Witch containment diary

Chapter 470 Gotith’s wish

Masked, semi-spiritual servants of the spirit world blow trumpets to welcome reinforcements in.

These servants were dressed in silk and satin, their faces could not be seen clearly, they lowered their heads and said nothing, and did not squint their eyes.

The spacious foyer is filled with frescoes inlaid with gems, colorful plants are planted in gorgeous pots, diamonds gush out of fountains, and pearls, gold and mica are everywhere in spring pools.

"We're going to get rich!" Hayho rushed out of the queue, went over and picked up a handful of diamonds and stuffed them into his pocket, then picked up two heavy gold bars, "There's some here! There's some there too!"

"Be more reserved!" Mayumi couldn't help but say.

"The wealth in the spiritual world is endless. It is protected by the greatest ritual. It doesn't matter if you take it out." Koui forgave Saho.

"Is that the courtyard there?" Zhang Su walked over and took a look.

Even though we know that witches in the spiritual world live a corrupt life, it is too strange to do so directly.

Through the porch, idle witches from the spirit world can be seen everywhere. They are lazing on the wide grass, enjoying the fairy delicacies without any scruples.

"They all look like dead people..." Lian Wu frowned.

"Oh! It's Xian Cuisine!" Hayho ran over and joined them.

The immortal delicacies prepared by Saho in the mortal world were everywhere in the garden, with a reserve of a whole square swimming pool. Saho lay beside it and took a big sip. He suddenly felt full of energy and no longer tired.

The servants played the harp and provided elegant background music. After finishing the delicious food, Hayao lay down on the velvet sofa in one breath, feeling like her body was melting like cotton candy.

The nobles in the spirit world laughed, got up from their idle state, and received Haoho happily.

"So happy..."

"Let's go there too..."

"It's so comfortable..." The other witches couldn't resist this beautiful scenery. At first, they thought Hayho was outrageous, but later they felt that it was really comfortable.

Servants tended the vast gardens, and little bees wandered among the endless flower beds collecting nectar or jumping into the gurgling hot springs.

They laughed happily and flew around in the fragrant breeze, enjoying happiness together with the idle and completely decadent witches in the spirit world.

"Go." Lianwu released the restless Moon Rabbit in her arms, and it immediately jumped into the garden and ran to the fairy spring water to enjoy the fairy food.

Immortal delicacies can instantly restore a person's happiness, appetite, nutrition and energy. It will keep people awake all night without feeling any sleepiness. Once the Moon Rabbit drinks it, it will really enter a state of great happiness and jump around in the palace. go.

"This is... the spiritual world that everyone longs for." Zhang Su had been here in his last life, so he was used to it.

"..." Lianwu crossed her arms, feeling unhappy and wanting to join in.

"This is... the problem of the spirit world." Chloe smiled helplessly, looking at the carefree witches who were laughing and dancing, "We have made the spirit world too luxurious, especially Paradise Mountain."

"Why are you so happy?" Lian Wu asked.

"At first, the influence of the spirit world was very small, because most powerful witches were unwilling to leave the earth with endless opportunities. Therefore, the Nine-seat Council increasingly emphasized the comfort and happiness of the spirit world, promising that witches who joined here would get the luxury of being exempted from hard labor. That's why the spiritual world developed." Chloe explained.

"..." Lianwu understood, "In this case, everyone will break their heads for a position in the spiritual world."

"Yes, but it backfired later. Once the witch ascended to the spirit world, she lost the motivation to fight. Please see, although the witches in the garden look ordinary, they all have the strength to break the position at least 8 times. But in When Paradise was under siege, they were too lazy to fight and preferred to die," said Chloe.

"So we traveled thousands of miles to the spirit world just to protect these carefree witches." Lian Wu was a little angry and withdrew her gaze from the magnificent scenery of the spirit world.

"You want to join in, too." Jiangqu said abruptly.

"..." Lian Wu looked at Jiang Qu displeased.

"I know, admit your need for pleasure in your heart." Jiangqu turned around, "We are designed to satisfy our various 'ideas'."

"No." Lian Wu shook his head, "The pursuit of happiness will only lead to numbness. Look at them, how pitiful they are. People in the spirit world are all pitiful."

"Pity?" Jiangqu turned his head and glared at Lian Wu.

"Before we came, weren't they as passionless as dead fish? They were cold and cold. Because they repeatedly used fairy delicacies, furniture and a comfortable life to satisfy their enjoyment, their threshold for enjoyment was constantly raised, and they soon became bored." Lian Misty looked at the garden.

As she said, only Haoho and Xiaobei were still playing wildly in surprise. After the other nobles in the spirit world had spent their initial enthusiasm, they lay motionless on the ground again, losing their pursuit of everything.

"...That's right." Chloe murmured, "Indulging in indulgence and enjoyment, the spiritual world has become complacent, stagnant, and quiet. Therefore, it is being influenced by a more focused and motivated society. Time travel. Both human civilization and demonic civilization have shown the potential to transcend the spiritual world."

"Then tell me, smart 'Miss Lianwu', why are my sister and I exempted from this pastime and still active on the front line?" Jiangqu asked Lianwu.

"Because you are the two most decadent ones. You don't look like angels at all. You have fallen so low that you often go to the human world. What they enjoy is the delicacies of immortals, and what you enjoy is just the reverence of humans!" Lian Wu said coldly.

Jiangqu's body trembled, and she turned around and walked away angrily, but she was speechless.

"Please take a shower and change clothes. Our mother will meet you two soon." Chloe looked as usual and bowed to them.

"Come, Miss Lianwu." Zhang Su led Lianwu away, "I know how to get there, just don't get lost in it."

It's so warm.

Zhang Su sank into the fragrant spiritual world bath, and the steaming water relaxed his body.

Beside him, the beloved lotus mist also rose from the bottom of the water.

She was floating inside, looking like she was in danger of drowning, but the water in the spirit world was breathable.

The water vapor floated lightly, outlining the curves of Lianwu. She turned her head and reached out to shake Zhang Su's hand.

Years of understanding have allowed them to penetrate each other's hearts without saying a word. Zhang Su took a deep breath and relaxed his nerves.

"Okay, it's time to leave now." Zhang Su stood up and put on the fine clothes from the spirit world that befitted his status as a distinguished guest. Lian Wu also nodded, put on the robe given by the spirit world, and left with Zhang Su.

After reuniting with Chloe, they headed to the center of Paradise Mountain, the sanctuary of Gotith.

There is almost no gravity to speak of. Zhang Su took a step forward and his body floated upwards. Lian Wu felt it was amazing.

"As fast as walking on the moon." Lian Wu kicked repeatedly and reached out to catch up with Zhang Su.

Everything here is immortal and light, and the hazy harmony resounds in the air like the sounds of nature, which no mortal composer can describe.

In front of the boundless beautiful scenery, Zhang Su felt the huge power of the spiritual world as before. In the eyes of Gottis, human beings were probably bacteria under a microscope, and it was difficult to bargain with her.

"We're here." Chloe spread her wings and stood suspended in the air.

"Welcome." Jiang Qu flew to Lian Wu and smiled at her.

"Ah..." Lianwu felt that Jiangqu suddenly changed. She was indeed a witch of the chaotic path, and she was completely unpredictable.

Gordis did not reveal his true form, but reflected his majestic existence through the iridescent mirror.

There are eight giant thrones around it, symbolizing the other eight great witches, but only four of them are still there.

"The Witch of the Nine Seats, the path to ascension - Her Majesty Gotis. The path to salvation - Her Majesty Isaiah. The path to the sun - Her Majesty Solaria. The path of ritual - Her Majesty Qiong Heng. Casting There is also the path of miracles - under the crown of the Quantum Bodhisattva. There is also the path of miracles - under the crown of the mist." Chloe introduced the surviving great witches to Zhang Su.

It’s incredible that these are the only ones left in the nine-seat parliament. Zhang Su read silently.

Only Gotith and Quantum Bodhisattva seemed to be able to move normally, while the other witches were essentially in a state of slumber, apparently exhausted from the battle to defend the spiritual world.

"Welcome to my sanctuary." A long hand studded with gems stretched out from Gotith's phantom.

Around Gotith, there are also many "wheel angels" prepared. They look like giant interlocking chariot gears, covered with burning eyes of fire.

Zhang Su's perception was correct. The combat effectiveness of these "wheels" was equivalent to that of a witch who had been defeated about seven or eight times. Their strength was extremely terrifying.

Goldis was motionless and couldn't see his true appearance clearly. He exuded a kind of careless "confidence".

Do you think you have absolute strength? Zhang Su felt that Gotis was still able to handle it easily and was stronger than those big demons. In the depths of her brilliance lies the supreme magic power that changes the world. Even the random operation of Gotith may cause human civilization to disappear.

"I heard that the spiritual world is suffering from the crisis of demon invasion." Zhang Su said, "But it seems that the witches in the spiritual world still have no sense of crisis."

"The witches fighting on the front line have been sacrificed one after another, and now only the elite forces are left to guard Heavenly Mountain. The current situation is quite serious." Gotith's voice was calm and objective, without any personal emotion.

"Indeed, but the beings in the spiritual world don't seem to have a particularly strong fighting spirit." Zhang Su said.

"The problems in the spiritual world cannot be solved overnight." Gottis said lightly, "But please don't worry, I will provide enough rewards to ensure that you and your relatives and friends can get satisfactory returns. The spiritual world is rich enough, and it Your civilization's survival will be of great benefit."

"..." Zhang Su pondered.

"Arrogance will only reduce our chances of winning." Quantum Bodhisattva appeared displeased and left his seat directly to stand next to Zhang Su and Lian Wu, "Gedith, no matter how reluctant you are, you must admit that mortals are The key to our victory over the devil, so please ask for their help nicely and seriously.”

After an unspeakable silence.

"If you help the spirit world defeat the blood army, no matter what your wishes are, I will make them come true, in the name of the Lord of the spirit world." Gotith said.

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