Witch containment diary

Chapter 468 The Fleet Arrives in the Spirit World

At the training ground, Zhang Su meets the witches.

The situation is very serious. As time goes by, it is really time for the decisive battle to come.

"Quantum Bodhisattva will summon us to participate in the decisive battle in the spiritual world at any time, so special training is necessary." Zhang Su told them.

"Muroka and Mrs. Miyu Shinjo are both helping to build the wall in the spirit world. We really need to hurry over and help!" Mayumi nodded.

"When they meet Murohua, they are truly reunited." Reiyo said silently.

"It's so amazing. From a penniless little place like An'an Hospital to the legendary distant and sacred realm of the "spirit world", how many things have happened in our lives..." Lian Yang murmured.

"Anyway, after such a test, I have nothing to fear." Qing Xiao was very satisfied, "Recently, many useful plants have been developed with the help of science, which will definitely make the devil suffer and take revenge. "

"I will become stronger." Saho was very happy.

"Then we will work hard to train combat skills and coordination in the remaining time, and wait to go to the spirit world to fight with Bakubo and Muroka." Mayumi planned to learn how to use the deadly weapons in hand.

"However, there is one more thing." Zhang Su said, "...the special training is not only for you, but also for me."

"What do you mean?" Hayho asked.

"I once successfully used Zaosui's magic skill 'Shadow Step' because Zaosui was willing to lend me his power." Zhang Su requested, "Now, my own strength has reached a bottleneck. If I want to break through, I can I must learn from you.”

"no problem!"

"So this is it!"

"You can teach the teacher skills!"

"Okay!" They were all happy.

"...Thank you, thank you all." Zhang Su greeted them.

It seems that all the training has paid off, and Zhang Su is also receiving the power given by the witches in the training ground.

Transform all matter into plant form, Qingxiao's wild wind!

Briefly transformed into a pure photon energy body, Natsuki's incarnation of sunlight!

Pry into the target's spiritual truth and predict his next move, Reiyo's true perception!

Let yourself and your companions gain the joy that arises from your heart, the joyful energy of Mayumi!

Explode primitive instinct, gain extremely increased endurance and speed, Yuan Zhi's blood of beasts!

In these days, Zhang Su practiced day and night, striving to master the power they sincerely shared before the decisive battle came.

Without an extremely deep bond, it would be impossible for humans to lend the power of the witch. This is the first time in history that Zhang Su has practiced the theoretical possibility.

"One punch will turn all the demons into trees." Qing Xiao was also very happy and happy to see her power being used by her teacher. "My wild wind is very magical."

"After the enemy is eliminated, we can live a peaceful life. Please help us defeat those scary guys, teacher." After Yuanzhi asked Lianwu to purify his mother's body, he still felt the pressure on his soul and needed a really long time. repair.

"The heart of a human beast should be that of an ape, and it will turn into Donkey Kong." Zhang Su tried to inspire the blood of the beast, and indeed gained power similar to the giant beast.

"Among our magic powers, Natsuki's is probably the most powerful." Reio observed.

"Melons and melons are delicious." Natsuki ate snacks.

"Indeed, it may be a unique skill that can defeat the enemy. If used at the last moment, it can completely reverse the situation of the battle." Zhang Su nodded.

"It's really scary, the decisive battle..." Lian Yang murmured.

Even with anxiety in mind, the day of the final war is approaching moment by moment.


Quantum Bodhisattva sent his envoy Fazheluo to the Toad Palace.

"Everyone, it's time to set off." Fazheluo said, "The road to the spiritual world is clear and narrow. The door to the zenith will only be opened once. I hope you have a large enough ship."

"The Ark of Foresight was damaged when it rushed to the Scarlet Garden. Now it has been repaired and is ready to go at any time." Zhang Su said.

"Then, now I will transmit the secret coordinates of the spirit world to Lian Wu, and you will arrive over the spirit world on time in 24 hours. The window is only five minutes, and you will not wait until it expires." Fazheluo bowed and left.

"It's really the Great Expedition." Saho felt the atmosphere was serious and scratched his butt, "This is too awesome."

"Let's go." Zhang Su took everyone aboard the Ark of Vision.

The Ark of Vision has been parked above Red Flame Fantasy Township for some time, and is already ready to set off.

"Hey, hey, hey..."

"Work hard!"

"Work quickly!" The little bees swarmed to clean the room and replenish goods.

Hearing that there was going to be a war, they now began to work hard to debug Ark's self-defense weapon system.

"The war ahead is too cruel for you, it's time to return to the hive world." Zhang Su dismissed them.


"don't want!"

"We have to fight too!"

“Hit me—!” The little bees were unhappy. They all pointed at Zhang Su in unison, “We have courage!”

Compared with the predictions of Quantum Bodhisattva, Zhang Su felt that these little bees were like his best children.

"You are all the bravest little bees, but your queen needs you more. The little bee needs more worker bees to run her big world, which is also a planet. We only need to leave one tenth of the little bees That’s all, and even the little wasps left behind are likely to be wiped out..." Zhang Su said.

"I do not go!"

“I love working on boats!”


"Little Queen Bee..." They thought about whether to leave the Ark of Vision.

Some who were most determined to stay on board immediately ran to hide to avoid being kicked off.

To the swarm, destruction and sacrifice are of no importance. The most important thing is whether they can fulfill their mission in their bloodline.

No matter what, they all want to stay on the Ark of Vision until the last moment.

"I will protect you, so many children, so many lovely children..." Yuanzhi felt that she had come to the happiest place in the world. She squeezed this and rubbed that.

The little bees also like Yuan Zhi very much and come over to rub her.

"I don't want to leave!" A little wasp hugged the door frame and refused to leave.

"We are powerful combatants and will protect you." Hayho poked the little bee, "Wash my shoes now."

"Oh." Little Bee jumped down and went to work.

"I was born just to wash shoes, what a useless guy!" Hayho laughed.

"You can't say that, the bee swarm is a collective race, and all the little bees can be regarded as a whole." Qing Xiao disagreed, "Look what the little bees have done: they transformed the entire hive world and repaired it with extremely precise The advanced Foresight Ark provides everyone with a huge amount of resources, agriculture and mining output. Little wasps will occupy the universe in the future."

"What? Then we have to start a relationship now." Saho was startled and immediately ran to follow Xiao Xiaofeng, intending to please them.

On the other side, Zhang Su saw Lianwu and Yuetu in the pilot room.

"Fufu, after I regained my strength, I really feel free and at ease." Yuetu stood up and flexed his muscles.

"Mrs. Yuehuaji, did you know about the existence of the spirit world back then?" Zhang Su asked.

"At that time, the spirit world was just a community built around Tiantian Mountain, and I didn't take it seriously at all. Now it seems that the killers who tried to kill me back then should have been secretly sent by the spirit world. Don't look at it now The spirit world is ruled by a nine-seat council, and they are probably the third generation of managers." Yue Huaji speculated.

"If the spiritual world is destroyed, human beings will also perish. After navigation, we can set off." Lian Wu accurately entered the coordinates provided by Quantum Bodhisattva.

Countless human technological weapons, ammunition, mechanical armor and vehicles have been imported into the Ark of Vision, as well as a large number of active soldiers, breath-eaters and witches.

In addition to the necessary remaining forces, the Earth Federation is full of elites.

"Now we have no gods or Buddhas to rely on, because the witches in the spiritual world cannot protect themselves. If we don't go out to fight, the spiritual world will fall. Everyone is also ready to settle accounts with the devil. So, let's have a good fight with the devil. "Zhang Su nodded.

"Win for everyone to see." Lian Wu looked at Zhang Su happily.

The feeling of wanting to win has never been so exciting.

A faint whisper from Edith rang in her heart, probably she also wanted to see her win.

In this world line, in Lian Wu's eyes, he saw a self that could continue to win.

Honestly, it feels so good. Zhang Su thought.

"Before that... there is one last piece of news." Lian Wu hesitated, "... I hope you can forgive me for what I just said now. These are the last words Li Yixin sent back."

"...What did you say?" Zhang Su took a deep breath.

It's time to go.

The warp engines roared loudly.

The "Fire Marrow" energy drive device is operating at full capacity.

The fireballs were working in the afterburners, and the little bees were studying the power output charts in the staff room.

The Ark of Vision began to create a strong magnetic field, and the crew members on board could see the scenery outside the window changing rapidly, shrouded in a strange iridescence.

"Hoho, I'm going to be blinded by the light." Hayho squinted his eyes, facing the hot magenta light.

The warp engine was fully charged, the space collapsed, and a sound like shattering crystals echoed throughout the world.

Then, the bridge laid by Quantum Bodhisattva immediately emerged, leading the Ark of Vision to jump into the dimension where the spiritual world is.

The golden light immersed the shipboard members in extraordinary holy light.

"Look! Heaven Mountain!" Mayumi was very excited.

A majestic holy mountain stands in the center of the earth, like a crystal spire standing in the middle of a smooth and beautiful plateau, with waterfalls flying down like stardust and forming silver pools.

Many huge and ancient beings are walking in the majestic forest. They raise their heads and observe the giant ark coming from the sky.

The air shone with prism-like particles, layer upon layer, reflecting colorful lights.

"What is that? It seems to be flashing!" Hayho looked from afar.

"Here she comes, is she Quantum Bodhisattva?!" Mayumi was surprised, "Is she her true body?"

The shining vortex split the sky, releasing a smooth teardrop, trailing a half-empty golden flag behind it.

Loud and melodious chants and prayers echoed in the air at extremely fast speeds, like falling stars.

"You are all here. Now enter Heaven Mountain as soon as possible. This is the only territory that has not fallen." Quantum Bodhisattva's true body is surging with fiery unknown energy, and his voice is harmonious and extraordinary, like a musical concerto.

The Brass Workshop, the Ritual Treasure Land, the Deep Mirror of Glow...these realms of the great witches have all been conquered and corrupted by demons. Only the Heavenly Mountain of Godis, the Lord of the Spirit World, still survives.

Countless warriors from the Heavenly Army are defending against the demons, but judging from the retreating front, they cannot hold on for long.

The Ark of Vision quickly headed towards Heaven Mountain, with Quantum Bodhisattva guarding it from the side.

Immediately afterwards, they heard loud and brutal roars.




Catching the warp drive's tracks, a large number of demons quickly emerged, many even jumping directly into the Ark of Farsight itself!

"The devil is rushing in!"

"Help!" The little bees were scared to death.

"Guard the engine room! Don't let the Ark crash!" Lian Wu gave the order.

"I will take action myself." Zhang Su jumped out of the ark.

Fight against the demons in the sky.

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