Witch containment diary

Chapter 469 Opening the Gate to Heaven

"So many demons!"

"Like big birds, like dragons, and many monsters..."

"There's a demon on the ship too! What to do!"

Haoho lay face down on the porthole, staring intently at the layers of demons around her. The jump just now made her feel a little nauseous, and so many monsters made her even more uneasy.

War brings fear, pressure, and an uncertain future!

Hayao stared outside, trying to draw strength from all of her past experiences, but a lot of them were shattered.

Until I saw a figure rising into the sky.

Zhang Su!

He summoned a giant golden god of war. The tall and sacred statue stood tall in the sky, and suddenly illuminated the sky.

No matter how many times I saw it, I was still so surprised that my jaw dropped.

powerful! big!

She could no longer see Zhang Su's movements clearly. She only saw the golden Martial God flicking the red giant blade in his hand, instantly raising a thunderstorm all over the sky and bombarding the demon indiscriminately.

Boom boom——

In just an instant, the huge, thick black demonic cable in front of Saho's eyes tore open a crack, as if ablating a golden-red scar dripping with blood!

The originally menacing demon was attacked by the Judgment Sword "Devil's Crucible", and was immediately torn into pieces and destroyed. Instead, it was absorbed by the God of War!

kill! kill! The God of War once again swung the magic crucible, increasing its momentum a hundredfold, emptying the world, and destroying all the demons!

These few attacks just now have killed tens of thousands of demons!

Hayao clenched his fists.

Somehow, Zhang Su regains his courage every time he sees him fighting.

Is this the power of role models? Seeing Da Su's appearance, I also wanted to fight the devil hard!

Hayao rushed to the loudest part of the cabin.


"Kill!" The terrifying Blade Demon and Phase Demon have already entered the cabin and are hunting down Little Bee.


"Woooooooo..." Little Bee is small and has limited strength, so he can only run around.

"Come here, everyone!" Haohao shouted, then waved the shadow cone and rushed towards the demon.

Light, fast, like a butterfly, like a bee, like a shadow everywhere!

Hayao wielded the Shadow Cone, and the hidden dragon armor on her body multiplied her strength. She was extremely fast and easily got the upper hand, piercing the two demons who were rushing forward.

Immediately afterwards, she escaped into the shadows and avoided the teleportation attack of the phase demon behind her.

The phase demon swung the air demon blade and suddenly felt a hole in his body. He lowered his head and saw a spear sticking out of the shadow. Suikage automatically counterattacked for Haoho and killed the phase demon!

How dare you ambush a shadow?

Hayao returned to his original form and used the Shadow Cone to push away the demon's remains.


"I'm saved now!"

"Handsome big sister!"

"So strong!"

"The battle witch is here to help!" The little bees were very happy.

"Little one! Go and call all the little bees to a safe place." Hayho carried the shadow cone to find other friends.

"Roar!" a roar sounded.

Hayho rushed over and saw a big cat running amok.

After receiving the transformation armor, Enori is now transformed into a big cat and is also covered in armor. He is very strong, and his combat power has also increased dramatically, and the demon's attacks have been deflected.

"Ouch!" A scheming demon immediately distanced himself and cast illusion spells on Yuan Zhi.

"Meow!" Yuanzhi felt dizzy.

"Save you!" Hayho rushed over.

Like a dolphin jumping into and out of the water, she jumped into her own shadow and out again, piercing the demon with one breath.

"Gah!" The trickster demon immediately fell down, and Yuan Zhi also regained consciousness.

"Thank you!" Enori didn't expect that Saho would become brave.

"Let's go down, why is there a banging sound there." Hayho felt very happy.

It's very hard to perform well. It seems that I will have to work harder in the future. Hayao had never felt so good.

On the lower deck, Qing Xiao arranged an army of plants.

"Little bees, hide behind the potato wall!" Qing Xiao shouted.

Huge potatoes stood in the tunnel, and little bees crawled through the middle.

"Get ready, launch!" Qing Xiao directed the watermelon pitchers to get ready. They were ready to go, and then threw a lot of watermelons out.

"Gah ah ah—!"

"Wow!" The demons who tried to chase the little bee were hit head-on, and their heads were hit by a large watermelon weighing dozens of kilograms.

"Prepare the corn cannon!" Qing Xiao calmed down the big corn beside him and aimed at the giant horned devil charging ahead, "Fire!"

The huge corn roared out and exploded on the demon. A crack quickly appeared in the demon's shell, and the soul flowed out from it.

"Roar!" The cunning infernal demon soldiers advanced in a roundabout way, trying to bypass the plant defense line.

"Get ready! Sunflower!" Qingxiao planted a sun trap, and Natsuki appeared from it, "Then, the watermelon pitcher prepares for the second time!"

"Big watermelon?!" Xia Xi's eyes lit up and she hugged the watermelon.

"Launch!" Qingxiao launched Xigua and Natsuki together.

Natsuki is flying in the air!

"Roar!" The purgatory demon swung the steel fork and stabbed Natsuki.

"Sunlight flames!" Natsuki released a concentrated light, instantly breaking through the demon's skin and melting its body with terrifying high-temperature heat.


Natsuki and Xigua landed together and sat among the red watermelon naan on the ground, feeling much happier.

"Is this the tactical plant you're talking about?!" Hayho followed, in disbelief.

"Plants are amazing, right?" Qing Xiao smiled.

Looking outside, they saw a dense swarm of drones appearing in the sky.

These drones were like swarms of birds, roaring and firing bullets and missile bombardments at the demons to repel them. They use high-yield anti-air missiles and heavy machine guns, which are very lethal.

"Is it our technology?" Qing Xiao was shocked.

"It should be the Quantum Bodhisattva's?" Yuanzhi saw those drones plowing through the sky, clearing out a large group of demons, and then flying into the Webway hangar, as if they entered a pocket and disappeared, finally returning to their original dimension.

"Let's clear out all the demons, and you can drive, so that the Ark of Vision can land safely." Qing Xiao directed Xiao Xiaofeng.

"Yeah!" They ran to work.

After penetrating the demon's outer defense line, the fleet made an emergency landing on Paradise Mountain.

The huge Ark of Vision broke through the billowing clouds and mist covering the rugged mountain peaks, projected a huge hook and chain, and hung itself on the peak of Paradise Mountain.

"Some demons died in the engine room! Be careful!"

"Don't move after you've stopped!"

"The house in front is so big! I really want to eat it!"

"I want to live in it..." The little bees were in a hurry, making the Ark of Vision slowly land.

The huge gangway was lowered, and people filed out, looking up, and were amazed by the spectacular sight.

The majestic Paradise Mountain Temple is extremely vast, with nine huge towers staggered inlaid. The pure glass and gilded walls reflect the hazy clouds and colorful clouds.

The sharp spire soars into the sky, and the clustered prisms shine brightly. Its color is pure ivory white. Pure light from unknown sources blooms from within, reflecting a transparent and peaceful brilliance.


“What a big place!”

"We look like ants!" they couldn't help but exclaim.

"This is the nine halls of heaven in the spiritual world, an unparalleled realm, and the sanctuary of Godis, the Lord of the spiritual world. Her daughters, angels, will welcome you in." Quantum Bodhisattva finished speaking hurriedly, and then flew back Palace center.

"Everyone, be careful and don't get separated." Zhang Su asked them to form a team.

"Gather! Stand at attention! Look to the right!" Mayumi gathered them together.

"I feel like a child again!" Zaho stood together with the curious little Bees, picked up one of them and played with it carefully. Little Bees held her arm and looked outside, with surprise and wonder in her eyes.

Two angels came out slowly, and Zhang Su recognized them as Kuoyi and Jiangqu.

During the New Tokyo War that year, Kangqu's magic sword "Lewantin" was blunted by the Blade Order. Now it seems to have finally been repaired and is flying behind her.

"I'm sorry, welcome to Heaven Mountain. My bravest warriors, your help is extremely important to Heaven." Chloe took a step forward, knelt in front of them, clasped her hands, and prayed for them.

Chloe's snow-white wings spread out, and under her prayers, Zhang Su and his party suddenly felt their energy restored, fatigue swept away, and their morale and spirit even boosted a lot.

"Thank you." Zhang Su nodded in understanding.

"I have witnessed the first battle just now. It is hard to imagine that you all can perform so well. The demons were driven away before we could attack. Although no general-level demons appeared, this also gave us a lot of courage. After the spiritual world has been destroyed many times, what we lack most is confidence." Chloe sighed.

"We are here to solve the problem. I hope this can be solved once and for all." Zhang Su said briefly.

"The Nine Palaces of Heaven are the respective palaces of the nine witches, but to be honest, many great witches have died, so their palace gates have been sealed, and in those open areas, you can travel freely." Chloe looked at Zhang Su and the witches behind him.

Lianwu looked towards the Nine Halls, and the Moon Rabbit in her arms also poked its head out, very curious.

"I should also step in and get my own heavenly palace. It will definitely feel very comfortable." Moon Rabbit said.

"Ahem, Heaven Mountain is a magical place. It is full of delicacies, good beds and pillows. It must be an incredible place for you. There are also a large number of servants who can satisfy all the needs of the distinguished guests. Yes, but you must wear this bracelet, otherwise you will be treated as a servant by other nobles in the spiritual world." Jiangqu brought over a huge box filled with beautiful little bracelets and distributed them to the witches and little bees.

"Are there any servants?"

"I work every day, and now I have someone to work for me!"

"You'll have to brag about it when you go back." The little bees were overjoyed and wanted to work hard to survive so that they could share their experience with everyone when they returned to the swarm.

"Then, welcome to heaven." Chloe smiled warmly at them, then turned back and raised the silver sword in her hand.

The main gate of the Nine Halls slowly opened, and the stairs leading to the hall were unobstructed.

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