Witch containment diary

Chapter 467 The final road opens

A week later, Quantum Bodhisattva was going to review the results of Zhang Su and Lianwu's breeding.

Looking at the spiritual world from a distance, it carries the expectations of the witches, but this crystal ball, far away from the world, is now besieged by the endless blood army of demons and is crumbling.

Looking at the earth from a distance, it is the home of human spirit and body. However, this rare place of life in the universe is now devastated, and human civilization is completely gone.

The key to breaking the situation lies in Zhang Su and Lian Wu.

Their loveless descendants will become the steel soldiers fighting against hell, without fear or selfish desire, and become the Thunder Legion that sacrifices everything in battle.

Can Zhang Su and Annyuan Lianwu overcome the limitations of the ordinary world?

Love is a brain trick that stimulates dopamine pathways and uses neurotransmitters to transmit unrealistic desires and impulses.

Feelings of attachment, security, these illusions activate the release of oxytocin.

The amygdala area and hippocampus are constantly processing emotional memories day and night, making the man and the witch create a filter for love and become unable to leave each other.

Eventually interfering with the production of humans and witches, this obsession will affect the "new humans", killing them before they are born and turning them into "new witches".

If Zhang Su and Lian Wu persist in their obsession, they will definitely give birth to an unprecedented existence.

In other words, the fallen demon god's plan was successful.

With the entire earth as the seedbed and Zhang Su and Lian Wu as carriers, the most powerful "witch" in history was born...

I really don't want to see this kind of thing.

Zhang Su and Lian Wu met on the deck of the Toad Palace.

I made a lot of mental preparations before coming, but now I still feel a little uneasy when I see Lian Wu. Zhang Su looked at her. Lianwu lowered her head.

"How will Miss Lianwu choose? No - no need to say." Zhang Su murmured, "We all know it in our hearts."

"..." Lianwu deflected her gaze, and there was some silence between the two of them.

"Usually I am the one who speaks, but in such a state of mind, it seems difficult to speak out." Zhang Su said.

"..." Lianwu blinked and turned to face Quantum Bodhisattva who arrived in a chariot.

Quantum Bodhisattva checked their condition and then spoke.

"The so-called 'New Humanity' is an important combination of the fruit of knowledge and the fruit of life, symbolizing the renewed call for Gaia's original power. Whether the fate of the earth can restart again depends entirely on the efforts of you two. Please enter the nurturing room." Quantum Bodhisattva said.

They go indoors.

"..." Lian Wu was wearing a white gauze and sitting on the bright red bed, hesitant.

"..." Zhang Su wore a black dress and sat next to Lian Wu with a solemn expression.

"Let's get started. Most of the rest of the will is a mechanical ecology, and there is no ability to spy on blasphemy. It's just to ensure that the two of you complete the combination correctly." Quantum Bodhisattva began to record.

They stood up in unison and immediately looked at each other.

Lian Wu caught Zhang Su first.

He held Zhang Su's arm tightly, as if he had made up his mind to be a model.

"I will never give up my love for Zhang Su!" Lian Wu said suddenly.

"Miss Lianwu..." Zhang Su did not expect that Lianwu would speak first this time.

"..." Quantum Bodhisattva observed.

"What nonsense! People who obviously love each other sincerely have to tear themselves apart and give up for it. The offspring of such a twisted relationship must also be unfortunate beings." Lianwu was unhappy.

"My father was married into the Anxinyuan family. At first, he had a half-hearted attitude, so he gave birth to two brothers. Only later, with true love, did he finally have me... Witches often encounter all kinds of strange things. things, but we still insist on living because we all know that no matter what happened in the past, we are now 'the crystallization of true love'. Just thinking about this makes us very happy!"

"Zhang Su is the one I chose. Although he is... carefree and mischievous, he sometimes makes me sad and sometimes makes me cry. He even has other women in his heart... but this kind of thing... has already happened. This can’t be the reason why I don’t love him.” Lian Wu tried hard to express her thoughts, her voice getting louder and louder!

"So no matter what, whether it's protecting the spiritual world, strengthening human civilization, or defeating hell - all these reasons are not allowed to shake my love for Zhang Su!!"

For the first time, Lianwu expressed her position loudly, clearly and resoundingly.

And there is no need to pat the cheek, but to enter a state of excitement and excitement.

In other words, Lianwu's courage.

"Do you really want to lower the chance of civilization defeating demons for the sake of your own opinions? Intelligent life is so unclear about the situation and refuses to embrace efficiency and evolution. No wonder it cannot compete with the infinite proliferation of demons. And Zhang Su, you must perform the task of being a husband You have the right, start taking action now." Quantum Bodhisattva said.

"——I refuse." Zhang Su said, "I started to think this way because... I feel the same way. When I think of giving up my love for Lianwu, I feel pain. I know that Lianwu must also feel the same. I won’t be willing to endure the pain even if it takes hundreds of years! So this kind of thing is impossible.”

"True love is not a machine that can be disassembled and assembled casually. Once erased, it cannot be regenerated. If we cut off our love for Lianwu, we will deny the will to survive that she and I have relied on to this day, and deny that our souls still exist. Meaning. Therefore, we must only lay the "Witch's Egg" with full love between us. "

Quantum Bodhisattva was not satisfied with this result.

"You represent the fruit of life at the end of mankind, and you have cultivated in the center of the earth and gained affinity with Gaia. If you and the descendants of the Moon Witch and the Fruit of Wisdom like Lianwu really breed the witch's egg, I am afraid that a witch's egg will be born. The emergence of the ultimate witch that has never been seen so far has the power to subvert human civilization and even interfere with hell. It is a terrifying future that you cannot grasp at all." Quantum Bodhisattva warned, "Gene warriors are the best choice."

"In the end, we are not machines and cannot make cold choices." Zhang Su held Lian Wu's hand.

"Why, you obviously can." Quantum Bodhisattva questioned.

"One hundred years from now, a thousand years from now, how do you want to be remembered? I often ask myself this. I have many identities, but the most important thing is that I am the teacher of witches. I say it without shame, I am The life mentors of these new witches. If I abandon Lianwu's feelings like this, what bad example have I set for them? What fate will they have in the future? Even if I am responsible for them, I must cherish my love. "Zhang Su said.

Quantum Bodhisattva looked at Zhang Su across the throne.

"...In this case, we have no choice but to leave the spiritual world completely and wander in the subspace. Because the spiritual world cannot be preserved, humans have no future." Quantum Bodhisattva raised his voice.

"I will repel the devil!" Zhang Su said loudly.

"..." Quantum Bodhisattva observed Zhang Su, as if he saw some rare determination.

"Open the passage to the spirit world and let me pass! We will personally wipe out all the demon army besieging Tiantian Mountain!" Zhang Su reminded.

"...If you are so determined, General Yu will soon summon you to join the battle." Quantum Bodhisattva observed, "Before entering the spiritual world to complete the final battle, if there are any unfinished business, please deal with it as soon as possible."

"Understood." Zhang Su understood.

Lianwu looks full of morale now.

"No, there's nothing to be afraid of." Lian Wu tried her best to hold up her chest, "The time has come for us to fight the devil."

"I understand. In fact, after checking my state of mind, I feel that I have inexhaustible power." Zhang Su held Lianwu's hand and even said happily, "Thank you, Miss Lianwu."

"I didn't do anything special. It was you who persisted all this time. I couldn't help. I didn't even dare to speak loudly until today. I'm really, really sorry." Lian Wu said.

"It's okay, Lianwu, you have given me a huge help. In your eyes, I see a better version of myself! That is the stronger and braver me that Lianwu hopes for! It is exactly like this With expectations, I fully understand what kind of person I want to be, and this is the most precious wealth in my life." Zhang Su nodded vigorously.

"Then we will go to the end together. We have agreed that no matter what happens, we will never separate!" Lian Wu said excitedly.

"Understood." Zhang Su hugged Lian Wu and gave her a deep kiss.

"Speaking of which, it's time to release me." Moon Rabbit jumped out.


"Ancestor..." Lianwu and Zhang Su looked at Yuetu.

"I am infinitely powerful. Without my help, you guys wouldn't be able to defeat the Blood Army." Yue Tu said meaningfully, "It's time to completely lift my seal. I don't ask for much. I just want to return to where I should be. Since you have chosen a difficult path, you should choose the best companions."

"..." Zhang Su pondered for a moment and nodded, "Yes, but there is one condition."

After hearing the conditions stated by Zhang Su, Yue Rabbit couldn't help but feel helpless.

"...What a cunning son-in-law, but I will do as you say."

"Thank you." Zhang Su said.

Lianwu clenched her fist. Now that things have happened, there is no turning back.

Thus, the final battle to determine the spiritual world, the earth, and neighboring dimensions officially begins.

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