Witch containment diary

Chapter 471 Meeting the Nine-seat Witch

"This is the limit of what I can tolerate, ah... Paradise Mountain was originally a secluded place." Gottis retreated behind the scenes and disappeared under a burst of light.

"It turns out that he is such an arrogant leader. No wonder the spiritual world is in the state it is today." Lianwu said silently.

"That's what 'Witch' is." Quantum Bodhisattva said.

The separate entity form of Quantum Bodhisattva is hovering like a series of interconnected squares and circles, and its speaking voice is like the strings of a cello.

"What?" Lian Wu turned around.

"No matter how many transformations they undergo, they are still witches at their core, with their own unique personalities, quirks, and difficult natures. Just like those children, even hundreds of years from now, they will still behave the same as they do today. Because witches They are not a race that changes their nature easily like humans, no matter how many things they encounter, they always maintain their true nature as witches." Quantum Bodhisattva said.

"Hmm..." Lianwu reluctantly agreed.

"In short, forgive Gotis for now. She manages the spiritual world, which is a big responsibility in itself." Quantum Bodhisattva said, "How about we talk about specific defense?"

"Yes." Zhang Su felt that Quantum Bodhisattva was also a little helpless.

Originally, this was all the work of Gotis, but Gotis gave all the burden to Quantum Bodhisattva.

Quantum Bodhisattva unfolded a strategic screen to facilitate their observation of the current frontline battle situation.

Trusting them, the strength and weakness of Paradise Hill's defenses could now be seen unobstructed.

Lianwu observed carefully that many battle angels and soldiers from the Heavenly Army were resisting the demons.

She recalled the steps that her group had climbed on foot, as well as the majestic Nine Halls. However, from the current perspective, the majestic palace is as small as a model toy.

"Here are the troops from the Maw of Fury, led by the Ebony King, with Harnak the Carnage incarnation. On the other side are the troops from the Flesh Coffin Palace, led by the Flesh Demon Carmen. On the south side are the temporarily repaired Stardust Bricks The line of defense resists the impact of the rebellious witches." Quantum Bodhisattva combed through it, revealing the demon's siege route.

"Let me take a look..." Lianwu quickly outlined the strategic plan and intervened in Quantum Bodhisattva's calculations.

Her fingers traced the demon's marching route and made marks on it. She was shrewd, cunning and changeable, making Quantum Bodhisattva feel that it had reference value.

Lianwu has never failed in this regard. Zhang Su was very grateful for this.

Her most ambitious plan was to break out of the stardust brick defenses in the south and defeat the rebel witch's troops first.

"Are you breaking through from the south... It's amazing. When you see the stardust brick defense line, most people will think that we are on the defensive from the south." Quantum Bodhisattva pondered.

"Eating should start with small bites. There may seem to be many enemies, but we only need to deal with the weakest ones." Lian Wu introduced her idea. "So our reinforcements must first eliminate the threat to the south, then finally deal with the troops in the Flesh and Flesh Coffin Palace, and finally find a way to defeat the Blood Army."

"The terrain of the spiritual world is very thin, but it prevents the three enemy armies from looking at each other, which is a good arrangement." Quantum Bodhisattva slightly acknowledged Lianwu's plan, "...However, we still have to find a way to get Gotis to intervene in the battle. "

"Is there any way? She doesn't want to attack?" Zhang Su asked.

"As I said before, a witch is a witch after all. Gotith is in a bad mood, so she doesn't want to fight. This kind of thing was the same even a thousand years ago. But she can't be sulky forever, there is always something that can Lure her out to fight." Quantum Bodhisattva pondered.

Lianwu found it funny when she thought that the nine-seat witches in the spiritual world were still acting like little witches, but she restrained herself.

"Understood, let's start with the rebellious witches. I'll go and stop the main force of the Blood Army." Zhang Su said.

"Thank you for your courage." Quantum Bodhisattva said sincerely.

"... Can Gotis really be the master of the spirit world? On the contrary, you are more suitable." Zhang Su didn't understand.

"Actually, Gotis is just an agent. The real master of the spiritual world is someone else. I have no pursuit of this. After all, there is only one witch qualified to rule the spiritual world." Quantum Bodhisattva said meaningfully.

"Who?" Zhang Su asked.

"Bring the other witches with you and let us visit the nine witches." Quantum Bodhisattva said.

After taking the witches out of their happy journey of fairy delicacies, Zhang Su led them to meet the Nine Seat Witches.

Quantum Bodhisattva passes through her own seat.

"This is the ninth seat, the seat of casting, and it is also my seat. I am the youngest among the witches. I joined forces with casting to create an unparalleled machine factory and metal army. I really hope that the devil can be eliminated as soon as possible, so that I can I have time to resume my own research." Quantum Bodhisattva said.

"Incredible!" Hayho stood up on tiptoes and touched Quantum Bodhisattva's seat, "You don't even have a butt, why do you need a chair?"

"You don't even have wisdom, why do you need a brain?" Quantum Bodhisattva continued to lead them forward.

Sitting on the eighth seat was a tired, tall witch, wearing brocade attire and exuding the fragrance of jasmine. She was holding her head with her hands, her expression somewhat helpless.

"This is the eighth witch, the goddess Qiongheng of the ritual path. She can build the greatest rituals and magic circles, including the spiritual energy recovery magic circle in China, as well as the happiness field in Heaven Mountain, and all kinds of blessings and wonders. Emerging from her rituals." Quantum Bodhisattva introduced.


"Big sister!" They extended their hands to greet Qiong Heng.

"I'm sorry... I can't help." Qiong Heng said weakly, "The entire spiritual world is driven by the huge formation I created. Now that the formation has been destroyed and trampled by the demon army, it's hard for me. It is an unbearable blasphemy. Unless the entire spiritual world is restored, I cannot leave this seat."

"Ah... it's amazing to be able to make everyone feel happy. Just standing here makes me feel comfortable. Thank you." Yuanzhi bowed to Qiong Heng.

"Thank you too, gentle child." Qiong Heng smiled slightly.

"Qiong Heng is the friendliest one among us, but not necessarily others." Quantum Bodhisattva led them forward to the seventh seat.

"Why is it empty?" Hayho didn't understand.

"This is the seventh witch, called Iona the Beautiful. She is the symbol of perfection and love. However, the devil took her away. Her paintings, sculptures and all art collections were reduced to ashes in the conflict. She The pursuit of beauty was shattered because of this. When Iona was still alive, she was deeply loved by the witches because of her beauty. It is really a pity that such a beautiful existence encountered such a misfortune..." Quantum Bodhisattva murmured .

"The beautiful witch was kidnapped by the devil, and now she is in terrible danger... It's really scary." Hayho shuddered.

"If you are captured by the devil, you might as well die." Qing Xiao was also scared.

Quantum Bodhisattva leads them forward.

Another empty seat.

"This is the location of the sixth witch Elomon. She is the most powerful person in the elemental path. She was also the first to be defeated. She cut off the rest of the other great witches in the spiritual world." Quantum Bodhisattva said.

"He really...sounds like a great person." Yuanzhi couldn't help but say.

"However, she is usually an arrogant and arrogant person who is more annoying than anyone else. Even if Elomon did this, we did not particularly appreciate her sacrifice. We felt that it was a price paid for her past arrogance. ." Quantum Bodhisattva said.

"..." Yuanzhi's expression darkened, and he put his left hand on the elbow of his right hand.

They moved on and saw a golden witch sitting on a throne, and were glad that she had not been taken away.

"I haven't been captured by the devil, great witch." Qing Xiao looked up.

Natsuki rarely showed excitement. She ran to the witch's feet and stood on tiptoes to look at her.

"This is Solaria, the fifth Sun Witch and the eldest. When human civilization was very old, she had already reached the top of the sun, and the light in the spiritual world was also provided by her. Without her, there would be nothing. Without the huge energy that the spiritual world relies on for survival, it will become a dark world." Quantum Bodhisattva said.

"..." Natsuki climbed onto the throne and hugged Solaria, the huge mother of the sun, with all her strength.

Although she is not Natsuki's biological mother, they both share the essence of sunshine.

Solaria is huge and can be said to be the largest of all witches. Natsuki hugged one side of Solaria, and this huge, goddess-like being unconsciously held Natsuki with her hands and breastfed her.

"Ah..." Solaria's eyes were pure white, "Are they warm..."

"Ouch..." Natsuki hugged Solaria tightly.

"He will become a spiritual child, and Natsuki will grow up and receive blessings directly from the most powerful Sun Witch! Maybe when he meets his mother in the future, he can share his insights about the sun." Yuan. Sincere blessings.

"The sun is always a beautiful existence, and our nine-seat parliament cannot lack the sun." Quantum Bodhisattva nodded.

Everyone moved on, while Natsuki was left beside Solaria.

They came to the fourth seat, where a ragged witch sat, wrapped in bandages and transparent gauze, with three silver rings on her feet.

"Ah, I am Isaiah, the great witch of the path to salvation." She smiled at everyone, "I can already see that everyone is here to save us! She is such an incredible witch, come here quickly."

"Oh?" Saho walked over to take a look, while the others were a little shy.

"What a good boy, what a good boy." Isaiah looked at Saho and her shadow meaningfully, and asked Saho to bend down and touch Saho's head, "Well - touch your head, that will Saved.”

"Thank you!" Although Saho didn't know what happened, he felt that it was very useful.

"Isaiah is the fourth seat among us. Sometimes she will give her authority and provide unparalleled help and rescue. She is a great witch who sincerely wants to help everyone." Quantum Bodhisattva said.

"I also want to help you. I have always thought so." Isaiah propped his chin with one hand and looked at Quantum Bodhisattva intently, "So, little Quantum, can you look at me more in the future?"

"...We'd better keep walking." Quantum Bodhisattva led them to continue their pilgrimage.

The third-to-last chair was also empty.

"Like the Witch of Beauty Iona and the Witch of Elements Elomon, the Witch of Order Odenna has also fallen." Quantum Bodhisattva pointed to the seat, "She has the ability to revise laws and change laws. She created laws for us. Law. It’s a pity, it’s a pity…”

"Are the demons that strong? The third, sixth, and seventh witches were all defeated." Lian Yang thought thoughtfully.

"Liluciel and Harnak are both powerful, and your teacher knows it very well." Quantum Bodhisattva glanced at Zhang Su, and then continued to move forward.

They came to a shining seat, which was empty.

"This is the second seat in the spirit world: Gotis, but she has already hidden herself, so she doesn't have to stay long." Quantum Bodhisattva said calmly.

"Kouyi and Kangqu's mother..." Mayumi mused, "it's really mysterious."

"Is the first of the nine seats of witches ahead?" Lian Yang looked forward.

"Yes, the most powerful witch in the world, the most incredible witch, the witch who brings all miracles, the true creator of the Nine-Seat Council, the true master of the spiritual world, is in front." Quantum Bodhisattva's tone was sad. Then he said seriously, "Come on, let me show you what the number one witch in the spiritual world looks like now."

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