Witch containment diary

Chapter 466 Making a baby with Lianwu

"Have a baby?!" Lian Wu was surprised.

"This is a revival of ancient practices. The fallen demon gods always sneak into the early years of each world, allowing the primitive races in the dimension to devour the bones of the earth, allowing them to unlock spiritual intelligence and reproductive authority." Quantum Bodhisattva said.

"In the fruitful early Eden, we were accommodated by our ancestors. Thanks to Gaia's unreserved gift, the "Fruit of Wisdom" and "Fruit of Life" appeared on the giant tree of Eden, that is to say, , the most precious source of earth’s power. The ancient fallen demon then tempted the original ancestors who should not have gained power to share the two fruits. "

"This time, the fallen demon god also designed an experiment. Many intelligent races often merged the two fruits to become existences with both wisdom and vitality. But this time, it separated the two groups of ancestors."

"Those who swallowed the fruit of wisdom differentiated into the remaining witches, and then they discovered the path to magic. In other words, the 'daughters of the devil' exerted the 'power of the devil.' Those who swallowed the fruit of life differentiated into the remaining humans, With the ability to reproduce in large numbers, it can cover the entire world, gaining a vigorous life that cannot be eradicated.”

"Through this, the witch obtained the supreme magic power that leads to the truth, climbed up through thirty different magic paths, and each sought to become a god. However, that was also an incubation plan to become a 'devil god'."

"There is also a huge split within the spiritual world. Whenever a witch tries to reach the tenth position and ascend to become a "demon" that harms the entire dimension, she will be blocked. You are no exception, Yuehuaji. "Quantum Bodhisattva said.

"Hey, that's a high-sounding reason. Since our witch's mission is to transform into a demon, why not let us achieve our final evolution?!" Yue Rabbit retorted.

"Indeed, what you said is true. Becoming a "demon god" may be your destiny. However, we are jealous of each other, and we will never allow any witch to ascend to the level of a demon god that surpasses all witches. Therefore, our position is closely connected with human beings. In other words, since we cannot go further, we hope to see the potential of human beings. "Quantum Bodhisattva looked at Zhang Su and Lian Wu.

"What does potential... have to do with us? Is it eugenics and nurturing?" Zhang Su wondered.

"The DNA sequence coding affects human reproduction. When the baby's cells grow, the chromosomes exchange DNA fragments, like needlework, so that the offspring can inherit the characteristics of both parents. Yu's bioengineering can even edit it so that the advanced traits of the two can be retained. . The two are the best parents in the world, and they can also create the most powerful 'new human original body'." Quantum Bodhisattva said.

"It sounds like creating an entire new race." Zhang Su said.

"..." Lian Wu nervously grabbed Zhang Su's hand.

"Indeed, the new human Primarch will definitely be much stronger than humans in today's common sense. The Primarch regards the two as parents and has become the most powerful "gene warrior". He possesses his father Zhang Su's endurance, brain, energy adaptability, and superhuman body structure, and his mother An Anyin's wisdom, natural computing power, dexterity, and memory comparable to electronic components. Through remaining genetic engineering, the Primarch will become the ultimate guarantee for destroying demons and defending our civilization. " said Quantum Bodhisattva.

"That's good, but after the original body appears, it will only be a 'witch'." Zhang Su smiled bitterly, "And the reproduction of witches is not that convenient."

"Wrong," said Quantum Bodhisattva, "you will still produce the Primarch of Man."

"Why? A person who truly loves each other and a witch can only create witch eggs. Can this kind of thing be changed?" Zhang Su was puzzled.

"The premise of this plan is very simple: you cannot love Lianwu, and Lianwu does not love you." Quantum Bodhisattva said.

"Ah?" Zhang Su was stunned.

"..." Lian Wu's expression dimmed.

"When there is a lack of 'heart of true love', the witch will not be able to interfere with the formation of offspring, and will inevitably give birth to a 'new human being' with strong power and fertility, not a 'new witch'. As for the new witches, due to their low self-reproduction ability , has no practical value. Therefore, you must abandon 'true love' in order to create convenient and fast genetic human warriors. Please prepare quickly." Quantum Bodhisattva said.

"..." Zhang Su and Lian Wu looked at each other, their eyes worried and nervous.

After Quantum Bodhisattva left, Moon Rabbit seemed very happy.

"Haha, it's time to rebuild the reputation of Anxinyuan on the ground. A large number of new humans will appear. They will be born twice, twice, three, and three, just like all other things. They will quickly become a new nation of great significance." Yue Rabbit said, " Groom and bride, it’s time to get ready for the wedding.”

"Lianwu...I..." Zhang Su raised his hand.

"..." Lianwu picked up Yuetu and returned to his room on the Toad Palace.


Lianwu sat on the bed, hugging Yuetu.

Moon Rabbit observes Lotus Mist.

"Are you going to drop the little pearl? When facing the lover you have always loved, you cannot fall in love with each other. In the most critical union, you must be as cold-blooded as a stranger." Yue Rabbit stretched out his paw and touched Lianwu, "People from our family It’s really a hard life.”

"I...I want love..." Lianwu shed tears.

"Yes, but actual interests are also important. Although my ancestor, I, was sealed underground and could only use one percent of my brain, I was still so powerful because I strived for progress at all costs in my limited life." Yue. said Rabbit.


"This is the pinnacle of progress. I have seen the power of technology. That guy, the casting witch who calls herself the 'Quantum Bodhisattva', also broke the throne nine times, which is incredible."

"You...don't you suspect that she has selfish motives?"

"Such a witch is a genius, and will put logic and interests first. Fortunately, her interests are currently consistent with ours, and we can trust her decisions. Her highest priority is to repel the devil, so we only need to support her plan. Just keep walking forward together. When we part ways, you need to be wary of such shrewd characters."

"I know...but...when I think of severing love, I want to cry..." Lian Wu covered her face.

"Isn't he a playboy? After all, he has never loved you at all. So you just need to erase all love." Yue Rabbit said.

"I...it's too difficult..." Lian Wu took a deep breath.

"Don't forget." Moon Rabbit jumped on the table and squatted down, "That guy, his true love has always been Edith. When he thinks of this, no matter how hot his heart is, it should be frozen."

Lian Wu was stunned, and then nodded bitterly.

Zhang Su sat at the top of the Khalifa Building to enjoy the breeze, overlooking the entire world.

"What are you nervous about?" Hongyan floated next to Zhang Su, crossing his arms.

"Quantum Bodhisattva wants me to give up my love for Lianwu, so that I can produce the most powerful Primarch warrior." Zhang Su said.

"Ah! If there is true love, it will turn into a witch's egg, and witches are very troublesome. So it is better to give birth to villains... Is this logic? Only a madman like Quantum Bodhisattva can think of it." Hong Homura sighed.

"The spirit world must be in danger to contact us specifically," Zhang Su said.

"Yes, Heaven Mountain is under siege. So I sent Quantum Bodhisattva to communicate. I saw an army of demons from the entrance of the tunnel. It was scary." Hongyan said.

"Can the genetic warrior immediately reverse the situation of the war?" Zhang Su asked.

"I don't know. Even if we use the super-speed training center developed by Bodhisattva, it will take ten years to achieve combat effectiveness. Do the math yourself, what do they want to do?" Hong Yan asked the question back to Zhang Su.

"...want...to confirm the 'future' of human civilization." Zhang Su came back to his senses.

"You are very insightful. Yes, it sounds very similar." Hongyan sat next to Zhang Su. "Humanity today is too thin and the number is too small. If you and Lianwu are determined to become the leaders of the new world, Creators must go out of their way to 'produce' a large number of new human beings, so that the human world can be said to have hope."

"As of now, my feelings for Miss Lianwu... are burning true love. It's almost impossible to extinguish it," Zhang Su said.

"Maybe not." The red flames pierced Zhang Su's heart.

"No?" Zhang Su didn't understand.

"Maybe you've never really loved someone. You and Katie just had little dragons."

"There used to be some. They used to be real witch eggs."

"But your mood may have changed now. Many people and things are not as they were when we first met." Hongyan looked into the distance, "Do we have feelings for each other?"

"There is friendship." Zhang Su said, "There is alliance, there is..."

"Okay, okay." Hongyan tilted his head and lay in Zhang Su's arms, "Bodhisattva knows."

"What do you know?" Zhang Su stroked her hair.

"I know that people all over the world want to ask you for help and advice when they are in trouble. But when you are in trouble, there is no one to discuss with you." Hongyan closed her eyes.

"Yes, there used to be..." Zhang Su listened to Edith's voice in his heart, "It's gone now."

"Isn't it better to let things develop naturally?" Hong Yan said, "Who knows what true love is?"

"I don't know. What kind of emotion does the witch feel... exactly? What should I do..." Zhang Su pondered.

"Maybe you have lost the ability of true love, and Lian Wu won't be sad." Hongyan touched Zhang Su, "This is also for the progress of mankind, don't be too sad. Bodhisattva can't see you sad!"

Zhang Su was stunned for a moment.

"I understand...I understand." Zhang Su stood up and suddenly became enlightened, "Thank you Bodhisattva, now I understand everything."

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