear water. But in the air or in sewage, they will perish." Zhang Su said.

"Yes." Zhazhu agreed.

"Is this the fish's fault?" Zhang Su asked.

"No." Zhazhuang said without hesitation, "It was born like this!"


"Innate means...it's wrong for you to take it out of the clear water! It's wrong to throw it into the sewage! It can only be happy in the river!" Zhazhang accused.

"Similarly, Bafang can survive on the battlefield, but he will not adapt in society or in school." Zhang Su said.

"Ah..." Fangzhang was stunned.

"Then it's not right for us to take Bakubo out of the battlefield, and it's also wrong to put Bakubo into a peaceful world. Bakubo is more suitable to go to the army, and that's where you will be like a fish in water." Zhang Su said.

"But AI said I'm not suitable for joining the army." Zhazhuang said angrily.

"What do you think?" Zhang Su asked, "Bangbang! In your heart, what kind of person do you think you are?"

Fangfang felt a rush of blood from the soles of his feet to his forehead.

"I think I am the strongest!" Biaobo shouted, "I think I am the strongest witch in the world! No one can defeat me! No demon can defeat me! I am the strongest witch of destruction! I want to let The demons know how powerful I am! That’s what I thought!”

"And your full potential is born for this. I believe in you, so don't doubt yourself anymore. Say goodbye to your companions and go to the front line of the battle starting tomorrow." Zhang Su turned around.

"Huh...huh...huh..." Zhaobo turned to look at Natsuki.

"Ears hurt..." Natsuki rubbed her ears.

Zhizhang rushed forward and hugged Natsuki tightly.

"Thank you!" Zhizhuang shouted.

"...Hmm." Natsuki closed her eyes.


"What are you doing!"

Hayho and the others walked forward.

"Are you playing the game of hugging Natsuki? Me too..." Hayho followed.

They moved closer and hugged each other tightly.

"I have to go!" Zhazhu understood now.

"Why are you leaving?" Hayho was puzzled.

"I now realize that I am a witch of destruction who is not suitable for society..." Biaobang said.

"Don't think like that!" Mayumi was anxious.

"No! This is right - I mean, whether you twist yourself to adapt to society, or twist society to adapt to yourself, it is incorrect!" Bakubo poked his head out of the mature arms of Reio and Mayumi. , "So I'm going to fight! This is not the place for me!"

Mayumi breathed a sigh of relief.

"Then go ahead." Mayumi encouraged her, "It's not easy. Our little soldier is born to be a hero on the front line."

"Come on." Yuanzhi kissed him, "Poor child, you haven't felt loved for a long time. Let me hug you, please."

Bafang was hugged tightly by Yuanzhi, as if he had regained the lost mother's love. Once that taste flows through your heart, it will become a treasure that will last a lifetime.

A conference room above the factory.

"...In this way, the mass production of the demon engine..." Quantum Bodhisattva discussed with Lianwu in the throne.

"I'm late." Zhang Su entered, "Sorry, where is the discussion now?"

"We are discussing the development of various doomsday weapons for demons. With Quantum Bodhisattva joining us, the upgrade of demon engines will be greatly accelerated." Yue Rabbit sat on Lianwu's shoulder.

"Lian Wu is very smart. Zhang Su, you have a good lover." Quantum Bodhisattva said.

"I think so too..." Zhang Su took his seat.

Lian Wu blushed.

"...As a result, they are considering the new AI control mode of the demon engine, codenamed 'Nemesis' drive." Quantum Bodhisattva projected a model in front of him.

Zhang Su recognized the secret at a glance. This was a memetic virus that could effectively penetrate the devil's original thinking.

It is countless generations more advanced than the strongest AI designed by humans. It can completely interfere with the underlying behavioral logic of demons and turn them into "demon-killing demons."

The brand-new demon engine is not hostile to humans at all, but will instinctively hunt demons and fully interact with the demon equipment on its body to achieve the effect of symbiotic evolution.

"Demons are good at evolution. Demons devour the emotions and memories in human souls to strengthen them. The demon engine strengthens this idea of ​​preying and treats the emotions in you as 'harmful substances'. So, at the same time, with a strong soul and Those who lack emotions are our fellow demons." Quantum Bodhisattva said.

"So that's it, turning things like 'hunting demons' into low-level code..." Zhang Su understood.

"In addition, the 'Nemesis' memetic virus will also cause demons to multiply themselves in large numbers and plunder the materials of dead demons to make new equipment, thus becoming more and more powerful like a snowball, causing demonic forces and each other's forces to disappear. Long." Quantum Bodhisattva briefly introduced.

Lianwu couldn't help but applaud softly, approving this approach.

"Once this mental model is put into use, the demon engines we produce will form a terrifying new army." Zhang Su recognized its value.

"Indeed, there have been similar attempts in other dimensions. Most of them failed, but there are also successful cases. You still remember that you sold the intelligence of the Unbounded Alliance to Yu. It was from this that Yu understood the survival strategies of many civilizations. Civilization may not be able to defeat the devil, after all, there is a huge difference in the total amount of matter and time scale between the two sides, but civilization can at least delay the devil's offensive, or maintain a balance of power for a considerable period of time." The voice of Quantum Bodhisattva was neither sad nor happy.

"Quantum Bodhisattva mentioned 'the other side', is the spiritual world willing to join forces..." Zhang Su felt more and more hopeful.

"What you said is true. This time I came here to formally propose an alliance. However, I also want to see something new this time." Quantum Bodhisattva observed Zhang Su and Lian Wu.

"What?" Zhang Su asked.

"I want to see the 'union' of the two of you to give birth to a new human being." Quantum Bodhisattva said.

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